Chapter 427 Untitled
This year's Spring Festival is very pleasant for the monarchs and ministers of the Tang Dynasty. If the Siyi surrender, their evaluation in future history books will be much more beautiful.

On the contrary, the envoys of the vassal states all have solemn expressions, especially the relationship with Datang is not so good, and they are even more mournful.

After Datang showed off its force, pieces of intelligence information were sent back to their own country by messengers from various missions.

In short, the core idea is just one sentence, Datang is invincible.

Li Shimin was well aware of this, but did not take any action to stop it.

What he wants is this effect, to deter the nations and give Datang more time to develop.

By the time the nations realized something was wrong, Datang had become invincible and crushed.

However, he was not so naive as to think that having a cannon would deter all enemies.

"The cannon will have a good effect on those half-hearted forces, but it won't have much effect on countries that are already at odds with Datang."

"For example, Xue Yantuo and Western Turks will not reduce their hostility towards Tang Dynasty. We will have a battle with them sooner or later."

Li Shimin said domineeringly: "Even if they want to live in harmony with Datang, it is impossible, they are too big and too strong, and they have already threatened the safety of Datang.

"And one is in the northern grasslands, which hinders the acquisition of war horses and threatens the Hexi Corridor."

"One is located in the Western Regions, hindering the Great Tang's westward advance. This is the reason for their demise."

What Chen Jingke heard was also full of enthusiasm. Since when did the Central Plains Dynasty lose this kind of domineering?

There was a saying in the previous life that China's understanding of national defense tends to be conservative, that is, a peaceful country and a relatively peaceful doorstep are enough.

As for other places, I think that I have nothing to do with myself.

This kind of thinking works well for small countries, but it is not suitable for large countries.

If you want to be conservative, will others be able to get along peacefully?
As a big country, it should have the vision of an eagle, overlooking the whole world.

It doesn't mean that, like Europe and the United States, the whole world is in a mess by fanning the wind everywhere, but that we must take precautions and take targeted measures as soon as possible.

Don't wait until the enemy hits the door of your house. You look confused. Where did this powerful enemy come from?
"Your Majesty said well, we should look down on the world from the sky like eagles, and use the whole world as our own hunting ground, instead of self-imprisoning and waiting for the enemy to come."

Li Shimin said deeply: "Your words are very reasonable. My Tang Dynasty should use the world as a battlefield and become the real master of the world."

Li Chengqian also said excitedly: "I believe this day will definitely come."

Chen Jingke said: "I have no doubts about this."

But he then said: "However, cannons are not omnipotent, and we cannot rely too much on them."

Li Chengqian also nodded and said: "Anyone who knows a little bit about the art of war can tell that the cannon is best at offensive and defensive battles but not at field battles."

"Whether it is the Western Regions or the grasslands, the land is vast and sparsely populated, and it is the army's field battle that ultimately determines the outcome."

Chen Jingke remembered a foreign TV series he had watched in his previous life, nodded repeatedly and said, "That's true, you can use cavalry to attack artillery in field battles."

"As long as you get past the first round of bombing, break into the artillery position, or fight with the Tang army, it will be difficult for the artillery to play a role."

The play is about the time when France invaded Russia. France used muskets and artillery, and Russia launched a charge with Cossack cavalry.

As a result, France lost 3 people and Russia lost [-], which is almost a tie.

The Mughal Empire also used the same method to deal with the British firearms army and won.

As for why the Manchu Qing failed, it can only be said that the regime that was rotten to the root did not deserve to win.

What really ended the era of cavalry was not muskets and artillery, but machine guns and tanks.

However, Li Shimin was very dissatisfied and said: "You two don't know anything about military affairs, it's fine if Jing Ke doesn't know anything, but you don't know anything about Chengqian, it really shouldn't be."

The smile on Li Chengqian's face froze, and he said with trepidation: "I've let Aye down, I will definitely consult and learn from the generals in the future."

Li Shimin shook his head and said: "There are some things that cannot be learned by mouth. When you have the opportunity, I will let you go to the battlefield to see for yourself what war is, so as not to become a person who talks about war on paper in the future."

Li Chengqian's eyes lit up, how many princes can go to the battlefield to experience?Of course he is very happy.

"Xie Aye, I will not let you down."

Li Shimin nodded and continued: "Just now you said that artillerymen are not good at field combat. There is indeed a certain truth, but there is no absolute."

"Weapons are dead, but people are alive. A good future must turn disadvantages into advantages, and avoid the disadvantages of artillery and make use of their strengths."

"Do you know how Wei Qing dealt with the Hun cavalry back then?"

Li Chengqian's eyes lit up, and he said, "The car formation."

Li Shimin nodded and said: "Yes, everyone only remembers that Huo Qubing led the cavalry to detour for thousands of miles, and sealed the wolf to live in Xuxu. They thought that the big man defeated the Xiongnu with the advantage of the cavalry."

"Actually, it's not the case. The big man uses cavalry to fight. He usually uses cavalry to catch up with the enemy."

"In the real decisive battle, we should use chariots to form an array and shoot them with bows and crossbows. When the enemy's morale is low, we will launch a final surprise attack with cavalry."

"Back then, Li Ling defended against the Xiongnu's [-] cavalry with [-] infantry for more than ten days, and killed nearly [-] Huns, relying on chariot formations and crossbows."

"Later, the bows and crossbows were exhausted, and there were traitors in the army before the army was defeated and captured."

"This method has been used until now. I used it in the Tang Dynasty to fight against the Turkic cavalry."

"But the same formation can be used by different people to have different effects. The Turkic people also wanted to emulate this method to deal with my Tang cavalry, but they were still defeated in the end."

Li Chengqian couldn't help nodding his head again and again, it was indeed the reason, he already had a little idea of ​​what Li Shimin was going to say.

Chen Jingke didn't think too much, just listened to it as a story.

Although the story of Wei Qinghuo Qubing and Li Ling has been read countless times, it is still very interesting from Li Shimin's perspective.

Li Shimin continued: "Cannons are more useful than bows and crossbows. General Shenwei's cannons are too heavy to move easily."

"However, the tiger squatting cannon is light in weight and has a relatively short range. It will be more effective when used in conjunction with the crossbow cart array."

Hearing this, Chen Jingke answered subconsciously: "Reduce the cannon to a few kilograms, so that a single person can lift it up and use it by hand."

"Firing a projectile as thick as a little finger, the range can be two to three hundred meters."

"The ammunition of this thing is small and easy to carry, and the cost is cheaper than the compound bow."

"The training is also simpler than that of an archer. As long as you can lift it up and aim in the direction, you can shoot. It takes a few days of personal training..."

While talking, he found that Li Shimin and Li Chengqian were staring at him, and said with a little hair in his heart: "What are you looking at me for?"

Li Shimin said viciously: "Why didn't you say this method earlier?"

Chen Jingke explained: "It's not that Datang's steel production was insufficient at the time... Well, well, I thought it was unnecessary at the time."

Li Shimin felt his hands itching again, this time he didn't hold back, and directly slapped him on the head.

But it's enough not to use too much force, and all the force fell on the bun, and no one was hit.

"It's time to fight. If there is such a strange thing in the future, it must be taken out as soon as possible. Even if it cannot be used on a large scale for the time being, it is still possible to build a few less for experimentation."

Chen Jingke quickly said: "Okay, okay, I will draw the firecracker now."

As he spoke, he took pen and ink and wrote down the style and principle of the musket.

Li Shimin complained: "Your character has not improved at all, such a good font is wasted."

Chen Jingke said helplessly: "I'm busy, how can I have time to practice calligraphy?"

"But I taught this font to Xiao Si, and she will be the authentic heir in the future, how can it be said to be a waste."

"Are you Xiao Sizi's real father?"

Li Shimin subconsciously slapped him again, and suddenly felt that his thoughts were clear.

I've wanted to smoke this brat for a long time, but I resisted it before.

Today I finally completed the breakthrough of zero, and I will slap him twice more if I have nothing to do in the future.

This kind of bastard should smoke more.

And Li Tai, that bastard, really took charge of the academy and almost didn't come back during the Chinese New Year, so he should smoke it too.

I took a look at Li Chengqian, and finally decided to save him some face, after all, it is not good for the crown prince to spread it.

But if he doesn't do a good job, he will be pumped as he should.

Chen Jingke didn't know what he was going to face in the future, so he honestly drew the musket.

What he gave were front-loading guns, breech-loading guns, and flintlock guns. As for which one to use, it was a matter for craftsmen and the military.

Li Shimin took those three pages, and the more he looked at them, the more satisfied he became.

Although it cannot completely replace the bow and crossbow, the advantages of this kind of firecracker are really too great.

It is simple to manufacture, easy to maintain, and easy to use. It really can be operated by any normal person.

What about crossbows?A strong bow takes one or two years from the preparation of materials to the completion of its production, and there are also disadvantages such as fear of fire and tide.

The key is that the training of archers is too difficult, and the strongest soldiers are selected from the army to exercise the strength of their arms.

For a qualified archer, it takes several months or even a year or two to complete the training.

Moreover, it takes a lot of strength to shoot with a strong bow. Even if a sharpshooter shoots ten arrows in a row, he must stop and rest, otherwise his arms will be strained.

As long as the firecracker has ammunition, it can keep shooting without worrying about physical strength.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this thing was really useful.

There is no need to popularize it on a large scale, first build ten or eight Zhechongfu firearms troops to test the effect.

During the war, if you draw a few pasts, you can have unexpected effects.

Wait until the time is right to slowly build more firearms troops.

As for whether popularizing firearms would shake the royal family's rule over the country, he hadn't considered it at all.

Even the Song Dynasty, which was criticized by everyone, did not consider these. After all, the firecracker was first invented by the Song Dynasty, and it began to be popularized in the Ming Dynasty.

It's just that the problems in the late Ming Dynasty were so great that the research and development of firearms lagged behind the West.

But even so, they are purchasing and even imitating the fire of the West, arming the army.

Only the Qing Dynasty restricted the development and use of firearms in order to prevent the world from man-made rebellion.

But it is only limited use, not completely useless.

The Qing Dynasty also had a firearms battalion. As for combat effectiveness, it was okay in the early stage, and it was completely pulled in the middle and late stages.

Leaving from Li Shimin, Chen Jingke went to Lizheng Hall to meet Li Mingda as usual.

The little girl was one year older, and her little face gradually opened up, which has the tendency to bring disaster to the country and the people.

In the words of the previous life, heaven took some things from her and gave her something else.

She was born with her father's high blood pressure and her mother's asthma, but in terms of intelligence and appearance, she inherited the advantages of both parents.

In fact, Chen Jingke is still a little worried about whether the little girl will be rebellious when she grows up, and she doesn't like arranged marriages.

But for now, all of this is superfluous.

The little girl knew how to be shy. Although she started to keep a distance from him, her intimacy didn't decrease at all, on the contrary, it increased.

If he doesn't come to the palace for three days, she will feel very disappointed.

So now he comes to the palace every three or four days, or she goes outside to find him.

Then Chen Jingke will take her to various places to play and experience the outside world.

Compared with her sisters who were raised in the deep palace since childhood and had almost no chance to leave the palace before marriage, her childhood was more complete.

When Chen Jingke arrived at the Lizheng Hall, Li Mingda had already been waiting here.

In fact, this was the arrangement of the eldest grandson Wugou, knowing that Chen Jingke would enter the palace, he would take the little one over from the school in advance.

As soon as he met Chen Jingke, he said with concern: "Little Si, have you taken your medicine obediently recently?"

Li Mingda said with a bitter face: "Well, I ate it, it's so unpalatable."

Chen Jingke comforted: "I have taken these medicines back then, and we are called sharing weal and woe."

Li Mingda immediately became happy, and said: "Well, don't worry, brother, I will take medicine well."

Listening to the slightly naive conversation between the two, Changsun Wugou turned around and left with a nasty look.

Leave the two here to play.

Li Mingda's body grew gradually, but the key point was that her asthma finally broke out. Sun Simiao prescribed medicine for her to treat her, hoping to completely control her before she was 14 years old.

As for Chen Jingke's illness, he didn't know how far he had been treated due to the lack of professionalism for testing.

It's just that I haven't committed it since I was 14 years old. What I missed in my previous life has finally been made up in this life.


Soon the Shangyuan Festival ended, and the envoys of the vassal states bid farewell and left at an unprecedented speed.

A lot of information cannot be conveyed by messengers. They must return to the country as soon as possible and explain the matter to the country's leaders and those in power in person.

Lu Dongzan also left very quickly. What people didn't expect was that he went to Zixiao Temple to bid farewell to Chen Jingke.

Chen Jingke himself didn't expect it, and he was quite emotional when he was surprised. If it weren't for each master, Lu Dongzan would really be a good friend.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing.

After sending Lu Dongzan away, Chen Jingke also started a three-point and one-line life.

Zixiaoguan accompanies his family and children, is busy with work in the academy, and occasionally goes to the palace to accompany Li Mingda.

On the grassland thousands of miles away, Wang Fangyi and Li Xiaoyi led Qianqi to the city of Dingxiang against the cold wind.

(End of this chapter)

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