The Tang Dynasty started from saving Empress Changsun

Chapter 424 Digging pits for the five plateau countries

However, the lobbying of the Tibetan envoys is not completely useless. After all, not everyone has such a big picture, and not everyone is indifferent to bribes from rich and beautiful women.

Many officials were persuaded for various reasons and began to try to write a letter to stop targeting Tubo.

And there was gradually a rumor in Beijing that it was not worthwhile for the imperial court to spend a lot of money to target Tubo.

The terrain over there is so high that it was difficult for people in the Central Plains to even breathe, let alone survive.

And there are high mountains and cliffs everywhere, and you can't even see a piece of flat land. What's the use of fighting it down? In the end, you can only cheapen Xiangxiong, Tuyuhun and other four countries.

Besides, Tubo was very respectful to the Tang Dynasty, and even sent envoys to pay tribute. It is not moral to beat others like this.

These rumors quickly reached Lu Dongzan's ears, which made him very happy, which showed that those who were moved by him started to act.

However, he was still a little worried about whether the Tang court would take coercive measures to quell the rumors.

After all, he has a very clear view of the overall situation. Datang's purpose is to keep the plateau chaotic and prevent the situation from happening.

Faced with such disharmonious rumors, it is normal for Datang to take certain measures.

Put yourself in his shoes and think about it, he would have done the same.

However, to his surprise, the court did not take any action after a long time, as if they had not heard the rumor.

Lu Dongzan was puzzled at first, what does this mean?
As smart as he thought of a possibility, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty also seemed to want to end this war.

But being coerced by the main combat faction, he dared not express his position easily, so he let go of the rumors in order to find an excuse for a truce.

Although this possibility is unlikely, he can only believe it tentatively as he has no choice.

So they stepped up their efforts to fuel the flames and spread the rumors more widely.

What he didn't know was that when Li Shimin was fanning the flames behind his back, Zhang Xiong and other envoys from the four countries were received by Li Shimin.

You have also seen the situation, the domestic people and some officials have objections to our endless assistance.

In the past, we kept it from the inside and dared not tell them how much food was consumed.

Most people think that the main force in the war against Tubo is your four countries. We just waved our flags in the past, so we didn't object.

Now that the cunning Tibetans have leaked this secret, and are still fanning the flames behind their backs to confuse the people, we really have no choice.

You can see that there are thousands of books on impeachment, and we really have nothing to do.

Except for Zhang Zhung, the envoys of the other three countries were taken aback. Without the support of the Tang Dynasty, they would definitely not be able to defeat Tubo.

They can't be allowed to withdraw, so they begged hard to state their serious relationship.

Li Shimin took advantage of the situation to say the ultimate goal, it is okay to continue fighting, but he has to give an explanation to the officials, and the material support will be reduced in the future.

Zhang Zhung is still indifferent, it is a big country with a long history on the plateau with a rich foundation, and the weakest is only its military strength.

As long as the Four Nations Alliance exists, as long as Datang is willing to provide military assistance, it doesn't matter how much material assistance is given.

Even though Tuyuhun, Bailan and the envoys from Dongnu Kingdom were reluctant, they had to accept this reality. …

But they also breathed a sigh of relief deep in their hearts, less is better than no support.

After sending them away, under the "persuasion" of his ministers, Li Shimin "reluctantly" received the Tubo envoys.

After several arduous negotiations, a consensus was reached to cease the war.

Of course, it was not the truce between Tang and Tubo. After all, Tang and Tubo had never declared war, and the four-nation alliance and Tubo were at war.

Datang only came to help its vassal states deal with powerful enemies out of the obligation of the suzerain state.

No way, who made the Four Kingdoms Alliance all belong to the Tang Dynasty, and you Tubo must be called brothers.

But anyway, when Lu Dongzan heard that Datang was willing to mediate, he was also ecstatic.

It never occurred to me that the most unlikely one might turn out to be true.

Then Honglu Temple came forward and called the four-nation alliance and the Tubo envoys together to mediate.

The most outstanding performer in this negotiation was Lu Dongzan. With his intellect and a three-inch tongue, he forcibly kept the previously annexed land.

Of course, there are factors of Datang and Xini in it, otherwise the Four Nations Alliance would not be able to agree easily.

But in the same way, they did not admit that those lands were owned by Tubo, nor did Tang Dynasty.

To put it bluntly, before the armistice agreement was signed, everyone was already making excuses for the next war.

Everyone knows that the current truce is just to take a breather and accumulate strength to launch a larger-scale war.

The melee that lasted for two years on the plateau finally came to an end, and the conservatives within Datang celebrated with each other.

It is a rare victory to think that he has controlled the situation of the country.

Although the main combat faction has opinions, it is hard to say anything.

It's really that that area is too difficult to fight, and it's really not worthwhile to waste money and people for so many years.

Only few people know that Datang dug another hole this time, planning to bury all the five plateau kingdoms in one go.

Chen Jingke is naturally clear, because this pit was brought up at the very beginning.

It's just that it was useless when the conditions were immature at that time, but now Li Shimin changed his appearance and took it out.

To put it bluntly is very simple.

The environment on the plateau is so harsh that Datang is temporarily unable to manage it, and it will not be able to control it even if it is defeated.

Besides, if Tubo is really wiped out, will it be beneficial to Datang?
The Quadruple Alliance is now respectful to the Tang Dynasty because of the threat of Tubo.

Without Tubo, or the plateau four kingdoms that annexed Tubo, would they still be so respectful?

It is best for Datang to maintain the current situation.

Tubo and the Four Kingdoms Alliance restrained each other, and then Datang slowly operated.

It will not be too late for the Han people who migrated to Tuyuhun to adapt to the plateau climate.

But it is also necessary to prevent Tubo from colluding with the four plateau countries. If they form an offensive and defensive alliance without Datang, it will be a trap.

This is not impossible, especially since the country of Zhang Zhung has a very long history, and it is an ancient Qiang country that has been passed down.

Although no particularly developed civilization was born, it also gave birth to its own script, which is the mother civilization of the plateau.

It was only because King Xiangxiong admired the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty that he bowed his head and proclaimed himself a minister, but he has always maintained cultural independence. …

Maybe one day King Xiangxiong will change his mind, and it is not surprising that he wants to join forces with Tubo.

In order to prevent this from happening, mines must be planted for them, and those disputed lands are mines.

It can be said that unless Tubo voluntarily returns the occupied land, it is unlikely that the Quadruple Alliance will reconcile with them.

Even if their monarch is willing to reconcile, the powerful people below will have opinions.

After all, losing the country will be nailed to the pillar of shame.

And really think that after signing the armistice agreement, they will honestly stop fighting?Impossible, the hatred between the two parties is too deep to be restrained by a piece of paper.

Small frictions between the two parties will only become more and more frequent, and will not disappear because of a paper agreement.

Even if they want to stop, Datang will find a way to make them mess up.

In short, in Li Shimin's eyes, the plateau is far more threatening to him in his struggle for world hegemony than Goguryeo, Turks and other countries.

Although Goguryeo, Turkic and other countries are powerful, they all live at normal altitudes, and Datang has a way to deal with them.

The plateau is a pure natural danger, there is no other way.

The key is that the plateau is on the side of the Hexi Corridor from the Tang Dynasty to the Western Regions. Once it is cut off, it means losing the entire Western Regions.

This is absolutely unacceptable to Datang.

Therefore, the plateau remains chaotic, and it is best for the two sides to contain each other.

It's just that Chen Jingke didn't expect that after the matter was over, Lu Dongzan actually took the opportunity of offering incense to visit him, and his attitude was very sincere.

This made him very curious, so he decided to meet up.

And he was really curious about this legendary figure who married the princess of the Tang Dynasty in his previous life.

But for safety reasons, he took Yang Tianlu with him.

The meeting between the two parties was naturally a pleasant exchange.

Chen Jingke said: "I heard that Xiaolun overwhelmed the envoys of Tuyuhun, Zhangxiong and other countries during the negotiations, and preserved the interests of Tubo."

"There are rumors about this in the central capital, and even the sages praise you as an outstanding person. Only when I see you today will you know that the rumors are true."

Lu Dongzan said in a somewhat weird official language: "Chen Zhenzhen is absurd, but he did his best."

"The real purpose of my trip is to marry Princess Datang, so that the two families will be happy forever, but now it seems that this purpose is difficult to achieve."

Chen Jingke said with a smile: "The princess of the Tang Dynasty is not so easy to marry. Let me put it a bit harshly. What qualifications do you have for Tubo to be called brothers and sisters with the Tang Dynasty?"

"Han Feizi said: If a country is small, don't be humble, if you have little power, don't be afraid of the strong, if you are rude, you will insult your neighbors, if you are greedy and clumsy, you will die."

"This is Datang's impression of Tubo. Under such circumstances, how could you possibly marry the princess to you?"

Lu Dongzan didn't expect him to be so rude, and a glint of sullenness flashed in his eyes.But the situation is stronger than others, and he dare not turn his face against Chen Jingke.

Not only can't turn his face, but also compliment the status of Zixiao Temple, tout the achievements of Sun Simiao and Chen Jingke, etc.

Reaching out to not hit the smiling face, Chen Jingke didn't say anything harsh, and even praised the talents of Songtsan Gampo and Lu Dongzan.

That's how the topic went on.

This chat really shocked Chen Jingke.

At first he thought that Lu Dongzan was just trying to get closer, but the more we talked, the more surprised he became. …

Lu Dongzan not only has a very deep research on Buddhism, but also has a lot of research on Confucianism and Taoism. Many questions he asks are very in-depth, and the angles are also very unexpected.

It's not that Chen Jingke is a time traveler. In the past few years, he has been studying Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and other schools of thought, otherwise he would have been questioned.

In fact, Lu Dongzan was also surprised that a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old had such profound insight.

Even if the apprentice is like this, how profound is the knowledge of being a master?

And Sun Simiao is not just a scholar, he is also a medical saint.

One person can achieve the ultimate in two different directions, which really makes people feel awe.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being a kingdom of heaven, with outstanding people.

In fact, Lu Dongzan's research on Confucianism and Taoism is just a matter of the past few years.

With the cultural infiltration of Tuyuhun, Bailan, Dongnu and other countries by the Tang Dynasty, many books were also spread to Tubo. Lu Dongzan took advantage of his status to collect relevant books and devoted himself to research.

The new knowledge system brought him a lot of inspiration and answered many previous doubts.

It's just that the books that have been handed down in the past are incomplete, and there is no one to guide him. While solving some problems, it also brings him more doubts.

This time he went to Datang as an envoy, he bought a lot of books and prepared to take them back to study carefully. Now that he has the opportunity to ask a famous person like Chen Jingke for advice, he will naturally not let it go.

For several days in a row, he would come to ask for advice whenever he had time.

And Chen Jingke didn't hide his secrets, he not only helped him answer various questions, but even recommended several good books to him.

Some people may say, isn't this capital enemy?
In the previous life, the Wa Kingdom became stronger by learning from China, and later ungrateful and retaliated against China, and the same is true for the stick and the monkey.

There is a misunderstanding in everyone's thinking here. First of all, it is not books on ideology that really support the enemy, but craftsmen and various production technologies.

Second, there is nothing wrong with cultural infiltration, what is wrong is that there is no follow-up action.

In previous lives, Chinese dynasties only passively infiltrated surrounding countries with culture, and never thought about further assimilating them.

Then there was no precaution against the loss of technology, and even took the initiative to give some technology to others, which finally caused a backlash.

The Tang Dynasty in this life is different, and cultural penetration is only the first step.

Let you first admit that Datang is your suzerain country, and let you use the characters, language, coins, etc. of Datang.

Then assimilate you through various methods, and finally achieve national integration.From then on, everyone, regardless of each other, is a part of the Chinese civilization, and they are all Tang people.

This method was used for the Siyi vassals. Although Xiangxiong and Tubo were not interested in the Tang culture, in fact they were still passively accepting it.

The reason is very simple, Datang is too strong, so strong that many people can't help but take the initiative to understand.

And as long as they are willing to come to understand, they will definitely be affected.

This influence gradually deepens, and one day it will reverse their thinking from the top.

Now what Chen Jingke taught Lu Dongzan was originally what Datang wanted to do in the future, and it was not an enemy.

And what he teaches are all cultural aspects, not involving any technology.

Another point is that Tubo is a Buddhist country, and all people receive Buddhist education from top to bottom.

The knowledge that Lu Dongzan learned from the Tang Dynasty is very complicated, including Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.

As a second chancellor, he can influence the top leaders of Tubo, and in the long run, even cause a ideological split among the top leaders of Tubo.

In a word, when you are strong, except for giving free money, any strategy can deal a blow to weak forces.

When you are weak, the seemingly free help may be deadly honey.

Soon it will be the first day again, and this year's first day will be more lively than last year.

One of the reasons is that it was brought by the train. Under the deliberate guidance of Honglu Temple, the envoys of every faction went to visit the train, and even organized them to take a ride.

As a result, needless to say, the envoys of various countries were more respectful to Datang.

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