Chapter 321: Broken Window Effect
All kinds of speculation and disputes about Shifeng's governor became more and more intense, and even the clan was inevitably involved.

If this is true, what will they do?Will it be sealed together?If it is not sealed, it will be a disaster for them.

When the country was unified, they were the clan with respected status, but after being sealed off, the status of the governor plummeted, so they generally opposed it.

Many people's clans in central Beijing went to the palace to complain, and clans in other places also began to use their influence to ask local officials to express their opposition.

For a while, there was a feeling that the whole country was against it.

Of course, I dare not really oppose it, because the army is always as stable as Mount Tai.

Those who are eligible to be appointed as the governor are all people with outstanding military exploits, or most of them are people who hold military power, and there will be no chaos in the army without them.

However, various decrees inevitably came to a standstill, especially the academic administration and imperial examinations, which were unanimously opposed by local officials.

Everyone's attitude is very firm, and they would rather not have the New Deal than allow the Shifeng Governor to happen.

Just when people all over the world were arguing about this, a book called Zhenguan Dictionary was published.

If a book like this is usually published, it will definitely attract the attention of the world, but at this time, almost no one pays attention to this 'small matter'.

Even the gentry put most of their power on Shifeng Inspector, trying to instigate more people to stand up against this matter, and then prevent the implementation of the New Deal.

Some people noticed and expressed their opinions, but it didn't cause any waves.

Every reader knows the usefulness of a dictionary, and the first thought of everyone who has seen it is to buy it home.

Many scholars, especially the low-level scholars, feel like a treasure after reading this book.Ask again that the price is so cheap, well, don't think about anything, just buy it.

In this way, this dictionary spread silently in the world.

The situation that Chen Jingke was most worried about happened. Some local officials and businessmen colluded to sell dictionaries to booksellers at the official price, and the booksellers sold them at a higher price.

And this situation is increasing, and finally the original official price has become a joke.

Chen Jingke was very depressed, and took the initiative to enter the palace to find Li Shimin, and said: "Your Majesty, I gave you a bad idea, and in the end it was all cheap for those criminals."

Li Shimin was not angry, but said: "I have already expected this matter."

Chen Jingke was puzzled and said, "Then why do you still do this?"

Li Shimin said with a smile: "Although the dictionary was resold by criminals, all scholars in the world know that I subsidize the dictionary with internal funds. It is a corrupt official who deceives the superior and the inferior to seek personal gain."

"My original purpose has been achieved, and I also used this matter to arouse the dissatisfaction of scholars with criminals and prevent them from colluding."

Chen Jingke shook his head and said, "Hey, you old foxes...cough, ginger is still hot, so I can rest assured."

The corner of Li Shimin's mouth twitched, and he said angrily: "Go away, don't be an eyesore here."

Chen Jingke hurriedly said: "Don't, I still have something to do. How do you plan to deal with the matter of Shifeng Inspector? Do you need my cooperation?"

Li Shimin thought for a while and said, "Well, in a few days, you will publish an article opposing this matter on Wangyue Tan, just say so."

Chen Jingke suddenly realized: "So it's the broken window effect, I understand. Okay, don't worry. You know my skill in spraying people, and I guarantee you will be satisfied."

With black lines on his forehead, Li Shimin said repeatedly: "Get out, get out quickly."

Chen Jingke was not angry either, and said, "That's fine, I'll go find the little one."

After speaking, without waiting for Li Shimin to speak, he ran to the harem.He called Xiao Sizi out of class and took her to the Qianqi Camp.

Qianqi has just completed the expansion, and has been training for the past month, so Chen Jingke didn't take her to watch the ball game.

After training for a month, Qianqi became normal in all aspects, and the football game gradually returned to normal, so he decided to take her there.


The time has come to November [-]th without knowing it, and it has entered winter, and the weather is getting colder every day.

However, the overall atmosphere in the Tang Dynasty was very tense. Because of the matter of the world-appointed governor, both the court and the people of the Tang Dynasty were caught in a tug-of-war.

For this reason, many originally planned major plans have almost stagnated, and the construction of the imperial examination system has not made any progress.

The attitude of the imperial court and the nobles is very strange. They neither say they want to be enshrined, nor are they willing to stand up and refute the rumors.

But the opponents don't bother to talk about it so much. If you don't refute the rumors, I will take it as true. The attitude is very firm, but they don't agree with Shifeng.

As long as he goes to court, the officials will inevitably mention this matter once and persuade the emperor to change his mind.

However, the emperor still refused to express his position, which made the officials very helpless.

At this time, Zixiaoguan's "Moon Moon Talk" was published.

Weng Yingqing, the servant in the palace, returned home angrily, and the servants were all silent.

Recently, because of the matter of Shifeng the governor, he has a very violent temper and punishes his servants at every turn, everyone is trembling.

After coming to the lobby and sitting down, Weng Yingqing patted the table and said, "Tea, you slaves are lazy again, you should be punished."

The maid at the side hurriedly took a cup of tea and placed it on the table next to him tremblingly: "Your Majesty, please have some tea."

Weng Yingqing gave her a hard look, picked up the tea and drank it down in one gulp.

After finishing drinking, he threw the cup on the table and said, "Weng San, where did he go? Why didn't you see anyone?"

As soon as the words fell, someone outside responded: "Lang Jun, I'm here."

A middle-aged man in his early forties with an ugly appearance trotted over.

Weng Ying said angrily: "Where did you go? Could it be that you went to find your girlfriend?"

Weng San took out a book from his sleeve, and said with a look of grievance: "Your Majesty really wronged me, you see, I'm the only one, where can I find a good match?"

"Today is the day when Mochizuki talks about something new. I know you like to read it, so I ran to the gate of Zixiao Temple and grabbed a copy for you."

Seeing the familiar cover, Weng Yingqing's eyes lit up immediately, and said: "This time you pass the test, give me the book quickly."

He was born in the imperial examination and learned quite a lot. He likes the journal of Mochizuki Tan very much. He has also submitted manuscripts, but unfortunately they were all rejected.

He was not angry when the manuscript was rejected. Instead, he liked this magazine even more. It can be said that he must buy it every time.

After receiving the book, he couldn't wait to flip through it.

The first article shocked him.

The signature of this article is Chen Jingke, so he naturally knows who this is.The problem is that the content of this article actually shows that the chariots and horses oppose the world's governor.

The grounds for objection, far from novel, are those they commonly use.The key is that the author of this article was Chen Jingke, the son-in-law of the sage, and it was published on Wangyue Tan.

With the influence of Mochizuki Tan, at least one million people can be influenced.

"The big thing is done, the big thing is done." He danced excitedly.

After a while, I regained my composure. I continued to turn back and saw a map.

He is very familiar with it. It is the territory map of the Tang Dynasty, but there are many things in this map.In the eastern waters there is an island group called Fusang, and there are several large islands in the southeast.

Looking at the text above, these islands were discovered by maritime merchants. There are only some barbarians who live as tribes, and many of them are even empty.

Weng Yingqing was very strange, didn't he oppose Shi Feng the governor?What are you doing drawing this picture?
He continued to look down with curiosity, and soon showed an expression of enlightenment.Then excitedly slapped the table with a 'bang bang bang' sound, and laughed loudly:

"Okay, this method is good, I want to see what you nobles can say."

With the release of Mochizuki Tan, more and more people saw this article, and soon people all over the capital were discussing the content of this article.

"What do you think of Chen Zhenren's method?"

"The nobles will definitely not agree..."

"Whoever asks them to agree is to disgust them."

"Yes, yes, just to disgust them."

"Didn't they say they want to expand their territory? Well, give them a chance now and see if they want it."

Soon many officials also reached a unified opinion, just follow what Chen Jingke said in the article, let's see what the emperor and the nobles will do.

As promised, many people came to court the next morning with moon-watching talks.

But in the end, it was Weng Yingqing who took the lead by relying on his status as the censor in the palace, and said: "Saint, according to what Qianqi Chen Duwei said, there are many islands overseas with a large area."

"It's just a pity that most of these islands are empty, and there is a danger of being invaded by foreign enemies from the sea and threatening Datang's sea frontier."

"Why don't you enshrine the princes and nobles on these islands, so that you can not only fulfill the relationship between your majesty and the nobles, but also let them rule the sea for the Tang Dynasty."

Other people who were a step behind also stood up one after another, saying: "Yes, yes, please ask the saints to enshrine all the princes and dukes on the island. Wouldn't it be beautiful to have the best of both worlds."

More and more people are standing up for this approach, but there are also many who are hesitant.Mainly they don't know whether they should do it or not, but they always feel that something is wrong.

At this time, a nobleman came out and cried: "Sage, I have heard about the overseas islands. They are barren lands. The environment is worse than Lingnan. I would rather die than go there."

Several nobles stood up and cried: "The ministers are fighting for the country... I don't dare to ask for anything else, I just want to be buried in the hometown."

Li Shimin finally couldn't help it, and said angrily: "The overseas islands are barren lands, so you should be exiled or enfeoffed in the past... What is your intention?"

Weng Yingqing said loudly: "Why did the sage say this? What's the difference between being entrusted to an island and enfeoffing a princely country? Such a good thing is something I can't ask for."

"It's a pity that I'm a civil servant, and I can't make meritorious service to the country and get a title. I can only envy you all from the sidelines."

Several nobles pointed at him and said angrily: "You...Pifuan dare to bully me to wait until this point, we will fight you."

"Wow." Twenty or so civil servants stood beside Weng Yingqing, expressing their willingness to advance and retreat with him.

The two sides confronted each other for a while.

Li Shimin was trembling with anger, and said: "It's unreasonable, it's unreasonable, someone will fork them out."

A group of imperial guards rushed in and bombarded them, Weng Yingqing and others looked at the nobles with disdain, and left the hall with their heads held high.

The early morning ended hastily like this.

What happened in the court spread quickly, and all the people in Beijing gave Weng Yingqing and others a thumbs up. They really are good officials who are dedicated to the country and spare their lives.

However, some people also raised questions: "If you seal the nobles on the island, isn't that still a seal? What's the difference?"

Immediately, someone replied: "Let you go to the island and give you an official position. Are you going?"

"No, no, I won't go there to die."

"That's all right, you poor ghosts don't want to be an official on the island, where are the nobles willing to suffer?"

Another answer to this question was given:

"Secretizing the governor of the world and sealing the nobles overseas, which one do you choose?"

"The lesser of two evils, of course I choose to be sealed overseas."


So soon most of the people reached a consensus, we don't object to the seal of the governor, but it can only be sealed overseas, not in the inland of the Tang Dynasty.

The few remaining people who are unwilling to make any compromises, such as the gentry, cannot cause much trouble.

Wang Xiuqi said affirmatively: "Conspiracy, there must be a conspiracy in it. Zixiao Temple supports that person, how could it be possible to suddenly oppose him."

Zheng Song frowned and said, "I also feel that something is wrong, but I really can't figure out where the problem lies."

Cui Gan was also puzzled and said: "But he did write an article against this matter. It was also his idea to entrust the nobles to overseas barren lands. I really can't see where the problem lies."

Zheng Song looked at Cui Yun and said, "Can you go over there and ask about the situation?"

Cui Yun shook his head and said: "The last time I met her in private, she was noticed by the other party, and she was locked up and forbidden to see any outsiders."

"Hey." Everyone sighed in disappointment.

At this time, Lu Xiu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked: "If you are entrusted overseas to establish princely states and allowed to build ancestral temples, are you willing?"

Li Hong subconsciously said: "Of course not..." He stopped suddenly in the middle of speaking.

How could he be unwilling, no matter how desolate the fiefdom is, it is a feudal country that belongs to the family alone, and is the foundation of generations to come.

Besides, the island is now desolate, but with slow immigration and development, it will become prosperous one day.

So, why did I say no to it before?Mochizuki Tan, it is Mochizuki Tan's preconceived views that affect his own judgment.

That's right, it's terrible.

The others were also taken aback for a moment, and then all showed expressions of deep thought.

After a while...

"Hiss..." Zheng Song gasped, and said, "If it's true... What a deep scheming, what a terrifying scheme."

Wang Xiuqi said hesitantly: "It's unlikely, what are they doing in such a big circle? Isn't it enough to just say that the nobles are entrusted overseas?"

Lu Xiu asked: "If you were told directly to divide the vassal states overseas, what would you think?"

Wang Xiuqi remained silent because he would object.You don't need any reason, just object.

Zheng Song said with a dry voice: "First use the world title governor to stimulate everyone, and then make a retreat overseas distribution. So everyone is happy, it's really a good strategy."

Cui Yun's face turned pale, because he was the one who heard the news about Shi Feng's governor.At first he thought he had made a great contribution, but now it seems more likely that he was hit by a trick.

Moreover, it was the Cui family's daughter who passed false information to them, which really lost face.

But no one has pursued this anymore. What everyone cares about is:

"How do we deal with this?"

(End of this chapter)

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