"Have you read Journey to the West?"

"Look...wow, God Haotian is too powerful, Wuzhishan directly suppressed monkeys."

"Damn it, I can't read... don't block the way, I'm going to the teahouse to listen to the scholar's talk about Journey to the West."


"Have you read Journey to the West?"

"After reading it, the amount of calamity, the immeasurable calamity, it is said that the dreamer's imagination is too rich, how did he come up with it?"

"Yeah, yeah, I was worried about how to write it later, and the follow-up plot will be all there once Liang Jie comes out."

"I've always wondered why it's called Journey to the West, but now I finally know, go to the west to preach to the barbarians to resolve the calamity."


"Have you read Journey to the West?"

"I'm watching, Taoism's move is deep enough, and it's ruthless enough."

"Yeah, who would have thought that Journey to the West would be such a story."

"This story has already spread among the people, and Buddhism can't stop it even if it wants to."

"The story is too exciting and the spread is too strong."

"The key is still above. The saint told this story in public and he has read it."

"That's why I said that teaching this trick is ruthless enough. I am ordered by heaven to go down to the earth to resolve the calamity... The saint will not support it if he wants to."

"This time Buddhism is in trouble."


"Come on, let's play the game, today we will play Havoc in the Sky."

"I want to play Haotian God...I want to play Haotian God."

"Don't you like playing monkeys? Why did you change your mind?"

"God Haotian is so powerful...Look at my Wuzhishan...wow...the monkey was suppressed."

"No, you can't be the best every time. This time you play the monkey, let's play Haotian God."

"Yes, yes, you still play the monkey, let's play the Haotian God."


Morality Tianzun, ordered you to go down to the western world to preach and practice, to dispel the evil spirit and resolve the calamity.


Listening to what the children playing on the side of the road said, Falin sighed heavily.

Taoism's offensive this time came too fast, the key is that the angle of attack has never been seen before.

They did not attack the teachings of Buddhism, nor did they compete with Buddhism for the right to speak in the imperial court. Instead, they found another way to attack directly from the foundation.

The story of Journey to the West is too exciting and contagious. With the personal perspective of Monkey King, it has penetrated into the folks and has become the most widely spread story.

It is foreseeable that the influence of this story will exist for a long, long period of time in the future, even hundreds of years.

As long as it is a place where people gather, there will be people talking about Journey to the West.Even children began to imitate the wonderful scenes in Journey to the West when playing games.

As a religious man, he is too aware of this subtle effect.

The common people are illiterate and have no access to any profound scriptures. In fact, they only have one or two simple sentences to express their beliefs.

In the past, the words that the common people talked about were: Amitabha, the Buddha blesses you.

Now the words on the lips of the common people have become: God bless, and blessings will be born to immeasurable heavenly gods.

When the slogan changes, it means that they have made a choice in their beliefs.

The most important thing is not these, but Lao Tzu's journey to the west to turn Hu into a Buddha.People don't care if it's true or not, they only believe what they want to believe.

When tens of thousands of people believe that turning a tiger into a Buddha is real, then he is real.The monks explain it a thousand or ten thousand times, but it is not as effective as Journey to the West.

It won't be long before Lao Tzu Huahu will become a consensus and be recognized by everyone.

The Laozi Hua Hu Jing, which has been compiled by Taoism for hundreds of years, will change from an unpopular scripture to the most famous and important scripture, and Buddhism will completely become a vassal of Taoism.

Every time she thinks of this future, Farin's heart becomes extremely heavy.

He wanted to change this result, but he was powerless.

Taoism acts as a whole, and the power it can mobilize is huge, and it is expected that monthly sales periodicals like this one will be used as a mouthpiece.

Every word the other party said can be spread across the country at the fastest speed, affecting countless people.

As for Buddhism, it is a mess.Even if they can let go of their prejudices and quickly form an offensive and defensive alliance, how can they fight back?

Debate with Taoism?People can ignore it completely.Go to court before the emperor?Who would dare to object to the saying that Lao Tzu went down to earth to fulfill the destiny to resolve the calamity?

Write another novel and compete with Journey to the West?

Forget it, he doesn't think Buddhism can write novels with more storytelling than Journey to the West in a short period of time.

But he couldn't do nothing. After returning to Longtian Temple, he did three things.

Yi wrote a memorial to the emperor, asking for a face saint.

The second wrote letters to various schools of Buddhism again, inviting them to discuss major plans.

The third called his disciple Fang Ming, and said: "Go to Zixiao Temple and tell Guanzhu Sun and Master Chen that I want to visit the two masters tomorrow morning, please take time to meet them."

Fang Ming said hesitantly: "Master, if you go at this time, I'm afraid I will be humiliated by them."

Falin shook her head and said: "No, Sun Guanzhu and Chen Zhenren are not such people, even if they are enemies, they will not be humiliated as teachers."

Fang Ming said: "But what if you go? They will definitely not stop."

Farin said: "Why don't I know, but I have to meet them in person, so that I can know what they really think, so I can think of countermeasures."

Fang Ming no longer had any doubts, and went to Zixiao Temple to send a greeting card.


Chen Jingke is discussing the next plan with Tian Shiwen and Li Chunfeng in Guanli.

Tian Shiwen was more radical, saying: "Journey to the West has become a trend, and we don't need to deliberately promote it. I suggest that we directly launch an attack on Buddhist teachings."

Chen Jingke didn't answer him, but asked Li Chunfeng, "What does Master Li think?"

Li Chunfeng did not object directly, but pointed in the direction of the imperial palace, and said, "It's an eventful time now, and the higher authorities hope that we can control the situation within a certain range, so as not to affect the reform of the imperial court."

Hearing this, Tian Shiwen knew that there was nothing to be done, and sighed: "I'm really unwilling to miss such a good opportunity like this."

Chen Jingke reassured: "I have been waiting for hundreds of years, and I am not in a hurry at this moment, and I don't think it is a good way to attack Buddhist teachings."

Tian Shiwen said: "Oh? I would like to hear the details."

Chen Jingke said: "We have been fighting with Buddhism for hundreds of years, and both sides are too familiar."

"Even before we make a move, the opponent already knows how we will attack. Similarly, before we make a move, we already know how the opponent will counterattack."

"Continuing to attack the scriptures of Buddhism in this situation is pointless. In the end, it can only be reduced to a war of words, and it is impossible to tell the winner."

"Instead of doing this in vain, it is better to continue to fight in the newly opened battlefields and expand the achievements already made."

"When the story of Journey to the West is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, when everyone from the old man to the baby waiting to be fed in the Tang Dynasty knows the story of the monkey grandson, and when everyone knows that the old man turned a beard into a Buddha, we will win without a fight."

Tian Shiwen said: "Buddhism will definitely not sit still. What if they launch a counterattack?"

Chen Jingke said with a smile: "It's simple, they beat them, we beat us. Buddhism can fight back as they like, we just need to do our best to promote Journey to the West."

Li Chunfeng's eyes lit up, and he praised: "It's good that they beat theirs, and we beat ours."

"In this way, all Buddhist counterattacks will be in vain, and although we have not directly attacked Buddhism, we have already shaken them at the foundation."

"This move is really brilliant. I support Zhenren Chen's method."

Although Tian Shiwen was not reconciled, he also knew that this was the best way when the emperor made it clear that he did not want the situation to expand, so he could only agree.

Then they began to discuss how to continue to promote Journey to the West.

Due to the constraints of the times, the solutions Tian Shiwen and Li Chunfeng can think of are limited.It is nothing more than mobilizing Taoist priests from all over the world to tell stories to the people, or continue to advertise and sell books.

Another is to buy more storytellers and let them tell stories about Journey to the West.

Speaking of storytellers, Li Chunfeng said with a smile: "It is said that once the complete Journey to the West was published, many storytellers were too scared to tell the story."

Tian Shiwen also laughed and said, "I've also heard about this, but money is touching, and talking about Journey to the West is too profitable, and most of them came back to talk about it."

Li Chunfeng looked at Chen Jingke, and jokingly said: "After all, their patriarch said that the dreamer is the real person of my Taoism, and it is impossible to deceive the master and destroy the ancestor."

Chen Jingke said a little dumbfounded: "It is estimated that they have begun to regret it now, why did they find the dreamer to be the patriarch, it is difficult to ride a tiger."

"Haha." Everyone laughed.

Storytellers, a newly born group, should be the most troublesome right now. They thought they were hugging their thighs, but the rations given by their thighs were not so delicious, so they had to hand in their certificates.

But if they want to offend Buddhism, they really don't have the guts.

But if you don’t talk about Journey to the West, you’re deceiving your master and exterminating your ancestors... This is actually a trivial matter. The big deal is to change to a different patriarch. The key is that if you don’t talk about Journey to the West, the audience won’t buy it.

Other stories have been tried, all with disastrous results.

A novel of the Dacheng level like Journey to the West can be said to be crushed in all directions when it is in the era of Chutang, which is still stuck in story-based novels.

What's more, the story of Journey to the West itself is unique and completely at the national level.

In a word, who can refuse a monkey named Sun.

In the end, those storytellers either quit the circle, or came back honestly and continued to tell Journey to the West.

Seeing that the two of them really couldn't come up with anything new, Chen Jingke had no choice but to act as a porter again, taking out comic strips, operas and other methods.

The comic strips are more concise, even people who have not read books can read them, especially children.

Not to mention opera, in this era of lack of entertainment, it can be said that it is suitable for all ages.

At this time, the mode of opera has almost been finalized, but the concept of "Liyuan" will not be formed until the period of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty.

And at this time, operas are only something that dignitaries can appreciate, and Chen Jingke directly made them popular among the people after a makeover.

There are also some peripherals of Journey to the West, such as masks, clothes, clay figurines, sculptures, etc. of various characters. You can also cooperate with workshops that make porcelain and pottery to produce utensils with Journey to the West characteristics.

It is always a sentence, let Journey to the West fill all aspects of people's lives and change them subtly.

After hearing Chen Jingke's method, Tian Shiwen and Li Chunfeng were shocked. They really didn't expect that things could be played like this.

Then naturally he readily agreed, saying that he would start to act immediately.


As soon as he sent them away, Chen Jingke received an invitation letter from Falin. He quickly found his master and showed him the invitation letter.

Sun Simiao sighed: "Master Falin's purpose is not difficult to guess. He came to find out my true thoughts. I don't want to lie to him and I can't tell the truth. I won't show up tomorrow. Go see him yourself."

Chen Jingke nodded and said, "Okay, I just want to tell Buddhism some of my thoughts, to see if I can reach a consensus with them. I was worried about how to find them, and Falin came just in time."

Leaving from Sun Simiao, Chen Jingke found Wu Shu again.He was confused when he found that her eyes were moist as if she had just cried, but she was very happy to see her expression.

He asked, "Sister Wu, what's wrong with you?"

Wu Shu threw himself into his arms and said excitedly, "Really, I vomited just now."

Chen Jingke said with concern: "vomited? What's uncomfortable? Did you eat your stomach?"

Wu Shu giggled for a while, then said in a tired voice, "The Tiankui didn't come either."

Chen Jingke almost jumped up, excitedly said: "What did you say? Tian Kui didn't come, and you vomited? Are you pregnant?"

Wu Shu nodded and said, "Well, I guess it's probably close to ten."

Chen Jingke took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and said, "When did it happen?"

Wu Shu replied: "I vomited a few days ago, but I'm not sure. I just thought that Tiankui will come in the next few days, and wait to see if it will come, but it really didn't come."

It is indeed a very credible signal that Tiankui will not come.

Being a father for the first time in this life, Chen Jingke was very excited, picked her up and turned around a few times and said, "Great, I'm going to be a yay."

Wu Shu was even more happy, hugging him and laughing non-stop.

The couple were happy for a while, before Chen Jingke suddenly thought of his master, and hurriedly said: "Go, go, tell the good news to the master quickly, and let him check it by the way."

Wu Shu nodded and said, "Well, I should tell the old man."

When Sun Simiao heard the news that Wu Shu was suspected to be pregnant, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment even with his xinxing cultivation.

Then the excited beard trembled, and he said repeatedly: "Okay, I'm going to be a Weng. Hurry up, sit down quickly, the first few months of pregnancy are the most dangerous, don't be tired."

Chen Jingke couldn't help laughing, and said: "Master, don't worry, it's not sure yet, you can show the pulse."

Sun Simiao hurriedly said: "You should take a good look, come to Shu'er and I will show you."

Thanks to his rich medical experience, Sun Simiao could accurately measure her pulse even when he was agitated.

The result was naturally no surprise, she was indeed pregnant.

The news quickly spread throughout the Taoist temple, and everyone was very happy up and down.After all, the Taoist Temple has a third-generation successor, and everyone's future is guaranteed.

Wu Shu also immediately became a national treasure and became the object of everyone's protection.

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