Chapter 36

"Ke'er, what do you want to tell them?" As soon as Sun Simiao said, dozens of people all looked at him.

This is the real person's personal disciple, the empress' nephew, and the real number two person in Zixiao Temple. Everyone is very curious about what this little real person can say.

Chen Jingke subconsciously wanted to say, I have nothing to say, let's disband, but this thought was stopped in time.

He knew that he must not shrink back. Whether he could be respected by these people in the future and whether his words counted depended on this experience.

Moreover, it is impossible for him to rely on Sun Simiao for everything, and sooner or later he will stand alone in front of others, not to mention that he still has many lofty ideals to achieve.

Among other things, right now he is planning to establish a mountain within Taoism, so he needs to stand up and deal with the big bosses of all parties.

If he didn't even have the courage to stand in front of these servants and Taoist boys, how would he face those big bosses?All rely on Sun Simiao?It's better to go back to the Sanqing Temple and continue to fight.

Therefore, today he has to stand up, regardless of whether the words he speaks are good or not, it is much better than shrinking back directly.

My brain turned rapidly, and soon I came up with an idea: "Everyone comes from all over the world, and their identities are different."

"But no matter where you are from or what you did before, you have only one identity here, the disciple of Zixiao Temple."

"As disciples of Zixiao Temple, your identities are equal, there is no distinction between high and low. Don't be complacent just because you are a steward, and don't be discouraged because you are just an ordinary disciple."

"Because all of this is temporary, we will conduct regular assessments in the future, those with insufficient abilities will be demoted, and those with strong abilities will be promoted..."

"I can't and don't want to take care of your previous affairs, but in the future you must abide by the rules of Zixiao Temple and obey every word that Master and I say...

Having said that, he asked loudly, "Did you hear what I just said?"

Everyone was silent, and no one answered.

Chen Jingke's face immediately fell down: "I didn't hear it, but I still don't bother to answer? I'll ask again. If you don't answer, it will be regarded as having an opinion on me. There is no need to keep those who have an opinion on me, and they will be directly expelled from the audience."

Hearing the expulsion, many people showed panic expressions, especially the little Taoist boys were frightened.

In ancient times, the restrictions on the person's body were stricter than people can imagine today, and it is a crime to leave the village where one lives casually.

These slaves are even worse, they don't even have identity certificates, only a contract of sale similar to slavery.A servant who was expelled from the house without a bond of sale was a black household.

Strictly speaking, black households are not human beings, but livestock, and anyone can capture them as slaves.

Report to the official?An ownerless animal ran to the government to report to the official, and the end would be even worse.Among other things, a large number of unsuspecting cases are lacking someone to take the blame, and you came just in time.

That's why those slaves in ancient times didn't dare to escape after being tortured to death.

When they are slaves, they have at least a status—the status of a slave is also a status, and a status is a person, so they are protected by Tang Law.

Chen Jingke said that they would be expelled from the Taoist temple, so they were naturally afraid.

Sun Simiao also knew that his apprentice was standing up, so he cooperated and said: "Ke'er is my only disciple, and he is also the master of Zixiao Temple's future. His words are my words."

Now everyone was even more frightened, and hurriedly said: "I heard it."

Chen Jingke raised his voice dissatisfied: "Shut up, what a mess it looks like, come back to me loudly, did you hear what I said just now?"

"I heard it." A group of people shouted at the top of their voices.

Only then did Chen Jingke nodded in satisfaction, and continued: "The state owns the state law, and the temple has its own rules. Zixiao Temple also has its own rules. Master and I are still working out the specific rules for watching, and they will come out soon."

"Before the official temple rules come out, let me say a few rules. If anyone violates them, they will be fined at least, and they will be expelled from the temple if they are serious."

Everyone pricked up their ears, for fear that they would miss out and accidentally offend and be kicked out.

"You are not allowed to divulge the inside information to outsiders."

"Second team members are friendly and don't bully their companions, especially the stewards are not allowed to bully the Taoist boys below. If I know, I will be exempted from the status of steward and sent to do the hardest and most tiring work."

All the stewards were in a commotion, so how could they manage the Taoist boys below?But after experiencing the shaming just now, no one dared to stand up and object.

Chen Jingke also thought of this, and said: "Three, you are not allowed to disobey the assignment, and the reasonable work assigned by the steward must be completed without compromise."

"If you let me know who is stealing, raping, and playing tricks, I will also be assigned to do the hardest and most tiring work, and those who are serious will be expelled from the temple."

Now the steward's expression improved a lot, and at the same time they also understood one thing, this little real person was taking power.It seems that this person is not a good friend, and he will have to work hard in the future.

Yang Tianlu was also amazed, he had been in contact with this little real person for more than two months, he had always been very humble and kind, and only today did he know that he still had such a fierce side.

Yi Nu looked at him with interest, while Yuzhu looked at him with a little timidity.

"Four don't embezzle property..."

"Five don't deceive others, especially Shangxiang and worship God..."

Chen Jingke promulgated ten provisional regulations in one breath, which could not be specific to all aspects, at least in the general direction to set some constraints on everyone.

There are only two ways of punishment, either to do the dirtiest and most tiring work, or to be expelled from the temple.Sometimes the rules are not so many, but easy to use.

These regulations are not his own original creation, but borrowed from the gang regulations of those gangs with a gangster nature in the martial arts novels of his previous life.

He himself didn't feel much, but the others were surprised.Regardless of his young age, this little real person does have some ability.

At least these ten rules are very quintessential, and they are equally applicable to many organizations outside.

After a set of combined punches, everyone no longer dared to underestimate him, and looked at him with a little more awe.

Chen Jingke announced his disbandment after he was dismounted, but all the main managers were left behind.

Sun Simiao took them to count all the belongings in the temple, and further clarified the scope of their duties.Then count the items that need to be purchased, such as a large number of incense candles.

One of the servants sent by Li Shimin is good at making incense candles, but it is unrealistic to rely on him alone to support the incense candle workshop. More craftsmen must be recruited.
It must be too late right now, so we can only purchase a large amount from outside first, so that the pilgrims can use it five days later.

There is also the problem of food for so many people, which must be calculated in advance.Because food is the easiest to hide tricks, it is necessary to set a rough range to minimize the space for them to steal chickens.

I have been busy until dark to deal with these things. Everyone is very tired after a busy day. Although there are still many things to discuss, we can only wait until tomorrow.

After simply having dinner, Chen Jingke went back to his room to get ready to rest, but he was shocked by the scene in front of him as soon as he entered the door.

(End of this chapter)

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