Chapter 343 Harvest
Following Chen Jingke's order, the army swarmed and moved separately according to the plan that had been made long ago.

It was only after everyone left the camp that Li Xiaoyi hurriedly opened the umbrella to cover Chen Jingke from the rain: "Captain, go inside and change your clothes, let's bake."

Chen Jingke wiped the rainwater off his face, shivered and said, "Let's go, let's go to the barracks."

He has no intention of standing in the rain to share weal and woe with everyone, and he is not prepared to rebel, so it is meaningless to do this.

He was not surprised that Li Xiaoyi did not follow.Firstly, Li Xiaoyi is not a military general, he is playing with his brain; secondly, he also needs to stay in the barracks alone to adjust.

Wang Fangyi was capable of both civil and military skills, and led his troops directly to the front line.

What Chen Jingke didn't know was that a pair of terrified eyes were watching him from a place he didn't see until he disappeared into the rain.

This person is Wu Yuanshuang.

It's been harder for him since the last time we talked, worse than when he first came here, and he knows why.So he hated Chen Jingke and Wu Shu deeply, but he had no choice.

This is no longer a question of the situation being stronger than others, the key is that he doesn't have a single card in his hand, and there is no room for resistance.

However, he was not worried that the other party would really kill him. After all, he was also the son of the Duke, and no one would be able to explain why he died in the military camp for some unknown reason.

But now his self-confidence has been shaken. He heard what Chen Jingke said in the rain just now.

He said that he would kill the powerful son of the noble family who had been passed down for hundreds of years, let alone a down-and-out nobleman like himself.

At this moment, he was completely panicked, his heart was filled with fear, and his hatred disappeared instantly like a thin frost under the scorching sun.

He began to regret, why didn't he admit his mistakes before, why didn't he take the initiative to repent?

Looking back on everything I had done before, I found that the other party had too many reasons to kill me.He couldn't help but start to regret why he bullied Yang Shi and Wu Shu in the first place.

I don't want to die, I'm still young, I still have a lot of glory and wealth that I haven't enjoyed...I want to live.

I'm going to apologize to them, I'm going to admit my mistake...

Thinking of this, he rushed into the rain and ran towards the captain's barracks.

The collapse of a person is often a momentary thing, and Wu Yuanshuang is like this.

He was tortured by all kinds of targets in the military camp before, and for a son like him, he had reached his limit, and he was all supported by one breath.

Now, under the threat of death, this breath was finally vented, and the whole person collapsed.

Chen Jingke had just changed his clothes and was chatting with Li Xiaoyi when he was startled by Wu Yuanshuang who rushed in.

Li Xiaoyi directly slapped the table and scolded: "Whoever let you in, get out."

Unexpectedly, Wu Yuanshuang just ignored him, knelt down in front of Chen Jingke, and said: "Captain, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, I shouldn't listen to slander..."

"I want to apologize to my mother and sisters, please give me a chance, I really know I was wrong."

Li Xiaoyi also knew about him, and said awkwardly: "Captain, why don't I go out first?"

Chen Jingke shook his head and said, "No, it's not a secret."

Then he said to Wu Yuanshuang: "Do you really know that you are wrong?"

Wu Yuanshuang hurriedly said: "I really know I was wrong, I am not a thing, I am not a person..."

Chen Jingke also saw that he was mentally abnormal, and shouted: "Okay, I understand. Go back and reflect on yourself, and come back to Zixiao Temple with me later, and apologize to your mother-in-law and Shu'er in person."

Wu Yuanshuang said ecstatically: "Xie Duwei, Xie Duwei, I will go back and repent."

After speaking, he got up and ran out. When he reached the door, he almost tripped over the threshold, not to mention how embarrassing he was.

Chen Jingke shook his head as he watched, unable to figure out why he was quite normal when we met the day before yesterday, so why did he suddenly become like this.

Li Xiaoyi said with a smile: "It looks like I want to congratulate the captain, he solved a troublesome matter."

Chen Jingke sighed: "Congratulations or no congratulations, it wasn't any trouble at first, and he was thrown here just to help Shu'er vent his anger."

"Forget it, let's talk about this operation and how you plan it."


When most people's eyes were still paying attention to the heavy rain and the changes in the court, a fierce battle was unfolding in secret.

Outside a three-entry courtyard, a group of imperial guards in military uniforms rushed towards them, led by Hua Wu.

He first asked people to guard the front and rear doors and surrounding areas to prevent anyone from escaping in the chaos.Then people climbed over the wall and entered the courtyard, and opened the door from the inside.

It's just a coincidence that just after falling, a servant who was urging in the corner found his trace, and the servant shouted: "Who is it? To catch the thief, there is... ah..."

He had just yelled twice before he was hit in the throat by an arrow set on the wall.

The forbidden army who climbed over the wall was already ready to rush in, but after a while, there was no movement.

It was immediately clear that the heavy rain blocked the sound, and the servant's warning sound was not heard by others.

Thinking of this, they all breathed a sigh of relief, and touched towards the door, but this time they were more careful.

This is an ordinary house of a big family, not that kind of dock, and there are no guards, just a porter guarding the door.

They touched it directly and controlled it, and the door opened smoothly.

Hua Wu, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time, did not praise them, but said angrily: "I was discovered when I first came in. How do you usually teach you? Do you know how many people will be killed by the enemy camp?"

Several soldiers bowed their heads in shame.

Hua Wudao: "When we go back, everyone will write a copy of the inspection, and do the inspection in front of everyone."

Several people said with bitter faces: "Here."

Hua Wu also knew that now was not the time to deal with people. After letting a few people return to the team, he said: "Remember what I usually teach you, don't rush up, cooperate, cooperate, cooperate with each other."

"And what the captain said just now, don't take it lightly, kill if you feel threatened. Until all the enemy's resistance methods are removed, understand?"

All the soldiers replied: "Understood."

Only then did Hua Wu wave his hand and said, "Action."

Everyone immediately divided into groups of three or five, some with shields, some with knives, some with long spears, and archers dotted among them.

And the groups maintain an appropriate distance to facilitate mutual support at any time.

In fact, their preparations were completely unnecessary. Again, although this family is a big family, this is not Wubao, but a larger residential house.

The people living inside, except for a few guards who know how to light crop handles, are all ordinary people, who have no power to fight back in front of the regular army.

After hearing the soldiers shouting 'surrender, don't kill', the guards knelt on the ground decisively, covered their heads with their hands and curled up together.

Hua Wu kept walking all the way to the owner's bedroom, kicked the door open and rushed in.

However... what they saw was a dead body hanging from the beam.

"It's too late, the person is already dead."

"Injury check." Hua Wu said immediately.

A group of people put the body down to check the wound, and soon there was a result: "There are two marks on the neck, and they were strangled and pretended to hang themselves."

Hua Wu said: "Report this matter to Captain Wang immediately, and others will search."


In a short while, Kung Fu King Fang Yi had already received three silence messages, and his face became very ugly, which indicated that the other party had already received the news and started to destroy the evidence in advance.

It's not surprising that Fang Fang started to silence. Those gentry tyrants don't have a fuel-efficient lamp, and they can do everything.

The problem is that the early court is not over yet, the emperor dragged everyone to the court, how did they know the news and silence it?

Unable to figure it out, he could only make people step up the arrest of the remaining people, and at the same time send people back to inform Chen Jingke of the matter.

Chen Jingke was also very surprised when he learned of this. Does the palace have spies from the other party?It's terrible to be able to pass on the news at this time.

It was Li Xiaoyi who reacted quickly, shaking his head and said: "We all think so, the enemy doesn't need to know the news from the palace at all. It's more likely that they will start to silence the moment they see the heavy rain."

Chen Jingke thought about it for a while, and felt that this possibility was very high.If it were me, I would definitely choose to kill my mouth the moment the heavy rain fell.

You don't need to kill everyone, just kill those who have mastered their crimes.The rainy weather is inconvenient to travel, and it can cover the traces of the murderer, which is perfect.

However, out of stability, he still said: "No matter what, you must inform the palace about this matter, if you are not afraid of [-], just in case."

Li Xiaoyi said: "It should be so, I will send someone to deliver the news to the palace."

The news quickly spread to Li Shimin's ears, and he directly told the officials: "When Qianqi arrested people, he found that three were silenced, and we don't know how many others were silenced."

"Hehe...the methods of these people are really ruthless, I want to express my admiration to them."

The court was silent, and the ministers who were originally dissatisfied with the emperor's mobilization of the imperial army to arrest people also completely shut their mouths.

In fact, many people privately believed that it was normal for everyone to use drought to fight against enfeoffment. There are too many similar examples in history.

It is too much to think that there is a traitor in this way, and there is a tendency to exclude dissidents.

However, no one dares to say such a thing now. If it is a normal objection, how can those people kill it.

Knowing that Qianqi has already acted, the enemy has already started to kill them one step in advance.Li Shimin knew that it was meaningless to keep everyone here, so he said:

"Okay, that's all for today's morning. Go back and reflect on why this happened."

After speaking, he got up and left.

Ren Feng shouted loudly: "Retire."

All the officials said in unison: "Respectfully send off the saint." Then they all left with a heavy heart.

But some people were left behind. For example, officials from the Sansi Yamen got together to discuss how to investigate the case.

Fang Xuanling also walked away. He is the head of the officials and he has so many things to do every day, but he has no time to waste here.

After walking a few steps, Wei Zheng followed and said, "I knew they would act decisively, but I didn't expect that they would be so ruthless. So many people just gave up when they said they would."

Fang Xuanling knew who he was referring to, and sighed: "It's a pity for Cui Qian, but he is actually a good person. Without this matter, he would have made a great achievement."

Wei Zheng nodded and said regretfully: "Yes, it's a pity. I'm afraid he didn't even think that he would be thrown out as a bait to attract the court's attention."

Fang Xuanling said: "Who knows, now I am more and more sure that I am right to stand on the side of the saint."

Wei Zheng said: "I was hesitant before, but when I saw Cui Gan's end, I completely gave up."

Fang Xuanling took an umbrella from the waiter waiting at the gate of the hall, walked a few steps and waited for Wei Zheng to catch up before continuing:

"But they are naive to think that they can cover up the matter by killing Cui Qian and a few marginal characters. The saint will not give up until they are completely beaten this time."

Wei Zheng suddenly laughed and said, "I don't want to give up either."

Fang Xuanling also smiled and said, "Yes, it's not just you, and it's not just me, anyone who is qualified to be a prince will not let it go."


At the end of Shenshi, Qianqi's actions finally came to an end.

Wang Fangyi made a report to Chen Jingke: "Four of the fourteen rebels were killed and three committed suicide. The other seven were all arrested and brought to justice. The criminals have been transferred to Dali Temple."

Chen Jingke couldn't help his scalp numb, and said, "Half of him died? It's really poisonous."

Li Xiaoyi nodded first, but immediately asked in doubt: "They have enough time to kill everyone, why did they only kill seven?"

Wang Fangyi suddenly felt a sense of confidant, and said: "I was just about to say that the seven who died were all descendants of noble families or people who were closely related to noble families, and the seven who survived were all of ordinary people's background."

Chen Jingke said in surprise: "You mean they killed all their own people, but kept these outsiders instead? Why?"

Li Xiaoyi showed a clear look, and explained: "These people can be said to be bait or abandoned sons, and they are used to attract the attention of the court."

"Even Cui Gan is an abandoned son. His purpose of confessing these people is for this... At the same time, he also wants to use his death to calm this matter."

"Hiss." Chen Jingke couldn't help taking a breath, and said: "Even his own people gave up, Cui Gan was ranked first in the clan records back then, can he even be given up?"

Li Xiaoyi said: "As long as the main line is safe and sound, there is nothing that cannot be given up. Besides, Cui Gan is too eye-catching, only by throwing him out can he attract the court's attention."

"Just wait and see. It won't be long before there will be rumors that it was Cui Gan's conspiracy to use the drought to cause trouble. After being exposed, they committed suicide in fear of crime."

Chen Jingke frowned and said, "Do you have evidence for these?"

Li Xiaoyi shook his head and said: "There is no evidence, but I am seven or eight percent sure that this is true."

Chen Jingke knew that he was not a big talker, and he was [-]% sure about it, so he immediately said, "I'll report to the saint."

Li Xiaoyi stopped him and said: "Captain, don't worry, you think the sage would not be able to guess something that both of us can guess? I'm afraid he guessed it right away."

Chen Jingke asked: "Then why didn't His Majesty expose their conspiracy, but instead arrest people according to Cui Gan's instructions?"

 The previous chapter has not been reviewed until now, so there is no way.

  I re-edited it, deleted a lot of driving links, and posted a new chapter. This time, the review was finally not triggered.

  The previous chapter is gone.

(End of this chapter)

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