After visiting the academy and instilling chicken soup for everyone, Chen Jingke led the people to continue trekking to the workshop area several miles away.

Ground has just been broken here, and the factory building is being built.

This site covers an area of ​​[-] acres, and it looks very spectacular.

Even knowing that this is a collection of several workshops, everyone couldn't help sighing that it was too big.

Chen Jingke said, "Is it big? In the future, when a house covers such a large area, it will be called big."

Although it was unbelievable, everyone did not refute it.

No one knows better than them how grand Chen Jingke's plan for Gewu is. There is really nothing to say about this place in his overall plan.

Take them to a factory building with the largest area, about [-] to [-] mu.

Chen Jingke said: "This workshop was opened by me and others, and it is specially used to make steam engines."

Li Tai took a look at this large factory building, and said, "It's still the same question, where does the iron come from?"

He didn't talk about selling it, the steam engine is really easy to sell.

Although it is not widely used, anyone with a brain knows how useful this thing is.

The reason why it has not been promoted is not that there is no market demand, but that there are no dedicated people to build it, and everyone wants to buy it but has no place to buy it.

The steam engines used in the workshops under the control of the imperial court were built by the Ministry of Industry and were exclusively for domestic demand and not sold outside.

If Chen Jingke really builds a steam engine, many people will buy it.

But the question is, where does the iron come from?

Chen Jingke was not worried about this, and said with a smile: "Build as many steam engines as there are irons. Every time you build one more, the world will change a little more."

"The accumulation of a little makes a lot, and one day the steam machine will become [-] units, [-] units or even more."

"And I built this workshop not just to make machines, but more importantly, to raise a group of skilled workers."

"Don't underestimate skilled technicians, they are the backbone of industrialization, without them, no matter how many ideas we have, it will be useless."

Li Tai was silent for a while before sighing: "Your thinking is too clear, it seems that you have already seen what the future will look like, and you have been planning ahead."

"Many seemingly useless things can always play an important role in the future."

Chen Jingke thought in his heart, not only did I see the future, but I frankly came back from the future.

After visiting the construction site, Chen Jingke took everyone back to Chang'an.

It's just that when I go back, I don't go back the same way, so I have to walk more than 20 miles.Not to mention others, he couldn't handle it himself.

They continued to go northwest for five or six miles, and there was a ferry for Caoqu.Taking a boat here can directly reach Chang'an City.

On the way back, they encountered a fleet of more than fifty large ships heading for Chang'an.

Chen Jingke faintly smelled a stench, and smiled in his heart: "Everyone, let's guess what is on these ships."

Li Tai said with a smile: "I can smell this stench ten miles away, do you still have to guess? It must be salted fish."

The others also laughed, this smell should be familiar to everyone in Tang Dynasty.

It is the taste of salted fish.

It starts with Chen Jingke and Changsun Wugou jointly opening a canning factory. In the era of scarcity, where can there be inexhaustible ingredients?


The ocean at this time is equivalent to an undeveloped virgin land for human beings.The four major fishing grounds are worthy of the name, and the fishery resources are so rich that just throwing a net at will can break the net.

After being reminded by Chen Jingke, Changsun Wugou began to develop the ocean fishery.

There are too many sea fish salvaged, and even one tenth of them cannot be consumed for canning, and the rest are made into salted fish.

Salted fish is both meat and salt, and the price is cheap. It is very popular in Datang, and has even joined the ranks of military rations.

It is a bit exaggerated to say that there are salted fish everywhere in Tang Dynasty, but it is not false to say that there are salted fish in most places.

By selling salted fish, he really brought innumerable money for his eldest grandson Wugou.

The key is to gain a good reputation.

Chang'an, the capital city, is naturally more familiar with salted fish, and dozens of fleets transporting salted fish arrive almost every day.

Sure enough, when their boat wobbled into Chang'an City, they saw a fleet of ships unloading at the West Market Ferry.

Chen Jingke almost fainted from the smell of that smell while holding his nose.

But the stevedores, the businessmen and the common people who were waiting on the pier did not dislike it at all. Many people even stretched their necks to smell the pure and impure smell.

For most people in this day and age, meat is simply too much of a luxury.It is not an exaggeration to say that there has been no smell of meat for a year.

For them, salted fish is already improving their lives, so they don't think it smells bad.

Boxes of salted fish were unloaded from the boat and taken away by waiting merchants before they reached the shore.

Then these merchants will sell the fish to the wholesalers below, and then put them into the market and flow into the hands of the people.

During the period, it is inevitable that there will be price increases again and again, but the supply of dozens of ships per day, the price is not much higher.


Time goes by, and soon it will be another Spring Festival.

This year's Tang Dynasty is not considered to be smooth and rainy. The severe drought in the first half of the year led to a large area of ​​summer grain failure.Although the autumn grain harvest was bumper, the impact of missing half a year's harvest was still great.

As usual, this year is another year of frugality, whether it is for the people or the court.

However, the food in the Indochina Peninsula allowed Datang to tide over the difficulties smoothly.

Businesses such as glass, sugar, and salt are making a lot of money every day, and the treasury and internal funds are piled up like mountains.

In addition, the prince turned from danger to safety, the enfeoffment officially started, and various innovations went smoothly... Li Shimin decided to celebrate Daqing.

The imperial court began to prepare for this two months in advance. Various luxury goods were sent to Chang'an, and the vassal states also sent envoys to pay tribute early.

Daqing naturally wants the common people to have some joy. Li Shimin decreed that all children under the age of three will be given a can of canned meat, and the elderly over 60 years old will have a salted fish weighing about ten catties.

This government decree was issued to government offices in various places, and Mochizuki Tan also reported it at the beginning of two consecutive issues.

On the one hand, it is to give the emperor face, and on the other hand, it is widely advertised to reduce the chance of official corruption.

This move naturally won unanimous praise from the ruling and opposition parties.

On December 28, the fleet of Li Xiaogong and Liu Rengui finally arrived at the city of Chang'an, and Prince Li Chengqian led a hundred officials to welcome them.

The common people are also very supportive and welcome.

Although it has become a habit for Datang to destroy the country, after all, this is also a big victory, and the face that should be given is still to be given.

Li Shimin immediately summoned the two of them and announced their rewards.

Li Xiaogong only rewarded him with money, while Liu Rengui received more rewards, but the core reward was to be promoted to the rank of General of the Navy.

From the level of the fourth product.

In the early Tang Dynasty when the prime ministers were only of the third rank, Zhonglang generals from the fourth rank were already in the upper middle class.

You must know that before joining the navy, he was only a county magistrate from the eighth rank.

It can be said that he surpassed the sixteenth level in two years, and the speed of promotion is terrifying.

Of course, compared to Chen Jingke's transformation from a white body to a fourth-rank captain of thousands of riders, the speed is still much slower.

But compared to ordinary people, it is fast enough.

The only thing that makes him regret is that he was not knighted.

It's not that Li Shimin is stingy, but that the title during the Zhenguan period was very valuable, and it will not be granted unless it is a great achievement.

Especially after the title is linked to enfeoffment, it becomes more valuable.

Li Shimin couldn't just open his mouth and say that he was going to knight someone, otherwise he would be beaten back by the prime ministers.

In a word, how can you cash in if you seal it?

So Liu Rengui was considered unlucky, otherwise he would have no problem finding a county boy.

However, he was not disappointed, on the contrary, he was even more full of fighting spirit.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to meet with Li Shimin, he explained his strategy plan for Wunu Island:
"...The situation in the Wonu country is complicated and there are many factions. Although the Suwo family is powerful and governs the government, it has become the target of public criticism."

"Many forces want to get rid of them quickly, which is one of the reasons why Gao Duhu was able to find out about Su Wo's entry into the Lu army so easily."

"Suwo's ​​defeat in the battle this time has greatly weakened the strength of the Suwo family... People who oppose them are ready to move."

"Many forces contacted Gao Duhu privately, intending to use the power of my Tang Dynasty to overthrow the Suwo family... but Gao Duhu refused on the grounds that 'the Tang Dynasty will not interfere in the internal affairs of the vassal'."

Li Shimin nodded in satisfaction and said: "He is right to refuse, and the reason is also very good. My Tang Dynasty is the ancestor of all kingdoms, and I cannot trample on the rules and interfere in the internal affairs of other countries at will."

Liu Rengui complimented: "Your Majesty's words are very true, Gao Duhu also understood the meaning of the saint before he refused..."

"When I led the army back, Gao Duhu got the news that the leader of the Wonu Kingdom had been in a coma for many days. If he really collapsed, the Wonu Kingdom would definitely fall into the struggle for the throne..."

Li Shimin's eyes lit up immediately, and he said, "How sure are you about this news?"

Liu Rengui said cautiously: "Gaodu protects the words, the person who delivered the news is a close minister of the Japanese slave king, but he has not seen his master for more than ten days."

"Every time he enters the palace to ask for an interview, he will be rejected by Suga Ezo on the grounds that the king is seriously ill and needs to rest... and Suga Ezo has successively called many famous doctors to go to see him."

"And once these doctors enter the palace, they will be trapped in the palace, and outsiders can't get in touch with them at all."

Li Shimin said decisively: "It seems that the Japanese slave king is really dying."

Liu Rengui: "Yes, Chen and Gao Duhu also think so, and Gao Duhu will continue to inquire about relevant information."

Li Shimin nodded and said: "We must know the situation of the lord of the Japanese slave country, the sooner the better... Tell me what you think about the Japanese slave country."

Liu Rengui immediately came up with a strategic plan that he had thought about many times, and said: "So I am a rebellious minister of the barbarians, and I, the Tang Dynasty, should take this opportunity to help the Japanese slave country get rid of this traitor and return the power to the Japanese slave king."

"However, there were more than a hundred countries on the Wonu Island, and the Wonu Kingdom relied on its own power to forcibly annex hundreds of countries... This is an unjust act."

"Many of these countries are also vassals of our Central Plains Celestial Dynasty... As the suzerain country, our Tang Dynasty has the responsibility to help these vassal countries to restore their country..."

His plan is not complicated to say, kill Suga Ezo, support the various factions of the Wanu Kingdom and let them fight in chaos.

Then he took the opportunity to split the Japanese slave country in the name of helping the vassal state to restore the country.

Once the split plan is completed, the island of Wonu will surely fall into a new round of chaos, and Datang will have more means to use at that time.

Li Shimin was also very satisfied with the plan, but he didn't immediately agree.

Instead, he commended Liu Rengui and asked him to go home and get ready for the new year, and let's talk about other things after the new year.

Liu Rengui was very puzzled, my plan was pretty good, why didn't the saint express his opinion?
But he didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he could only resign and leave.

In fact, the reason why Li Shimin didn't directly agree is not complicated. He wanted to ask Chen Jingke's opinion.

He didn't expect Chen Jingke to come up with any good solutions, but he couldn't guarantee that the ancestors of the Chen family had made relevant plans.

There are precedents for this kind of thing, such as Tubo.

Had it not been for Chen Jingke's reminder, he would have almost ignored the danger under his nose and allowed Tubo to unify the plateau.

At that time, Chen Jingke relayed his elders' handling strategies. One was to win over the division, and to support the Xiangxiong Kingdom and Tuyuhun against Tubo.

The second is to immigrate to Tuyuhun, where they will train an army that can adapt to plateau operations and take the initiative on the battlefield.

Although it was only two sentences, it really pointed out the direction for Datang. In just over two years, Datang successfully tied Tubo's hands and feet.

So, will there be related plans here in Wonu Country?
The next day he called Chen Jingke into the palace,

He didn't directly talk about Liu Rengui's plan, but introduced the situation of Wonu Island, and asked: "I don't know if your parents have mentioned how to calm down Wonu Island?"

Chen Jingke has considered these things a long time ago. Although he is not a wise man, but from a historical perspective, he still thought of two solutions.

So he said immediately: "I said it, but I just remembered two points."

Li Shimin suddenly felt that his hand was itchy again, he shook it twice bitterly, and said angrily: "Say, what two points."

Chen Jingke shrank his neck, and said hastily: "Destroy the Suwo family, and support each family to fight among themselves...Take the opportunity to win over the pro-Tang faction, promote the thought of Chinese civilization, and unify the hearts of the people."

"Then repeat the old incident of Chikushi Island, split the Japanese slave country in the name of helping the vassal state to restore the country, and plunge it into chaos."

Li Shimin nodded slightly, this is the same as what Liu Rengui said, but there is an extra cultural assimilation.

"What about the second point?"

Chen Jingke said: "Keep away wolves and tigers."

Li Shimin's heart moved, and he said: "You mean to use the Ainu people?"

Chen Jingke said: "Yes, the Ainu people and the Wonu people have been feuding for generations. If we make good use of it, it will become a sharp weapon in our hands."

Li Shimin frowned and said, "Difficult, the Ainu people are divided and fighting with each other constantly, it is difficult to unite and fight against the Japanese slaves."

"Also, Gao Biaoren and Liu Rengui have long thought of using them, but no matter how much we coerce and lure them, those people are unmoved."

To put it bluntly, the Ainu people were afraid of being beaten by the Japanese slaves, and they dared not take the initiative to provoke each other.

Chen Jingke asked back: "Why should they agree? Since it is to drive away wolves, the focus is naturally on 'drive'."

Li Shimin asked: "How do your parents plan to drive them away?"

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