The staff of Dali Temple quickly spread out, surrounded the whole area and searched from house to house.

The people who live in this area are considered to be very unlucky, they are caught out of the bed at night, and the house is turned into a mess.

But no one dared to complain. Being able to carry out such a large-scale operation at night must not be a trivial matter.

They were afraid that they would be involved, so they dared not complain.

Sun Fujia was sitting in the courtyard where the exit of the tunnel was located, and the old god was not at all panicked when he was there.

He really didn't panic, even if he guessed wrong, it doesn't matter if the bandit leader and his party fled elsewhere.

Each square in Chang'an is a separate small space. During the curfew period, no one can get out without approval.

At worst, seal up the whole workshop and search from door to door.It is impossible for the seven living people to disappear like this, and they can always be found out.

Unknowingly, more than an hour passed, and search teams came back one after another, bringing back disappointing news, but nothing was found.

Sun Fujia did not speak, and drew a large square on the ground under his feet with a wooden stick. Inside the large square were many small squares, and each small square was a family.

When each group of investigators returns, he will draw an X on the corresponding square.

In the end, all the squares were marked with X, but nothing was gained.

"Zhengqing, what should we do?" Zheng Heqiu of Dali Temple asked in a panic.

Dali Temple is the fifth-rank official, who is in charge of the internal discipline and inspection work of Dali Temple, and these officials are also under their leadership.

If he couldn't catch the bandit leader today, he would have to hang up, so he was inevitably a little nervous.

Sun Fujia pointed to the picture under his feet, and said, "Did you find anything?"

He Qiu scanned the picture, shook his head and said, "This subordinate is dull, please give me advice."

Sun Fujia asked: "Have you really searched all these yards?"

He Qiu said affirmatively: "I have searched everything, and my brothers will definitely not dare to lie about such a big matter."

Sun Fujia stepped heavily on the two central squares of the map, and said, "I haven't searched here yet."

"This..." He Qiu said in surprise, "Aren't these two places the den of thieves and the yard we are in now?"

"You don't mean that the gangsters didn't escape and stayed here? How dare they."

Sun Fujia sneered and said, "The most dangerous place is the safest place. Search, dig these two yards three feet into the ground, I don't believe I can't find them."

So everyone searched the two yards again, not a single hole was missed in any board, but still nothing was found.

Facing He Qiu's questioning eyes, Sun Fujia pointed to the tunnel exit behind him and said, "What about here?"

He Qiu understood immediately, and said, "You mean they never came out at all, and there are secret passages in the tunnel where people can hide?"

Sun Fujia nodded and said: "The leader of the bandit knows better than anyone else that once the gates of the workshop are closed, they can't escape. Instead of wasting energy and hiding, it's better to hide on the spot."

"I am sure that there is not only a dark room in this tunnel, but the space inside is not small, and sufficient food and water are prepared."

"They just want to hide until we lose patience, think they have fled and withdraw all hands, and then they run away in a big way."

Although He Qiu was very skeptical, he didn't refute, and immediately led a group of fully armed people into the tunnel.

Everyone stared at the tunnel entrance nervously, hoping that the prisoner was really inside.

After about seven or eight minutes, there was a sudden noise in the tunnel, mixed with fighting and screams.

Everyone was overjoyed, which meant that people were really hiding in it.Looking at Sun Fujia's gaze was also full of admiration, this Dali Temple Minister is really powerful, and he has plotted against the thieves to death.

Soon He Qiu crawled out from the tunnel, and said with admiration: "Zhengqing is brilliant, please admire me."

"It's just a coincidence." Sun Fujia said modestly, and asked with concern: "Brothers, are you all right?"

He Qiu said: "It's okay, I let the brother in armor and shield walk in front, the thief's counterattack did not cause any harm...all seven people including the bandit leader Cai Binglan were captured."

Sun Fujia said happily: "Okay, it is a great achievement for He Sizheng to command his subordinates to capture the leader of the thief. I will personally ask the saint for your credit."

He Qiu said sincerely, "Xie Zhengqing."

As a newly appointed Zhengqing, Sun Fujia has not yet fully controlled Dali Temple.But after today's incident, no one dared to question his ability.

Soon Cai Binglan and others were taken out of the tunnel.

The people of Dali Temple searched the tunnel in detail again, and they returned after confirming that there was no problem.

The bandit leader dug a hiding place in the tunnel, which contained all kinds of pickled vegetables, bacon, rice noodles, etc., and even dug a well four or five meters deep... enough for them to hide in it for ten and a half days months.

If there is only one person, even the first half of the year will be fine.

In order to prevent the government from destroying the tunnel and they could not get out, the bandit leader also dug another exit in advance, leading to the backyard of another family.

The section of the exit on the ground was backfilled by him with soil, so it couldn't be seen from the outside at all, and he could dig through it again and escape by digging more than one meter from the inside.

Hearing the bandit leader's preparations, Li Shimin couldn't help saying: "What a treacherous guy, fortunately Sun Qing's family saw through his tricks, otherwise he might have escaped."

Sun Fujia said: "It's just a fluke, I dare not praise it as a saint."

Li Shimin said: "Don't be too modest, I am very assured of your ability... Has the bandit leader made a move?"

Sun Fujia said in shame: "Sage please punish me. I have used all the torture tools in Dali Temple, and the bandit leader has always refused to confess the person behind the scenes."

Li Shimin said angrily: "Then continue to use the torture. I want to see whether it is the torture tools in Dali Temple or his mouth."

Sun Fujia said in embarrassment: "Your Majesty, I'm afraid that if I use the body of the bandit leader again, I won't be able to carry it."

Li Shimin also frowned, and said: "Cure him immediately, and we must not let him die before he confesses."

Sun Fujia said: "Here. The prisoner is seriously injured. I'm afraid that ulcers will kill him."

"I heard that the allicin in Zixiao Temple is specially used to treat ulcers, and I want to give some to the prisoners."

Canker disease is exactly the general designation of various inflammations.

Li Shimin immediately said: "Okay, you can go to Zixiao Temple and ask them to take it... Oh, by the way, ask Chen Jingke to see if he can pry the prisoner's mouth open."

Sun Fujia had also heard about Chen Jingke's various miracles, and immediately came to Zixiao temple to ask him for advice.

Chen Jingke was bragging with Li Chengqian in the ward at the time, and he pondered for a long time after hearing his question before saying: "There is a way, I don't know if it works, you can try it."

Sun Fujia happily said: "You say."

Chen Jingke explained his method in this way. Although Sun Fujia was very skeptical, he had no choice but to give it a try.

After returning to Dali Temple, he ordered a cellar to be cleaned up, and all the windows and ventilation holes were sealed.

Make sure you close the door and it's pitch black inside.

Then Cai Binglan was brought over alone, and tied firmly to a long table.

Cai Binglan said contemptuously: "You have come up with some new tricks to serve Yeye again? Hehe... Don't be discouraged, don't be discouraged, Yeye will soon be unable to hold on, if you work harder, maybe Yeye will recruit .”

Sun Fujia gave him a cold look and said, "Don't try to provoke me, I know you want us to kill you with severe punishment."

"Don't worry, we won't let you die before you make a confession. What I fed you just now is the magic medicine prescribed by Sun Yisheng, Zixiaoguan. I guarantee that you won't die no matter how seriously injured you are."

"We have plenty of time to play slowly and see if it's your mouth that's tough in the end, or our tricks."

Cai Binglan's eyeballs turned red in an instant, and she shouted angrily: "Beast, bastard, kill me if you have the ability, you son of a bitch..."

Countless obscene words came out of his mouth, and the jailers who heard them couldn't stand it anymore.

Sun Fujia was indifferent, and said: "Come on, scold hard, this is the only thing you can do now. By the way, I forgot to tell you, today I thought of a new way to play."

"Later, I will cut a hole in your hand, and your blood will drip drop by drop into the copper basin under the case, making a 'da da da' sound."

"The souls of those people killed by you will follow the voice to seek revenge on you, and drag your soul out bit by bit, tearing it into pieces... That kind of pain is the real pain and soul... ..."

Cai Binglan showed no sign of fear, and continued to yell at her.

Sun Fujia said it several times in a row, making sure Cai Binglan heard it before stopping.Then he winked at the guards next to him, and the guards immediately sprang into action.

He picked up the knife and cut a gash in Cai Binglan's hand, but not much blood flowed out.

Then they took out a water bag and tied it under the table, loosened the mouth of the water bag a little, and the water in it fell drop by drop into the copper basin below, making a 'tattling' sound.

But Cai Binglan didn't know, she really thought it was her wound that was bleeding.

Not only was he not afraid, but joy appeared in the depths of his eyes.

Ever since he knew that the prince was injured by the mad dog and the rotten skin snake, he knew that he had absolutely no chance of surviving.

Since they are all dead, why confess?
It's not to protect the messengers behind the scenes, it's simply because I don't want the imperial court to get what they want.

So he is not afraid of death, and a quick death is a relief for him.

After doing all this well, Sun Fujia took everyone away.

The cellar door was closed from the outside to prevent light from entering through the gap, and a black cloth was covered over it.

The cellar was suddenly plunged into darkness.

There is no light, no wind, no sound... No, there is sound, that is the sound of his 'blood' dripping in the basin.

He didn't panic, but found it ridiculous.What kind of instrument of torture is this?It was simply enjoyment for him.

He decided to close his eyes and take a nap, maybe he lost too much blood and died in his sleep.

At first I was really groggy, almost falling asleep.But I don't know why, the 'click' sound seems to be getting louder and louder.

The sound made him feel drowsy.

He really couldn't sleep, so he didn't sleep at all, and began to slowly count the sound of his own blood dripping.

He even felt that this kind of death was the real bravery, and he couldn't help applauding himself.

But for some unknown reason, he began to feel bored while counting, and wanted to hear some other voices.

However, the cellar was very quiet, there was no sound except the ticking.

I opened my eyes to see something different, but I couldn't see anything in the darkness.

He tried to calm himself down, but couldn't.

The 'tick' sound gradually became harsh, and he felt an inexplicable irritability deep in his heart.

In order to divert his attention, he began to recall his previous experiences.

There are things from childhood, and things from growing up, and even many things that have been forgotten have been recalled by him.

But it didn't take long for these memories to be played back countless times, and he couldn't help but think about the people he had killed.

There are men, women, old and young. These people have different origins and different endings.

Some were sold by him, some were tortured to death by him...

The only thing they have in common is that the people he killed were all very miserable.The worse those people died, the happier he was.

He began to recall the horrors of those people's deaths, trying to find pleasure in them, as he had done before.

At the beginning, he did get pleasure, not to mention how happy he was.

But soon he found that gradually these memories could no longer bring him much pleasure, instead the 'tick' sound under him became louder and louder.

It seemed that every blow hit his heart like a heavy hammer.

At this time, his brain was completely confused, and he didn't realize how it was possible for an ordinary wound to drip blood for so long without coagulating.

Even he has lost the concept of time, and he doesn't know how long it has passed.

It seemed like a moment, and it seemed like a long, long time, all he knew was that his blood was still dripping.

And every drop of blood that fell meant that one point of his life had passed away.

Memories of the past resurfaced uncontrollably again, but this time it was the expression of fear on the dying person who was killed by him.

In the past, these expressions would only make him more excited, but now for some reason, he seemed to be infected, and a trace of fear arose deep in his heart.

Sun Fujia's repeated words just now were also recalled by him: The souls killed by you will follow the sound of your blood dripping to find them, revenge you, and tear your soul apart.

As soon as this sentence appeared, it kept echoing, and the terrified face of the victim gradually became hideous.

With the sound of 'ta da', these faces came biting at him.

The trace of fear in his heart quickly magnified, and he subconsciously opened his mouth and shouted: "Go away, you bloody fat sheep, go away, come here again and I will kill you."

However, the cursing soon turned into a frightened begging: "Don't come here, I didn't kill you...don't come here, don't come here."

And then the jailer guarding outside the cellar heard a miserable cry for help: "Come and help me, I will call, I will call for anything."

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