Chapter 406 Untitled
Expansion?Yihe was a little hesitant, and the others were a little flustered when they heard it.

Obviously, it is not very desirable to expand the team size.

The reason is not difficult to guess, everyone gets along very well, who knows what the newcomers look like and whether they can integrate into the team.

If someone who is not worried comes, isn't it just looking for guilt?

Faced with this situation, Chen Jingke naturally has a way to deal with it.

"Don't worry, this time the staff are all selected from the audience, you won't even trust them?"

Yihe hurriedly said: "How could it be, we have listened to the real person's arrangement."

Zhou Xiang also stood up and asked his daughter-in-law to save the siege: "It's time for the magazine to expand. Now I'm too busy reviewing manuscripts, and I'm reviewing manuscripts in my dreams."

Others also echoed, "Me too, I'm too tired, and I've wanted to propose staff expansion for a long time."

Chen Jingke said with a smile: "Isn't this just right? In the future, this set of employment standards will not only be used in the workshop area, but we will also use it in Zixiao Temple, and even promote it to the world. Let's start with the magazine."

"You should first count how many people you can recruit to ensure that you can work eight hours a day and finish reviewing manuscripts, and then we will start selecting people."

Mochizuki talked about such an important thing, Chen Jingke would definitely not choose someone from the outside, not even a great Confucian.

The reason is simple, the influence is too great, and any problems will not be trivial.

Who knows if people from outside will have other ideas and engage in sensitive and prohibited information on it.

Don't be afraid of [-], just in case, if this happens, no one can stop it.

The internal members of Zixiao Temple, at least in terms of identity, are reliable.

Moreover, their household registrations are also in the hands of Zixiaoguan, so the probability of problems is very small.

However, he didn't worry too much about the selection of personnel, and handed it over to Wu Shu.

Zixiao watched hundreds of people, and no one knew better than her which ones were reliable and which ones were useful.

After that, he returned to the academy again and went straight to the workshop area.

The overall frame of the loom has been made, and the parts are now being made.

This machine is really purely hand-made, and many parts are determined after repeated trials. It is conceivable how slow the production speed is.

Chen Jingke looked around, then called Li Tai out, and said, "Did you get the blueprint of the steam engine you designed before?"

Li Tai nodded and said: "It's done, including the production process has been designed for you, but it really wasted a lot of effort on us... The box next to my desk is, you can pick it up yourself."

Chen Jingke smiled and said, "That's right, brother, I'll give you a big red envelope if I make money later."

Li Tai complained: "You don't need to give out red envelopes, just come to me less often."

Chen Jingke said: "My brother, you are too far-fetched to say that."

Li Tai rolled his eyes, turned around and wanted to leave.

Chen Jingke stopped him and said, "Don't rush away, how long will it take for the loom to be built?"

Li Tai didn't turn his head, and said as he walked, "It will take at least a month to produce the mass production drawings, so don't ask in the future."

a month?Chen Jingke estimated the time, showing some joy, it was more than enough.

When I went to Li Tai's office, I saw a big box next to his desk, which contained three thick stacks of paper.

Each stack has three or four hundred sheets, each of which is a structure or part of the steam engine.

Including the shape, size and so on of the parts, it is very detailed and complete.

These three stacks of paper represent the design drawings of three different types of steam engines, which were drawn by Li Tai and his classmates.

Everything is initial creation, and Chen Jingke didn't do so many fancy things.

The model is also very simple, there are three types: large, medium and small.

In the future, the steam airport will mainly produce small and medium models, and the large ones will probably not be used for a long time.

However, there should be some technical reserves, so as not to be in a hurry when needed.

Cover the box and let Xu Shanying and others who followed come in and carry it away.

I didn't send it directly to the factory but put it in my office. It's a mess over there now, and it would be troublesome if I lost it.

After putting away the drawings, he went to find Cheng Huailiang again.

"Is the steel coming back?"

Cheng Huailiang said: "Of course it's no problem for the King of Wei to go out. The Ministry of Industry and He didn't obediently gave away a lot of iron. It's piled up in the warehouse. Do you want to go and have a look?"

Chen Jingke shook his head and said, "I'll see what it's doing, and the railroad tracks can start to be built."

Cheng Huailiang smiled wryly, "I've never seen this thing before, how do you want me to build it?"

Chen Jingke said: "It's very simple, first build a locomotive, and then build a railway for experimentation."

"Look at how firm the foundation needs to be, how thick the stones need to be laid, and how far a sleeper needs to be laid... Just drive the locomotive up and run around and you'll know."

Cheng Huailiang said: "You said it lightly, if nothing else, where can I get this locomotive?"

Chen Jingke said: "The locomotive is simple. Let Li Tai go to the Ministry of Industry and ask them for a larger steam engine. Drag it to the school, and send a group of people to come and build a car frame."

Cheng Huailiang said: "Didn't you say that you would not bother King Wei anymore? You forgot it in just a few days?"

Chen Jingke said with a smile: "I just said I won't go to him, I didn't say you won't go. Hehe..."

Cheng Huailiang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "You really are... okay, I'll go find King Wei."

Chen Jingke continued: "There are still craftsmen, let him ask the Ministry of Works to come over. Especially those who are good at bridge repairing, we must find some to come over."

"From the Academy to the south of Chang'an City, there are many natural ditches and canals along the way, and the bridge needs to be repaired in advance."

Cheng Huailiang questioned: "Can the bridge they built run the train? Don't collapse it by then."

Chen Jingke said confidently: "Don't worry, there's no problem."

In my previous life, there was a bridge in England that had been used for hundreds of years, and all kinds of cars ran on it without any problem.

This shows that the ancient method of building bridges is no problem, at most it will take a little more time.

What's more, he still has a trump card, cement.

The composition of ordinary cement is too simple, and the production method is also simple.

The big deal is to let these craftsmen repair the cement bridge.

Seeing that he was so confident, Cheng Huailiang didn't say anything.

Chen Jingke continued: "Let's hire some peasants to come over... You don't need to look for them from afar, just people from ten miles and eight villages who are willing to come out to work."

"It's best to find someone who has repaired roads or post roads. They have experience and can better repair the railway."

Everyone only knows that the Qin Dynasty built the straight road, because it still exists after more than 2000 years of use, and everyone praises it.

In fact, the reason why Qin Zhidao can exist for more than 2000 years is that all dynasties have maintained and repaired it.

Even the powerful unified dynasties, such as Han, Sui, and Tang, carried out large-scale expansion on the basis of Qin Zhidao.

Taking the Tang Dynasty as an example, they built seven post roads on the basis of Qin Zhidao.

The first is the Northwest Post Road from Chang'an to the Western Regions.

The second is the post road from Chang'an to the southwest, passing through Xingyuan, Lizhou, Jianzhou, Chengdu, Pengzhou, and Qiongzhou from Chang'an to the present Sichuan-Tibet area.

The third is the post road from Chang'an to Lingnan, from Chang'an to Guangzhou via Xiangzhou, Ezhou, Hongzhou, Jizhou, and Qianzhou.

The fourth is the official road from Chang'an to Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Fujian, from Chang'an via Luoyang Bianzhou, Sizhou, Yangzhou, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Yuezhou, Quzhou to Fujian.

The fifth is the post road from Chang'an to the northern grassland area, from Chang'an to Tongzhou, and then through Hezhongfu, Jinzhou, Daizhou, Shuozhou, and directly to the Northern Shanyu Duhufu.

Articles [-] and [-] connect Shandong and Liaodong.

These seven roads were not repaired in a day or two, but lasted for decades.

Every year, the nearby civilian workers are recruited for construction. To put it bluntly, the civilian workers are recruited wherever they are repaired.

Chang'an is the starting point of all post roads, and there are especially many roads that need to be repaired. This has led to the fact that the people in the surrounding areas of Chang'an have basically built post roads.

In this case, it becomes very easy to spend money to hire people with experience in road construction.

Lay the foundation in the way of repairing until, lay gravel on it, then lay sleepers on the gravel, and finally lay the railroad track.

Of course, this railway is owned by the academy, and it is not suitable for the imperial court to recruit civilian husbands. All workers have to spend money to hire them.

This is a huge expense.

However, Changsun Wugou has already volunteered to provide a free loan, which only needs to be repaid by the academy in the future, or exchanged with new inventions.

With her family background, railway construction is a pediatrics.

"Recruiting so many civilian husbands requires the approval of the local government, and the work is all on the Chang'an border, and you also need to greet Chang'an County... I will leave this matter to you."

Cheng Huailiang did not refuse, and said: "Okay, I am good at this matter, and I can recruit all the people at any time."

Chen Jingke naturally wouldn't doubt this, and then said: "There are also rails, which can be made with pouring now, but you have to study the forging method I told you before."

Cheng Huailiang smiled wryly and said, "We need to study looms, trains, and... just our school is not enough."

Chen Jingke smiled and said: "What are you afraid of? Isn't there King Wei here? Let's count what kind of craftsmen there are, and let him go to the Ministry of Industry and the general supervisor."

"Our trainees are responsible for designing and proposing plans, and the specific work is left to those craftsmen."

Cheng Huailiang said: "That's the only way... Hey, recruiting students is difficult."

Chen Jingke naturally knows that men, firstly, science and engineering are not valued, and secondly, it is indeed a bit far away from Chang'an.

It is also appropriate to say that it is in the barren mountains.

After that, Chen Jingke went to the factory area again.

Because of the beginning of spring, the craftsmen are working much faster, and the factory area looks the same every day.

Xue Xun and the others are still doing the final cleaning and layout of the factory building, so there is nothing to say.

On the contrary, there was even more movement in Jingyun Temple. Li Chunfeng did what he said, and he had already brought over the chainsaw driven by the steam engine.

A group of craftsmen are making final adjustments, and a steady stream of wood is being delivered.

To Chen Jingke's surprise, he actually saw Li Chunfeng here, and went up to him and said, "Really Li's efficiency is indeed very high, and it will be done soon."

Li Chunfeng smiled and said: "You have already spoken in person, how dare I delay. The work will start within three days, and the spinning wheel will be given priority. I wonder if you are ready?"

Chen Jingke sighed and said, "I haven't gone to the county magistrates of Wannian and Wannian counties in Chang'an yet. Let's wait until your spinning wheel is finished."

Li Chunfeng nodded and said: "This is more secure... I am familiar with the two county magistrates, do I need to tell them in advance?"

Chen Jingke shook his head and said, "I have a letter from a sage, and I believe that the two of them will not dare to cheat."

"What's more, this move is conducive to the transformation of refugee slums, and they may not be happy in time."

Li Chunfeng didn't say anything more, and then the two visited the entire park together.

Chen Jingke revealed a little bit of future plans to him, and said: "I hope everyone can work together to realize what I said."

It was the first time Li Chunfeng knew that he had such a long-term plan, and he couldn't help saying: "It's unbelievable that a real person has such a grand plan. I, Jingyun Temple, would like to follow."

Chen Jingke said with a smile, "Thank you, Master, for your support."


Niu San is a member of the slum and has lived here for over ten years.

He didn't blame himself for coming to live here, but his father's business failure, which led to the family's downfall.

In order to survive, his father moved his family to a slum, and they have lived here ever since.

The whole family survived by cheating, abducting and doing coolies, not just their family, but basically the whole slum.

The more this is the case, the more the outside world will reject them, and the more they will have no way out.

And when there is no way out, they can only find a way out in order to survive.

A vicious circle is formed.

At one time, he was still very unconvinced, and wanted to find a serious job, even if he was an apprentice.

It's just a pity that when they recruit apprentices, they only look for those who are innocent and know the basics, and it is best to have a guarantor.

When they heard that he came from the slums, they all guarded like a thief, how could they take him in.

With no other choice, he could only follow the same path as the others.

Because of his strong body and a bit of brain, he did well in the slums.

Last year, under the help of my family, I married a neighbor's sister as a wife.

There was no dowry, and the two families worked together to build two low houses with broken planks in a corner next door, which became their home.

But no matter what, I finally have my own home.

Although the wife was not born, she is very virtuous and takes good care of the family. She usually earns some money to subsidize the family by sewing.

Originally, he had already been appointed, and it was not bad to live like this for the rest of his life.

Until he saw the gorgeous fireworks.

That restless heart was beating again, why can I only live here for the rest of my life?

And my wife, and future children, should they also live here forever?
After thinking hard all night, he decided to try to go out again.

He told his companions about his idea. Although everyone was not optimistic about it, they all wanted to try it with him.

But soon they were beaten to death in the face of the iron-like reality, and no one was willing to accept them.

Not even the coolies carrying sacks on the docks wanted them.

More and more companions shrink back, although Niu San is very unwilling, he has to face this cruel reality.

Woke up this morning, after eating the overnight meal, he told his wife to be careful and prepared to go out and try again.

Not far away, I saw a group of policemen appearing on the street.

The leader among them is Bai Lifu, chief arrester of Wannian County. To the people in the slums, Bai Lifu is equivalent to the king of Hades.

Niu San was startled when he saw him, and quickly hid aside.

Afraid of what would happen, a policeman saw him and shouted: "Who is that, stop and don't run, we always have something to ask you from the policeman."

(End of this chapter)

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