Chapter 441 Triumph
It was already five days later when Chen Jingke saw the good news, and the whole city of Chang'an was a sensation.

Li Shimin immediately summoned all the important ministers for a meeting in the palace.

"Haha...haha..." Since Li Shimin's city government lost his composure and kept laughing, it can be seen how happy he is.

The others counted as one, and they were all very excited after seeing the battle report.

Everyone thought they would win, but they never imagined that they would win so much. Even Qibi Heli, who was a hostage, was rescued.

In the First World War, more than [-] Xue Yantuo elites were annihilated, and more than [-] prisoners were captured, and countless cattle, horses and livestock were captured.

The six jins including Dadu surrendered, and most importantly, Yi Nan was captured alive.

"Congratulations to the saint, congratulations to the saint, he defeated Xue Yantuo in the first battle, and relieved the border trouble." Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji and others congratulated in unison.

"Haha...Happiness and joy, this is a happy event shared by everyone in Tang Dynasty. You all contributed to the victory over Xue Yantuo." Li Shimin couldn't close his mouth with a smile.

Chen Jingke was also very surprised when he looked at the battle report in his hand. He didn't expect that Yi Nan was captured alive.

Although each is their own master, Chen Jingke still admires Yi Nan.

At that time, he led the young Xue Yantuo and worked under Jieli's command.Not only did it preserve its own tribe, but it also achieved considerable development.

Later, it was found that the situation was wrong, and he resolutely took the lead in rebelling against Xieli and taking refuge in the Tang Dynasty, and raised troops to personally attack the Eastern Turks.

Relying on this prestige of being the first to resist the tyranny of the Eastern Turks, he became a man of promise on the grassland.

Huihe, Tiele, Khitan and other tribes were all under his management in name, and there is a high probability that they would be Maodun and Jieli in another dynasty.

It's a pity that he was born at an untimely time, not only a Tian Khan was born in the Central Plains, but also famous generals came out in large numbers, and he ended up being defeated and captured in the end.

Being betrayed by his own nephew, probably this is the most uncomfortable thing for Yi Nan.

The second one I didn't expect was Wang Fangyi and Li Xiaoyi, they are really brave and really know how to find opportunities.

Raiding the enemy's lair and winning the battle is a great feat, second only to the feat of capturing Yi Nan.

After they came back, the rewards for these two people must be very generous, and Li Xiaoyi's Duke Liang will definitely become a regular.

Before, his title was a shady seal, with only one empty title, but this time it is worthy of the name.

However, it is still a bit difficult to add the word "founding the country", without him, leave it to Li Chengqian.

There is a high probability that Wang Fangyi will also become a knight. It is a bit difficult to be a marquis, but it is possible for Bo Zinan.

Chen Jingke feels that there is a high probability that he is a viscount, and the reason is the same as above, leaving it to Li Chengqian.

Being knighted before the age of coronation has far surpassed that of Tongji.

Chen Jingke himself is a bit of a lemon, after all, he is still white, and the title will not be sealed until he wins the little son.

As for Sun Simiao's title, it is not his share, but passed directly to his son.

While he was picking lemons, Li Shimin asked, "Jing Ke, why don't you speak?"

"You formed Qianqi by yourself. Li Xiaoyi and Wang Fangyi are talents recommended by you, so you have contributed a lot to this battle."

"Hehe...I'm so happy that I can't even stop myself." Chen Jingke didn't explain his brainstorming, but said along the words:

"After this battle, Xue Yantuo is no longer a hidden danger to the Tang Dynasty, and all the grassland tribes are also trembling for it. At least for decades, the Tang Dynasty will have no worries."

Li Shimin smiled and didn't answer this question. What he wanted was not that there would be no hidden dangers in the northern border for decades, but a hundred years or even longer.

To achieve this goal, only through continuous war.

His more ambitious goal is to set up states and counties on the grasslands to dispatch officials to achieve real governance, rather than to implement the current detainment policy.

And to do this, the train becomes particularly important.

A large amount of iron and steel is needed to build railways, and it seems necessary to cultivate more iron ore.

We also need to slightly relax the control of gunpowder, this thing is too easy to use for mining.

In the past two years, the output of Datang iron mines has increased dramatically. In addition to the discovery and mining of major iron mines, another important factor is the use of gunpowder.

But now that there are so many people talking, he didn't say this long-term plan.

Chen Jingke didn't expect that Li Shimin thought of so much in just a while, and said:
"The soldiers are about to return triumphantly. How to reward the meritorious men, how to deal with the barbarians and the captured Xue Yantuo people, and how to deal with those surrendered generals, we need to come up with regulations as soon as possible."

Li Shimin nodded and asked others: "Well, these things really need to be prepared in advance, what do you think?"

Others naturally have no opinion.

The first is to reward those who have meritorious service. Li Ji is good at conferring rewards. The title has reached the peak and there is nothing to confer, so he will directly add a land of Baili.

In other words, in the future, his feudal state will be based on the principality, and will enter a hundred miles more.

This reward is too much compared to adding hundreds of households to food towns, and everyone is very envious.

Wang Fangyi and Li Xiaoyi were the second ones to be discussed, as expected by Chen Jingke.

Li Xiaoyi's Liang Jungong gave fifty households Shishiyi, which can be regarded as regularization.

Wang Fangyi was canonized as the county son of Lexiang, but the word "Jianguo" was still not added, and there were only a hundred households in Shishi Town, and only a pitiful twenty households in Shishi Town.

The rest of the people are more troublesome, how to seal Hou Junji?How about other generals?How will the rest of the officers and soldiers, large and small, be sealed?
How to seal Dadu and others who voluntarily surrendered?Even Yi Nan has to be sealed.

In addition to rewarding the living, how can the dead be compensated?
These matters are intricate, and it took a long time for everyone to discuss before they barely reached a consensus, and the details still need to be discussed.

However, many things do not need to be done by the present, they only need to draw up an outline, and the rest will naturally be completed by lower-level officials.

But it is foreseeable that this wave of imperial court will bleed heavily.

However, the imperial court is still very willing to bleed like this, and even wished to come here ten times or eight times a year.

In the past, they were worried about having no money to reward, but now the money and food in the treasury are piled up like a mountain, and everyone's headache is how to spend the money.

After all, after Chen Jingke's unremitting efforts, the officials finally realized that the money piled up in the warehouse is not money, only the money in circulation is called money, and can create value.

It's just that the glass business is really profitable, and those businesses in the Queen's hands are not much less, and money flows into the treasury and internal funds like flowing water every day.

The officials racked their brains to spend money, but they couldn't keep up with the speed of making money.

The good financial situation made the officials think that they were living in a dream. You must know that three years ago they were still thinking about how to dig the east wall to make up for the west wall.

Throughout history, which dynasty's financial situation can catch up with theirs?

So when it comes to financial rewards, monarchs and ministers are very generous, rewarding, and rewarding.

But the lord gave it very stingily. The reason is very simple. If this thing is flooded, the military merit system will collapse, and that will be a big problem that will shake the foundation of the country.

Afterwards, everyone discussed Xue Yantuo's situation.

Wei Zheng, as the main combat faction, immediately suggested: "Yi Nan was captured alive, Xue Yantuo will be in chaos for a while, shall we take advantage of the victory and pursue to wipe out the bandits?"

And then most people just shook their heads and didn't like it very much.Only a few people said that they should take advantage of the victory and pursue, and not give the Xue Yantuo people a chance to recover.

Fang Xuanling shook his head and said: "After Xue Yantuo is destroyed, there are Huihe, Khitan, and Mohe... Now they are respectful to me, Tang Dynasty, because of their weak strength."

"If Xue Yantuo is destroyed, Mobei will be occupied by these tribes, and the next Xue Yantuo will be born in a few years."

"The best way is to let Xue Yantuo continue to exist and check with other ministries to prevent the emergence of a single family dominance."

Li Jing, who had been silent all this time, said: "Actually, we don't need to worry about this. Without Yi Nan, the Xue Yantuo people will inevitably have civil strife for a while."

"Although Tumozhi is ambitious, his ability is mediocre and he cannot convince the public. Especially since he betrayed Yinan first, it is even more difficult to convince the public."

"In the short term, the northern grasslands will only fall into greater chaos, and the results will not be separated so quickly."

"When they are about to decide the winner, I, Datang, will take action to eliminate the strong and help the weak, and always maintain the chaotic situation in the grassland..."

Everyone nodded again and again, Li Jing's analysis was indeed correct.

There are too many careerists on the grasslands. In the past, the barbarians were highly prestigious and able to convince the crowd. Now that he is gone, there is a lack of the kind of people who promise everything. They will inevitably fall into battle.

Among Xue Yantuo, between Xue Yantuo and other forces... This is a big chaos.

In the second half of the meeting, Chen Jingke acted as a little transparent, and remained invisible throughout the entire meeting without saying a word.

It's not that he doesn't want to talk, but that he doesn't know what to say in this situation, and the memories from his previous life are no longer applicable.

Make plans for the next step based on the actual situation, and this group of elites from Datang will do better than him.

And this is also a good opportunity to observe and learn. Usually, these old foxes hide more and more evil one by one, chatting with them for a long time can't say a useful word.

In this kind of meeting, no one dares to play charades, they just say what they have in a concise and concise manner.

Because once you play charades, others will climb up the pole and steal the benefits that belong to your faction.

The most suitable way to chat at this time is to roll up your sleeves and spray saliva all over the sky, not giving up a penny of interest.

It was rare to see this group of people fighting with bare arms and red faces, Chen Jingke watched with relish.

After a while, he discovered that Li Shimin was also watching a play.

Weng and son-in-law exchanged glances, knowing that they would watch the play together.

Soon, the monarchs and ministers of the Tang Dynasty reached a consensus on Xue Yantuo and Mobei's affairs, keeping them divided and turbulent.

By the way, even the matter of Monan was taken into consideration, and Li Simo's tribe was agreed to move to live south of the Yellow River.

Then officially divide the prefectures and counties in Monan, and send officials to rule.

In fact, this policy has been established many years ago, but it has not been effectively implemented.

This time, taking advantage of the opportunity of defeating Xue Yantuo, this matter happened to be implemented, and it was also to accumulate experience for the subsequent rule of Mobei.

When the news of Li Ji's victory came... Datang fell into ecstasy.

This kind of treatment is completely different from when Hou Jun gathered to destroy Gaochang and Liu Rengui defeated the Wa Nu Kingdom.

What are Gaochang and the Wanu Kingdom to the common people?never heard of that.

Lack of sense of substitution.

Xue Yantuo is different, it is a powerful force in the grassland.

However, the entanglement between the Central Plains Dynasty and the grassland forces is too deep. Ten years ago, the Tang Dynasty was bullied by the Eastern Turks, and the people attached great importance to them.

So when they heard that Xue Yantuo was defeated on the grassland, the people were very happy.

Chen Jingke didn't know what was going on in other places. Anyway, every house in Chang'an City was decorated with lanterns and festoons.

The streets were filled with celebratory crowds, and Li Shimin's personal prestige reached a new peak.

At this time, if anyone dared to say the word "reverse", the court would not need to take action, and the people themselves could beat those people to death.

Li Shimin himself also ran to the street, and sat on the side of the road to listen to others bragging about how wise and powerful he was.

If it weren't for the busy government affairs, he could sit there and listen for a day.

After he came back, he said a word: the hearts of the people are available.

Soon the Ministry of Education came up with the exact list of rewards. In this battle, more than [-] people were awarded titles, and hundreds of people were awarded honors.

War is indeed the easiest thing to break the boundaries of identity. Dozens of nobles and hundreds of meritorious families were born in one battle.

No wonder so many people are willing to join the army under the military merit system, and so many people dare to work hard, everything is equivalent.

Chen Jingke admits that he has a bit of hatred for the rich, but he does not hate the nobles under the military merit system.

This is in exchange for their lives, and enjoying the privileges is a matter of course.

If you are not convinced, you can also join the army and make meritorious service, and become a nobleman yourself.

If you dare not speak.

These people's status as powerful and powerful people are all fighting for their lives, and they deserve to be respected.

Four days later, Li Ji led the army back to the court, accompanied by countless trophies, captured nobles and generals of Xue Yantuo, and Qi Jin who voluntarily surrendered, etc. The huge team stretched for more than ten miles.

Fang Xuanling, Xiao Yu, Li Jing and others led civil and military officials [-] miles out of the city to meet them.The people of Chang'an City lined the road to welcome them, shouting "Long Live the Tang Dynasty".

Parading horses through the streets is the biggest dream of every heroic boy. At this moment, it has become a reality, and all the soldiers are very excited.

Li Chengqian was also very excited. He had participated in similar ceremonies before, but at that time he appeared as a greeter.

But this time, he appeared as one of the welcomed ones, and it felt completely different.

On the contrary, Dadu She and others who surrendered were downcast, and the captured Yi Nan was ashamed and angry.

When they came to the gate of the imperial city, Li Shimin greeted them personally at Chengtian Gate and announced that they would reward those who have made great achievements.

Then there was the offering of captives from the Taimiao. In addition to civil and military officials and meritorious men, the imperial court also invited envoys from various vassal states, the intention is self-evident.

Afterwards, there was a grand welcome banquet. All officials in Beijing, big and small, could come to attend, and many celebrities were also invited.

Naturally, Chen Jingke also participated. He was still very curious about Yi Nan and wanted to see what this man looked like.

After meeting the real person, he unexpectedly discovered that Yi Nan was four to five points similar to what he had imagined.

He is tall, stout, and calm, like a mountain when he sits there.

Just as a captive, he was in a very decadent mood and kept drinking.

Li Shimin didn't humiliate him, let alone let him dance in public, on the contrary, he respected him very much.

This is the only place that makes Yi Nan feel gratified.

(End of this chapter)

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