Chapter 454 Shangzhou
Yes, in the planning of the imperial court, the restrictions on religion can be said to be one after another.

Many restrictions were even proposed by Chen Jingke himself.

After all, he is a fake Taoist priest, and he just borrowed this identity to facilitate his actions.

Even Sun Simiao, a Taoist priest, became a priest at the beginning for the convenience of traveling around the world.

It's just that later, by mistake, he became the leader of Taoism.

Compared with the interests of Taoism, they are more concerned about the interests of China and Datang. Naturally, how is it beneficial to the Chinese civilization.

How dangerous religion is, no one knows better than themselves.

In the past, it was fine to say that Buddhism competed with each other, but now Taoism dominates. If it is not restricted, it will be more troublesome if it goes wrong.

Chen Jingke proposed several targeted measures based on the mature religious management experience of later generations.

For example, to limit the land for temples, the state allocates a certain amount of land to temples, which can never be increased.

If any temple dares to engage in land annexation, the temple will be destroyed directly, and the relevant personnel will be exiled.

For example, business is not allowed. There is nothing to say about this. It is also to limit the wealth and power of religion.

The workshops in the previous industrial park were a special case, and it was also regarded as a reward for the innovation of various Taoist schools.

However, these workshops and factories are not allowed to expand in the future, and they will all be closed or transferred after a certain number of years.

For example, lending is not allowed.

A little understanding of how rampant temple lending has been in history can be seen.

How did the famous Shaolin Temple become the largest landowner within a hundred miles?
Where did the Uncovered Conference come from?

Now that Chen Jingke has traveled through time, he will never sit back and watch this happen again.

But if you want this order to be implemented, you must have appropriate means and punitive measures.

In previous lives, usury was not allowed. The state forcibly set the highest interest rate for private lending, but usury is still common.

It is because it is profitable, and the punishment measures are not painful.

Chen Jingke gave it a direct ruthless, don't you have spare money, don't you like lending money?

Yes, I directly stipulate that interest is not allowed on loans.

How can you fall into the eyes of money as outsiders? Shouldn't you be good people and help the people of the world?
How can I collect interest?
As a means of punishment, it can be said to be very direct.

If they dare to ask for interest, it will be treated as a loan, and the borrower will not have to pay back a penny.

In this case, I don't believe there are temples that dare to lend money.

Just ask them if they still want the money.

Of course, you can't completely deny people a way to live, and you still have to let them collect the incense money.

Because of Sun Simiao's status as a medical saint, he gave religious people the right to practice medicine after consideration.

In this way, even temples in remote areas can improve their lives by treating diseases and saving lives.

Another reason for giving them the right to practice medicine is that the current medical conditions are too backward.

The eldest grandson Wugou has tried his best to do it, but the improvement is still not great.

The key point is that the training period for doctors is too long, and even a barefoot doctor will take several years to become a doctor.

It would be too naive to try to solve this problem by relying on a barefoot doctor's manual.

The prerequisite for the barefoot doctor's handbook to work is that someone can understand it. Now 90.00% of people are illiterate, and it doesn't matter how well written it is.

In this day and age, literate people generally do well, and how many people are willing to go to the countryside to suffer as doctors?

Isn't this just looking for guilt when you are full?
Therefore, the shortage of doctors has not changed because of the appearance of the barefoot doctor's manual.

To solve this problem, we can only increase investment and start from scratch.

Not to mention other inputs.

But this matter can't be rushed, according to the estimation of Changsun Wugou and others, if there is a small success in this matter within ten years, then thank God.

If you want to complete the universal coverage in Chen Jingke's plan, it is estimated that this generation will not be able to see it.

Taoist Taoist temples are spread all over the world. If they can take the initiative to engage in medical work, they can greatly promote the construction of the medical system.

As for whether doing so will bring about some bad consequences—it can only be said that there is no perfect thing in the world, and a little trouble is not worth mentioning compared to the harvest.

Zhang Ping was very helpless after learning about this, but he had to accept this reality.

Then, taking advantage of the situation, he made another request, saying: "How about you give me some disciples with good medical skills, and I will also open a medical clinic in our Taoist temple?"

This time Chen Jingke didn't refuse, and said: "That's okay, it just so happens that there are some Taoist boys from Jiangnan in the temple, and they must be willing to return to their hometown."

After all, she is her own woman, and the child's mother in the future will still have to take care of her.

Zhang Ping said happily: "Great, I knew you would have a solution."

Afterwards, Chen Jingke talked about it with Sun Simiao, and Sun Simiao naturally had no objection.

Find those medical students from Jiangnan and ask their opinions.

Sure enough, four of them wanted to go back to their hometown, so it was determined that they would open a medical clinic in the past.

Two months later, Zhang Ping got his wish and returned to Jiangnan by boat.

Chen Jingke's life has returned to the way it was before, living a simple and fulfilling life at three o'clock and one line every day.

Li Shimin's tour took a long time this time, and he didn't come back until half a year.

This made Chen Jingke even more thankful that he didn't go with him. With the traffic conditions in ancient times, going out for half a year was really bad.

And he is not idle at home, he has been working on writing basic science textbooks these days.

As early as the day Gewuxue was formally established, preparations for this matter began, but several versions were not satisfactory.

Later, he simply stopped doing it and left everyone free to research.

After several years of exploration, more and more people have found the way to investigate things and entered the room.

And with everyone's groping, the foundation of Gephysics has also been unknowingly consolidated.

On this basis, rewriting the basic textbooks has become much smoother.

It is expected to be completed by the end of this year, when science will officially be inferior to a new era.


At this time, far away on the ocean at the other end of the earth.

A fleet of five ships left the temporarily docked coast and sailed quickly towards the south under the shining of the rising sun.

Standing alone on the bow of the piloting ship facing the sea wind, he fell into deep thought while watching the rising sun in the east, and he didn't know what he was thinking about, which made him so focused.

Until someone shouted behind him: "Old Yao, come over to eat."

The man standing at the bow came back to his senses, then laughed at himself, turned around and went to the cabin to have breakfast.

This person is the leader of the Datang Shangzhou cable fleet, Yao Yangyun.

Those who are familiar with him will be shocked here, they can't believe that this is that handsome young man.

He has changed too much, his hair has been cut into a square inch, his skin has become dark, and his body has become extremely strong.

Anyone who sees him will regard him as a bruiser.

Fleets do not keep idlers, especially in such expeditionary ocean-going fleets, and everyone has to do some degree of coolie work.

Even if he is the leader of the team, he still has to work hard. Overall, the amount of exercise is not less than that of the military camp training.

Of course, relatively speaking, he is still the most relaxed.

In addition, after the fleet set off, in order to save vegetables, the diet has also become meat-based.

If you get tired of eating seafood, you will hunt for prey to obtain ingredients when you dock...

In short, except for the unlucky ones who are sick, almost everyone has turned into a muscular man, and the skin will naturally turn black when exposed to wind and sun at sea.

And after being on the ship for a long time, his personality will become simple and rude without realizing it.

In this environment, it is really not detailed.

Of course, this rudeness refers to the speaking style, and it must be meticulous in doing things.

Because one carelessness could mean a shipwreck.

It's just that he has been away from home for too long and is too far away, and he misses Datang a little bit. He just stood at the bow of the boat thinking about some people and things about Datang.

The main thing he thought about was the woman who told him that he was pregnant when he left and would definitely have a son.

The woman was sent to that Taoist temple. If she could go back, everything would be easy to talk about. If she couldn't go back, the two of them would also have a guarantee.

Naturally, he thought of Yi Nu, the little sister he recognized back then, turned out to be everyone's last safe haven.

This can be regarded as good returns.

His woman was also found after Yi Nu gave birth to a son.

Only after giving birth to a son can the Taoist temple truly belong to them, otherwise he would rather not find a woman and not have a child.

However, he was finally coming to an end. The emperor had promised that if he could come back from Shangzhou alive this time, he would be set free.

If another emperor said this, he would definitely think that he would be silenced.

But this Emperor Zhenguan, he believed what he said.

Over the years, he led a team to track down the Chen family, and traveled all over the world.

I have even been to Tianzhu and Arabia, but found nothing, as if they never existed.

But Chen Jingke actually existed, and all the ideas he put forward and the magical techniques he produced also really existed.

And these things are definitely not something that one or two people can do, it must take hundreds of years for a group to be possible.

So the Chen family must exist, it's just that the other party hid it too deeply and they couldn't find it.

This time he came to Shangzhou to lead the team. Firstly, he had traveled to Southeast Asia with the fleet, Tianzhu and Arabia, and had ocean-going experience.

The second is to hope that he can find clues about the Chen family on this continent.

Hope to get something this time.

With that in mind, he turned and returned to the cabin.

When we arrived at the restaurant, there were already many people queuing up to get food, so Yao Yangyun naturally didn't have to go to get food.

Although he eats and lives with everyone, he is the leader after all, and he can still enjoy some privileges.

For example, you don’t need to cook your own meals. The chef will prepare the meals in advance and put them aside, and he can just pick them up.

Naturally, a big pot of rice is not very good. The staple food of a bowl of soup and two dishes is rice.

Flour could not be preserved for a long time at sea, and rice became the staple food.

However, when selecting members, there was a dietary test, and the selected members were all able to adapt to rice as a staple food.

In fact, this test is unnecessary. For most people in Datang, it is not bad to be able to eat enough. Who would dare to picky eaters?

But Datang is well aware of the dangers of exploring unknown continents, and sometimes it may be some trivial details that can lead to a person's death.

On the sea, everyone is precious, and if one dies, it will be more troublesome.

So it has to be perfect.

During the meal, the crew member sitting opposite Yao Yangyun laughed and joked, "Captain, why are you blushing? Could it be because of rouge?"

Yao Yangyun said angrily: "Get out, you're only putting on rouge, you rabbit."

"Haha..." The others were also provoked into laughter and joked one after another.

"Old Ma is just a rabbit. He likes the old cow in the next boat."

"No, no, I think he likes the leader of the native tribe he met a month ago. You didn't know at that time..."

A group of elders on the boat, it was commonplace to make dirty jokes, even Yao Yangyun was often fired, but no one would take it seriously.

Yao Yangyun naturally wouldn't take it seriously, he didn't take that person's saying that he was blushing to heart, he just thought it was the sea breeze.

When he got up and was about to leave after eating, his eyes suddenly blurred and he felt dizzy.

He didn't pay attention at first, but thought it was too violent, and shook his head trying to shake off the dizziness.

However, after a while the dizziness was still there, accompanied by bouts of vomiting.

Familiar with sailing knowledge and proficient in medical skills, he was shocked, knowing that the problem might not be as simple as he imagined.

As the leader of the fleet, he couldn't go wrong, so he stood upright.

He told the people around him calmly that he had something to go back to the cabin, so don't bother him if there is nothing to do.

Turn around and leave.

The crew member looked at Yao Yangyun's back suspiciously, feeling that his footsteps were a little hurried.

Then he shook his head and felt that he was thinking too much, so he put this matter behind him.

Besides, after Yao Yangyun returned to his private cabin, the expression on his face quickly turned into panic.

He ran to the cabinet in front of the bed a few steps and took out a wooden box from it.

After opening it, take out a ball the size of an egg, peel off the white wax layer on the outside, and inside is a dark brown and dark brown pill.

When the exploration fleet set off, they brought a large amount of medicines, all of which were Chinese patent medicines.

Among them, typhoid medicine and diarrhea medicine are the most common, and these are also the two most common diseases for crew members.

And these two drugs did play a vital role, saving at least one-third of the lives of people.

What Yao Yangyun held in his hand was a patented medicine for treating typhoid fever. Usually, when taking it, he twisted large pills into small pills, which were easy to swallow.

But at this moment, he stuffed the pill into his mouth in a hurry, and swallowed it like a steamed bun.

He was still worried after eating one, so he took out another one and ate it.

After eating, he collapsed on the bed like a deflated ball, staring blankly at the cabin roof, not knowing what he was thinking.

I don't know how long it took, but he suddenly had a cold war and he woke up.

The feeling of dizziness and vomiting not only did not disappear, but became more serious.

His face also became bloodless.

If it was a bit of a fluke just now, after taking two medicines for typhoid fever, he finally accepted the reality that he might have it


(End of this chapter)

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