Chapter 333 The Dreamer

There were so many people who scolded the broken dog that Chen Jingke had several nightmares in a row.It made him think that he had run into an evil spirit, so he quickly put a few sticks of incense on God Haotian before he settled down.

There is no way, Journey to the West is too attractive, and this chapter is just right.

Sun Wukong has just been seduced by the underworld, and he is gone.

What happened to him later?Dead or escaped?What does the underworld look like?There are too many suspense waiting to be revealed.

But what followed was the popularity of this story. To paraphrase a common saying, it's hot, and it's very hot.

Even the most reserved and disliked readers of novels couldn't help discussing this story.

Not to mention ordinary people, but anyone who has heard this story, there is no one who does not want to know the following plot.

It's just a pity that they have no way of knowing the follow-up plot at all, so they can only listen to the second and third times while scolding "the old eunuch who talks about dreams and broken chapters".

Well, Chen Jingke gave himself a pseudonym Shuomengzhe.

As for the reason, it comes from an author chasing after a previous life.The author is called Dreamer, and he is an old eunuch.

Chen Jingke chased him for two books, but both books turned out to be big pits, especially the latter one, which pitted him for ten years.

There was a time when he drew circles every day and cursed that the dreamer had no little Jiji.

Before Wu Shu asked him to use a pen name, this was the first thing he thought of, so he used it.

Sometimes he even wondered wickedly, whether he gave Journey to the West to the eunuch, so that people in this world would curse the dream talker together.

Of course, I just thought about it, but I didn't dare to be a real eunuch.

Because of the popularity of Journey to the West, by the way, it also sparked a business, storytelling.

Speaking of which, the storytelling profession was still in its infancy in the Tang Dynasty, and there were no routines and scripts for later generations.

It's just some people who have a sharp tongue and know a few stories. They run around and perform in teahouses, food stalls and other places on the street, and they get three to five yuan for a meal.

As for the resident performances in the restaurant, it's not their turn yet, to put it bluntly, they can't be on the stage yet.

But the appearance of Journey to the West has changed this situation. There are too many wonderful stories to tell.

As a result, storytelling stalls all over the city, large and small, began to switch to Journey to the West, and the business was pretty good.

Because of the fierce competition, these people stopped speaking completely according to the original text, and began to add their own understanding, gradually forming different characteristics.

The two most popular schools are the imagery school and the historical expansion school.

Let me talk about the imagery first. The original text of Journey to the West is relatively concise, and many plots are concise and to the point. For example, some fighting scenes are written in two or three strokes.

If you read the book truthfully, you will feel that you are talking in a small way.But speaking through storytelling, it seems boring.

So there are storytellers who are better at fighting descriptions, trying to add details of the fighting, and describe every battle vividly and wonderfully, making the story more attractive.

With this addition, they fully expanded the original text by more than two-thirds.It can be seen that an author who can irrigate water is multi-functional water.

Let's talk about the historical expansion school, the ancient information closed knowledge is monopolized by the upper class, and there is almost no difference between the common people and the blind.

They don't know what Nuwa created man, they don't know that Nuwa mends the sky, and they don't know what a sky-repairing stone is. Some unbelievers don't even know the Dragon King of Heaven and Earth.

So when listening to Journey to the West, there is a lack of sense of substitution.

Some well-informed storytellers tried to intersperse these stories while telling Journey to the West, and the result was unanimously praised by everyone.

Moreover, the History Expansion School also inadvertently conducted a historical science popularization, letting the common people know some myths and historical fragments of China.

People will have a sense of identity once Ming history. Taoism, as a native religion, is integrated with Chinese mythology and history.

Then several factors combined to create a chemical reaction, when the people supported Taoism even more.

Not for anything else, just because it is an indigenous religion.

For Chen Jingke, this was a complete surprise.

He immediately went to the palace with relevant information and found Li Shimin: "Your Majesty, this is the benefit of cultural identity."

Li Shimin couldn't help being moved after reading the information, but he didn't make a decision because of it, but said: "The time is too short to be used as evidence."

Chen Jingke knew this would be the result, so he was not disappointed, but said: "I know, I came here today to remind you that you can send someone to pay more attention to this aspect."

Li Shimin nodded and said, "I will."

However, Li Shimin is Li Shimin after all, and he is not satisfied with this. After pondering for a while, he said: "You can promote the ancient myths and the stories of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors a little bit, but you must not talk about things after the third generation."

Chen Jingke was overjoyed and tried to say: "After all, Journey to the West took place in the Spring and Autumn Period. Can you briefly introduce to the people what the Three Generations are... Don't worry, you will never go into details, just tell them that there are three generations."

"However, let's talk a little bit about the events of the Spring and Autumn Period, otherwise there is no way for the common people to understand the greatness of Lao Tzu."

Li Shimin hesitated for a while and was finally persuaded. It is worth taking a little risk to promote his ancestors, but he still warned:

"Besides these, nothing else is allowed, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you."

Chen Jingke directly ignored his threat, and said happily: "How dare I, you can rest assured that you won't say a word."

Then he hurried out of the palace, and after discussing with Wu Shu, he wrote a letter to each faction, asking them to adjust their propaganda strategies.

After that it's just waiting.

The profession of storyteller has gradually formed, especially the image school and the history expansion school, which are the most popular among all storytellers, and they can be said to make a lot of money.

Seeing this, some business-minded restaurant owners tried to invite the best of them to perform in their restaurants, and the effect was surprisingly good.

So more restaurants began to follow suit, and the profession of storyteller was quickly recognized.

And then a storyteller who didn't know a good thing actually wanted to regard the dreamer as the patriarch.This seemingly absurd proposal has been unanimously approved by most storytellers.

When Chen Jingke knew about this, his jaw almost dropped in shock: "No, they recognized Patriarch so easily?"

"Haha..." Wu Shu squatted on the ground covering his stomach with a smile: "The real people of our family are all patriarchs, why don't you tell them your name, lest they recognize the patriarch by mistake."

Chen Jingke gritted his teeth angrily, and said, "Can you talk well, life is not over yet."

Wu Shu wiped away the tears from laughing, and said: "It's over, haha...well, stop laughing, stop laughing... haha..."

Chen Jingke went over angrily and hugged her roughly, and directly covered her mouth with his mouth, and then she finally stopped laughing.

After a long while, Chen Jingke said haughtily and out of breath: "Hmph, now you know the consequences."

Wu Shu lay in his arms, her pretty face was flushed, and she said in a tired voice: "Yes, I understand, you are the most powerful real person."

After the joke, she said sternly: "You really think those storytellers are casually recognized patriarchs, they are cunning."

Chen Jingke said suspiciously: "Is there any conspiracy here? Come and tell me."

Wu Shu explained: "Although everyone doesn't know who the dreamer is, but a discerning person knows that it must be related to Taoism."

Chen Jingke couldn't help nodding his head. This story is full of Taoist gods and the mythology system set by Taoism, and it was published by Wangyue Tan. It is not difficult to guess that it is a novel used by Taoism to promote itself.

Wu Shu continued: "Taoism is the most famous school in the world. I don't know how many people want to cling to us. Storytelling is not even considered low-level, and they hope to have a relationship with us."

Chen Jingke suddenly realized, and said: "The patriarch recognized by the storyteller is actually not the dreamer, but the Taoism behind him, isn't that right?"

Wu Shu nodded and said, "If they were thicker-skinned, they could even say that they are a branch of Taoism."

Chen Jingke couldn't help shaking his head and said: "This is really... everyone has an abacus in their hearts."

Wu Shu smiled and said, "You think so. But when the true face of Journey to the West is revealed, I don't know if these storytellers will regret it."

Thinking of those people's expressions after knowing that Journey to the West is a novel that belittles Buddhism, Chen Jingke couldn't help laughing, saying:

"No, we must help the storyteller and let everyone know that they recognize the dream talker as their patriarch."

"Haha..." Seeing that he was going to play tricks, Wu Shu happily joined in, saying:
"Okay, okay, don't you want to promote the history of China, you can just use their power... let's do it like this."

Soon the Taoist side took action, and invited slick storytellers to stay in their Taoist temples, telling pilgrims about Journey to the West, the Taoist mythology system, and stories about the Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

Needless to say, the effect is really very obvious.After hearing these stories, the believers became more devout.

And because of this incident, the storyteller community was finally bound to Taoism, and this profession was finally recognized by the public, officially becoming one of the lower classes.

The group of storytellers is naturally very happy, thankful that they recognize the dreamer as the patriarch and have a relationship with Taoism.

Little did they know that there was a young couple staring at them maliciously in the dark.


Soon the time came to March NO.15, the new Monthly Talk of Hope was published, this issue of Chen Jingke even printed [-] more copies.

However, he still underestimated the influence of a popular work on the journal, and the sales volume in Chang'an alone was three times higher than usual.

When Chen Jingke saw this data, he thought he was dazzled.Not to mention Yihe and the others, who had already cheered happily.

After the celebration, Yihe found him and said solemnly: "Really, have you seen the impact of an excellent novel on the journal? I hope that every issue will serialize a novel in the future."

Chen Jingke naturally had no objection, so he said: "Then let's serialize it, isn't there still more Journey to the West?"

Yihe said: "But according to the plan, the serialization will stop after the chapter of Wuzhishan Ding Xin Yuan, in preparation for the publication of the complete Journey to the West. At that time, we will have no stories to serialize."

Chen Jingke said: "Then call for papers, isn't there a lot of legendary novels?"

Seeing him like this, Yihe simply made it clear: "We Mochizuki will talk about all the editorial collective requests, and you can write another novel. It doesn't need to be too good, just like Journey to the West is enough."

"Ha..." Chen Jingke almost shrugged, and said, "My girl, that's Journey to the West. It would be great to write one in this lifetime, and you still want me to write a second one? What are you thinking? .”

Yihe is also a person who is familiar with the broken window theory, and immediately said: "Then you can write whatever you want, as long as it can attract readers. That's it, I'll go and tell everyone the good news."

After finishing speaking, before Chen Jingke could speak, he turned around and ran away, regardless of his own image.

Chen Jingke was so speechless, but he was tricked by someone. It's hateful, really hateful.

Of course, this is all a joke, and he has no objection to continuing to write stories.

As for what to write in the new story, it still needs to be considered.But there is no rush, it will take half a year before Journey to the West is serialized to Wuzhishan, so he has enough time to think.

Continue to talk about the new issue of Mochizuki Tan.

This episode is about the story of Monkey King making a big fuss in the underworld, and Ma Wen, who is the king of the sky, turns back to the heaven and calls himself the Monkey King.

It can be described as climax after another, and people can't stop watching it.

The horror of the underworld, tongue pulling out, oil pan, mountain of knives, sea of ​​fire, etc. make people's scalp numb, and those who have ghosts in their hearts look panic-stricken.

The magnificence of the heavenly court is grand and beautiful, and the detachment of the immortals makes people yearn for it.

However, compared with Sun Wukong, these have become completely unknown. Everyone is happy for him to make troubles in the underworld, and feels humiliated that he was named Bi Mawen.

When he called himself Monkey King, everyone felt relieved and worried about his safety.

Then "Dream Talker" once again became a broken dog, and this time it stopped abruptly when all the immortals in the heaven asked to crusade against Monkey King.

Readers are anxiously scratching their heads, what happened next?How should the monkey face the attack of the heavenly soldiers and generals?
Too bad we have to wait for the next installment.

Damn dream talker, I wish you no little Jiji.

Countless people jointly issued such a curse.


The popularity of Journey to the West has an immediate effect on the propaganda of Taoism, and the incense of Taoist temples in various places has flourished a lot.

The more widely this story is spread, the stronger the incense of Taoist temples.

The people are no longer talking about Amitabha Buddha, but God's blessing and immeasurable blessings. The most popular topic after dinner is the six reincarnations of the heavens and the underworld.

Unnoticed by most people, something called the centripetal force of civilization is taking shape.Of course, this is all later, so let's not mention it for now.

Regarding the flourishing of Taoism, Buddhism saw it in its eyes and was anxious in its heart, and began to try to connect things together.

However, they lack the kind of leader who can convince everyone, and this kind of connection is more of a waste of time.

However, two consensuses have been reached at last. One is that the momentum of Taoism is invincible; the other is that Buddhism should take some measures to restore the decline.

However, on the specific recovery method, the various factions once again fought a war of words, and finally did not reach a consensus.

Master Falin of Longtian Temple put down the letter in his hand in disappointment, and with his xinxing cultivation base, it was inevitable that a trace of bitterness would emerge.

His proposal was rejected again, and it was none other than Zen Daoxin who rejected him.

The reason for the refusal is not complicated, and the way is not the same.

Looking in the direction of Zixiao Guan, he couldn't help but enviously said: "Taoism is so lucky to have such an expert as Sun Zhenren, where is the leader of my Buddhism?"

(End of this chapter)

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