Chapter 304 Show
"Pinyin letters do help beginners learn to read more conveniently, but if they want to promote it, they need to revise all elementary school textbooks."

"This method is too expensive and takes too long... The key is that it is only useful for beginners, and it will not be used once you can read and read characters proficiently."

"It's not worthwhile for the imperial court to spend so much effort to promote a pinyin that only beginners can use."

Kong Yingda gave her reasons.

Zixiaoguan's elementary school textbooks are not kept secret, many people have seen them, and even privately used them for their own children who are in the process of enlightenment.

However, private use at home is completely different from national promotion, so many people have raised objections.

The reason is the same as Kong Yingda's, this thing can only be used by Mengxue, and it is not cost-effective to promote it.

Li Shimin seemed to have guessed what they would say, and did not express his opinion directly, but pointed to another stack of books and said: "It's not too late for Zhu Qing to draw conclusions after reading these books."

Hearing that Kong Yingda took a copy, he was surprised to see the five big characters of "Zhenguan Dictionary" written on the cover.

Being able to use the emperor's year as the title of the book shows the importance of this book, and he can't help but pay more attention to it.

At the same time, I am even more curious about the content of this book, the dictionary, what kind of book is it?Let the emperor be named after his own year.

When he opened it, he saw that it was densely packed with pinyin, words and numbers, and he couldn't help looking at Li Shimin suspiciously.

Li Shimin didn't hold back anymore, and immediately introduced the situation of the dictionary.

After listening to the introduction, not only Kong Yingda, everyone present was shocked, and then everyone took a book and flipped through it.

The result is that everyone is impressed by this book.

Kong Yingda excitedly said: "Dictionary, what a dictionary, the person who came up with this book is really amazing. Your Majesty, may I ask if this dictionary was compiled by Heren?"

Li Shimin said with a smile: "The name of the editor is on the back of the cover of each dictionary."

Everyone quickly turned over and found a series of lists.

Kong Yingda was surprised and said: "Chen Jingke, the editor-in-chief, but Zixiaoguan Chen Zhenren?"

Li Shimin said: "Yes, it is Chen Jingke. The deputy editor-in-chief Yihe is the maid he bought from the tooth shop, and the chief consultant Wu Shu..."

"Hey, you should know her identity even if I don't say it. Including all subsequent compilations, they are all from Zixiaoguan."

Everyone showed expressions of disbelief again.

Kong Yingda questioned: "How is this possible? How talented is Chen Zhen? That Lady Wu has just passed her age, how could they compile such a great book as a dictionary."

At this time Changsun Wuji stood up and said: "Kong Jijiu's words are wrong, you don't have much contact with Chen Zhenren and you may not know his situation."

"I have been in contact with him a few times and I understand it well. It is true that ordinary people should not treat him... His knowledge is also different from ours."

"It's not just dictionaries, books on pinyin, mathematics, etc. are all made by him... But this is not created by him, but the origin of family learning..."

"It's just that his family lives in seclusion, and this knowledge has never been known. A few years ago, his family suffered great changes, and he was the only one who escaped by chance and was saved by Sun Zhenren."

"Dictionaries, arithmetic, and pinyin are all things he learned and used when he was young. It is not difficult to take them out after he settles down in Chang'an."

"For example, this dictionary, as long as you know what it looks like after using it, it is not difficult to find some people to write it."

Sooner or later, Chen Jingke must have a suitable identity before he will step onto the stage, and his knowledge must also have a source.

After some deliberation, everyone discussed this set of rhetoric.

Anyway, no one can find evidence, they say what they say.It doesn't matter whether others believe it or not.

After Kong Yingda and the others heard the reason, although they had many doubts, they did not doubt whether it was true or false.

Before Chen Jingke revealed that he was a descendant of Yu Shun, who came from the Chen family after the Manchurian reign, and lived in seclusion during the Yongjia Rebellion.

Many people have also tracked it down in private, but no clues have been found.

The Chen family has lived in seclusion for hundreds of years, and it is normal for them to be different from the outside world in terms of learning.

Changsun Wuji's rhetoric is no problem no matter how you look at it.And it can also explain why Chen Jingke can make so many breakthroughs in learning at such a young age.

It's not his evildoer, but the origin of family education.

Kong Yingda said with relief: "So that's the case. It's a pity for the Chen family and their knowledge, but fortunately there is Chen Zhenren."

"Chen Zhenzhen and others are able to restore the dictionary. It is also a great achievement. Your Majesty should reward them heavily. Especially those who participated in the compilation of the dictionary should be recruited as officials as a reward."

Li Shimin shook his head and said: "I have already rewarded them. As for the recruitment of officials...the oldest of them is not yet old enough to be crowned, and they want to continue to study in Zixiao Temple. Oh, by the way, they are in charge of Wangyue Tan .”

Hearing that they were all young people, Kong Yingda originally wanted to get these people into the Imperial College, and with a little training, they could become pillars of the country.

But when he heard that these people were in charge of Mochizuki Talk, he swallowed the words immediately.

The reason is simple. If he wants to publish his articles on Mochizuki Tan, he needs to pass the review of these people.

His articles are often rejected by others, and it would be good if one or two out of ten articles can be published.Under such circumstances, I really don't have the confidence to get him into the Imperial College as a student.

What's more, Wangyuetan itself is a place that countless scholars yearn for. Going to the Imperial College is not necessarily better than being there.

Others don't say anything at this time, because the old fox thinks more: what kind of unique knowledge does the Chen family have mastered?

Did the sage and empress dote on him so much that they even let the first princess marry or share her husband with other women? Is it related to these knowledge?

There are too many mysteries, but one thing is certain is that Chen Jingke is not simple.

Before, because Sun Simiao was too radiant, everyone ignored him, and even regarded him as a tool for the saint to win over Sun Simiao.

Now it seems that things are far from that simple.

As for pinyin, no one thinks that it is not cost-effective to promote them nationwide, and dictionaries make it more practical.

Especially when Li Shimin said: "The internal treasury will pay for it. The selling price of each set of dictionaries is fixed at fifty words, and the price difference will be supplemented by the internal treasury."

Everyone shouted: "The sage is wise, and scholars all over the world are grateful for the grace of the sage."

Li Shimin waved his hands and continued: "It is not easy to make engravings with a large dictionary and a large number of characters. Zixiaoguan has movable type printing, which can minimize the cost."

"So the printing of the dictionary is handed over to them. Kong Jijiu, you remember to hand it over to them and take the printed dictionary away."

"As much as you withdraw, you can issue them a certificate of how much, so that the internal treasury can pay the money to balance the account."

Kong Yingda frowned and said, "Sage, Zixiaoguan's printing alone may not be able to supply the needs of the whole country. Why don't we allow all the printing houses in the world to print together."

Li Shimin asked back: "Have you ever considered collusion between the government and businessmen, and refused to sell the low-priced dictionaries of the imperial court locally?"

"And dictionaries are only in high demand in the first year, and after a year, when most people have them, the demand will drop greatly."

"What you said just now is very correct. There are some things that we would rather do slowly than rush to turn good governance into bad governance."

Kong Yingda didn't take it seriously, but she didn't insist any more, instead she asked the next best thing: "Then can the Press of the Ministry of Industry join in?"

"Dictionaries are a must-have for readers. The sooner they are popularized in the world, the sooner they will be able to let more people learn advanced knowledge."

Li Shimin thought for a while and said, "Yes, let the Ministry of Industry Printing Workshop print together."


Dictionaries can only be regarded as an incidental topic. Today's meeting is not to promote it, but to have other more important things.

"What do you think about the universal treatment of smallpox?"

Everyone was silent, not because they didn't want to speak, but because they really didn't know what to say.But no one dared to ask what was going on with this medicine, so they could only remain silent.

After a while, Wei Zheng came out and said, "Saint, may I ask whether the medicine for preventing and treating smallpox is complicated to make and whether it is convenient to take?"

Li Shimin said: "The production of medicine is very cumbersome and dangerous, and it will cause disaster if you are not careful. Therefore, the production of this medicine can only be done by the imperial court, and it cannot be distributed."

"The advantage is that it is very convenient to use. You don't need to take it, just puncture the skin on any part such as the arm, and apply the liquid medicine on it."

"It takes about half a month for the medicine to fully take effect, and then immunity to smallpox can be obtained."

Wei Zheng continued to ask: "How long can this medicinal liquid be stored?"

Li Shimin thought about what Sun Simiao said to him, and said: "Sun Zhenren has done a test, and the medicinal liquid is still effective after half a year of storage in a cool and dark place."

Everyone only believed half of his words. It should be true that the production is cumbersome, after all, it is to treat the evil disease such as smallpox.

But is it dangerous? It is most likely that the emperor deliberately gave himself an excuse to master the prescription exclusively.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the emperor doesn't use this kind of prescription to search for people's wealth.Now free treatment for the whole people can't be better, the big deal is that the efficiency is slower.

Knowing these characteristics, they finally know what to do.

Fang Xuanling came out and said: "Since the production of medicines is difficult and cannot be carried out nationwide at the same time, it is best to carry out treatment in one state and one county. This can not only ensure safety, but also ensure that no one is missed."

Yuwen Shiji also came out and said: "According to the information I have collected from the public, the common people are skeptical about this drug. If we don't start the treatment in Chang'an first, the hearts of the people in the world will be at ease."

Wei Zheng was more straightforward, saying: "You should come from the princes in the court first, so that people's hearts will be at ease."

Others also expressed their opinions one after another. Generally speaking, they all agree that the vaccination should be carried out one by one in one state and one county. The only debate is whether to start with Chang'an.

Li Shimin made a direct decision: "There is no need to argue about this matter, it starts with me first, then the relatives of the emperor, and then the nobles of the Manchu Dynasty."

With deliberate dissemination, the content of the meeting that day quickly spread throughout Chang'an City.Everyone knows that the emperor will be treated for smallpox in a few days' time at the court meeting on the first day of August.

Then came the relatives of the emperor, then the nobles of the Manchu Dynasty, and finally started from Chang'an, providing free medical treatment for the people of the world.

Even the cure was spread.

Just make a small incision on the skin and apply the liquid medicine?It's that simple?It's just unbelievable.

But as more detailed news came out, everyone immediately stopped talking.The preparation of medicines is cumbersome and difficult, and the process is very dangerous.

Although they didn't know how dangerous it was, they didn't doubt it.After all, it is to prevent smallpox. If it is too simple, it will not be credible.

Moreover, a cut is made on the skin and the liquid medicine is applied on it... This kind of treatment has never been seen before.

It really deserves to be the method of treating smallpox, it is so unique.No wonder no one found out before, that Sun Zhenren really deserves to be a medical saint.

The thing is like this, the more mysterious and unique the more incomprehensible, the more people are willing to believe that this method can cure smallpox.

After all, no one dared to take the emperor's vaccination lightly. Sun Simiao gave Li Shimin a physical examination a few days in advance, and asked him to eat well, drink well, sleep well, and keep in good condition.

At the same time, all the utensils are ready.

"Tang Liu Dian" records: "The ninth rank of civil and military affairs in the Fanjing Department has been ranked, and every Shuo and Wangchao attend; the fifth rank has been enshrined in officials, Yuanwailang, supervisory censors, and Dr. Taichang, and daily visits to the court."

It means that all officials in Beijing will come to participate in the early court on the first and fifteenth day of each month, which is generally called the China-North Korea Meeting.

Officials of the fifth grade or above, as well as worship officials, Yuanwailang, supervisory censors, and Dr. Taichang, etc., have to participate in the morning court every day, which is generally called Xiaochao or Changchao.

Every winter solstice and the first day of the new year are called the Dachaohui.

The first day of August was the China-North Korea meeting, and hundreds of officials from both Beijing and China were present.

Usually this day would be very lively, but today everyone was surprisingly quiet, even Yan Guanmen, who usually likes to join people the most, shut his mouth for the first time.

Everyone knew what everyone was waiting for, and Li Shimin didn't delay, he dealt with the government affairs quickly and announced the main event directly.

Under the eyes of everyone, he got off the dragon chair and stood in the middle of the crowd, rolling up his sleeves to reveal his strong arms.

Sun Simiao took out a silver knife and stabbed a small incision in his shoulder muscle, then took some vaccinia liquid from a porcelain bottle and applied it to the wound.

Li Shimin was afraid that some people would not see it, so he showed it in front of everyone.

Everyone was silent and witnessed all this with their own eyes.

At this time, Yuwen Shiji came out and said: "Haha, good, the saint is indeed worthy of being a generation of Mingjun, and I admire him."

All the ministers came to their senses, and quickly said: "The sage is wise."

Li Shimin wanted this effect, and said with a smile: "Haha... I just hope to get rid of the fear in everyone's hearts, complete the nationwide treatment as soon as possible, and completely kill smallpox."

Yuwen Shiji immediately said: "Although I am old, I would like to follow the saint."

As he spoke, he rolled up his sleeves and said to Sun Simiao, "Please trouble me to inoculate me with the liquid medicine."

Many people secretly scolded him for being flattering and flattering, but many of the smarter ones had their eyes lit up, and quickly stood up and said:
"I would also like to follow the sage, and ask the real person to inoculate me with the liquid medicine."

The unresponsive people also gradually realized that the emperor's flattery was second to none. The key was Sun Simiao's inoculation himself.

In their capacity, it is impossible to miss this opportunity.

Although the same liquid medicine was used, it was more reassuring that Sun Simiao could inoculate it himself.

So more people gathered around and asked for vaccination.

(End of this chapter)

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