Chapter 77 Door God Qin Qiong
The time has entered the end of October and the beginning of November without knowing it, and the weather has turned cold.

The climate of the Tang Dynasty is relatively similar to that of the 21s. It seems that the scientific community generally believes that the climate is gradually returning to the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

However, Chen Jingke's on-the-spot investigation found that the climate in the Tang Dynasty should be warmer than before he crossed.There are wild rhinos in Shaanxi, and there are wild elephants in the Huaihe River Basin.

But even so, it is still cold in winter.

It's just that Zixiao Temple is not afraid of the cold. As mentioned earlier, when the house was being repaired, the issue of heating had already been considered.The fireplace, flue wall, kang, and stove are burning, so you can sleep warmly at night.

When I got up the next morning, I found that there was a thin layer of snow outside.

Xi's Yi Nu and Yuzhu yelled regardless of their image, Yi Nu even danced in the snow, Chen Jingke couldn't help admiring it.

She really isn't lying, she dances to a very high level.Especially the sword dance, with special costumes, the two short sword dances are full of flowers, which is quite pleasing to the eye.

Knowing that Chen Jingke likes to watch her dance, she seems to be acting on purpose, and comes to the next paragraph every now and then.

Watching Dancing in the Snow today is a different beauty.Just waiting for the emperor to come later, it was obviously not the time to appreciate the dance, so he left after watching for a while.

Zhang Shigui's imperial army officially took over the security work in the backyard of the Taoist temple, focusing on the courtyard where the banquet will be held.

However, the front yard was not moved, which did not affect the people burning incense and worshiping gods.

In the past, when Li Shimin and his eldest grandson Wugou visited privately, they would bring a group of guards with them and hardly do any security.

But this time it can only be regarded as a semi-private visit, and it still drags the family to eat. If something happens, it will be a nest, so I am so careful.


Chen Jingke went to the back kitchen to have a look again, and in his capacity, no one would stop him.

The cooks and helpers had already woken up and were preparing the ingredients according to the procedure so that they could be put into the pot at that time. Naturally, the surveillance of the guards was indispensable throughout the process.

Because Chen Jingke didn't tell them that the emperor and empress were coming, they thought it was just older dignitaries, so it seemed normal that they weren't nervous.

After turning around, a Taoist boy came to report: Lord Yi is visiting, and the temple master invites the real person to go.

Chen Jingke was not surprised by his arrival. He knew about Zixiao's feast for the emperor today, and he would definitely come as long as there was no problem with his health.

Follow Daotong to the backyard, where he met the door god who chatted with Sun Simiao, Qin Qiong and Qin Shubao.

Qin Qiong obviously knew something, got up as soon as they met and said: "Qin Qiong thank you for your life."

Chen Jingke first received half the salute on his side, and then returned the salute: "Shibo is too far-fetched, I hit it off with Brother Yan Dao, his elders are my elders, and helping each other is what we should."

"Haha." Qin Qiong laughed loudly and said, "Yan Dao's aptitude is mediocre. I used to be worried that he would not be able to support the lintel. It is rare for a real person not to despise him for being mean and willing to make friends with him. This is his honor."

Chen Jingke said sternly: "Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. It is not a wise man to compare his own shortcomings to others' strengths."

"Brother Yan Dao also has strengths that others can't match, but Shibo, you have too high demands on him, and you only see his shortcomings but not his strengths."

Qin Jiashi on the side was very happy to hear it, and she also had a little more love for Chen Jingke from pure gratitude. Who doesn't like to hear people praise their son.

Qin Yandao was even more excited. He wanted to say this to his lord a long time ago, but he didn't dare to say that.

Qin Qiong obviously didn't expect Chen Jingke to say that, and couldn't help being taken aback.Then, instead of being angry, he felt very relieved and said with emotion:

"That's how it was. Back then, we were a group of old friends. We took care of each other and helped each other through the difficult journey. I hope you can always be like this. Don't be a monkey."

Pu Shangong is Li Mi, and killing Zhai Rang caused Wagang to split.For Qin Qiong, Li Mi is a treacherous villain, that's why he ran away with Cheng Yaojin and others.

And Wagang finally "woke up early and caught up with the evening episode", which has to be said to be directly related to this split.

What he said was completely from the perspective of the elders, so Chen Jingke and Qin Yandao said together: "Here, I would like to follow the teachings of the uncle (adult)."

Afterwards, Sun Simiao checked Qin Qiong's body again, and the situation really improved a lot.

The most intuitive expression is that the face is a little more bloody, the spirit is much better, and the pulse and heartbeat have been greatly improved compared to before.

According to Qin Qiong herself, she was not so tired anymore, and was much warmer than before, and the most important thing was that she finally slept soundly.

Yesterday, I had a blood transfusion and took tranquilizers, and I slept until midnight before waking up. After a simple meal, I felt drowsy again, and slept until dawn.

"I haven't had such a good night's sleep in at least five years, and I haven't had such a good conversation in a long time."

Chen Jingke nodded and said: "Severe anemia is indeed like this. You have just had a blood transfusion and your body has not fully recovered. In two or three months, the symptoms of dizziness, tinnitus, and vertigo will disappear one after another."

"As long as you follow the prescription prescribed by Master, don't dare to say anything else, it's fine to hold your great-grandson."

Qin Qiong smiled and said: "Then I will listen to the real person and wait to hold my great-grandson."

Qin Yandao is going to marry Yu Chigong's granddaughter this winter. If it goes well next year, if it doesn't go well, he will have a child the next year at most.When the child grows up to 20 or [-] to marry and have children... it will take [-] years to calculate.

Qin Qiong is 41 years old this year, and will be 20 years old in 60 years.In ancient times, it can be said that he lived a long life, so he was naturally very happy.

Around [-]:[-] pm, that is, almost ten o'clock, Li Shimin, dressed in casual clothes, brought a large family to the banquet.

Naturally, the eldest grandson Wugou would not be absent. Li Zhi, Princess Chengyang, Princess Jinyang, and Princess Xincheng all came, and even Princess Gaoyang and Li Tai followed. Only Li Chengqian was reportedly detained by the teacher.

Li Zhixiao is very polite, Princess Gaoyang still doesn't want to see him, and Princess Chengyang asks him to tell the story of Journey to the West as soon as they meet.

Princess Jinyang continued to hug and hold high, the little girl was completely bought by his toys, and she liked this brother very much.

Li Taihe had a completely different change from before, from a big fat man to a medium-sized fat man, with a rosy face and a lot of muscles on his body.

But one thing has not changed, he is still so talkative, he took Chen Jingke's hand and said when they met, "My brother, you don't know how you have persisted as a brother these days."

"I get up earlier than chickens, sleep later than dogs, eat worse than pigs, and work more than cows... Suffering, I suffer."

The corners of Li Shimin's eyes twitched as he listened, as if he really wanted to kick him out of the house and sever the relationship between father and son.

The eldest grandson Wugou patted him, and said angrily: "Speak well, younger brothers and sisters are watching."

What Chen Jingke can say, he can only comfort: "It's all for the sake of the body, brother, continue to persevere, and it will be fine when you lose weight."

Not long after, Cheng Yaojin and Yu Chigong arrived with their families.

Cheng Yaojin brought Suxian's wife, Cheng Cuishi, Cheng Huailiang, and Cheng Chubi, and Yu Chigong didn't come here after his wife died of illness, so he only brought his grandchildren.

Chen Jingke mainly took a sneak look at the bride-to-be, Yuchi, who was very beautiful and laughed before speaking. Qin Yandao is so lucky.

When everyone arrived, the back kitchen also started cooking.

The advantage of stir-frying is that it is fast, and the feast will start soon.

(End of this chapter)

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