The Tang Dynasty started from saving Empress Changsun

Chapter 51 Preparations before the viewing

Chapter 51 Preparations before the viewing

When he came outside, Chen Jingke found that today's Taoist temple has taken on a new look.

It's not that the sanitation is cleaned particularly cleanly, but the atmosphere and order have changed.

Everyone's spirits and spirits have completely changed from before, they are more positive and uplifting, and their every move is more regular.

The new order he had been advocating had taken shape in this way, and it was running smoothly.

Although it cannot be said that all these changes are brought about by new clothing, its role is no less than the finishing touch.

It's no wonder that entire organizations find ways to develop uniform clothing, which is also part of the melting pot.

Chen Jingke felt more and more that his trick of designing a unique Taoist robe was a coup.

Today is the preparation time for the last day of receiving pilgrims. What everyone has to do is to practice how to receive pilgrims and how to maintain order.

Sun Simiao, Chen Jingke, Yang Tianlu and others watched the whole process. At the beginning, everyone was a little nervous and made small mistakes.

Yang Tianlu was about to reprimand them, but was stopped by Chen Jingke.

Instead of reprimanding, he encouraged everyone to do a good job, but there were still some small flaws that needed to be improved. During the second rehearsal, the mistakes were reduced a lot.

He took the lead in applauding everyone for doing well, but it was not enough, and he could make persistent efforts to do better.Sure enough, there was an improvement in the third pass, and the program could be completed without making mistakes.

When he declared the exercise a complete success, everyone couldn't help cheering.After all, most of them are Xiaodao boys, and their minds are much more pure.

Yang Tianlu praised: "Chen Zhenren's method is really brilliant, I am not as good as it."

Chen Jingke said proudly: "We need to use different management methods to treat different people. Adults who are more accepting can be stricter, and children should be encouraged."

"We mostly watch children, and we should not be too rough with them and be more tolerant. Of course, except for those who refuse to change after repeated admonition."

They all said Qiu Xingsi thoughtfully: "I see, it seems that I was too strict with them before."

Chen Jingke smiled and said: "You are different. You always say that students must be afraid of you. Children have no concept of right and wrong. If there is no one to make them fear, they will only be lawless."

"But your strictness must be justified, otherwise it will be pure cruelty and will only arouse their confrontation."

Qiu Xingsi said: "So that's the case, I would like to be taught."

Sun Simiao couldn't help stroking his beard and nodding his head. Although this apprentice is a bit stupid, his ability is still good.The key is to be assertive and persistent, which is already very valuable for a person of his age.

Afterwards, Qiu Xingsi stared at everyone to study and communicate, and Sun Simiao and others went to check other places, such as the preparation of consumables such as joss sticks.

Yang Tianlu said: "The consumables are well prepared, and there are still many reserves in the warehouse, which are enough to be used tens of thousands of times."

"The main disadvantage lies in the Taiji gossip ornaments. There are only more than 3000 pieces of wood and [-] pieces of jade. On the contrary, copper, gold and silver are more abundant."

He doesn't say that Chen Jingke also understands this. Wood and jade need to be carved, and metal pouring is enough, but the speed is faster.

"Then replace them all with copper ones. Tomorrow, all the pilgrims who come to worship the gods will be given one. Well, make a special mark on this batch of copper pendants..."

"Just make [-] pieces with the word 'beginning' as the mark, and then destroy the mold and never make the same pendant again."

Yang Tianlu said distressedly: "A pendant is equivalent to two copper coins, and [-] pieces are one hundred coins. It's too wasteful."

Chen Jingke said: "The wool comes from the sheep, and it won't be long before the money spent today will flow back several times."

"Besides, tomorrow is the first day of viewing, which is especially important. Many rules are also formed on the first day, and they must be perfect. This investment is completely worthwhile."

Sun Simiao also said: "You can just follow this and make the pendant as soon as possible, so as not to delay its use tomorrow."

He didn't understand what this operation was for, but he didn't object.It is good to succeed, but it is also a lesson for Chen Jingke to fail.

The two temple masters agreed, so Yang Tianlu didn't say anything, and ordered someone to handle the matter.

Turning around, Chen Jingke felt a little dry mouth, subconsciously looked left and right, there was no place to sell water.

Then he couldn't help but slapped his forehead, this is ancient times, how can there be a store corner.

However, Taoist temples should indeed have a place to provide boiled water. Such a large area cannot be used only for worshiping gods. Only by making it into a scenic spot can it create a wider influence, and scenic spots have particularly high requirements for services.

Don’t worry about eating, tourists can bring it by themselves, or buy it at the small market at the entrance—the square at the entrance is prepared for the small market in the future.

If you are willing, you can also pay for Taoist meals, which is the same as Shaolin Temple providing vegetarian meals to tourists.

It doesn't even matter if you are hungry and don't eat. It's no big deal to be hungry.

The key is water. It is really uncomfortable to be unable to replenish water in time when you are thirsty.

It is very tiring to walk around such a large place, especially in summer when it is hot and easy to sweat. Thirst is normal.

Moreover, it is inconvenient to carry water to go out in this era. It is very necessary for Taoist temples to provide hot water.

Thinking of this, Chen Jingke told the two of his thoughts, and they also thought it was a good idea.

Yang Tianlu said: "It's a good idea. Those in need have been helped, and the Taoist temple has gained a good reputation. I think it is feasible."

Sun Simiao also said: "That's right, this Dharma benefits without cost is indeed feasible."

So they called the chef Jiang Zhuo, and they walked around the yard and selected five places to place water tanks.

After discussing the matter of adding hot water, Yang Tianlu added: "In order to prevent malicious intentions, someone needs to be guarded next to the water tank."

Sun Simiao said: "It's an old-fashioned and prudent thing to keep the capital in charge, and you must be on guard against others. Chef Jiang Du, I leave this matter to you, and it must be arranged properly."

Jiang Zhuo said: "Here."

After almost everything here was settled, Chen Jingke set off for the outer courtyard, ready to instruct the craftsmen on their work.

It happened that Zhang Ruiguang, the head of the warehouse, led people to distribute clothes, cloth and other necessary daily necessities to the craftsmen's homes. The excited craftsmen naturally expressed their gratitude and loyalty.

Chen Jingke already knew how to deal with this situation, so he just told them: "I like to be straightforward when doing things, and I also have clear rewards and punishments."

"After you work hard, you will get more than you have now. If you don't work hard, it is a luxury to go back to the old days."

Even so, the craftsmen are still grateful to him.

The naked reality made Chen Jingke more deeply understand Mr. Lu Xun's words: an era that cannot be obtained as a slave.

This was the case for them before, but now they are just giving them the opportunity to be cattle and horses, so they start to be grateful to Dade.

Is it fair?It is ridiculous to talk about fairness in a class society.

After that, he brought ten craftsmen to the printing workshop, preparing to try woodblock printing.

(End of this chapter)

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