Chapter 64 How to cut leeks
People outside the capital did not hear the news until a few days later, but everyone who saw "Three Questions and Three Me" was equally shocked.

The Buddhist collective chose to be silent, and no one expressed any opinions on Zixiao Temple and Sun Simiao.

Originally, I wanted to find an opportunity to meet Daoxin, the Zen master of Sun Simiao, but I immediately canceled the trip after hearing "Three Questions and Three Me".

He paid more attention to the "Three Questions" than the "Three Is", because these three questions pointed directly at the core of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.

Some people may say, wouldn't it be enough to play a Zen machine?

who I am?I am me.Where did you come from?Where to come.Where are you going?go somewhere.

However, if anyone really answers like this, he will immediately become the laughing stock of everyone, and his reputation will be ruined.

As religious people, they live by their fame, and if they lose their face, they really lose everything.Falin didn't make any answer but instead helped Chen Jingke, that's why.

Naturally, Dao Xuan would not insult himself with such an answer, he was trying to answer it with his own Buddhist knowledge.

But the more he thought about it, the more serious the expression on his face became. It wasn't that he couldn't answer, but that he gradually realized another more serious matter:
Did Sun Zhenren really find a bottle that can hold the three teachings?If so, where should Buddhism go?

The confluence of the three religions is not a secret, nor is it a novel concept.This line of thinking had already been proposed before the Sui Dynasty, and the great Confucian Wang Tong was one of the best.

But to accomplish this task is not something to talk about, it is necessary to complete the ideological integration of the three schools.To put it bluntly, it is to find a bottle that can hold all three.

This bottle is not so easy to find, Wang Tong and others have spent their entire lives but failed to make a breakthrough.

Although the "Three Questions" has signs in this regard, it is not enough to rely on these three questions alone, and there must be a complete set of theoretical foundations.

Before seeing it with his own eyes, Daoxin did not dare to conclude whether Sun Simiao had completed this set of theories.

But there was one thing he was sure of. Sun Simiao must have made a breakthrough in his thinking, or he had touched the edge of the bottle.

So as the suzerain of Zen Buddhism, he must do something. If he cannot prevent the convergence of the three religions, he must actively participate in it to strive for more benefits for Buddhism.

Then the problem came back to the original point. We must first find out Sun Simiao's true thoughts and how far his thoughts have been perfected.

Visiting Sun Simiao in person at this time is not a good choice, but it doesn't matter, Falin should know something after communicating with Sun Simiao.

So he immediately wrote a letter to Falin. In the letter, he did not hide his thoughts, but directly told the other party his worries and asked about Sun Simiao's situation.


The reactions of Taoists are different.

Some were happy, for example, Tian Shiwen of the Louguan sect was very excited: "I've always seen Lin thief as bald, and today I finally kicked the iron plate."

His 12-year-old disciple Yin Wencao said a little puzzled: "Falin's Buddhism is superb, why didn't he say a word that day?"

Tian Shiwen was [-]% satisfied with this newly recruited disciple, and explained patiently: "He dare not. These three questions seem simple but actually point to the core of the Three Teachings, and they are not so easy to answer."

"If he answers with bullying and sophistry, he will lose his face. If he really dares to do this, I will dare to hit the door and tear his face."

Speaking of this, he said regretfully: "It's a pity."

Yin Wencao ignored his master's last words, and said with a sense of realization: "So that's how it is."

Tian Shiwen let go of his prejudice, and said seriously: "Whether it is Buddhism or us, we are all shameless. So we must cherish the feathers. Sometimes we would rather take a step back than lose our reputation."


Some sects were happy but also worried. For example, Pan Shizheng of the Maoshan School sighed after hearing about this incident: "Taoism is about to usher in great prosperity, but division is just around the corner."

Why do you want to say this?

At this time, Taoism was generally divided into two major schools, the North and the South. The two schools had great differences in doctrine and rituals, and the two schools were divided into countless schools.

But strictly speaking, the Southern School and the Northern School are actually the orthodox school of heavenly masters and Taoism.

It was only during the Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties that two different factions were formed because the regime was separated and the North and the South developed separately.Many sects were born later, but they all cannot escape the traces of the orthodox school.

The Zixiao Temple is different. It is completely different from the northern and southern schools of the Orthodox One Sect in terms of ritual rituals. From the point of view of "Three Questions and Three Self", there are also great differences in thinking.

Once it rises, Taoism will inevitably split again, and this split is even more serious than the previous division of the Zhengyi religion into the north and the south.

However, as one of the leaders of Taoism, it is impossible for him to prevent the development of Zixiao Temple. On the contrary, he will help at critical moments.

Now he can only pray that Zixiao Temple will not be so repulsive to other Taoist sects, so that at least there will be no internal fighting.


It's not just Buddhism and Taoism that pay attention to Zixiao Temple, Confucianism is also paying attention.

It's just that Confucianism at this time has been squeezed by Buddhism and Taoism, and has been reduced to the "third brother". They dare not easily get involved in this kind of dispute.

It is precisely because of this that they pay more attention to 'three questions and three me'.In particular, it pays more attention to the "three selves", and some great Confucians have tried to integrate it into the Confucian ideological system.

Many great Confucian scholars even wanted to visit Sun Simiao and listen to his lectures in person, but Sun Simiao refused because he was just busy with business.

This reason is really normal, but it's hard for them to say anything.As for going to the door to forcefully defend the law like Falin, they don't have the guts yet, and they are unwilling to do so.

In Tian Shiwen's words: before the understanding of the 'Three Questions' could not surpass the 'Three Self', no one dared to go to Zixiao to observe the debate.

Therefore, "Three Questions and Three Self" has inadvertently become the threshold for going to Zixiao to observe the law of debate. Only those who can answer this question in depth are eligible to go, otherwise they will be regarded as overwhelmed by the world.


And Chen Jingke, the instigator of all this, didn't know this.

A few days before the opening of Zixiao Temple, it was relatively busy, and there was an endless stream of people coming to burn incense.

However, after the first day of tempering, the Taoist priests in the temple quickly adapted to the rhythm, and Sun Simiao and Chen Jingke were idle instead.

Then Chen Jingke was caught by Sun Simiao, who was looking forward to his apprentice Jackie Chan, and entered the stage of hard study, and his daily schedule was very full.

Learn Taoism in the morning and Buddhism and Confucianism in the afternoon.I will not be idle in the afternoon, and I will learn medical skills, practice calligraphy, etc., and I will be as busy as the college entrance examination.

But relatively speaking, the afternoon was much easier. Sun Simiao also knew that he was not interested in studying medicine, and he didn't expect him to become a famous doctor. He just wanted to increase the breadth of his knowledge and let him follow him.

If Cheng Huailiang and the others come to visit, they will let him go out to play.

Monks and Taoists cannot leave the temple at will, but this rule is equivalent to no for Chen Jingke, and he is completely free to move.

These days, I followed a few local snakes around Chang'an City, and finally understood the general situation of Chang'an City in the early Tang Dynasty.

But he wasn't wandering around. After these days of observation, he finally found a way to cut noble leeks.

(End of this chapter)

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