Chapter 451 Across the Ocean
Apart from seeing patients, Sun Simiao hadn't seen any foreign visitors for a long time.

Even if patients are treated, they only receive that kind of difficult and miscellaneous diseases. Apprentices treat common diseases.

Chen Jingke and Wu Shu also took care of all Taoist affairs, and he only showed up at important meetings.

The rest of the time is spent on researching medical skills, teaching students, and writing medical books.

Someone once joked that unless he was sick, it was harder to see Sun Simiao than to see the emperor.

But when he learned that Zhang Xiaozhun was coming, he immediately put down his work and went to the door to greet him in person.

This treatment made Zhang Xiaozhun tremble all over with excitement, and kept saying that it was impossible and shortened his life.

Then I am deeply happy for my grandniece.

Although he doesn't have the title of the Eight Classics, there is no shortage of status that he should have.

Why did Sun Simiao greet him in person?Could it be because of his high status?
It's all about the face of his grandniece Zhang Ping, which is a respect for him as a parent.

Many people may think, what is it like to have no name and no points?
As an outsider, he never had these worldly concepts.

As long as the niece and grandniece are happy, as long as the two have feelings, everything else is just floating clouds.

Sun Simiao also specially held a welcome dinner for him, and invited several real people with high Taoist morals to accompany him.

This treatment made Zhang Xiaozhun so excited that he drank alcohol again and again until he was very drunk.

Chen Jingke naturally wanted to accompany him, so he and Zhang Ping didn't get a chance to be alone until night.

After several intense exercises, Chen Jingke lay on the side exhausted, and then began to talk.

After chatting for a while, Chen Jingke realized why Zhang Xiaozhun's attitude was wrong at the beginning.

The fundamental purpose of his coming to Chang'an was not actually to visit Sun Simiao, but to see this nephew and son-in-law.

It's just that it doesn't sound good to say so, so I found an excuse to visit the leader.

Chen Jingke felt both funny and guilty, and said, "I should visit his old man."

Zhang Ping comforted him in turn: "There is no need to do this. Your situation is special and you cannot leave Chang'an."

"Ah Weng also knows the reason, so everyone doesn't mind."

Chen Jingke hugged her in his arms, and said emotionally, "The heavens have treated me so kindly, allowing me to meet you."

Zhang Ping closed his eyes slightly, and said, "I'm also very lucky to meet a real person."

After being tender for a long time, she opened her eyes and said shyly, "This time I will stay in Chang'an for a while longer."

Chen Jingke said happily: "That would be great... Well, what's the matter? If you need my help, just ask."

Zhang Ping glanced at him, turned her head embarrassed, and said, "This matter can't be done without you."

Chen Jingke said curiously: "Oh? What's the matter, it's up to me."

Zhang Ping said in a low voice, "I'm already past my age."

Chen Jingke froze for a moment, then said blankly: "I know, what does it matter?"

Zhang Ping bit his lip and said, "The Taoist temple you gave me doesn't have an heir yet."

Chen Jingke suddenly realized, and jokingly said: "You are right, I really have to do this."

After speaking, he turned over and pressed her under him, saying: "Let's continue to work hard for the heir."

Zhang Ping's arrival added color to Chen Jingke's life. Wu Shu, Yi Nu and the others knew that it was not easy for her to come here, so they specially left all the time for her.

Even when he was happy, Chen Jingke always lamented that his waist was weak.

It was the first day of the year amidst the bustle and bustle, and the Great Court Meeting was naturally even more lively.

Li Shimin wrote a poem on the spot:
He Yiyan has a crown and a cover, and he wears a lot of clothes.

Yu Yan gallops along the road, bells and drums shake the rock corridor.

The group practices the radiant glow, and the frost halberd shines toward the morning light.

The morning and night are full of reason, and I am ashamed to caress the wasteland.

The wind opens the festival, and the gray rhythm moves to the early sun.

Hundreds of barbarians are enshrined, and the dynasty of all nations is still young.

Although there is no trace of Shun and Yu, fortunately, the world is healthy.

The track is the same as the eight tables, and the writing is mixed.

Speaking of this poem, it was indeed above the standard, and it was so flattering for a while, Li Shimin couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.

Chen Jingke curled his lips, not because he thought it was bad, but because compared with a certain poem in his memory, it was brother in brother.

But no matter how stupid he was, he knew that he couldn't hit Li Shimin in the face on such an occasion, so he applauded along with everyone.

It's a pity that his expression was clearly seen by the eldest grandson Wugou sitting next to him.

When the Great Court Meeting was over, Changsun Wugou tugged at his ear and said, "Tell me clearly, what kind of expression do you have?"

Li Shimin looked like he was watching the excitement, and said, "Yo, what's the matter, is Jing Ke making your aunt angry again?"

Changsun Wugou said: "When you were writing the poem just now, he pouted from the sidelines, looking dismissive."

Li Shimin's beard stood up in anger, and he said, "Pinch it hard, don't feel sorry for this bastard."

Chen Jingke hurriedly shouted: "Little Si, come and save me, you, mother, want to plot me well."

Changsun Wugou was also annoyed when he heard this, his willow eyebrows stood on end, he exerted a little force in his hands, and said:
"Your backer went to Shu'er's house, no one can save you today."

Chen Jingke finally gave up, and quickly grabbed her hand and yelled, "It hurts, it hurts, auntie, be gentle, the ear fell off."

The eldest grandson Wugou said: "It's just right for you to fall, I will give you a memory, let you have a sense of seniority and inferiority in your heart."

Chen Jingke confessed directly, and said: "I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, and I will never dare again."

Of course Li Shimin and Changsun Wugou were not really angry, they were just amused, they let him go after a while.

After each sat down, Li Shimin asked: "Tell me clearly, do you despise my poems?"

How dare Chen Jingke say no, he quickly shook his head and said, "How is it possible, Your Majesty's poem is so well written."

Li Shimin's expression turned pale, and he said, "Then why did you put on that expression?"

Chen Jingke said cautiously: "Auntie is wrong, I was actually applauding all the time."

The eldest grandson Wugou glared, and said, "You said I was wrong?"

Chen Jingke faltered and said: "You really read it wrong, I didn't disdain it, it was... it was..."

Li Shimin squinted and said, "What is it?"

Chen Jingke couldn't help it, so he could only bite the bullet and said: "I happen to know a similar poem, and I can't help but compare it when I hear His Majesty's poem."

Li Shimin didn't expect this answer, so he became interested immediately.

He is very satisfied with his poem. It is a standard and excellent work, and few in Tang Dynasty can surpass it.

Of course, this is because this is the early Tang Dynasty, the turmoil in the Central Plains has just ended, and the style of writing has not yet flourished.

Those famous poets are either still breastfeeding, or have not yet been born, and the splendid "Tang poetry" has not yet appeared.

Under the current circumstances, Li Shimin's poem is indeed a masterpiece, and he has the capital of self-confidence.

Of course, compared to poetry, his majestic Fu is the real classic.

Even compared with those famous literati masterpieces in history, it is not inferior.

Hearing Chen Jingke say that there are similar poems, Li Shimin, who is full of self-confidence, suddenly became interested and said:

"Come on, tell me about the poem you know, and I'll compare and comment on it."

Chen Jingke said hesitantly: "This..."

Seeing that he refused, Li Shimin thought that the poem was not good, so he refused to let it go, saying:

"Say, don't say, I will break your leg later."

Chen Jingke naturally knew that he would not break his leg, but he also knew that there was no way to refuse, so he could only say:
"Okay, I said it."


So Chen Jingke read Wang Wei's poem "He Jia Sheren's Early Dynasty to the Daming Palace":
The Jiangxi Rooster reported Xiaochi, and Shangyi Fang entered Cuiyunqiu.

Jiutianchang opens the palace, and all nations pay homage to Mianqi.

The sun was just before the palm of the fairy moved, and the cigarettes wanted to be near the dragon.

After the court strikes, the five-color edict must be cut, and the Peisheng will return to Fengchitou.

Then the quiet needle drop could be heard in the hall.

Li Shimin's face turned blue and red, not afraid of ignorance, but also afraid of comparing goods.

Originally, he thought his poem was good, but compared with this one, it fell behind, which embarrassed him who was complacent.

The eldest grandson Wugou was also a little dumbfounded. If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have made trouble with Chen Jingke.

However, she still turned to her husband, and quickly smoothed things over: "Although Jing Ke's poem is full of momentum, but the rhythm is inconsistent, and there are many repeated words, it is ultimately inferior."

Li Shimin's face looked a little better now.

No matter how stupid Chen Jingke is, he knows that this is not the time to argue about which is better.

But I can’t say that this poem is not good against my conscience, I can only say it instead:
"I didn't write this poem. It was written by the elders of my family after witnessing the grand court meeting."

Li Shimin asked: "Oh? What year did the elders of your family come to Chang'an?"

Chen Jingke's brain turned rapidly, and it must not be said that it was in the past few years, otherwise there is no way to explain the family's downfall.

But it can't be too long, because it will go to the Sui Dynasty after a little longer.

As for the years when Li Yuan was emperor, the Tang Dynasty was bullied by the Eastern Turks every day, and there was no such thing as the coming of all nations.

After thinking about it, it would be most appropriate after the Eastern Turks were destroyed, so he said, "It should be the fifth year of Zhenguan."

Li Shimin also took advantage of the situation to change the subject, saying: "The first day of the fifth year of Zhenguan? That year, the Great Tang captured Jieli alive and destroyed the Eastern Turks, and it was also the beginning of the coming of all kingdoms in the Tang Dynasty."

Chen Jingke hurriedly said: "Yes, that clan elder just came to Chang'an after hearing about this."

"After going back, he said that the Holy Son of Heaven was in power, and proposed to bring his family back to the Tang Dynasty."

"However, some tribesmen are used to living a free life and are willing to hand over the research results to Datang, but people are unwilling to come back."

Li Shimin couldn't help nodding, he could fully understand this idea, and he wouldn't want to come back.

No, instead, he would not even share his research results with others.

"and after?"

Chen Jingke said: "I don't know exactly what happened later, but the matter was shelved anyway."

"Later, they suffered heavy losses during the exploration of Shangzhou on the other side of the ocean, and the last bit of strength was also buried in the storm."

"At this time, there are not many people left in our family, and we can no longer survive outside independently."

"So Gui Tang's proposal was brought up again, and no one objected this time."

"After deliberation, it was decided to let me come back."

This story is full of mistakes and omissions, but Li Shimin did not doubt it.

All because the various things Chen Jingke brought out before are the best footnotes to his lies.

If you want to question him, you must first think of a suitable source for these miraculous things.

If you can't think of it, you can only believe his words.

Rather than doubting his words, Li Shimin was more concerned about another point: "You shouldn't be the only one left in your family, what about the others?"

Chen Jingke sighed: "There are only a dozen people left in the core, most of them are old people, and I am the only one left in the new generation."

"The old people decided to stay and guard the family's tomb, and then let me come to Datang."

There are still huge loopholes in this explanation, for example, why not let him bring back some related books?
Wouldn't it be more convenient?

But Li Shimin knew that there were some problems that could not be investigated in depth. Since Chen Jingke didn't want to say more, then it's fine that he didn't find out.

As long as Chen Jingke is willing to be used by Datang, that's enough.

So he changed the subject and said, "Do you think it's appropriate for us to explore Shangzhou now?"

Chen Jingke thought for a while and said, "I don't know how the Northern Sea Route is going?"

Li Shimin said: "The vicinity of the Shangzhou Strait (Bering Strait) has been explored."

"Because of the harsh environment, I strictly ordered them not to cross the strait at will, so I didn't go to the other side."

Chen Jingke said: "Then go ahead and explore bit by bit. The key point is to find the few crops I mentioned before."

Li Shimin cheered up and said, "Okay, I'll order people to make preparations right away. We will set off in February and March, and it happens to be summer when we arrive at Shangzhou Strait."

"The weather in the Arctic Ocean is getting warmer and the sea ice is melting, just enough to sail across the sea."

Chen Jingke didn't know much about this matter than Li Shimin, so he didn't say anything.

After returning from the palace, he carefully recalled the relevant information he had seen in his previous life.

Then I found that at this point, he couldn't provide much help for many things.

Just like the current exploration of Shangzhou, he can't help at all.

In the past few years, Datang has vigorously developed water power, and sea boats are launched into the water like dumplings.

In addition to the navy and merchant ships, there were no fewer than fifty expedition teams.

This is still official, and there are not a few private expeditions.

These people have already figured out what things need to be paid attention to at sea.

For example, eat green vegetables and supplement vitamins to prevent scurvy, and other things.

Either he had told others about these details a long time ago, or the crew of this era had already summed up and figured them out by themselves.

As for anything else, he had no idea at all.

Especially the specific situation on the route, let alone this life, he didn't know about it in his previous life.

His understanding of the world is still on the map, and the specific route can only be explored by explorers a little bit.

There are also various supply stations and the like, all of which must be explored by the explorers themselves to find a suitable place, and then build it little by little.

These supply stations are the lifeline on the route, maintaining all the activities of Datang at sea.

Over the years, Datang's foreign exploration has actually been mainly doing two things.

One is to fill in the blanks on the map little by little, and the other is to establish various supply stations.

The harvest is also very fruitful, at least in the Asian region, there are traces of the Datang expedition everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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