Chapter 323 Two-Level Reversal
Chen Jingke came all the way to the lobby and met Ma Zhou. It was not the first time the two sides met, but it was the first time they met in private.

They were still very polite to each other, and it took a while to get to the point.

Chen Jingke couldn't help laughing when he heard that he came here for the management measures of news periodicals.When he gave the memorial to Li Shimin, he was laughed at severely.

At that time, he didn't say anything, but what he thought about was 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, waiting to slap the opponent in the face.

It is estimated that Li Shimin also guessed his thoughts, so he asked Ma Zhou to take charge of this matter, so as not to lose face.

But he really didn't have anything to say: "My views on this matter have already been written in the memorial, and those are the words."

Ma Zhou asked, "What do you think about the method I proposed?"

Chen Jingke thought for a while and said: "It's very conservative, but the victory lies in being safe."

Ma Zhou smiled and said, "I see, thank you for your guidance."

It is the best way for Datang to thrive and be safe. This is a compliment to him, at least he thinks so.

After talking about the business, he said politely: "I am suffering from a serious illness, and I want to ask Master Sun to show his skill, I wonder if it is possible?"

Chen Jingke said with a smile: "Where is Ma Sheren, doctors are just treating people. Is there anything you can do? Let's go, I will take you to see Master right now."

Ma Zhou got up and said, "Thank you, Master."

The two came to the courtyard where Sun Simiao studied medicine. Chen Jingke found a nurse and asked, "Is Master there?"

The man replied: "The temple master is performing an operation on a patient."

Chen Jingke asked casually, "Appendicitis?"

Dao Tong said: "Yes."

Chen Jingke nodded and said to Ma Zhou, "I'm sorry, I'm afraid it will take a while."

Ma Zhou said politely: "Where is the real person, it's because I came at the wrong time, so I should wait."

The two came to the living room, sat down as the guest of honor and chatted while waiting.

Chen Jingke also felt helpless, probably Yi Nu must be jumping and cursing at this moment.

But Ma Zhou came to visit him nominally with the emperor's order. It's okay to say that Sun Simiao is here, but he must accompany him if he is not.

The problem of appendicitis has existed since ancient times. In ancient times, people who got this disease had a high probability of death.

After overcoming operations such as caesarean section, meat cutting and bone setting, Sun Simiao's team began to attack the internal organs.

Appendicitis can be said to be the simplest type of abdominal surgery, just open the abdomen and find it.This thing is purely redundant, and cutting too much is not a big problem.

Moreover, it is not difficult to find patients in this area, or Zixiao temple has never been short of patients of all kinds.There is no need to look for it, the patient takes the initiative to deliver it to the door.

It took a long time for the operation and postoperative summary. Chen Jingke and Ma Zhou waited for more than an hour but no one came.

The two of them didn't sit still, and they talked about politics, religion, literature and medicine. Naturally, they also talked about Ma Zhou's illness.

After careful questioning, I found out that he was suffering from diabetes.

Chen Jingke felt a pang of sympathy. This disease is incurable even in the 21st century, not to mention in ancient times. It can only be controlled by long-term insulin injections.

In this age without insulin, there is no effective prevention and treatment method, and it is a high-risk disease.

He doesn't know much about diabetes, but as the name suggests, he knows the most basic prevention and treatment methods just by looking at the name.

In addition, he has learned medical skills from Sun Simiao for so long, and combined with some knowledge from his previous life, he can make many suggestions.

"Diabetes is a series of problems caused by a problem with the body's pancreas, which leads to high blood sugar."

Seeing Ma Zhouyi's bewildered face, he thought for a while and said, "Simply speaking, your pancreas has a problem and cannot digest the sugar produced in your body. Too much sugar in your body will cause many problems."

Although Ma Zhou still didn't know much about it, he at least knew that it had something to do with sugar, so he asked, "I wonder if there is a cure for it?"

Chen Jingke shook his head and said: "No, it is not easy to control this disease. It can only be said that half depends on support and half depends on the sky."

Ma Zhou smiled wryly, and said, "Can't you speak more tactfully?"

Chen Jingke sighed: "I'm already very tactful."

Ma Zhou was stunned for a moment before he realized that it was a euphemism to say that half depended on support and half depended on the sky, so wouldn't that mean that he could only depend on the sky?
It was a matter of life and death, and it was difficult for him to keep calm, so he asked: "Is there really... there is no other way?"

Chen Jingke secretly sighed in his heart, but he still comforted him: "You can try to control it, but the method is extremely harsh and requires long-term persistence. Once you relax, all previous efforts will be wasted. Even if you persist in doing it, there is no guarantee that it will be effective."

Ma Zhou said with a solemn expression: "The real person, please tell me."

Chen Jingke immediately told him some methods he knew: no sugar, no sweets, no fatty meat, egg yolk, and animal liver.

The staple food of rice and noodles should also be eaten less, and tea and porridge should not be drunk, and boiled water should be drunk when thirsty.You can eat miscellaneous grains, and you can eat more lean meat, fish and shrimp, and vegetables.

Eat less fruit, but how much fruit you eat, you must reduce the amount of staple food accordingly.

Do moderate-intensity exercise every day to keep in shape and not gain weight.Pay attention to rest, go to bed and get up early...

There are dozens of them in total.

Ma Zhou's scalp felt numb when he heard this, and he said, "This is really a disease of wealth."

Chen Jingke said with a smile: "It's really hard to say, at least in terms of diet and exercise, the poor can reach the standard without deliberately doing it."

Ma Zhou shook his head and laughed, "That's I need to take medicine?"

Chen Jingke said: "Of course it is necessary, but the prescription has to wait for the master to come and prescribe it for you. I still know too little about medical skills."

Not only was he unable to prescribe medicine, but even the recuperation methods mentioned just now were actually summed up by Sun Simiao referring to the bits and pieces of knowledge he provided.

He just looked at the final result and didn't participate in it, so he didn't know much about the prescription.

About half an hour later, Sun Simiao finally walked over with a tired face.

After a few polite words, the two sides got straight to the point. When they learned that Ma Zhou was suffering from diabetes, Sun Simiao's expression became serious.

After some diagnosis and treatment, a very bad result was obtained. His condition was already serious and he had to be treated.

Moreover, Sun Simiao also bluntly said: "This disease can only be controlled by trying, but cannot be cured..."

The last luck in Ma Zhou's heart was also shattered, but fortunately, he had already been mentally prepared and did not lose his composure, but calmly said:

"Please do what Sun Zhenren does."

Sun Simiao talked about the methods and taboos of recuperation, which is similar to what Chen Jingke said, but more detailed.

Then he gave a prescription: "Both Astragalus membranaceus and Tianqi have a good effect on quenching thirst. This prescription is mainly composed of these two herbs. Masheren can take them for a long time."

"Thank you, Master." Ma Zhou solemnly put away the prescription, and he felt much more relaxed.

Although it is said that this disease cannot be cured, having a specific prescription can still give people a lot of peace of mind, not to mention that this prescription was prescribed by the medical sage Sun Simiao.

After seeing the sickness, it was already dark, and the curfew started early.

The curfew is very strict, even in Ma Zhou's capacity he dare not intrude.The Marquis Wu who were watching the night didn't care who he was, they beat him up and sent him off first.

So he stayed overnight in Zixiao Temple at night.

General temples have special guest rooms for staying overnight pilgrims and the like.Naturally, there is also Zixiao Temple, but there is no shortage of his residence.

After arranging everything, Chen Jingke hurried back to his yard, where there were still two little tigers waiting for him to feed.


The sudden supplement of Mochizuki Tan was very unexpected. Everyone did not expect that the journal could still play like this, but it did not prevent them from purchasing and paying attention to the content of this issue.

Not surprisingly, the article on envelopment became the center of the topic.

As a time traveler, Chen Jingke is very clear that if the topic of hype guides public opinion, the next dozen articles will all discuss the advantages and disadvantages of enfeoffment.

These articles are not all in favor, and some of them expressly oppose the enfeoffment and enfeoffment, and their arguments are the evil results brought about by enfeoffment in the Han and Jin Dynasties.

Without Weng Yingqing's "On Enfeoffment", these articles would indeed have played a great role in motivating some people to stand up against enfeoffment.

But with it, these opposing articles had a counterproductive effect, making readers think that overseas enfeoffment is a long-term solution.

Weng Yingqing has successfully gained a huge reputation, and has become one of the leaders against the world, and has gathered a group of clean people around him.

Every one or two days, he would call everyone together under the guise of a literary club.In addition to jointly writing a letter against the world, we also talked about life ideals and ambitions, looking forward to the future and so on.

Can be described as high-spirited.

But slowly, more and more people realized that it is still unknown whether overseas enfeoffment is good or bad, and there is no need to take unnecessary risks.

It is not feasible to seal the governor's history in the world, and it is also not feasible to divide overseas.

As a result, contradictions first arose within the anti-world-style assassination camp. Some were anti-world-style but supported overseas enfeoffment. Weng Yingqing was one of the core members of this faction.

Some are anti-worldly and anti-enfeoffment.Would rather stay put and do nothing than risk it.

But fortunately, because of the top priority of the world-appointed governor, both sides are very restrained, but they argue with each other without breaking up.

In the history of anti-world feudalism, they are still allies.

It was already the end of the year, and all the big officials and local officials who returned to Beijing would come back to celebrate the New Year, and take part in the annual Great Court Meeting by the way.

Before, they could only express their opinions through memorials when they were in other places. Now that they returned to the capital, they directly participated in it, which created even more momentum.

Finally, at the China-North Korea meeting on December [-]th, they joined forces to persuade the emperor to give up the title of governor.

In order to prevent internal disharmony, Weng Yingqing and others temporarily gave up the proposal of enfeoffing overseas, and first concentrated their efforts on solving the matter of Shifeng governor.

In the face of the massive opposition, the dignitaries looked ashen and did not dare to say a word, Li Shimin angrily stopped the court on the spot.

However, stopping the court did not change everyone's determination, on the contrary, it strengthened everyone's will, and this matter must not be compromised.

Countless memorials are sent to the palace every day, basically all of them are persuasion.

Time passed unknowingly, and the winter solstice was approaching soon, and the annual court meeting was coming.

Chinese people have a habit since ancient times, to solve all the things that can be solved before the year, and don't save it for the next year.

At present, the biggest matter in Tang Dynasty is the appointment of the governor of the world. Not only Li Shimin took the opportunity to prepare for the end, but the officials also did not want to delay this matter until next year, and planned to resolve it before the winter solstice.

On the morning of December [-]th, when the ministers once again asked to stop the governor of the world, Li Shimin finally made a retreat.

But without waiting for the ministers to be happy, he immediately put forward another condition: the world-appointed governor can be stopped, but the enfeoffment must be implemented, even if the nobles are enfeoffed overseas, it doesn't matter.

And the nobles were no longer afraid of being sent overseas as before, and agreed after a slight refusal.

Now the anti-world-style camp broke down on the spot, Weng Yingqing and others thought that their appeal had worked, so they naturally agreed with it.

The anti-world feudal and anti-enfeoffment faction became more and more wrong, and quickly jumped out to oppose it.

However, at this time, the clan also betrayed. The reason is not complicated. There is a high probability that they will be part of the overseas enfeoffment.

No one wants to be raised like a pig in China. Although it is difficult overseas, it is also one-third of an acre of land that belongs to them alone. A fool would not want it.

The situation can be said to change again and again, and the anti-feudalism faction became a minority in a blink of an eye.

With the unanimous consent of the emperor, nobles, clan, and enfeoffment faction, the enfeoffment resolution was passed on the spot, and the speed was jaw-dropping.

The anti-feudalists didn't even have a chance to intervene.

After retiring from the court, the news spread to the people, and the people's views on this matter were completely different from those of the officials.

Communication is not smooth in this era, and the channels for the common people to obtain information are very narrow. At this time, the common people are still in the information cocoon created by Wangyuetan.

I think it is not good to seal the world, and it is better to seal the land overseas.

So when I heard that the imperial court had passed the proposal to cancel the world feudal title and change it to separate feudal titles, I couldn't help cheering.

Hearing the faint cheers coming from outside, Zheng Song said: "How stupid the world is."

Wang Xiuqi glared at Cui Yun, and said, "If it wasn't for the false information you provided, how could we be so passive. Not only did we fail to stop the New Deal, but we also helped them complete their plot to enfeoff."

Cui Yun said angrily: "You..."

Lu Xiu stood up and reconciled: "Okay, don't say a few words, no one wants to see this kind of situation happen."

Wang Xiuqi immediately turned his gun and said, "Your Lu family is not much better. Isn't Fang Xuanling the son-in-law of your Lu family? How come you haven't even entered the door yet?"

"Bang." Lu Xiu patted the table and said, "Say one more thing."

Cui Qian quickly stopped him and said: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, brother Wang also made a slip of the tongue in a moment of anger."

"Bah." Wang Xiuqi said to him again: "Don't pretend to be a good person here, aren't you the number one family listed in the clan annals, ranking not only above the royal family but also above all of us."

"You have come up with a way? What else can you do besides sighing here? Is this the ability of the First Family?"

Cui Qian didn't expect that the flames of war would burn on him, and he was also furious, saying: "You are ashamed to talk about others, don't look at what you are."

"Wang Renyou is from your Wang family in Taiyuan, right? His daughter just entered the Eastern Palace as a concubine not long ago... Hehe, if you send a woman to the palace at this time, your Wang family will not want to surrender, right?"

So an infighting took place, and the last few broke up unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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