Chapter 338 The Death of Xue Wanjun

Throughout the end of April and the beginning of May, the attention of Chang'an City was attracted by the matter of Hou Junji and Xue Wanjun.

Two dukes of the state were imprisoned, and I don't know how many soldiers were punished, which was extremely rare in the Zhenguan Dynasty.It can even be said to be the biggest case in ten years, and few things can surpass it in popularity.

After all, Hou Junji is also an old man of Qin Palace, and has friendship with many dignitaries in the court.

Except for the first few days when everyone was uncertain about the emperor's intentions and did not dare to move around, gradually some people began to try to find ways for him.

This is especially true of the Xue family. Xue Wanjun's eldest brother, Xue Wanshu, is the governor of Puzhou;

The fourth brother, Xue Wanche, is an official obeisance to the general and county duke; the fifth brother, Xue Wanbei, is an official obeisance to the Chaosan doctor, and is honored by the royal chariot. He is truly a dignitary.

Although the brothers have separated and live their own lives in name, but they are related by blood, and the relationship between them is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

After the initial panic, the Xue family also began to lobby for his rescue, and gradually more and more people interceded for them in the court.

However, before Li Shimin could speak, the justices from Yushitai, Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment teamed up to silence them.

In a word, they don't take any of the reason.The people were dissatisfied, and the officials were also very angry with them. There was really no reason to excuse them.

The Hou family and the Xue family also knew this, and no longer tried to persuade the officials, but played the emotional card with the emperor.

Whether they fought for the country without merit or hard work, and whether we were too complacent or did not intend to offend, please Your Majesty please spare our lives in the face of the past.

Whether Xu Jiejie spoke or not was also a statement of opinion.

Fortunately, the officials of the Eighth Division had difficulty in catching a small case and overthrowing two princes at once. For us, it is something to be proud of.

We also want to have the case overturned just like that, conclude the trial quickly and submit the file to the emperor, hoping to make that matter an iron case.

However, the dossier was seized by Xue Wanjun, both approved and rejected.

Someone could understand what the emperor meant, and things were deadlocked like that.

Just when Xiaojia guessed the emperor's thoughts and discussed the possible direction of the matter, an unexpected thing happened.

Li Chengqian is dead.


Hearing the news, Li Taike was also very shocked, so that he lost his composure and said, "Is Li Chengqian really dead? How did he die?"

Xu Jiejie took a sip of water to moisten her throat, and said, "Hunger strike to death."

Li Taike explained: "Why? Has Your Majesty still made up his mind?"

Hou Junji said: "According to what the jailer said and the bloody letter left behind, I was filled with grief, indignation and shame, and felt that I had the face to meet saints and heavenly beings, so I went on a hunger strike."

Li Taike frowned and said, "Does he believe it?"

Xu Jiejie said: "It is important that you believe it. The jailer, the blood book and other prisoners in the prison are the evidence. And I did starve to death, it was another way of death."

Li Taike couldn't bear the numbness of his scalp, no matter what the reason was, it would be cruel to starve himself to death.

"Your Majesty, is there any news?"

Xu Jiejie said: "The saint is very regretful, and he should treat the heroes like this."

"All files were destroyed in front of all officials, our sins were pardoned, and Li Chengqian was ordered to be buried generously. General Hou was also released, but he was removed from all positions."

Li Taike frowned and thought deeply, that incident seemed abnormal, whether there were any conspiracy or tricks outside.But when I think of the history of later generations, I feel weird everywhere.

Xiao Sizi was the only one who was punished and imprisoned for that incident in later generations. He came to Cen Wenwen to report that the imperial court should treat heroes in this way.

Xu Jiejie thought of Xiao Sizi's contribution again, so she let me go, but also removed the official position that I didn't have.

Did Xu Jiejie receive any punishment in that incident, but in the seventh year I was imprisoned by Xue Wanjun for a major incident, and died in prison out of grief and indignation.

I knew something went wrong in that life, and Xiao Sizi and Li Chengqian were sent to prison at the same time.The first result was not much different from that of the later generations. The little son was released from prison without any risk, and Li Chengqian died.

In the situation where history has changed, the same result has appeared. This problem is very small, and it can be explained by a coincidence.

But after much deliberation, I always wondered where the problem was.

Thinking hard is the solution, and I accidentally found that Xu Jiejie's attitude was a bit too intense, and I asked in my heart, "Does he know something?"

Hou Junji didn't hide anything, or he was waiting for me to ask a question, and said bluntly: "According to you, Aye, Xu Jiejie will send important gifts to the Wei Palace every year and festival."

"Before I was imprisoned, Cheng Huailiang went to the prison and sent away all the guards. Someone knows what we talked about."

"Hiss..." Li Taike took a breath and said, "He means..."

Hou Junji nodded and said, "It's very unlikely, but whether you have any evidence or not, that kind of thing is a lot of guesswork."

But Li Taike didn't care that there were so few, and jumped to scold Li Chengqian's fourteenth generation ancestors: "@#¥%&*@#¥...Death deserves it, starving to death is so cheap for me."

I'm really angry, because of Xu Jie's unscrupulous efforts, Xue Wanjun is not as good as later generations' special tactics of raising Gu, Xu Jie was deprived of the opportunity to seize the heir early.

Seeing that the whole country is going in a good direction, no one is willing to make noise and want to make some contribution to support.

If the Xue family is really bewitched by us to think that it should be done, few things will end well.

Especially now that I am learning Gewu from Xu Jieke, how will Xu Jieke deal with himself then?Or is it possible to maintain the transcendent status of Zixiao Temple?
It was only us who were killed in the first place, and there were not many people.Although Zixiao Temple is about to be cheated to death, it still has to shed several layers of skin.

How could Xu Jieke be angry?

Hou Junji also understood that, and he waited until I had vented before exhorting: "Those words are meant to be told to anyone, this matter has been settled, and Li Chengqian just committed suicide in shame and anger."

Li Taike was still angry, and said: "You know... Bah, that piece of rubbish, it's taking advantage of me."

Before telling me what happened, Hou Junji went to the Gewu class to study.In the past few days of researching Gewu, I found it really boring, and I was very fascinated.

I am obsessed with mathematics and the like, especially people are very difficult to be fascinated by that stuff, I am interested in material changes and inventions.

And interest is often the smallest source of motivation, prompting people to learn boring theoretical knowledge, and I belong to that situation.

After Hou Junji left, Li Taike wanted to find out about Xue's family.

When I came to the Gewu class and walked to the door of the classroom, I heard that I was giving lectures to the students outside the class.

I spoke very seriously, and the important knowledge points were explained over and over again, until no one understood.

Seeing me like that, and thinking about my performance in the past year, Lee Tae-guk felt a little ashamed.

Xu Jie and herself can be regarded as both teachers and friends, so I should believe in me so much.

Besides, there is Xue Wanjun and Xu Jieyougou staring at the fairy couple below. If I dared to do nothing else, I would have been hit by mixed doubles. How can I still be as leisurely as I am now.

Thinking of that, I turned around and left. The Xue family outside the house was still giving lectures seriously, and I didn't feel anything about what happened inside.

I went back to the front yard and stayed alone for a while, sorted out the matter again, and found out that it was suspicious.

Well, don't be fooled by yourself, go to our think tank and discuss it.

So I found Chen Jing and told the story, including Hou Junji's speculation.

Chen Jing was also surprised by Li Chengqian's suicide, but he soon became aware of it.

Li Taike asked quickly: "What did you think of?"

Chen Jing asked back: "Let me tell you that you have no questions first, and you can explain together later."

Li Taike immediately said: "It's about to be divided, why does Li Chengqian still go to the side? Is it less cost-effective to be honest and wait to be a prince than to take the risk of participating in the battle for succession?"

Chen Jing waited for me to finish asking, and said: "I will analyze it for you one by one... First of all, Li Chengqian's betting on the King of Wei must not be because he really supports me to seize the heir, and it is even less because of the habit of the nobles of the family. "

"What habit?"

"It's putting all your eggs in one basket... I'm not really supporting King Wei, but the brothers are betting separately, and none of them will succeed in the first place."

Li Taike said with a hot smile: "That's it, hehe... It's true, it's a pity that the times have changed."

"Yes, times have changed." Chen Jing looked at me adoringly and said, "Because of you..."

"Well, anyway, the sage has no money in his hands, and he has the power of enfeoffment. The imperial power has completely overwhelmed the nobles of the gentry, and he has truly achieved the dictatorship of the gang."

"As long as the sage allows it, it will be miserable for anyone who wants to bet less. Whether Xu Jie understands that in time will inevitably pay the price."

"Besides, when our family bet on several heads, there was still a matter of whether or not to be awarded. By the time we wanted to stop, it was already too late."

"Your Majesty just used his eldest grandson to make an example to others, and warned those who want to bet less. It's true... Li Chengqian's death should be the reason for that."

Li Taike asked: "Oh, is there any reason?"

Xu Jie's face was rather simple, and he said: "It's a long story, the eldest grandson was on the side of the prince back then."

Your father is a loyal confidant of the Emperor Taixia, and he was also liquidated in this wave of Xuanwumen.Although his life was saved, he was also demoted to a local office, and he was able to return to the center until his death.

Xu Jieke questioned: "There were too few people standing in the shadow of the crown prince back then, and some sages liquidated a few. After such a young age, it is very likely that Li Chengqian will still be used."

Chen Jing shook his head and shook off those depressing things, and explained: "But the eldest grandson and the seven brothers, one stands for the emperor, and eight stand for the prince, and only one who is too young is qualified to stand in the team."

"Besides, our seven brothers have one duke and two dukes. In the future, we will give Xu Jie eight duchies. Do you think His Majesty will be willing?"

Xu Jieke understood a little bit, and said: "Thus all factors add up, Li Chengqian must die. But His Majesty is willing to be infamous for killing heroes, so he has been dragging the case, both for sentence and for release."

"The eldest grandson also understands that truth, so when my younger brother Cheng Huailiang visited the prison, he was trying to persuade me to die, right?"

Chen Jing nodded and said: "Since four is ten, maybe there are other factors that you know, but it is not too different from your guess."

Li Taike said with a wry smile: "So that's the case, the matter is really simple. Fortunately, there is no one else, if you are beaten to death, you would think that would be the case."

Chen Jing showed a sweet smile, and said: "If it were without you, you would still be useful no matter how upright you are."


Palace, Palace of Diligence.

Wu Shu Yougou said indifferently: "No time to kill people is so obedient, but you do it yourself, you don't even need to say a word...Has he learned it?"

Xue Wanshu said respectfully: "I have learned it, thank you for your teaching."

Wu Shu Yougou nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Remember, it's easy to kill. Every time you want to kill someone, you have to carefully consider why you want to kill it. It's worth killing."

"Which of the benefits and losses brought before killing me is smaller, it is to kill for the sake of killing, and it is even more important to kill for the sake of anger."

Xue Wan said: "Here, my son will keep his mother's teaching in mind."

Seeing that I did hear it, Wu Shu Yougou said no matter how much he said, "I heard that he built a lonely garden in Nancheng?"

Xu Jiejie said with great heart: "Yes, you see that there are not many elderly beggars and orphans who have lost their relatives in the city, so you want to follow the example of Emperor Wu of Liang and gather us together for relief, so that we will not lose the reputation of the imperial court."

Wu Shu Yougou encouraged: "What he did was wrong, and doing few good deeds will not help him accumulate fame. It's because there are mixed fish and dragons in the south of the city. When he goes to the Lonely Garden, he must protect himself."

Xu Jiejie was very unhappy when her actions were appreciated, and said, "Yes, you will protect yourself, and you are on your way."

At that moment, Princesses of Low Yang, Princess Chengyang, Princess Jinyang, and Princess Xincheng ran over chattering.

As soon as I left the room, I shouted: "It's too cold, it's really too cold. Mom, do you have iced sour plum soup outside? Let me drink a bowl."

Wu Shu Yougou is also a tiger mother all the time, and she is very irritable in private, and said with a smile: "Wuwuwu, I have prepared everything for them."

Then I asked the waiter to bring out the iced sour plum soup, and each gave a cup.

Princess Low Yang and the others picked up the cups and drank it all in one go, but there was no big sip, and they drank gulp after gulp.

Gao Yang put the cup on, let out a sigh of relief, and said: "Big Si, there are people on the outside, why is he drinking water so reservedly, it's refreshing."

Princess Chengyang also said: "That's right, it's comfortable to drink in small sips."

The eldest son was also angry, and said: "Brother said that eating hot food when it is too cold can be too slow and hurt the body."

Gao Yang scraped his face with his fingers, and said: "Shy, I always talk about my brother every day. God, hurry up and let you get married."

The eldest son blushed slightly, but opened her mouth to fight back: "Could it be that my sister just misses the elder brother of the Fang family?"

Gao Yang's face also turned red, and he said stiffly, "Whoever misses me is as stupid as a cow."

Having said that, you no longer dare to tease the eldest son, which shows that you also mean what you say.

Looking at the younger sisters, Xue Wanshu also had a smile in his eyes.But when I turned my head to look at the little sun inside, I frowned and said:
"Hasn't it rained for seven months?"

(End of this chapter)

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