Chapter 46
In the tenth year of Zhenguan, the disease in Guannei and Hedong was ordered to be treated with medicine - "Old Tang Book Taizong Juan".

The next day, Chen Jingke didn't wait for the craftsman, but he waited for Li Shimin and his wife first.

These two days are busy, he really doesn't welcome these two people.And I just saw it yesterday, it's only been a day, what's the big deal, and I have to work for you two to make a trip?
It's just that there is no way, who will let people be emperors and queens, so hurry up and welcome them to the backyard.

Li Shimin didn't beat around the bush, and directly explained the purpose of his visit: "The epidemic in Guanzhong is spreading rapidly, I don't know if the real person has a good way to teach me?"

Hearing this, Sun Simiao was also very worried, and said, "I don't know what kind of disease it is?"

Li Shimin took out a memorial and handed it to him: "Typhoid fever, the specific situation is written in it, the real person please read it."

Sun Simiao picked up the memorial and looked it over and said: "It is indeed typhoid fever. The former sage Zhang Zhongjing has conquered this disease. Your Majesty can follow the prescription to grab the medicine and send it to the epidemic area. It will be able to control the spread of typhoid fever."

Li Shimin said: "Yesterday, I sent people to transfer the medicinal materials to the epidemic area, but it will take some time for the medicinal materials dispatched by the imperial court to be delivered."

"Besides, typhoid fever is coming fiercely this time. I am afraid that the epidemic will spread to more areas when the medicinal materials are delivered. I wonder if the real person can alleviate the epidemic and buy time for the government to rescue?"

Sun Simiao shook his head and said: "I'm afraid I will disappoint His Majesty, and I don't know much about typhoid fever, so I can only follow the prescriptions left by the former sages."

Li Shimin said disappointedly: "What should I do?"

At this time, the eldest grandson Wugou said, "Jing Ke, you have the most evil ideas, is there any way to help your aunt?"

Chen Jingke always felt that there was something wrong with the two couples, but because he was worried about the epidemic, he didn't think about it any more, and said: "I know something about typhoid fever, it is caused by some kind of bacillus."

Li Shimin and his wife were overjoyed, and they exchanged glances quickly, it really didn't come in vain.

Sun Simiao smiled wryly, how could he fail to see that the emperor and his wife came here after this stupid apprentice.But this also shows that the empress attaches great importance to Chen Jingke, and it is just a piece of happy news.

At the same time, he was also very curious about typhoid fever, and wondered what kind of solution this apprentice could come up with.

"This kind of bacteria likes wet and cold rainy weather. It is often a period of high outbreaks during the alternation of autumn and winter and winter and spring... It is most afraid of light, heat, and dryness. It can be killed by the sun for half a day, and it can be killed by boiling water." .”

Li Shimin interjected: "Shandong Road and Guannei Road are experiencing continuous rainy weather, which has lasted for more than ten days. The disease broke out on a large scale only after the rainy weather arrived."

Chen Jingke said: "Then don't run away. The vitality of this germ is very tenacious, and it can survive for half a month in water without the human body... Any water source that the patient has come into contact with will become a source of infection."

"Patients themselves are the source of infection, and people who have been in contact with them are also susceptible to infection. Even the clothes and excrement they use can become the source of infection."

"If you want to control the epidemic and prevent it from spreading, the first thing is to seal off the epidemic area, prevent people in the epidemic area from contacting the outside world, and artificially cut off the source of infection."

"Carry out sanitation and epidemic prevention in the epidemic area... wash hands and face frequently, do not drink raw water or eat cold food, and do not dump excrement anywhere... These methods are not only effective for typhoid fever, but also for all epidemic diseases."

Chen Jingke took out the knowledge of epidemic prevention in his previous life and the Dafa of sealing and controlling. He didn't know whether it could be popularized or how effective it would be, but at least it was better than nothing.

Sure enough, Li Shimin liked this method very much, and immediately took a pen to record it.

Sun Simiao showed a thoughtful expression, thinking of the bacteria and germs that Chen Jingke and he had talked about before, and this set of epidemic prevention methods fully took care of these theories.

It stands to reason that with his medical skills, he should be able to think of these methods, but some things have already formed a mindset, and he has been exposed to this theory for too short a time, so he can't help thinking in the old way when encountering difficulties.

The eldest grandson Wugou looked at Chen Jingke happily, the more he looked at him the more he liked him, this nephew was indeed his lucky star.

"By the way, the craftsman you want has already been dispatched by the supervisor, and it will be delivered in the afternoon."

"Thank you, aunt." Chen Jingke took a sip of tea and wanted to talk about the craftsman's status, but in the end he didn't speak.

Li Shimin and his grandson Wugou may not be stingy on other issues, but he is not qualified to express opinions on the issue of the national system.

What he can do is to increase his influence and show the world his talents in governing the country, so that he is eligible to participate in system reform.

So he changed the topic to another place: "Auntie, I heard that Goguryeo is very difficult to govern, why don't we slowly migrate to Liaodong, build cities and villages, and then eat them up step by step?"

Changsun Wugou didn't expect him to ask this question, he didn't know whether he should answer it, so he looked at Li Shimin with some embarrassment.

Li Shimin was also very surprised, but he thought more. Could it be that this little real person has a way to solve Goguryeo?Thinking of this made him excited.

To say that the power he most wants to conquer now is neither the Feng family in the south of the Lingnan nor the Xue Yantuo in the north, but Goguryeo in the northeast.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin decided to talk to Chen Jingke about the difficulties, and if he had a way, he would have a deeper chat.

"The biggest difficulty facing immigrants to Liaodong is the cold winter, where the temperature is long and cold, and the water turns into ice, and the people lack winter clothes and cannot survive."

Chen Jingke said in astonishment: "Ah? Isn't it because the weather is too cold to grow crops?"

Li Shimin smiled and said, "Who said that? If they couldn't grow crops, how did the Goguryeo people survive? Although it's cold there, they can grow crops once a year, and the land is fertile and the yield is not lower than that in the Central Plains."

"This..." Chen Jingke scolded some so-called historians in his previous life in his heart.

In his previous life, he read a serious introduction to historical materials published in the Eight Classics, saying that the annual accumulated temperature in the Northeast is not suitable for the growth of crops, and the people living here can only survive by fishing and hunting.

This primitive way of life cannot support large-scale immigration, so the Central Plains dynasty has been unable to effectively rule here.

It was not until corn and potatoes were introduced into China that the development of Northeast China began.Later, Japan brought over the cold-resistant rice, and it was only then that the Northeast took off.

At that time, he believed it was true, and always thought that the lack of cold-resistant crops was the reason why the Northeast could not be developed in ancient times.I was so excited to dig out those few grains of rice yesterday.

As a result, he was slapped in the face.

Fortunately, he asked too much and didn't take out the rice seeds directly, otherwise he would be ashamed and lose a lot of money.

Li Shimin saw that his expression was a little strange, but he didn't know the reason and didn't ask further, but asked: "Does Jing Ke have a way to survive the cold winter?"

(End of this chapter)

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