Chapter 341 Happy Little Si
Chen Jingke's entry into the palace did not attract much attention, and it would be strange if he didn't go for three to five days.Except for the envy and hatred of his being favored, everyone is used to it.

But the emperor summoned more than a dozen important ministers in one go, and almost all of them were honored and honored. This is a major event that people can't help but pay attention to.

At such a critical moment, everyone will inevitably have imaginations.

The enfeoffment faction worried that the emperor could not withstand the pressure and wanted to change his mind, while the anti-enfeoffment faction feared that the emperor had other plans.Especially the latter, who had suffered in this regard before, was even more worried.

So many people lost sleep tonight.

In the early morning of the next day, when everyone was uneasy, the emperor announced something.

Yesterday he received a warning from the first emperor in his dream that the severe drought in the world was caused by the protracted delay in the enfeoffment law, and there were villains hiding behind the scenes trying to break the law.If you want to relieve the drought, you must promulgate the enfeoffment decree as soon as possible, and then clear Xiaoxiao.

"The first emperor said that the drought will be lifted within three days after the decree is promulgated."

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar in the hall, and many people subconsciously looked at the sky outside the hall. Could it be raining?
But what they saw was the scorching sun hanging in the sky with no clouds, and it didn't look like it was raining at all, and then the noise became even louder.

Everyone knew that the emperor would take action when he summoned his important ministers, but they didn't expect it to be this move.

As far as the present is concerned, this move is indeed impeccable.Do you dare to question whether the emperor's dream is fake?Still dare to question the Supreme Emperor's deception?
However, this trick is the most stupid. If there is no rain within three days, the emperor's reputation will go bankrupt, the former emperor's reputation will be damaged, and the royal family will become a laughing stock.

Whether it is the enfeoffment faction or the anti-enfeoffment faction, as long as they are loyal to the court and the country, they are all paralyzed.

Because once the worst happens, it will inevitably lead to turmoil between the government and the public. Coupled with the drought that spreads across half of the country, unpredictable things may happen.

Especially the latter, can be described as regretful and angry.

What I regret is that I shouldn't join in the fun at this time and force the emperor to make such a bad move.What made him angry was that the emperor was so impatient that he made such a bad move.

However, the emperor's words had already been spoken, and it became impossible to restore them.

Those people with ulterior motives were already happy in their hearts, and the emperor was forced to lose his head, so he made such a bad plan.

As for the rain... Hehe, look at the sunny day outside, it would be hell if it rained within three days.

From their point of view, drought and the sun, which were originally annoying, became lovable. Sunny days are good, and the sun is even better.

They thought more. The dozen or so important ministers summoned by the emperor yesterday did not persuade them. What does this mean?It means that the opposite side has been separated from Germany.

Simply good and couldn't be better.

As if to verify their guess, Changsun Wuji, Yuwen Shiji, Fang Xuanling and others all stood up to support the emperor, even Wei Zheng also stood up to support.

The reason is simple, the Taishanghuang's entrusted dream must be taken seriously, so it should be promulgated as the Taishanghuang's dream said, and the enfeoffment law should be promulgated to relieve the people.

So, under the frustration of loyal people and the joy of people with ulterior motives, this enfeoffment law, which was formulated half a year ago, was officially promulgated.

But then Li Shimin said coldly again: "The Supreme Emperor also said that there are villains causing trouble this time, and Dali Temple, the Ministry of Punishment, and Yushi Taihui will conduct a strict investigation with the local yamen. These villains must be caught and the world will be restored. .”

Hearing this, the hearts of those people with ulterior motives trembled. Could this not be the emperor's last madness?Don't get yourself into it when the time comes.

But immediately they were relieved, three days, only three days, the emperor will become a laughing stock, what are they afraid of.

What happened in the early dynasty was so important that it only took half a day to spread throughout Chang'an City, and the city was in an uproar.

Some people suspected that the reason needless to say, the weather did not look like it was going to rain, and the emperor was most likely insane.

Some people doubted it, and others believed that the emperor had always behaved wisely and powerfully, and those ministers who supported the emperor were also well-known, and it was impossible for everyone to go crazy collectively.

So they are willing to believe that the emperor really dreamed of the Supreme Emperor.

So the two factions began to quarrel, and after arguing, no one could convince the other.In the end, there was only one result, and so on.

If it rains for three days it is true, if it does not rain it is false.So everyone in the capital was looking forward to it, waiting for the result.

Wu Shu had no doubts at all. When he heard the news from the morning court, he immediately thought of his own real person. He found Chen Jingke and asked directly:
"My lord, explain to my servant how you convinced the saint to believe that there will be rain within three days."

Chen Jingke was quite proud of that, and said: "Haha... our Shu'er knows me best, and he can tell at a glance that this time has something to do with me."

Wu Shu said in a greasy voice: "That's right, my real person is very powerful. Why don't you tell me quickly, what's going on."

Chen Jingke told the story again: "So the saint believed it, but I didn't expect him to believe me so much, and bet so big as soon as he made a move."

In fact, Wu Shu was even more shocked. She knew that the royal family relied on and trusted Chen Jingke, but she never thought that she could trust him to such an extent.

The emperor dared to take such a big risk because of one of his proverbs.

Then there is the deep admiration for Chen Jingke, he really deserves to be a real person in my family.


Li Tai's 'well-informed' inquired some news from the palace, found Chen Jingke immediately, and asked, "What's going on? Is it really going to rain?"

Chen Jingke explained to him the principle of the damp in the salt tank: "Salt can absorb moisture in the air, and the damp in the salt tank means that the water vapor content in the air is high..."

"Once the salt tanks become wet, it will rain within three days, and it must be heavy rain, because the water vapor formed by light rain is not enough to make the salt tanks return damp."

Li Tai knows how to understand things, and he understood the truth of what he said, but he was still worried: "Will there be any accidents?"

Chen Jingke said: "It may be an accident that one or two salt tanks have returned to moisture. We have observed dozens of salt tanks located in different places, and it cannot be an accident that all have returned to moisture."

"Besides, who is His Majesty, how can he take such a big risk if he is not sure. He must have done more investigations and will only act after he is sure."

Only then did Li Tai feel relieved, and then said with emotion: "I didn't expect Gewu to solve the problem in the end."

Chen Jingke said with a smile: "Gewu can't solve the drought right now, it just provides us with more ways to observe the world."

Li Tai said: "It's not easy. I now feel more and more how great Gewu's potential is."

Chen Jingke said: "Isn't that better? Since you have the talent in this area, work hard and don't let down this talent."

Li Tai left, although he was still worried about his own Aye, but he was no longer as panicked as before.

As soon as he left, Cheng Huailiang came back and said, "Be honest, what's going on."

Chen Jingke first asked him to sit down, and then said, "What's going on?"

Cheng Huailiang said, "Don't play dumb, you know what I'm talking about."

The old God Chen Jingke said: "Cheng Shibo seems to have attended yesterday's meeting, didn't he tell you?"

Cheng Huailiang said: "Aren't you asking knowingly? How could he tell me such a big thing. He just told me to study Gewu hard, saying that if you learn this stuff well, you can change your life against the sky."

Chen Jingke said with a smile: "Although my uncle's words are a bit exaggerated, to some extent Gewu does have the ability to change fate against the sky."

Cheng Huailiang rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, okay, I know Gewu is good. Tell me, what's going on."

Chen Jingke then explained: "Because it will really rain in three days..."

Then I repeated the principle I just said, and said again: "So, to some extent, Gewu can really change fate against the sky."

Cheng Huailiang also left full of excitement.


The news spread to places around Chang'an and even further away at an extremely fast speed. More and more people fell into quarrels, and then more and more people fell into waiting.

Everyone who knows the news is looking forward to it.

On the first day, the sky was clear and there was no rain.

It was night, and the temperature remained high without a trace of coolness.

The next day, the scorching sun was still scorching the earth across the sky during the day, and there was not even a breath of wind.

Faced with this situation, more and more people began to suspect that it was really a stupid trick used by the emperor in a hurry?

People who don't want to see accidents in the world are getting more and more impatient, but don't really be the emperor's tricks, no one can afford such consequences.

Some loyal officials have even quietly put forward their petitions, requesting the emperor to dispatch the Imperial Army to guard key points to prevent turmoil.

But after their memorial was handed in, there was no response, and the emperor did nothing.

Those who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic will rejoice, sunny days are good, and chaos is good.

Some people who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal also followed suit, wanting to see the emperor make a fool of himself.

No matter what people in the world think, time is passing by little by little.

The night was still sweltering, but at some point a cool breeze blew up, making the hot world a bit cooler, and many people moved outside to sleep.

Some people wondered if it was really going to rain, but when they looked up, the full moon was bright and the sky was full of stars, and there were not even a few clouds, so there was no sign of rain.

It was getting late and people were falling asleep gradually, and even the most determined people couldn't help falling asleep in the middle of the night.

Time continued to pass, and before you knew it, the fourth watch was about to pass.

At this time, a touch of black suddenly appeared in the distant sky, dyeing the endless starry sky into pitch black.This smear of black came very quickly, and soon appeared on the top of the head.

If you look carefully, the blackness is clearly thick and thick dark clouds.

The dark clouds quickly covered the sky above their heads and quickly spread to the distance. It didn't take long for the whole world to be covered in darkness.

This is the time when people sleep the deepest in the second half of the night, and no one notices this change until...

"Boom..." The sound of thunder suddenly sounded, and the world was shocked.

Some of the light sleepers were awakened, looked up to the sky in a drowsy state, woke up the next moment, and shouted loudly: "The rain is coming, the rain is coming."

More and more people were awakened from their dreams and joined in the carnival.

"Boom..." There was another burst of rolling thunder.

Bean-sized raindrops fell, and the raindrops became more and more urgent and denser, and it turned into a downpour in the blink of an eye.

Long drought meets nectar.

The people were screaming and jumping in the rain like crazy.

I don't know how long it took, someone woke up first, looked around and screamed: "My bed, my quilt..."

The people around were reminded and reacted, shouting 'my quilt' and 'my clothes' while running home, the lively crowd just now dispersed.

The heavy rain spread, moistening more and more places.

The capital city, as the center of the incident, did not know how many people could not sleep at night.

When the first thunder sounded, many people woke up.When seeing the dark clouds all over the sky, some people were ecstatic, some people felt mournful...More people were surprised, did the emperor say that the dream was true?

Royal Palace.

Li Shimin also saw the dark clouds, and even with his self-cultivation, he was trembling with excitement, and the stone in his heart was completely let go.

Although he believed in Chen Jingke, it would be a lie to say that he was not worried about such a big matter.

He hasn't been able to sleep well for the past two days. He woke up when the first thunder sounded, and saw the scene he wanted to see the most when he went out.

At this moment, a piece of clothing was draped over his shoulders from behind, and a familiar voice sounded behind him: "Congratulations Erlang, you have defeated a strong enemy again."

Li Shimin turned around and hugged her, excitedly said: "Haha... Maid of Guanyin, did you see that I won again."

The eldest grandson Wugou lay in his arms, and said softly: "I see, I never thought that Erlang would lose, how could those young people be your opponents."

When Xiaoxiao was mentioned, Li Shimin's eyes turned cold, and he said, "Hey, Xiaoxiao must be in a bad mood right now."

During the speech, heavy rain poured down, but in the blink of an eye, a layer of accumulated water appeared on the ground.


In the side hall of Qinzheng Hall, Xiao Sizi was also awakened by the thunder.At first she was still a little confused, and asked, "Nurse, what's going on outside, it's so loud."

The nanny thought she was afraid, so she hurried over from the next room, hugged her and said, "Don't be afraid, my lady, there was a thunderstorm just now, maybe it's going to rain."

Smelling the familiar scent, the little si subconsciously crawled into the nurse's arms, trying to find a comfortable place to lie down.

But at the next moment, she suddenly stopped moving. Just when the nanny was surprised, she suddenly sat up and said, "What? It's going to rain?"

As soon as the words fell, as if in response to her, there was another thunderous sound.

Then there was a 'crackling' sound outside, and soon the whole world was enveloped by the sound of rain.

Xiao Sizi's almond eyes widened in surprise, and his small mouth opened wide, with an expression of disbelief.

Be careful what you think about:

is it really raining?
This is the rain that my brother asked for me.

It is the rain that fell after I passed the test of God.

It is the rain that falls for me.

What my brother said is true, he really didn't lie to me.

The precocious little girl was quickly overwhelmed by happiness, and a trace of fascination appeared on her little face.

My brother is the best to me.

I like him so much.

 1 words update, I just want to say to myself, cow beer.

(End of this chapter)

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