Chapter 300
In the early morning of this day, Li Shimin personally commanded all civil and military officials, and came to a closed compound located in the original royal hunting ground of Longshou.

The people inside have not yet come out, but they can hear the noise from time to time.They didn't call the door, they just stood there quietly.

Li Shimin's expression is serious, but deep in his eyes reveals this touch of expectation and excitement.The expressions of the ministers were different, some were fidgeting, some were apprehensive, some were skeptical, and some were looking forward to it.

Chen Jingke was standing beside Li Shimin, looking at the gate eagerly. He had no doubts about this experiment.

What's more, the two sides have been in communication during this period, and various researches have progressed very smoothly.

After about half an hour, the door was finally opened from the inside, and Sun Simiao walked out first.Followed by more than a dozen medical staff, and more than a hundred experimental subjects.

Seeing them coming out, many of the officials subconsciously took a step back.

Chen Jingke didn't care so much, and went directly to greet him: "Master, you have finally come out."

Then he smelled a strong smell of alcohol, and he immediately knew that it was disinfected with alcohol.

He was also very happy to see his apprentice Sun Simiao, and said, "Ke'er, you have grown taller."

Chen Jingke: "..."

Li Shimin took a deep breath, a smile appeared on his face, and he also walked over, saying: "Sun Zhenzhen, you have worked hard."

Sun Simiao took out a thin booklet, handed it over with both hands, and said, "See the sage, the old man lives up to his mission, the smallpox thief has been broken."

Ren Feng who was on the side took the initiative to take it with a wink, and was hesitating whether to give such a dangerous thing to the emperor, Li Shimin had already grabbed it.

The name on the cover is concise and to the point: Broken Flower Seed.

I opened it and looked at it casually. The above records are the characteristics of the smallpox virus, the effect of vaccinia, how to vaccinate, and the treatment methods for various abnormal situations after vaccination, etc.

Although he had received the news a long time ago, Li Shimin was very happy to hear Sun Simiao's words with his own ears and see the secret method of inoculation with his own eyes. He laughed and said:

"Haha... well, well, the real person said it well, today I broke the smallpox thief in the Tang Dynasty on Longshouyuan, this is really the first achievement in ancient times."

At this time, no matter whether the officials believed it or not, they all congratulated in unison: the sage is wise and sagely, and the virtues of sage and martial arts are taken down by the world, and Sun Zhenzhen has made great achievements with his own test of poison.

Li Shimin was even more happy, and said: "Declaration."

Hearing the order, Liu Ji, the servant of the Huangmen, came out and saluted Sun Simiao respectfully, then straightened up and carefully took out a jade scroll made of seven-colored silk.

Singing: "Sun Simiao accepts the order."

"A poor man accepts the order." Sun Simiao bowed to receive the order.

Liu Ji sang: "Under the door..."

Datang is not happy to kneel down and accept the order.Whoever kneels down to accept the decree will be ridiculed by the world.

The beginning of the imperial decree is not the emperor's decree of Fengtian Chengyun, it was only in the Ming Dynasty.The beginning of the imperial decree of the Tang Dynasty is very simple, which is "under the door" and then the main text.

The person who reads out the imperial decree cannot be an eunuch, but must be an official of the imperial court.It can be Hanlin, an official of the lower province, or a servant of the Huangmen.

The eunuch can only convey the emperor's oral order in private, which is not an imperial decree.

Moreover, the imperial decree must be read in public, and private reading does not count.As for the reason, please refer to Wei Qihou Dou Ying.

Before his death, Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty gave Dou Ying a secret decree, "If it is inconvenient, we will discuss it on the cheap."

That is, if there is something unfavorable to you, you can go directly to the palace to report to the emperor, and no one can stop it.

It is said that he is seeking the emperor's defense, but it is actually a gold medal for avoiding death.

Later, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty wanted to get rid of Dou Ying, but he couldn't find a suitable reason.Until one day, Dou Ying took out the imperial decree in order to rescue Guan Fu.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was also taken aback. Should he leave a bomb for himself even if his own father is dead?He hurriedly asked Shangshu to check the files in the palace, but found that he couldn't find it.

All decrees issued by the emperor will be kept in files in the palace.No file can be regarded as a false edict, which is a proper death penalty.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was so happy, it was indeed his own father who even calculated this, and then killed Dou Ying with his backhand.

Just imagine, if this imperial decree was promulgated in public, would Emperor Han Jing dare to fake it?
Therefore, the person who issued the imperial decree must be an official of the imperial court, and must issue it in public, so that such an imperial decree counts.

Moreover, the specifications of the imperial edicts are also various. Take the Tang Dynasty as an example: usually the imperial edicts issued to officials below the fifth rank were of a single color, pure white silk.

The ones awarded to officials above the fifth rank are colored or multi-colored, and the highest grade is seven-colored.

At the same time, the texture of the handles of imperial edicts is also strictly differentiated according to the rank of officials: the first rank is jade shafts, the second rank is black rhinoceros horn shafts, the third rank is gold paste shafts, and the fourth and fifth ranks are black ox horn shafts.

The imperial decree for Sun Simiao is a seven-color jade scroll, which is of the highest standard.

The content is also relatively simple, which is to praise Sun Simiao's moral character and boast of his achievements.Especially in the innovation of medical skills, it is even more out of date.

Therefore, the emperor ordered him to be named a medical saint.

The officials with this title had already known about it a long time ago, so they didn't find it strange and no one dared to object. As for the reason, it goes without saying.

On the contrary, Sun Simiao was very surprised and didn't know what to do.

Li Shimin said: "I won't repeat the achievements of real people. The title of medical saint is well-deserved, and it has also been recognized by all civil and military officials."

Fang Xuanling came out and said: "Don't refuse, a real person. This is the recognition of your achievements by the sages and the people of the world."

Yuwen Shiji, Xiao Yu, Chu Liang and other veteran officials also stood up to persuade him, and then all the officials also urged him to accept the order.

His master received such a high honor, and Chen Jingke, who stood aside, was also honored, but as a disciple, it was inconvenient for him to speak out.

Faced with this situation, Sun Simiao knew that he had no room to refuse, so he bowed deeply and said, "Thank you, Saint."

Li Shimin smiled and said, " that right?"

Others saluted one after another: "I have seen Dr. Sun."

Sun Simiao had no choice but to return the salute: "You are being polite, I am ashamed to be poor."

Then another official from the Ministry of Officials took the letter of appointment and rewarded more than a dozen medical staff who participated in the matter.All of them were given official titles, and their names were hung under the imperial hospital.

More than a dozen medical staff were also very excited, honoring their ancestors.Moreover, the officials of the Tai Hospital belong to the technical category and can be passed on from generation to generation.

The children and grandchildren can continue to climb up if they are upbeat, and there is still an official position in the Taiyuan Hospital if they don't live up to it. It can be said that the fate of the family will be changed in one wave.

In addition, there are also construction technical officials who can be passed on from generation to generation.Like Yan Lide and Yan Liben, his ancestors have been responsible for building courtyards, mausoleums and other buildings for the royal family for generations.

In the generation of the two brothers, because of their outstanding ability, they became the minister of the Ministry of Industry, and Yan Liben even became the prime minister.

This is not over yet, after the medical staff were sealed off.The officials of the Ministry of Punishment came out again and pardoned all the crimes of the later experimental subjects.

Those who had been sentenced to death burst into cheers when they heard that they had been pardoned.

Chen Jingke sighed in his heart, he was very opposed to this kind of indiscriminate pardon.Some can indeed be pardoned, but some pardons are likely to cause more harm afterward.

But he knew that this kind of pardon was normal in ancient times, and he had no way to object.

After all, conquering smallpox is a great joy, and pardoning the experimental subject is a kind of kindness in everyone's eyes.

But letting these people leave like this was something he didn't want to see, so he thought of a compromise.

"Saint, it takes a lot of manpower to vaccinate people all over the world. These people have received systematic nursing knowledge education, and have been vaccinated to have immunity... as long as they are trained a little, they will be the most suitable manpower."

"So I suggest to keep them all for reorganization, and then let them be responsible for the vaccination work."

In addition to being experimental subjects, these prisoners also do dirty work such as cleaning.

In order to keep the experimental site clean and hygienic, the medical staff did provide them with simple nursing knowledge training.

Healing the sick and saving lives is not enough, it is absolutely no problem to take care of the sick, and it is not a big problem to vaccinate the people.

It not only solves the manpower problem, but also keeps these people.If someone does not repent, he should be punished in time so as not to harm the people.

Li Shimin did not directly agree, but asked the officials: "What do you think of his opinion?"

Fang Xuanling nodded and said: "Chen Zhenren's strategy is indeed feasible, but these people were not good people before and need to be carefully screened, and people with bad intentions should not be allowed to mix in."

Wei Zheng also echoed, "I also think this method is feasible."

Others naturally wouldn't say anything, so the matter passed.

So these more than a hundred experimental subjects were ordered to continue living here, but the court still very humanely allowed them to write letters to their families to report their safety.

These death row prisoners didn't say anything, it was already a great grace to survive, and they didn't dare to ask for too much.

Next, the ministers personally inquired about the whole process of vaccinating, and checked the situation of all the vaccinators.

For example, the acne scars left by vaccination, most people have only one acne scar, and there are no other problems.

There are also a small number of people with low immunity to smallpox virus who have sporadic acne on their bodies, leaving shallow acne scars after recovery.

Smallpox scars are unique and cannot be forged. These people have acne scars, indicating that they have been infected with smallpox, and only a few sporadic acne scars indicate that the symptoms are very mild.

So these sporadic acne marks not only did not scare everyone away, but made everyone believe in the authenticity of cowpox.

Then there was ecstasy, and they all expressed that they wanted to be vaccinated.

This is smallpox. Once it breaks out, no distinction is made between high and low. No one who should be infected will be able to escape, and many famous families will be wiped out because of it.

Now that effective prevention and control measures have been determined, dignitaries will naturally enjoy them first.

Li Shimin is very good at winning people's hearts, he didn't say to vaccinate everyone directly, but said:
"Everyone, don't worry, let the real person rest for a few days. I will let the imperial doctor follow him to learn the method of vaccination, and the imperial doctor will come door-to-door to vaccinate you."

Everyone was naturally very moved when they heard it: "Thank you saint."

The same is vaccination, and everyone is naturally more willing to accept the operation of people with good medical skills.

It would be even better if Sun Simiao performed the operation himself, but they also knew that this was unrealistic. Not everyone can command a doctor.

Since there is no way to enjoy the services of the medical saint, the imperial doctor has become the best choice.

Another point is that from the beginning to the end, no one asked what kind of pox was planted, and how to prevent smallpox.

Sun Simiao didn't say anything, and the officials seemed to have forgotten that usually only discussing the truth of the matter and the situation after vaccination.

Ren Feng put the book Sun Simiao gave him in his bosom and hid it close to his body, not daring to be careless.

Then everyone returned to Daxing Palace together, where a grand banquet was held.The experimental subjects were not qualified to come, and they continued to stay in that courtyard, but Li Shimin gave a lot of wine and meat.

The banquet also invited envoys from various countries. When they heard that Sun Simiao had found a way to prevent smallpox, they were all shocked.

Naturally, they didn't dare to believe it at first, even though it was Sun Simiao, the living god, but it was smallpox that had been raging for thousands of years.

But when they learned that Datang was planning to vaccinate all the people, they couldn't believe it.Then one by one began to sing praises, praising Tian Khan's benevolence, and his mind was wider than the sky.

The purpose is naturally to hope that this method can also be obtained.

"If this method can be obtained, the subjects of our country will remember the kindness of the saint every day."

Li Shimin is not so easy to fool, but he did not directly refuse, but said:
"This method is not easy, and the preparation of the liquid medicine is difficult. We can only vaccinate the people of the Tang Dynasty first. After the people of the Tang Dynasty are vaccinated, we can vaccinate countries according to the situation."

All the envoys knew that this was just a bargaining chip, but they could only hold their noses and admit it.

The reason is very simple. If the whole people of Datang were immune, would they intentionally spread the smallpox virus in other countries?

If when the two armies were fighting, the other side used a trebuchet to throw a few rounds of smallpox-infected corpses, it would be all over.

Therefore, as long as the conditions of Datang's opening are still within their tolerance range, all countries and forces can only accept it.

The banquet lasted until the palace gate was about to be locked, and Li Shimin personally sent Sun Simiao outside the palace gate, showing his demeanor to the fullest.

On the carriage back, Chen Jingke smiled and said, "Master, how do you feel?"

Sun Simiao said wearily, "Tired, today I am more tired than I was in that yard for five months."

Chen Jingke said: "I mean the sage of medicine, the sage of medicine, you don't feel anything?"

Sun Simiao said: "I'm not a stone man, how could I not feel it. I'm excited, but I also feel the pressure."

Chen Jingke thought that this was normal, and he could understand the pressure Sun Simiao said, saying: "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Now all the doctors in the world will focus on you."

"What you say is the standard. Whether your judgment is right or wrong, it will be implemented as the truth. It is really scary to think about it."

Sun Simiao smiled wryly, "Yes, I still prefer to study medicine."

Chen Jingke disagreed, saying: "The development of medical skills has reached a bottleneck. Unless there is a breakthrough in Gewu, it is difficult to make a big breakthrough in the medical skill as a branch of Gewu."

"So the most important thing we should do right now is to train more doctors and establish a top-down medical system so that more people can enjoy the advancement of medical skills."

Sun Simiao nodded, then shook his head and said, "Let's not talk about that, tell me what happened outside recently."

(End of this chapter)

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