Chapter 58 Id Ego Superego
Does he really want to answer this question?

All those who understood the true meaning of these three questions showed expressions of surprise, including Fa Lin, Sun Simiao, Li Chengqian, Du He and others.

There were also many people who were hiding in the dark watching the excitement, and they all turned their attention to the little boy standing on the steps.

There are no fixed answers to the three ultimate philosophical questions. Everyone has a different understanding of the world, which means that everyone has their own answers.

So this question is easy to answer, just say what you think.

But it is also very difficult to answer, because countless people have answered this question, it is difficult to answer new ideas.Moreover, the depth of understanding of the answerers is not enough, and the forced answer is just to make people laugh.

They also thought about how to answer this question just now. At first they thought they could answer one, two, three, but the more they thought about it, the more they realized that they overestimated themselves.

After thinking about it, I had to give up the plan to answer, so I better not lose that person.

But Dao Tong, who asked three questions at this time, wanted to answer this question himself. Even though it was only one of the questions, they were very curious.

I don't know what kind of answer the person who raised this question can give.

Sensing everyone's gaze, Chen Jingke thought he would be nervous.But in fact this was not the case, he found that there was a faint sense of excitement in his heart.

He is enjoying the feeling of being watched.

However, he was not obsessed with it. He glanced around and returned to Falin, but his eyes were sharper than before.

Falin noticed this vigor, and he immediately realized that this young man had just completed a certain transformation.This reality made him smile wryly, he never thought that he would become someone else's sharpening stone.

But then he cheered up again. It is a great blessing in life to have another fellow Taoist. At this time, he is looking forward to what kind of surprise this little Taoist boy will bring him.

Chen Jingke said loudly: "I think there are no answers to these three questions, and there will never be a fixed answer."

"Om!" The crowd became noisy again, what do you mean?Why do you mention it if you don't have an answer?And didn't you just say you had the answer?Why did you slap yourself in the face.

People who really understand take it for granted, because this is what they think too.

Chen Jingke raised his voice and continued: "&*...%&..."

It's just that in the absence of a speaker, his voice was completely covered by the noise from the crowd, and it couldn't be heard at all, which made him very helpless.

But those who were eager to hear his answer were more anxious than him, Falin said with a blank face: "Fang Ming, please benefactors, please keep silent."

"Here." A young monk came out as ordered, and shouted loudly in front of the people: "Amitabha."

This sound, like a lion's roar, overwhelmed the whispers of the crowd, and the crowd immediately fell silent.

Fang Ming clasped his palms together and shouted again: "The performance has already started, please benefactors keep silent, I thank you here."

Then he bowed to everyone and returned to the crowd.

Chen Jingke was very envious. In the age without speakers, such a loud voice is also a special talent. I will also find one in the future.

But this is all for the future. Now that everyone has calmed down, let's continue to pretend... Cough, let's continue to lecture everyone.

"Of course, no answer does not mean it is meaningless. Its real function is to give everyone a direction and guide everyone to think."

Everyone nodded again in agreement.

Speaking of this, Chen Jingke said apologetically: "Here, I want to apologize to the master. It is really wrong to ask such unsolvable questions. Please also ask the master Haihan."

"Amitabha." Falin said solemnly: "Fellow Taoist, don't do this. I have benefited a lot from listening to these three questions today, and I will be very grateful if I can have Master Sun's guidance again."

No one noticed that when he called Chen Jingke, he removed the small characters in the little fellow daoist.

Chen Jingke did not apologize casually, but was sending a signal of reconciliation.

Some people may be wondering, what does it mean to take the initiative to reconcile when everyone else hits the door and you don't call back?
That's not what I said. The struggle between Buddhism and Taoism is not a one-day effort, nor is it a short-term struggle.He temporarily gained the upper hand by relying on the ultimate three questions, but Falin was not helpless to fight back.

For this kind of person who thinks about the debate of Buddhism and Taoism every day, he will soon be able to react and fight back, and it will be endless to continue arguing.

Today is the opening day of the Zixiao Temple. If this continues, no matter whether they win or lose, others will be considered a success if they disrupt the situation.

The best way is to accept it as soon as it is good. Use the ultimate three questions to tell Farin that we have real materials. Are you sure you want to continue to die?Then throw an olive branch for reconciliation to calm things down.

If the two sides can turn enemies into friends, it will be a real perfect break.

And Falin's answer also showed that he accepted the olive branch, and wanted to establish a real communication with Zixiao Temple.

After getting the answer he wanted, Chen Jingke felt even better: "Master Xie is magnanimous, now let me talk about my thinking about 'me'."

"'I' is the original nature of human beings, which can be divided into id, ego and superego."

"The id is the original self, which contains the basic desires, impulses and vitality needed for survival, such as hunger, cold, desire, survival, etc."

"The id is the source of all spiritual power. It acts according to the principle of doing as it pleases. It ignores ethics and laws. Its only requirement is to obtain happiness and avoid pain."

"And it is instinctive and unconscious, and it is difficult even for us to realize that we are being manipulated by the id."

"The ego is differentiated from the id in the process of life. No one can really do whatever they want, and must be bound by the world. When the requirements of the id conflict with reality and cannot be satisfied, the ego is produced."

"The responsibility of the ego is to adjust between the id and reality, and to modify the requirements of the id to make it possible to be satisfied under certain conditions. Therefore, the ego is governed by the "principle of reality."

"The superego is the moralized self, the glorious part of human nature, the truth, the goodness and the beauty."

"The superego follows the moral principle, and it has three functions: one is to restrain the impulse of the id, the other is to supervise the ego, and the third is to pursue the realm of perfection..."

After listening to his answer, everyone reacted differently. Most of them looked at a loss. They couldn't understand what he was talking about.

Some people, such as Li Chengqian and Du He, seem to understand but half understand, and feel that they have benefited a lot, but they can't tell what they have gained for a while.

Only a very few people fell into deep thought, such as Sun Simiao, Fa Lin, such as Yang Tianlu, Fang Ming, etc., and they were the ones who felt the deepest.

But to say that Sun Simiao was the most shocked, others thought he taught Chen Jingke, only he himself knew that was not the case at all.

What the hell is going on in this disciple's mind?

Chen Jingke knows that most people may not be able to distinguish the "three selves" for a while, so he made a metaphor: "A person is about to starve to death, and at this time a person gives him a bowl of rice."

"The original self will tell him that it is important to eat quickly to survive, and the super-ego will tell him not to eat the food that comes at him. In the end, it is the ego that chooses whether to eat or not."

(End of this chapter)

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