By the time the news of the Great Tang East China Sea Fleet's defeat of the Japanese navy reached Chang'an, it was already a month after the end of the war.

As soon as the battle was over, Liu Rengui sent a messenger to report the news to Li Xiaogong, the naval general.

The messenger sailed the boat day and night, and it took 20 days to return to the Navy Yamen in Dizhou.

Li Xiaogong was overjoyed. After carefully calculating the battle achievements, he wrote down the number of enemy soldiers to [-], changed the number of warships to more than [-], and killed more than [-] enemies.

He didn't dare to lie about the number of prisoners. This prisoner was going to be handed over to the imperial court, and there was no way to lie if he had to meet real people.

Don't think he is exaggerating. It has been an open secret to falsely report military achievements since ancient times.

Li Shimin personally commanded the army, and he is clear about this, but there is nothing he can do about this unspoken rule that has been agreed upon.

But as long as it is not outrageous, he will pretend not to recognize it.

Li Xiaogong just doubled the number of people, he is quite moral, and those who are not moral dare to increase it tenfold.

After a few days of delay, he hurriedly sent the information to Chang'an by [-] miles.

The people of Chang'an talked about it when they saw the messenger. What kind of blind satisfaction dares to mess with Tang Dynasty?It's all right now, let's get beaten up.

Then began to discuss how many nobles can be produced in this battle, and how many of these nobles can win the country.

Then, everyone started discussing what to eat today.

There is no way, they have heard too much news about the victory, and they have already gotten used to it.

If you don't win one day, it's worth discussing.

But the imperial court and nobles paid special attention to this war.

After all, this is the first time since the establishment of the Tang Dynasty that it has fought with a pure navy, and it is fighting against a big country thousands of miles away.

There is one thing to say, the Wonu Kingdom is indeed a big country in the vicinity of the Tang Dynasty.The main reason is that it is far away, and Datang belongs to the expedition of labor teachers.

This war is a test for the Datang navy, and it is also a test for the current navy's tactics.

The pure navy has never been done before, and no one knows exactly which way to go, so we can only grope slowly.

Winning this battle means that the current path is correct, at least there are no major problems, just continue to explore slowly along this path.

Another point is that the first batch of feudal states were all on the side of the Wonu Island. If we win this battle, the five feudal states can be built with peace of mind.

After receiving the battle report, Li Shimin immediately summoned the key ministers, and everyone had a happy discussion.

In the end, two consensuses were reached. The first ordered Liu Rengui to return to Beijing to meet the emperor;

Of course, there are only ten days left before the New Year, and it is fine to wait until the New Year is over.

However, all the materials can be prepared in advance, so as not to be too late to prepare when starting after the Chinese New Year.

In fact, without their special instructions, the five princes and kings had already mobilized all their forces and prepared various supplies.

Upon receiving the news, Chen Jingke also went to the palace and met Li Shimin in the Ganlu Hall, and Li Chengqian was also present.

Li Shimin lost his majesty in front of outsiders, and said with some pride: "Liu Rengui is not bad, he is indeed a handsome talent, and he has lived up to my expectations of him."

As I said before, Liu Rengui once killed a captain Zhechong because of the staff of justice, and Li Shimin was furious and called him to the palace for accountability.

Liu Rengui replied that he was neither humble nor overbearing, and Li Shimin praised him. Not only did he not punish him, but he was promoted.

It was only later that he forgot about this person, and Liu Rengui walked on the same spot for several years.

Until the imperial court recruited the navy last year, Liu Rengui decided to go to the navy when he saw that he was struggling in his original position and had no future.

Because he is a high-ranking civil servant and knows the art of war, he is promoted very quickly.

In addition, Li Xiaogong deliberately cultivated him after knowing his experience, and getting him promoted is like being a rocket.

When Li Shimin learned about the relationship between Liu Rengui and himself, he also gave the green light all the way, so that Liu Rengui became the commander of the East China Sea Fleet in a short period of time.

Of course, the strength of the East China Sea Fleet is not strong. More than half of the ships under his command belong to the Navy Headquarters, and they must be returned when they are used up.

However, it is foreseeable that after this battle, he, the commander-in-chief of the East China Sea Fleet, will become well-deserved.

Chen Jingke naturally knew what kind of person Liu Rengui was. He was a commander on horseback and a minister on horseback, and it was easy to take care of a Japanese slave.

But seeing Li Shimin triumphantly, as if he was Bole, he complimented him:
"Destroyed the main force of the Japanese navy with less than a thousand casualties, and burned more than [-] warships. Your Majesty really knows people with eyesight. Congratulations, Your Majesty has won another general."

Li Shimin laughed loudly and said: "Haha... Jing Ke is also a part of your credit. Without you, there would be no naval fleet."

Chen Jingke shook his head and said modestly: "I'm just talking about it. It's the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty who really fight on the battlefield. I dare not take the credit with them."

Li Shimin said: "The credit is yours, so don't be humble. Now that you are still young, and recently you have been in the limelight, I won't reward you."

"Let's record it first, and I will seal it for you a few years ago before you married my little si."

Chen Jingke said: "Thank you saint."

After all, Li Shimin is Li Shimin, he calmed down soon after he was proud, and began to analyze why this battle would achieve such a result:
"Naval battles are different from land battles. Land battles are fights between people. If you lose the battle, you still have a chance to escape. Sea battles are a contest between ships. If the ship sinks, you really lose everything."

"Warships need to pull space to exert their combat effectiveness. A ship that cannot move is a piece of rotten wood, ready to be slaughtered."

"The Wa people were not prepared for this war. They did not expect that their every move would be under everyone's surveillance."

"I didn't even expect that we would launch such a large-scale raid at this time."

Chen Jingke also nodded and echoed: "One more thing, except for the last time they were defeated by General Liu, they have never been invaded by foreign enemies."

"So from the bottom of my heart, I never thought about guarding against enemy invasion, which gave us an opportunity."

"In the end, they were blocked in the port, and more than [-] warships were burned without playing any role... If they did their mental calculations or had no intentions, they were not wronged."

"Such things will happen in the future, not once or twice, but countless times. Therefore, a navy that cannot always prepare for war is not a strong navy."

Li Shimin said solemnly: "This battle should be included in the navy textbook for all generals to learn, so that they can learn from it."

"Otherwise, one day people will be blocked in the port without realizing it, and the consequences may not be much better than those of the Japanese navy."

Chen Jingke said: "The sage is wise."

Li Chengqian said: "However, it is rare for Lao Shi Yuanzheng to achieve such a record by defeating the strong with the weak. General Liu's ability is the key to winning this battle."

Chen Jingke said with a smile: "That's true, the sage should reward him well this time."

Li Shimin nodded, did not answer this question, but said: "After this war, the Wonu Kingdom will be safe for ten years, and my Tang Dynasty can safely manage the feudal kingdom."

Chen Jingke was not so optimistic, and said: "If we don't take other measures, I think we will have another battle with the Japanese people in five years at most. This battle is the key war that will really determine the future situation."

Li Shimin said in surprise: "Oh? Do you think the Wa people dare to resist?"

Li Chengqian also cast a questioning look.

Chen Jingke said solemnly: "The Wa people are different from other vassal states. They hang overseas alone. Although they are vassals of the Central Plains Dynasty in name, in fact the exchanges between the two sides are not deep."

"Before the Central Plains Dynasty experienced hundreds of years of wars, the national power was weak, and it was unable to deter the vassal states. The prestige left by the Han Dynasty was almost lost."

"The Wonu Kingdom is the opposite. They have eliminated all forces in the country and established a unified country in the past few hundred years, and their national power has become stronger and stronger."

"Baekje and Silla once professed their vassals to them, and now the king of Silla will still send hostages to the Wanu country. The Wa people are confident, and they are not willing to be vassals of the Central Plains Dynasty."

"That's why in the pre-Sui period, in the letter of credence given to Emperor Sui Yang by the Wa people, they dared to call themselves the emperor of the land of the rising sun, and called Emperor Yang of Sui the emperor of the land of the setting sun."

"In the fifth year of Zhenguan, Gao Duhu was sent as an envoy to the Wonu country, and their lord was still unwilling to kneel down to accept the order, and his ambition has been made undisguised."

"Confidence built up over hundreds of years cannot be defeated by a single war. Moreover, we won this war with a sneak attack, and they are even more dissatisfied."

"That's why those Japanese people are surrendering to Tang Dynasty on the surface, but they must be dissatisfied in their hearts. They will follow the example of Gou Jian and endure humiliation and secretly accumulate strength in order to defeat Datang one day and regain their dignity."

The more Li Shimin frowned, as a king he could feel the meaning of Chen Jingke's words.

Think about it in your shoes, you have been powerful for hundreds of years and the small countries around you have surrendered to you, would you be willing to be a vassal of other countries?Anyway, Li Shimin was unwilling.

Li Chengqian couldn't help but said: "Since that's the case, why don't we take this opportunity to beat the Japanese people thoroughly, at least to cause them some more losses and further consume their national strength."

Chen Jingke shook his head and said: "Our labor expedition cannot last long, and we have to be careful of Goguryeo and Baekje's tricks. It is already the limit to fight to this point. If we continue to fight, we will suffer."

Li Shimin nodded and said: "That's true. Lao Shi's expedition must be resolved quickly. Once the war is delayed, it will be at my disadvantage."

"But it's enough to hit this level. Time is always on our side."

"When the five vassal states are completed and can provide logistical supplies for the expeditionary force of the Tang Dynasty, it is time for us to eliminate the Japanese slave state."

Li Chengqian understood, and said: "That's true, the Wonu country needs time to accumulate strength, and my Tang Dynasty also needs time to build a vassal state..."

"But my Tang Dynasty is more powerful, and the construction speed is faster than theirs. At the same time, we will be stronger."

Li Shimin said with satisfaction: "That's the reason. Our Tang Dynasty has a larger population, a wider area, and more abundant products... Time is on our side."

"As long as we follow the established direction, we will be able to destroy all the enemies one day, so there is no need to take strategic risks."

Tactics are naturally possible. Datang often wins more with less, which is the performance of aggressive tactics.

Moreover, Datang's combat method is exactly as Li Shimin said, and the labor division expedition is quick and decisive.

After winning a game, rest for a while, stabilize the captured territory, and launch the next round of attacks after accumulating enough strength.

In the previous life, Datang launched a round of expansion to the outside world in about five years. In this life, because of the appearance of Chen Jingke, the blood recovery speed has become much faster, and a round of expansion can be launched in two or three years.

At this time, Chen Jingke said: "It's not that we have done nothing in the past few years, and we can use other methods to add obstacles to the Japanese slaves."

Li Shimin's heart moved, and he had already thought of his plan.

But seeing that Li Chengqian still didn't understand, he said, "Tell me how to make things difficult for them."

Chen Jingke said: "The failure of this war has seriously frustrated the self-confidence of the Japanese Nu Kingdom, and made them feel the might of the Tang Dynasty."

"Although the Wonu Kingdom has self-confidence that it shouldn't have, after all, it has been a vassal state of the Central Plains Dynasty for so long before, and it has learned the culture of the Central Plains. There are countless people in the country who admire my Tang Dynasty."

"It's just that the people who admired my Great Tang before were suppressed by those who were hostile to Datang. Now that my Great Tang wins, those who admire us will raise their heads."

"We can support the pro-Tang faction, culturally separate the Japanese slave country, and let them waste their national power in internal struggles."

"At the same time, it can also promote the concept of Chinese civilization, and let more Japanese slaves know that they are descendants of the Qin create better conditions for the thorough absorption and integration of them."

Li Chengqian said thoughtfully: "This is what you often say, Jing Ke, the hard knife of force and the soft knife of culture, right?"

Chen Jingke nodded and said: "Yes, it is these two knives that complement each other and cooperate with each other, so that they will always be beneficial."

Li Shimin said: "Yes, the method you mentioned is indeed feasible. But how to do it specifically, we should wait for Liu Rengui to come back and report to us in detail the information of the Japanese slave country before making a decision."

Chen Jingke said: "That's for sure. How to do it depends on the specific situation. I said these are just for your reference."

The three chatted for a while, and Chen Jingke went to the Lizheng Hall to greet his eldest grandson Wugou.

Of course, the main reason is to see Xiao Sizi.

It's almost Chinese New Year and their Royal Academy is also on holiday. Chen Jingke can see her whenever he comes, so he doesn't have to count the time to find her as before.

Xiao Sizi was naturally very happy, and took him to enjoy the scenery in the imperial garden.

There is really nothing to see when everything is withered in winter, but Chen Jingke is still very happy, mainly because he can play with her, and he is very happy no matter what.

When he got to the pond in the garden, he realized why the little girl brought him here, and there were many koi in the pond.

Chen Jingke smiled and asked, "When did these koi come here?"

Li Mingda threw fish food into the water little by little, and said: "It was caught in July and August, and several broods of young fish were caught together. I told Yi Nu and the others not to tell you, but to give you a surprise."

Chen Jingke smiled and said, "Haha...very good, it really surprised me."

After playing with her for a while, Chen Jingke left the palace and returned to Zixiao Temple.

There are too many things going on recently, even if it is the Chinese New Year, he will not be idle.

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