Chapter 419 On The Train
Everything was ready, and following Li Shimin's order, the steam engine that had been preheated earlier began to increase its firepower.

"Dididi..." A huge siren sounded, and everyone who was unsuspecting was startled.

Chen Jingke hurriedly said: "This is the sound of the train whistle, reminding people around to be vigilant. Now the sound is to remind everyone that the train is about to leave, please get ready."

"Well, there will be a big shake when the train just started. Don't be afraid, it's a normal phenomenon."

Everyone was relieved.

As soon as Chen Jingke finished speaking, the train shook with a 'bang'.

The people who were prepared were not frightened, and even had a thought: It's as scary as you say, that's it?

But as soon as this idea came up, I felt that the train seemed to be moving forward.

And the common people who were watching the excitement outside exclaimed one after another: "It's moving, it's moving, this strange car is moving."

"Besides, besides..." the train roared and started to move slowly, but the speed was relatively slow.

After driving out of the station, the speed began to gradually increase.

Looking through the window at the 'fast' receding scene, there were bursts of inhalation sounds in the carriage.

Unexpectedly, this big iron lump really started to run. You must know that there are thousands of stones of goods dragging behind it, and there are hundreds of large living people.

And the speed is still so fast.

Li Shimin applauded excitedly, he thought more and further, with the train Datang, he could really break through the geographical restrictions.

Others also started to discuss, and even the most frightened group of people forgot their fear and started discussing.

Everyone is not stupid, and it is clear what kind of changes this means of transportation will bring.

Listening to their emotions, Chen Jingke just smiled and did not speak.

He reckoned that this speed was about eight or nine miles per hour, which was really slower than a turtle crawling.

However, considering the weight of the train itself and its cargo, everything is normal again.

Even if the speed is only about ten miles per hour, driving for about ten hours a day is more than a hundred miles.

Dragging so much cargo and traveling hundreds of miles a day on land is a godsend speed.

There are so many things that can be done.

Such as food transportation, such as the mobilization of the army.

You know, in order to maintain combat effectiveness, the army usually travels about fifteen miles a day.

In order to deliver logistics supplies to the army, it is necessary to mobilize hundreds of thousands of people.

The food consumed on the road is ten times that of the army.That is to say, to transport one grain of grain to the destination, ten grains will be consumed on the way.

With the train, all these problems are solved.

Yes, trains are expensive to lay, but this thing lasts a long time.

If it is apportioned every year, the cost is not worth mentioning.

What's more, once the train is opened, there will be countless other benefits that follow.

At this moment, anyone who is not stupid knows that the train is a good thing and must find a way to fix it.

Li Shimin, who recovered from the initial shock, asked a little excitedly: "Is it only possible to run so fast?"

Chen Jingke said: "This is a small train with three speeds. The first gear is the fastest at ten miles, the second gear is the fastest at twenty miles, and the third gear is the fastest at thirty miles."

"It will exceed the safety threshold of the steam engine anytime soon, and risks such as boiler explosions will easily occur."

People around showed expressions of disbelief. This is thirty miles, three times happier than now.

Li Shimin was equally astonished, and said: "Thirty miles, it can already catch up with the speed of ordinary war horses, how long can it run?"

Chen Jingke said: "As long as the fuel is sufficient and the machine does not malfunction, it can run continuously during the day. At night, the sight is not good, so it is best to find a safe place to stop."

Li Shimin immediately began to calculate silently. If he ran at a speed of [-] miles per hour, he could run for thirteen or four hours during the day, which would be more than [-] miles.

They travel more than [-] miles a day, and the cavalry can't run so fast. It only takes ten days and a half months to go to the Western Regions.

Naturally, other people would also settle this account, which further strengthened their idea of ​​building the railway.

Soon Li Shimin was dissatisfied and said, "Why don't you run faster?"

Chen Jingke explained: "This is the first train, and the driver is also a novice. You and all the ministers are sitting on it. Safety is the most important thing."

Li Shimin nodded to express his understanding, and did not mention the matter of acceleration.

Soon everyone was attracted by the scenery outside. In fact, the scenery outside did not change, but the angle of viewing the scenery was different, so that they experienced different aesthetic feelings.

Everyone was discussing enthusiastically, and almost no one touched the fruit snacks prepared in advance on the table.

Not to mention the books that Chen Jingke prepared for fear of being bored, he didn't even have the chance to appear.

It didn't take long for Li Shimin to discover an interesting thing. There was a big sign erected beside the railway some distance away.

Some have numbers written on them, and some have some strange patterns drawn on them.

He asked, "What are these signs for?"

Chen Jingke explained: "The reminder board is used to remind the driver of the road conditions ahead, so that he can prepare in advance. Different patterns represent different meanings."

"Numbers represent how many miles have been traveled, bridges represent bridges ahead, houses represent villages ahead, colored bars represent intersections ahead..."

"There are still some stops that need to be stopped. We only have one stop at the Academy for the time being. If possible, we will add more in the future."

Li Shimin nodded and praised: "Very good, very careful and comprehensive consideration."

Chen Jingke took the opportunity to continue explaining: "A train is different from a carriage or a ship. It travels on a fixed track. It must be staggered, otherwise there will be a collision..."

He explained the meaning of the train timetable in detail, emphasizing that the train must obey the time.

What time do you set off, how fast you walk on the road, what time do you go to which station, how long does it take...

All must be strictly controlled, and the difference between before and after should not exceed 10 minutes.

If this time point is missed, the probability of a collision will increase geometrically, and the longer the time is wrong, the greater the danger.

Every train driver has a time list in his hand, which records all this in detail.

And the signage on the side of the road helps them grasp the time and know whether they have exceeded the stipulated time.

If found, adjust accordingly.If it is fast, slow down a little bit, and if it is slow, speed up to miss the time.

Li Shimin asked questioningly: "This railway is only about ten kilometers away, and there is only one train. These rules don't apply, do they?"

Chen Jingke said seriously: "The rules must be established from the beginning, otherwise you will suffer a lot in the future. It is true that there is only this railway and one train, but what about the future?"

"One day we will build railways to cover every corner of the Tang Dynasty, and there will be hundreds or even thousands of trains. At that time, any mistake will cause big trouble."

Li Shimin fantasized about the grand scene of railways spreading all over the Tang Dynasty, and he felt so happy.

But thinking about the scene of hundreds of trains running around like headless flies, and then colliding in series, he couldn't help but shudder.

Then he admired: "Jing Ke has a long-term vision. It is really a great fortune to have you here, and I am also lucky."

Chen Jingke chuckled and said, "It's not my luck to meet the sage and my aunt. In fact, I know very well in my heart that for other kings, the grass on my grave would be three feet high."

"Haha..." Seeing what he said was funny, Li Shimin couldn't help laughing, and at the same time he was very proud.

Chen Jingke's flattery just hit his itchy spot, and sometimes he himself would think in embarrassment that it is really generous of him to tolerate Chen Jingke.

However, this small thought cannot be told to anyone, it would be too shameful.

Now Chen Jingke took the initiative to speak out, so that his emotions can be vented, and he has a greater sense of accomplishment and a sense of confidant.

The other people in the carriage were envious, Chen Jingke's family members are in full swing.

But after taking a look at the train under my feet, I felt normal again.

It is normal for Datang to enjoy special treatment by making this thing.

The train continued on, and it didn't take long to come to an intersection.

I saw a house next to the intersection, and several people stood at the door of the house and waved excitedly towards the train.

The intersection on both sides of the railway was blocked by a crossbar, and several carriages stopped on both sides of the road, staring dumbfounded at this gigantic screaming monster.

This time, there is no need for Li Shimin to ask Chen Jingke to take the initiative to explain: "The intersection is a dangerous place where people come and go. The common people don't know when the train will come, so they can't avoid it in advance."

"So set a point here and send a few road guards. They can move the crossbar ahead of time according to the timetable and drop it to prevent pedestrians from stepping on the railway at this time."

Li Shimin praised again: "Okay, very thoughtful."

The train didn't go far, and I saw several people in the costumes of road guards, riding along the railway on horseback.

Chen Jingke continued to introduce: "This is a road guard specially used to patrol the railway line. The railway is something new to most people, and now they don't know what it is for."

"They will inevitably be curious when they see the railway tracks, and they may stay on them for a long time or even herd sheep and cattle."

"The duty of the road guards is to drive them away, and at the same time protect the safety of the railway."

Securing the rails is a euphemism for keeping the rails from being stolen.

Metals are scarce in this era, and all metals are valuable, so no one can guarantee that anyone will dare to build railroad tracks.

Li Shimin naturally understood this truth, and nodded in agreement.

Chen Jingke took this opportunity to share another plan of his own: "The train is a special means of transportation. Whether it is on duty at the intersection or patrolling the railway, a lot of manpower is needed."

"It's okay to pull goods, but it's more troublesome to pull people's trains. It's inevitable that there will be friction between passengers, and even encounter illegal and criminal situations, and even encounter fugitives and the like."

"When encountering such an unexpected situation, someone must deal with it in time, otherwise it will cause a greater disaster."

"But the train must be punctual, and cannot stop at any time to wait for the people from the local government to come and deal with it."

"That's why I thought it was necessary to set up a yamen dedicated to train and railway safety, such as railway patrols and the like."

"In this way, various disputes encountered can be dealt with in a timely manner, and unnecessary confusion and losses can be avoided."

Li Shimin looked at the carriage, and thoughtfully said: "This proposal is very good, let's talk about any other ideas."

Chen Jingke was not polite, and continued: "A doctor is still needed. It is inevitable that some passengers will get sick. It's okay that this railway is relatively short."

"If one day we build a railway from Sidao in Liaodong to Lingnan, it will take more than ten or twenty days to get there for thousands of miles."

"If someone is sick on the road, we can't drive them out, can we? Especially when encountering some sudden illnesses that must be treated in time, we can't watch them die."

"So I think it is necessary to equip every train, especially the train that pulls people, with a dedicated medical compartment, and even the passengers on the train can receive free treatment."

Chen Jingke was deeply touched by the matter of the on-board doctor.

Once in his previous life, he took a train to Xinjiang for business. When he left, he had a low-grade fever and didn't care. He took a pack of cold medicine and a thermometer and got on the train.

Unexpectedly, the condition worsened in the middle of the walk, and the fever reached [-] degrees at one point, and the mouth was full of blisters.Taking medicine can only reduce the fever temporarily, and the temperature will rise once the medicine effect wears off.

A few hundred yuan of ticket money was wasted if I got off the bus halfway, and it would take at least a week for this high fever to be refunded.Medical expenses plus accommodation and food expenses, there are not thousands of dollars that cannot be paid.

At that time, he was poor, and he couldn't bear the money at all.

And things are also in a hurry. It didn't take so long for him to stop treating his illness, so I thought about taking medicine and simmering for a while.

He kept taking antipyretics, and as a result, he took the medicine for three days in one day.

When there was really no other way, he went to the marshals for help, but they told him that there was nothing.

Needless to say how helpless he was at that time, only those who have experienced it can understand.

Later, I had no choice but to keep applying cold towels to my forehead, because I was afraid that I would fall asleep and pass out, and I would never wake up again.

When getting out of the car, everyone is floating.

It was still dark at that time, so he reluctantly took a taxi to find a 24-hour clinic.

The doctors in the clinic were startled at that time, and they quickly gave him a blood test. Fortunately, there were no complications.

It can only be said that he was very lucky to meet a kind-hearted person. After the doctor hung up the needle, he gave him the bed where he was resting, and kept guarding him.

After waking up, the doctor had changed shifts and left, but he was told a lot by another doctor who took over.The general idea is to make him pay attention to his body, which is very dangerous or something.

At that time, his eye sockets were moist. On the one hand, he was sad, and on the other hand, he was moved.

This incident was so profound that he never forgot it.

He will never forget what he experienced on the train, and he once petitioned on the Internet to assign a doctor to the train.

Even if the level is not good enough, if it’s really not possible, it’s okay to put a little more conventional medicine for emergency.

It's a pity that other people's words are light, and the proposals are all without any splash.

(This is my real experience, which happened in [-], and I will never forget it.)
Now that he has this ability, he naturally wants to implement this ideal that he failed to realize in his previous life.

Li Shimin originally thought that this proposal was completely redundant and wanted to object, but when he saw Chen Jingke's complicated eyes, he froze for a moment.

The emotions contained in those eyes were too complex and real, as if Chen Jingke had personally experienced that kind of difficulty.

Although he didn't understand why, he didn't ask further.

He just replaced the veto that had already reached his lips with approval: "Jing Ke has a benevolent heart, well, I agree to your proposal."

Chen Jingke expressed gratitude from the bottom of his heart: "Thank you, Saint."

From now on, all passenger trains in Datang will have a medical compartment equipped with at least one doctor, and all kinds of medicines for routine diseases and emergencies are available.

With the promotion of Chinese civilization around the world and the popularity of trains, this regulation has become a worldwide standard. All passenger trains must be equipped with medical compartments.

This rule has saved countless lives.

It’s just that the conversation between Chen Jingke and Li Shimin has not been recorded today. People in later generations don’t know who first proposed the establishment of the medical carriage, and they only think that it should be like this...

(End of this chapter)

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