Hearing that they were going to take them to make strange things, the teachers and students of the Gewu research class were very happy and enthusiastically signed up to participate.

Chen Jingke is naturally happy to see this situation, saying that everyone can participate, and then assign different research tasks according to the team.

He didn't care about the specific distribution, and it was all managed by Li Tai and Cheng Huailiang.

But before assigning specific tasks, he said seriously: "Let me say the ugly words first, everyone is a smart person and should know the usefulness of clocks and watches, and also know how profitable this business is."

Everyone guessed what he was going to say, and their expressions became serious.

"I have reached an agreement with the Empress. After the clock is researched, she will produce and sell it. The profits will be divided into [-]-[-]... [-]% will go to our Gewu class."

Everyone showed surprised expressions. First, they didn't expect to have a business partnership with the queen, and second, they didn't expect that they belonged to the Gewu class.

Li Tai raised his hand and asked, "Jing Ke, you just said that the division belongs to our Gewu class? How do you say that?"

Chen Jingke glanced around the crowd, and said affirmatively: "Yes, it belongs to the Gewu class. The money from selling clocks and watches will not be included in Zixiao Temple's account, and will be used as the common property of the Gewu class."

Everyone buzzed and exploded. Although the clock and watch hadn't been made yet, it didn't prevent them from knowing the economic value of this thing. They didn't expect Chen Jingke to be willing to give up such a large sum of wealth.

Chen Jingke waved his hands again and again to calm everyone down, and continued: "Everyone should be able to feel that the further research on Gewu is, the more financial support it needs."

"Where does this money come from? Relying on Zixiao Temple's endless investment? In this way, how should the relationship between everyone and Zixiao Temple be calculated? There are many things that we can't keep unclear."

"Now that we have a solution, we will never have to worry about research costs after researching this thing, as much as we want."

"In the future, our Gewu class will be the Gewu class, and each of us is independent and free, so we don't have to worry about being restricted by Zixiao Temple."

Everyone discussed again, because Chen Jingke is the young master of Zixiao temple and the founder of Gewu class, so no one has considered this issue.

It was only after he reminded him that this was indeed the case.

They come here to study and study, except that they need to pay for their own meals, everything else is subsidized by Zixiao Temple.

As the saying goes, they can eat others with soft mouths and take others with short hands, and they will always bow their heads in front of Zixiaoguan.

This situation is not very serious now, and as more and more money is spent in the future, this fetter will become deeper.

Naturally, the sooner they separate, the better for Gewuban and everyone.

What they didn't expect was that it was Chen Jingke himself who made this suggestion first.

This made everyone surprised and grateful, and more happy.

After all, Cheng Huailiang still cared about his brother, and said: "The idea of ​​the watch comes from you, and the profit should be shared with you."

Others also said one after another: "Yes, yes, the real person should take the lead, and only need to leave the basic needs for the Gewu class."

Chen Jingke smiled and said: "What nonsense are you talking about, as if I am not a member of the Gewu class. Don't forget that the Gewu class was founded by me, and it will be expanded into a college in the future. At that time, I will be the dean..."

"Zixiaoguan and Gewuban are just the difference between the left hand and the right hand to me, but they are different to you... So don't fight, all the profits from the clock and watch will go to Gewuban in the future."

Everyone thought about it, didn't the Gewu class belong to Chen Jingke? They were all just here to study, and there was no dispute about how to divide the profits.

Chen Jingke continued: "In the future, all expenses of the Gewu Class will be paid from this money... There is another matter related to everyone's vital interests, and I need to make it clear in advance."

"When everyone has learned something, they will definitely have their own ideas and want to make their own inventions and creations. If you pay for your own research, then all the things you invent will belong to you."

"If you don't have research funding, you can apply for special funding from the class and use the equipment of the Gewu class...but in this way, the things you invent belong to the Gewu class."

"But don't worry, you still have the authorship rights and the right to share the profits of the product... The specific rules and regulations and sharing methods, we will discuss it later."

Now everyone said convincedly: "Here."

Next, under the auspices of Li Tai and Cheng Huailiang, the Gewu class was divided into several groups to study different parts, and the research work on clocks and watches officially started.

Chen Jingke first went to the palace to discuss clock making with his grandson Wugou.

Dozens of people from the Gewu class were all involved, and it was impossible to keep the watch matter secret.

Even if everyone is tight-lipped, this secret will not be kept for long.

The structure of the clock is so simple that it can be imitated by a few highly skilled craftsmen who disassemble it a few times.

Clocks and watches were introduced to China during the Ming and Qing Dynasties in the previous life, and craftsmen in the south of the Yangtze River imitated and improved them, and the quality even surpassed European clocks and watches.

It's a pity that because they don't understand the physical system, the improvement of clocks and watches by Chinese craftsmen is limited.Later, Europe improved the power structure and once again achieved technical crushing.

It was not until the appearance of more compact pocket watches and watches that the possibility of imitation was technically cut off.It was not until China established its own industrial system that it re-produced its own watches.

What Chen Jingke made is still a relatively bulky and primitive clock with a very simple structure.

Just a pendulum, an escapement, a mainspring and a few pointers can be imitated by a few skilled craftsmen.

So the best way is to make a time difference, prepare raw materials and craftsmen in advance, and immediately build large quantities of watches and clocks after they are researched, and ship them in large quantities before others to earn the maximum profit.

And with the low productivity of ancient times, we are not afraid of imitation by others, and we can sell as many as we produce.

Besides, sales channels are more important than production capacity. Which company in Datang can compare with Queen's in sales channels?

Therefore, Chen Jingke is not afraid of the spread of watch technology. The reason why he still tells everyone to keep it secret is just to establish rules.

All the way to the palace, the eldest grandson Wugou was writing his own "Rules for Women", when he saw him coming over and writing, he said, "Little Si isn't finished school yet, just sit there and wait for a while."

Chen Jingke sat down beside him, and said, "I didn't come here today to find Sizi, but to ask you for something."

Changsun Wuji said: "Oh, looking for me? Wait for me for a while, and finish writing these words."

She picked up the pace and wrote for another five or six minutes before stopping.

Putting the pen away, got up, sat down at the table outside, and said, "Tell me, what do you want from me."

Chen Jingke pretended to be mysterious and said: "I thought of a new product, which should be very popular and make a lot of money. I want to cooperate with you."

The eldest grandson Wugou couldn't help his eyes light up, even Chen Jingke said that if he can make a lot of money, it must not be small money.

But seeing his mysterious look, she pretended not to care and said, "Is something as good as you said? Don't lie to me."

Chen Jingke saw that she was indifferent, and said anxiously: "How is it possible, it is very profitable, it is much more profitable than canned food."

The eldest grandson Wugou said disappointedly: "Is it just more profitable than canned food? I thought that even if it's not as good as glass, it's about the same as salted sugar."

Chen Jingke was quite speechless, and complained: "You are really rich now, and you don't even care about the profits of canned food."

Because of the development of canned sea fish, the canned business is getting bigger and bigger, and the production capacity is only limited by the production speed of canned bottles.

It is still very easy to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, but the eldest grandson Wugou thinks the money is too little, no wonder Chen Jingke doesn't complain.

The eldest grandson Wugou said with a smile: "Having seen how quickly glass and salt candy make money, naturally you won't think that canned food is more profitable...Okay, tell me what good things you thought of."

Chen Jingke said proudly: "The clock is for keeping time."

As he spoke, he ran over and took the pen that Changsun Wugou had just used, and also took a piece of paper, drew a square clock, and explained the principle.

The eldest grandson Wugou was very surprised, she naturally knew the importance of this thing.If it can be made, it will definitely sell well, and it will be a lot of money.

But seeing Chen Jingke's complacent look, she pretended not to care and said, "That's it? A sundial and a clepsydra can keep time, so can you be a treasure just like this?"

That's it?That's it?That's it?

These two words are too lethal to Chen Jingke, who is a time traveler. If this is a game, a string of numbers must float in his head at this moment: double business minus two hundred and five.

He actually said that the clock is just here, which is tolerable, and he opened his mouth to retort: ​​"This thing can be used no matter it is windy or rainy, day or night, can a sundial compare?"

"There is no need to add water, the power is long-lasting, and it can be used for decades if it is well maintained. Can a clepsydra compare?"

"It can also accurately time the time to every minute... You don't know what a minute means, right? A minute is divided into fifteen parts, and each minute is one-fifteenth of a moment... Can a clepsydra do it? "

"More accurate clocks can be made in the future, and the time can be accurate to every second. A second is..."

The more Chen Jingke talked, the more excited he became. The soul of the keyboard man in his previous life was revived again. At this moment, he is not fighting alone. At this moment, all the keyboard men are possessed by him.

After speaking, he looked at Zhangsun Wugou triumphantly, waiting for her to show a surprised expression.

Unexpectedly, Changsun Wugou said indifferently: "Oh, so that's the case, and then?"

Chen Jingke was choked immediately, and it took him a long time before he said sullenly: "Then you can make money, do you really despise this money?"

"Haha..." Changsun Wugou couldn't help laughing loudly: "It looks good, well, it's hard for Jing Ke that you can think of your aunt, I'm very happy."

Chen Jingke didn't know that he was being teased, so he was so angry that he turned around and decided to ignore her.

The eldest grandson Wugou said with a smile: "Okay, don't be angry, Auntie is just kidding you."

Chen Jingke was indifferent, saying that I was really angry, the kind that couldn't be coaxed well.

The eldest grandson Wugou rolled his eyes and said sternly: "Well, I will take a step back for this cooperation, how about we split the bill? If you don't speak, I will take it as your agreement."

Chen Jingke was really fooled, turned around and said: "No need, seven or three points is enough, and these three points will be recorded on the Gewu class..."

The eldest grandson Wugou pretended that what happened just now didn't happen, and asked curiously: "Split to Gewu class? Why?"

As soon as the chatterbox was opened, Chen Jingke knew he had been fooled, but he could only pretend to be stupid and continued: "For the long-term development of Gewu Class..."

He talked about the importance of Gewuban to the future, the current predicament and his own solution to the predicament.

Changsun Wugou nodded and said: "This time you are very right. If Gewu Class is really as important as you said, the sooner you separate from Zixiao Temple, the better."

Chen Jingke said solemnly: "It must be very important. For the next few years, my main job will be to develop the Gewu class, and even my whole life experience will be devoted to it."

The eldest grandson Wugou obviously knew what he said a few days ago from Li Shimin, and said: "The money needed in this way will be a lot, or the clock and watch will be divided [-]-[-]."

Chen Jingke shook his head and said, "No, it's better to establish some rules earlier. Besides, I know a lot of good things, because I'm not good at studies and don't know the specific production methods."

"When the people in the Gewu class have learned something, I will tell them these things and let them study them slowly. But any thing that can be restored is a huge fortune, which is enough for the Gewu class."

The eldest grandson Wugou no longer persisted, saying: "Well, I am looking forward to the arrival of this day."

Chen Jingke said confidently: "This day will not be too long."

Afterwards, the two discussed various details of the watch business, and Chen Jingke explained the situation of the watch itself.

It focuses on the characteristics that are easy to imitate, and gives its own solution.

Build workshops in advance, find enough craftsmen and workers, and hoard various materials.Even things without technical content, such as dials and cases, can already be designed and built in advance.

The eldest grandson Wugou also supported his plan, since he couldn't keep it secret, he should salvage a fortune before others, and then rely on sales channels and watch quality to win.

Chen Jingke also mentioned his biggest advantage: "The dial will accumulate dust if exposed to the outside for a long time. When wiping, it is easy to touch the hands and the scale will be deformed, resulting in inaccurate time."

"We can make special plate glass and put it on the front of it ... so that it is both beautiful and functional."

The eldest grandson Wugou said happily: "Okay, that's a good idea. In this way, it can in turn boost the sales of glass. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone."

She also put forward some opinions, such as embellishing the case of the clock with gemstones; for example, the scale on the dial is made of gold, silver and jewelry, etc. Anyway, it is how to be luxurious.

They didn't end the conversation until Xiao Si finished school.

Chen Jingke played with his little daughter-in-law for a while, and didn't return to Zixiao Temple until she went to school in the afternoon, and then plunged into the study of clocks and watches.

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