Chapter 403 Sea God Mazu
Cheng Huailiang didn't know about heavy industry and light industry, but he trusted Chen Jingke, so he said:
"You don't need to tell me so much, I don't understand, just tell me what to do. If you ask me to pay, I will pay, if you ask me to contribute, I will contribute."

Chen Jingke said seriously: "You are wrong. If Huai Dao and Xun Yu said that, I would be happy, but you can't."

"You are the principal of the college, you must be clearer than anyone else. You must have a clear understanding of science and engineering and industrialization, otherwise it is easy to take detours."

Cheng Huailiang sighed: "I thought it would be easier to become a principal, but I didn't expect it to be more difficult."

Chen Jingke smiled and said: "I think you are willing to be sweet, right... It's already February, are there any students who have come to sign up?"

When mentioning enrollment, Cheng Huailiang looked bored, and said: "Don't mention it, there are quite a few people who come, but many of them turn around and leave when they hear what we have learned."

"Most of the remaining ones who didn't leave could not even pass the initial assessment, and there were only thirteen people who met the criteria."

"I think you may not be able to recruit enough freshmen this year."

The most basic assessment is actually an assessment of mathematics, and the depth is equivalent to the fourth grade of elementary school.

As long as anyone has a bit of talent, if he learns Zixiaoguan's elementary school textbooks by himself, he won't fail the exam.

The problem lies in this, most of them fail the test.

Of course, hard work can make up for lack of talent, and it is not impossible to cultivate without talent, but it will cost a lot more.

Now is the start-up period of science and engineering, how can Chen Jingke spend so much time cultivating each of them.

We can only screen out the talented part, first complete the foundation of science and engineering, and then popularize it.

Chen Jingke had long been mentally prepared for the difficulty of recruiting students, and said: "As much as you can recruit, take your time."

"Enroll students throughout the year this year, as long as they meet the standards, we will. Let them be apprentices and follow the old students to learn basic knowledge at the same time."

"The situation can be reversed when the railway is repaired and trains can pass through. At that time, others will beg to come to school."

Cheng Huailiang did not doubt this at all, and said, "We can only wait for the train to pass."

Chen Jingke did not continue to dwell on this topic, but instead asked: "How is the loom?"

When this matter was mentioned, Cheng Huailiang immediately became excited, and said: "The wooden loom has been initially operated, and everyone is making the metal loom."

Chen Jingke also became happy and said, "Let's go and have a look."

The two came to the workshop area together and found that Li Tai was leading everyone around a wooden shelf for debugging.

Seeing them coming, the students saluted and made way for a passage.

When he came to this unrecognizable loom, Chen Jingke asked, "What's the matter?"

Li Tai didn't answer, but said to the students: "Go and turn the wheel and show Chen Zhenren."

Immediately, several students ran to the back of the loom and turned the big wheel together.

Through the conduction of the crawler and gears, the loom operates "bang bang bang".

The frame swings up and down, the shuttle conducts left and right, and the cloth winding shaft rotates one by one...

The speed of manpower is naturally inferior to that of machines, but it can be seen that the overall rotation is very coordinated.

Only then did Li Tai say, "How?"

Chen Jingke gave a thumbs up and said: "It's great, everyone is doing well."

Everyone couldn't help cheering, this was the first type of mechanical equipment they independently transformed.

Although Chen Jingke provided an idea, it was only an idea, and they figured out how to transform it bit by bit.

Although the person who pointed out the direction was the most important, it still gave them a sense of accomplishment.

After everyone cheered, Chen Jingke said: "Now is not the time to celebrate, and everyone still has a lot of work to do."

"Replace the wooden structure with steel parts, and then combine it with the steam engine. Then after [-] operations, it is considered a success if there is no problem."

"I hope everyone will make persistent efforts to overcome all difficulties as soon as possible and create a real steam loom."

After encouraging everyone, Chen Jingke called Li Tai out and told him about the steel.

Li Tai said angrily: "I'm busy, I don't have time, if you ask for it, I don't believe they dare not give it."

Turn around and leave.

Chen Jingke quickly grabbed him and said, "I can indeed get it when I go, but no one knows the quality, whether it is short of weight or not."

"It will be different if you go. No one dares to fool you, the dignified King Wei, and it will save you a lot of trouble."

"Besides, if you don't get the iron back, there's no way to make this loom, so you just run away."

Li Tai said helplessly: "It's agreed, just this time."

Chen Jingke immediately said: "Okay, I promise there will be no next time."

can not happen next time?hehe.

There is a saying that if it is easy to use, use it to death, and he will be busy in the future.

After staying in the academy for a while, Chen Jingke went to the industrial area where Taoism was building.

The factory building has been roughly repaired, and supporting facilities and infrastructure are being built now.

Chen Jingke found the managers of the park and was going to discuss some things with them.

Such a large park must be managed by special personnel. In the end, everyone elected Zhang Yongye from Longhushan, Buwen from Jingyun Guan, and Jiao Chengze from Maoshan School.

All three of them are marginalized characters who have failed to compete within the faction.

Now that I have the opportunity to be in charge of such a big project, it is natural that 1 people are willing and very caring.

"How long will it take for this park to be completed and put into use?"

Zhang Yongye replied: "It will take another month, mainly because the weather is a bit cold, which delays the work time."

Chen Jingke nodded and said, "One month is enough, we can start moving in ahead of time."

Zhang Yongye said: "We also think the same way, but each family is not very active, and there has been no movement."

Jiao Chengze also said: "Yes, we have been contacting various factions, and they all said that they are preparing, but there has been no movement."

Chen Jingke smiled and said: "They are all waiting for me...don't worry about this matter, I will write letters to the teachers tomorrow."

"Also, let's set up my steam engine manufacturing workshop first, and we will give priority to settling in in a few days to set an example for everyone."

Zhang Yongye said happily: "Okay, with a real person taking the lead, no one dares to delay."

Chen Jingke didn't pay attention to his flattery, but said: "Whose family owns the woodworking workshop?"

Bu Wen said: "It's my Jingyun Temple. Brother Li said that as long as the park is repaired, you can move in at any time."

Chen Jingke frowned and said: "Tell Zhenren Li not to wait, and immediately enter the mass production of spinning wheels. I will order [-] machines first. It will delay my big business. Be careful that I will trouble him."

Bu Wen immediately said: "Okay, I will contact Senior Brother Li immediately."

Spinning wheels are not big-ticket commodities, and the price is not very expensive.But [-] is definitely a very impressive number, I believe Li Chunfeng will be very interested.

Chen Jingke was still worried, so he went to Taishi Bureau to find Li Chunfeng himself, and told him his plan.

"In addition to the spinning wheel, there is also a shuttle loom... Now you are waiting for your workshop to start, so don't delay the big event."

When Li Chunfeng heard about his poverty alleviation plan, he nodded and said, "Okay, this is a good deed. Naturally, I can't delay Jingyun Temple, and I can move in today."

He also said: "I also asked the relationship to get two steam engines from the Ministry of Industry, and I am going to build a steam-powered woodworking saw. It will definitely not delay the big thing."

Chen Jingke praised: "As expected of Real Li, I admire him."

Li Chunfeng smiled and said, "It should be that I admire the real person, you have made such a great achievement in only three years."

Chen Jingke said modestly: "It's all the result of everyone's concerted efforts, and I dare not take credit for it."

At this time, Li Chunfeng said again: "I heard that the academy is researching steam-powered looms? I wonder if I, Jingyun Temple, can also build a weaving workshop?"

Chen Jingke said happily: "Of course, Master Li will never regret today's decision."

Li Chunfeng said: "I've never doubted your eyesight...Since there are steam looms, why do you have to make so many manual ones?"

Chen Jingke sighed: "The Tang Dynasty is too big and there are too many poor people. Most places will still maintain a self-sufficient model for a long time. Most of our cloth is sold to major towns and overseas."

"You are asked to produce flying shuttle looms for sale to those poor places."

In the previous life, in the eighties and 90s of the twentieth century, the vast rural areas were still weaving by themselves.It wasn't until the completion of industrialization that migrant workers became the mainstream that this family model completely disappeared.

After hearing his plan, Li Chunfeng said in admiration: "Cultivate one's self, regulate one's family, rule the country and the world, the real person has far surpassed me in governing the country."

Chen Jingke said modestly: "The governance of the country depends on those big figures in the court. All I can do is to do my best to make life easier for the people."

After chatting for a while, Chen Jingke said goodbye and left.

In the next few days, he was busy with the construction of the workshop, but gradually he realized a problem.

The restaurant business can be managed by a few women, but the steam engine factory really can't.

It's not that they are incompetent, but that it is inconvenient to show their faces due to the constraints of the times.

Even Xue Xun, who is more enthusiastic about going out to do things, doesn't show up for a long time, and usually relies on his housekeeper to convey the news.

They usually manage the family business in this way, not only them, but most families are like this.

It is the major managers who show up in public, they only need to hide behind the scenes and operate.

But this method is obviously not suitable for industrialization, especially for heavy industry.

Looking back at the development period of major heavy industry groups, which team did not eat, drink and live in the factory all day in the early stage of entrepreneurship, and it took ten years to form a scale.

After figuring this out, he decisively called Qin Qiong, Cheng Yaojin and Yu Chigong together and explained the situation.

"I don't even mention how important the steam engine is. The three uncles all know that there must be a capable man to crucify it here..."

"Huailiang wants to keep an eye on the academy, and I can't leave. Huaidao and Xunyu want to go on official careers, so they don't have time to manage it."

"If there are suitable people in the pockets of the three uncles, take a few out, so as not to delay the big event."

The three of Qin Qiong glanced at each other, then shook their heads together.

"We can handle other things, but we can't figure out what kind of industry or transformation, let alone our subordinates. You can figure out how to do it yourself."

Chen Jingke spread his hands and said: "There is no way, each of these people under me is useful, and it is impossible to spare them to help us manage the factory."

Cheng Yaojin chuckled and said, "Why don't you work harder and take up this burden first?"

Chen Jingke replied directly: "Would you like to guide the foundation of physical science and industrialization?"

Old Cheng Yaojin blushed and stopped talking, how could he understand this.

It is even said that no one else understands this stuff except Chen Jingke.

Including Li Tai and others, even though they have studied in the Gewu class for so long, they still don't know what to do in the future.

In other words, they don't know what is the right way to go.

Chen Jingke's performance all the time told everyone that he understood.

Naturally, he became the only authority in this respect, and everyone had full confidence in him.

Now everyone is waiting to see his next plan. If he really immerses himself in building a steam engine factory, people like Li Shimin are probably the ones who are anxious.

Seeing Cheng Yaojin being bullied, Yu Chigong gloated and laughed: "Haha, old Cheng will talk nonsense, Jing Ke really wants to manage that small workshop, the first ones who don't want to be are the saint and the empress."

Cheng Yaojin blew his beard and stared at his eyes angrily, and said: "If you have the ability, find someone who can do it, and don't talk about it here."

Yu Chigong said very simply: "No one, my whole family is full of rough men who fought in the war, so there is no one who can do this."

Cheng Yaojin was so depressed, he usually pretended to be a rascal, but he didn't expect that he would be pretended to be a rascal today.

Qin Qiong watched the joke for a while, and finally said: "Let's talk about the business first, why don't we find someone who is a craftsman, has a flexible mind and management experience, and you can teach him well?"

Chen Jingke said: "Yes, but are you assured of this person? The steam engine production plant is very important and will become the core industry of our four companies in the future."

Qin Qiong stopped talking, and Chen Jingke's intention was obvious, that is to find someone related by blood to manage it.

However, there were not many people in the previous generations of the three families, and it was only in their generation that they made a fortune. How could there be such a suitable candidate.

Chen Jingke was waiting for this moment, and said, "Why don't I offer a candidate?"

Cheng Yaojin said: "If you have a suitable candidate, just use it. Why do you hand the three of us together? Can we not trust you?"

Chen Jingke smiled and said, "What if someone disagrees?"

Cheng Yaojin patted his chest and said: "This is our own workshop, who dares to disagree? Isn't my old Cheng's long spear sharp?"

Chen Jingke showed an expression of success, and said: "Then you and Uncle Yuchi should fight. The candidate I am talking about is Mrs. Xue, and he definitely disagrees."

(End of this chapter)

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