Chapter 331 Tiger Dad Tiger Mom
"Mobilize the people in the Dongting Lake area to eradicate schistosomiasis in a period of ten or even 20 years. By then, Qianliyun Mengze will become a fertile soil granary."

Chen Jingke became more and more excited as he talked, and finally shouted: "This is called merit in the present age and benefit in the future."

Li Shimin couldn't laugh or cry when he heard it, he usually used this kind of words to fool others, but today someone actually fooled him.

"Stop, stop, calm down first. Don't just take it for ten or twenty years. You have to consider whether the court can afford it."

Chen Jingke calmed down his excitement, and said: "I don't need any support from the imperial court, as long as I don't transfer slaves from there for ten or twenty years, and it's enough to keep the local people's power in the local area."

"There is no need to worry about whether it will arouse public resentment. The local people hate schistosomiasis more than anyone else, but they are weak and powerless."

"If the imperial court organizes an extermination operation, they will definitely join in. The power of the people is infinite. I believe that one day the schistosomiasis will be brought under control."

Li Shimin has actually been persuaded that the core of the Tang Dynasty is still in the north in the Central Plains, and the main source of manpower and material resources is also in the north.

Except for the Grand Canal Basin in the South, which is not bad, other places can contribute very little.

In the past, the family background of the Tang Dynasty was weak, and the material resources provided by the South were better than nothing.But now, I really don't like it.

manpower?In this wave of population checks by the imperial court, there were more than 1000 million more people, and the 500 million people in the south seemed unimportant.

tax?Forget it, apart from the banks of the Grand Canal, other places even need court relief.

food?As much as the Indochina Peninsula needs, the fleet will have everything after a few more trips.

Therefore, according to Chen Jingke, keeping the people's power in the Dongting Lake area there will have little impact on the court.But these local people's power can make earth-shaking changes there.

Even the imperial court can move some people there to speed up the pace of transformation.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Shimin nodded and said, "It's a very important matter. I have to discuss it with my ministers before I can make a decision."

Chen Jingke naturally knew this truth, so he didn't say anything more.

Afterwards, Li Shimin took the initiative to open another topic, saying: "The Yinggehai and gold-copper-iron mines on Yazhou Island have been found, and you have made great contributions."

Only then did Chen Jingke remember that he had talked about Yazhou Island and Yizhou Island with Changsun Wugou last year, but he did not expect the results to come out so soon.

He was naturally very happy, and asked, "Has the iron ore been mined yet? How is the mining difficulty and ore grade? Is it as superior as the legend?"

Li Shimin nodded and said: "It is indeed an open-pit iron mine. It is very easy to mine. The grade is also very good. The quality of steel produced by the same smelting method is better."

Chen Jingke finally felt relieved and said, "That's good, this is the best gun steel. The cannon made of the steel here is of better quality and more powerful."

"By the way, since there are better-quality and higher-yield iron mines there, can the inferior iron produced here in the Central Plains be used for other purposes?"

Li Shimin asked directly: "What's your plan?"

Chen Jingke said: "Iron farm tools are very important to agricultural production. Now that the grain output is low, apart from the lack of seeds and fertilizers, the shortage of farm tools is also a very important factor."

"We have nothing to do with seeds and fertilizers. The problem of agricultural tools can be solved now. The iron ore in Yazhou can be used to make weapons. I suggest that the low-quality iron in the Central Plains be used to make agricultural tools."

Li Shimin didn't agree, but he didn't deny it either. Instead, he said, "Now the Yazhou Iron Mine is under construction, and the output is not yet high. Let's talk about it when the output increases."

Chen Jingke knew what he was thinking. The influx of a large amount of ironware into the people would bring a series of problems. Li Shimin would definitely not agree so simply.

But he was not worried, because the person in front of him was Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, and Li Shimin also had cannons. It would not take long for him to agree to this suggestion.

So he didn't say any more, but changed the subject and said: "There is also the problem of farming cattle. It is too tiring and slow for people to plow the fields. It is necessary to popularize farming cattle among the people."

"After the implementation of the land equalization system, people's families have fields. Even if they plant a little alfalfa on the most barren land in the field, it is enough to raise one or two cattle."

"With the cattle, the grain output will be doubled several times. So I suggest that the cattle should be brought back from the grasslands and sold to the common people at a low price."

Li Shimin glanced at him in surprise, shook his head and said, "Don't you know that cattle in the grassland can't plow the fields?"

Chen Jingke said with a smile: "There is no cow in the world that can't plow the field. The cattle on the grassland can also plow the field. It's just that the cattle need to be domesticated and cultivated from the calf, and they can become farm cattle when they grow up."

"There is no farming on the grasslands, so those herdsmen naturally don't need to domesticate cattle, so their cattle will not be able to plow the fields when they grow up."

"We get calves from the grasslands and sell them to the common people, and let the common people domesticate them themselves, so we can see results in three to five years."

Li Shimin couldn't help being surprised: "Is that so? I really can't believe the rules. Okay, I'll arrange someone to do it."

Then he said: "The rift valley plain on Yizhou Island can also raise some cattle on it, and the calves will be taken out and sold to the people at that time."

Chen Jingke said in surprise: "The Rift Valley Plain has already started to renovate the pasture?"

Li Shimin replied: "There is no special transformation, just sprinkle alfalfa seeds to grow casually, and let them breed [-] water west horses and [-] prairie horses."

"If they can survive and reproduce, it means that there is a place suitable for raising horses, and it is not too late to start reforming."

Hearing this, Chen Jingke couldn't help being speechless. Li Shimin's method was really simple and rude, and he showed a sense of arrogance. A thousand good horses were thrown away as soon as they said it.

But let alone, this method is indeed the easiest and most effective.

Alfalfa has tenacious vitality, and it can grow when the seeds are scattered on the ground. It does not need to be specially managed, and it will not take long for it to have the ability to raise livestock.

The thousand horses were eliminated by nature, and the best ones survived, which could be used as the initial seeds for breeding.

It can be said that the cost is almost negligible.

A thousand good horses are indeed very valuable, but you must know that the number of horses registered in Datang at this time is as high as 37, and a thousand horses are a drop in the bucket for Li Shimin.

Well, at the peak of the Tang Dynasty, there were 70 registered horses. In the era of cold weapons, war horses were combat power. It can be seen how strong the peak combat power of the Tang Dynasty is.

Chen Jingke could only give a thumbs up to this, and said: "Your Majesty is mighty and domineering... By the way, what kind of horse is a Shuixi horse? Is it better than a grassland horse?"

Li Shimin introduced: "The Dian horses born in Shuixi and Wumeng are the best, and they can be war horses. Back then, the Shu Han mastered the Shuixi Wumeng horses to fight against Cao Wei on cavalry."

Chen Jingke suddenly realized that it was so.This is another new knowledge. Before, he always thought that southern horses were not suitable for war horses, but he did not expect that there would be a special case.

It seems that as long as the land is big enough and the resources are rich enough, there will always be exceptions.

After communicating a few more things with Li Shimin, Chen Jingke resigned and left.

He came here today mainly to offer suggestions, and he can run away after finishing his suggestions.As for what to do next, he doesn't care, that's the business of Li Shimin and the officials.

Those people will do better than him, so he doesn't need to worry about it.

Leaving from Li Shimin, he routinely went to find Xiao Sizi.Played with her for a while, practiced calligraphy for a while, and left.


Li Shimin moved faster than Chen Jingke had imagined, and within a few days the court announced the immigration plan.

Three million people migrated from the most densely populated Shandong and Henan to the south, of which 300 million were resettled in Jingzhou, Hongzhou and other places, which is later known as Hubei, Hunan and other places.

At the same time, a total of more than [-] people from the northern grassland tribes who surrendered were resettled in Jingzhou, Hongzhou and other places, where they lived with the Han people.

The remaining 100 million Han people were resettled in the Guangzhou area of ​​Lingnan, where they lived with local slang.

This news has not caused much movement in the current Tang Dynasty. Migration of people is a common thing in this era, so there is nothing strange about it.

Another reason is that the court made three major moves one after another, and everyone is used to it.

However, population migration cannot be accomplished overnight, and careful planning is required.

For example, where to relocate people and how many people can be resettled.It is also necessary to build a foothold at the destination first, and the common people cannot be allowed to sleep on the street.

Farm tools, seeds, etc. must be prepared, and even a certain amount of rations must be distributed to allow the people to survive the period of land reclamation.

In just one or two years, these more than 300 million people cannot be resettled well.

During the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, 70 people were relocated to the Hetao area in one year, and enough grain was produced in that year.

This seems to be a miracle, but only the person involved knows how many people died in this miracle, and there is no record in the history books anyway.

The officials and gentlemen of the Tang Dynasty were no more kind than their counterparts in the Han Dynasty, and they also ignored human life.However, after the enfeoffment system was established, the nobles who were eligible for enfeoffment were all staring at the more than 3000 million people.

They absolutely do not want to cause a large number of people to die because of the negligence of the court.

Because if there is too much loss, when they divide up in the future, their feudal country may have a lot less population.

It is hard for them not to pay attention to their own interests.

Therefore, the population migration plan this time is very detailed, and high officials from the court and the central government are also sent to the local towns, for fear that some local officials will violate the law and cause a large number of people to die.

Chen Jingke was naturally happy to hear about this situation. When he learned that the court wanted to send reliable ministers to Jingzhou, he ran to the palace again to put forward his own suggestions.

"I think it's most appropriate to let Da Lang go."

It is conceivable how shocked Li Shimin and Changsun Wugou were when they heard this.

The eldest grandson Wugou said unceremoniously: "Nonsense, Da Lang is the crown prince, the heir of the country, how can he easily risk himself."

Chen Jingke didn't explain too much, but asked rhetorically: "An official who has never been alone, will His Majesty let him be a big official?"

"A person who has never served in a local area, and his knowledge of the local area is limited to information and rumors, will His Majesty let him be the prime minister?"

Li Shimin said with a sullen face: "Sophistry, Dalang has the best teacher, and I personally teach him, how can ordinary people compare?"

Chen Jingke didn't argue, but just shrugged and said: "If you think that locking the prince by your side will give you peace of mind and teach you a qualified heir, then it's up to you."

"Presumptuous." Li Shimin slapped the table and scolded, "I'm getting less and less respectful, Guanyin maidservant, teach him well."

After he finished speaking, he walked away.

The eldest grandson Wugou hurriedly got up to see him off, and turned back after a while.Without saying anything, he directly grabbed Chen Jingke's ear and twisted it, saying:
"You bastard, do you know what you were doing just now?"

"Hiss." Chen Jingke sucked in the pain, but this time he didn't ask for forgiveness, but endured the pain and said: "I know, but I know that there is something wrong with the way you teach children, so I don't say I feel uncomfortable."

"It's okay if we are ordinary people, but no, we are the royal family. The prince is the future master of the world. His ability is related to the safety of countless people in the world. I have to mention it."

Seeing that he was so serious, Changsun Wugou couldn't help letting go of his hand, and asked with a frown, "Is there really a problem with our teaching children?"

Chen Jingke thought in his heart that there was something wrong with it. In his previous life, the online troublemakers made a list of emperors who were the least able to teach children, and Li Shimin was listed as one of the top ten.

In this life, the eldest grandson Wugou did not die, and the situation improved a lot, at least he did not drive Li Chengqian crazy to rebel.

But this is not a good stubble, she is also a standard tiger mother when it comes to teaching children.

With tiger parents and tiger mothers at the same time, the pressure on the princes and daughters in the palace can be imagined.

Princess Gaoyang, Princess Lanling, etc., who were more escaped in history in the previous life, were directly pinned down in the school by the eldest grandson Wugou in this life, and Mao didn't dare to explode.

Li Tai's situation is a little better, but because of her, this life was released.To put it bluntly, he was directly deprived of the opportunity to seize the heir.

It is the little girl who is better off, and that is also because of Chen Jingke's protection, otherwise the little girl's life will not be much better.

Li Chengqian is the one who is under the most pressure. The younger brothers and sisters only need to be good people. He must be decathlon to meet the standard.

There are tiger parents and tiger mothers on the top, and there are famous ministers and teachers all around. Just thinking about Chen Jingke makes him shiver.

It's really hard for him to persist for so many years and still do it so well.

It can be said that at least until now, Li Chengqian's performance is perfect.But in the future, no one knows.

However, as someone who has experienced it, Chen Jingke knows that he still lacks, and that is experience in independent governance.

"Anyone can handle official affairs step by step. The difficulty lies in facing complex situations independently and solving various problems. This is the biggest shortcoming of Dalang."

"This can't be learned through other people's teaching, it can only be done by practicing it yourself... Also, his knowledge of the place is limited to memorials, which is also not acceptable..."

"I know that today's words will definitely offend the sage, after all, there is no room for sand in the eyes of imperial power. But I always believe that with the sage's mind, I can make that exception."

(End of this chapter)

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