Chapter 84

At night, lying on the warm bed, Chen Jingke closed his eyes and recalled the past.

Traveling through time, he was lucky enough to meet Sun Simiao who went to the mountains to collect medicine, and worshiped him as his teacher, and obtained a formal identity.

In order to completely solve the problem of black households, Sun Simiao took him out of Taibai Mountain to Chang'an City, but he was sent to the imperial palace as soon as he arrived at the Yamen to treat his eldest grandson Wugou's illness.

What happened later was a dream. He used his own medicine to control the condition of his eldest grandson Wugou, and saved the empress Wende, who was unlucky in history.

Sometimes it's so easy to change history.

After a series of events, he became the nephew of Empress Changsun, and he could be regarded as having the status of a foreign relative.He also made friends with the Qin, Cheng, and Yuchi families, and initially established alliances with them.

In just a few months, he completed the transformation from the grass roots to the upper class.

Now the various mechanisms of Zixiao Temple are gradually mature, and the restaurant is on the right track... He finally gained a firm foothold in Chang'an City.

Thinking of this, Chen Jingke was very excited, but he was not obsessed with past achievements, and soon calmed down.

He once said to Sun Simiao that gaining status and status is not for enjoyment, but to realize some loftier ideals and ambitions.

If it was bragging when he said this before, now he really wants to do something.

So where to start?

The most taboo in everything is to aim too high, let's take it step by step slowly.

"Journey to the West" is time to put on the agenda.

He re-examined the original plan again, because of the change of status, many of the routines originally envisaged could not be used, and adjustments were needed.

For example, he wanted to use Sun Simiao's identity to get online with Wang Yuanzhi, but now he doesn't need it anymore.Directly on the line of Li Shimin, you can use the power of the imperial court to promote Westward Journey.

Li Shimin hopes to use Journey to the West to put the cloak of destiny on the Li family, and he hopes to use Journey to the West to release some violent comments, which can be described as a hit.

Next, we should calm down and strive to finish the rest of the book as soon as possible, so how should we end this story?
Thinking aimlessly like this, I fell asleep without knowing it.

Then Chen Jingke began to calm down, learning Taoist knowledge with Sun Simiao in the morning, adapting Journey to the West in the afternoon, and occasionally getting together with the visiting Cheng Huailiang.

It can be regarded as living a semi-reclusive life in the downtown area.


Generally speaking, the imperial court has been fairly stable this year. Except for the epidemic that spread to Shandong and the customs, nothing particularly serious happened.

And this epidemic was successfully resolved under the dual effects of the imperial court's delivery of medicinal materials regardless of the cost, and Chen Jingke's prevention and control theory-only the name of Sun Simiao was signed on this manual.

The reason has already been mentioned before.

The simple version of the epidemic prevention manual has become famous all over the world, and the theory of germs and germs has also become well known to the world through this epidemic.

Even if there are still people who doubt it, but under the ready-made examples and Sun Simiao's personal prestige, they dare not let go of their mouths.

Some people try to experiment with the theory in the epidemic prevention manual, trying to find loopholes to overthrow this theory.But the more they experimented, the more they felt hesitant, and they all took care of them.

Then many people changed their attitudes and began to take the initiative to study the theory in the epidemic prevention manual.

But this set of simplified manuals is just a taste, and there is not much substantive content, so it is difficult to study further medical knowledge.

While they were scratching their heads, Sun Simiao finally completed "On Epidemics and Insects".

Li Shimin, who got the news, brought dozens of ministers of civil and military affairs to Zixiao Temple to 'invite' this book in person. It can be said that he put on a full posture.

In order to show his sincerity, he also knighted Sun Simiao.

Even though some people thought it was a bit too much to confer a knighthood on a doctor, when this person was Sun Simiao, everyone felt that it should be taken for granted, and no one objected.

Sun Simiao refused to accept his resignation, and said: "The poor are those who are outsiders who don't need these mundane things. If your Majesty insists on awarding them, why don't you give credit to my disciples."

Li Shimin pretended to be hesitant and said: " not in line with etiquette."

Sun Simiao said: "Why should the son inherit the father's business? Although Ke'er is not my own son, everyone in the world knows that he is my successor. In the future, I will need him to inherit the incense of my lineage."

Originally, some people wanted to object to this matter on the basis that the difference between master and apprentice and father and son should not be generalized, but they immediately shut up after hearing these words.

This situation is equivalent to Sun Simiao recognizing Chen Jingke as an adopted son, and it is a relatively special kind of adopted son.

One person with two schools, as the name suggests, is a person with the surname of Chen and the surname of Sun.

This status also has an invisible benefit, you can take the wife of the second wife, and both spouses are recognized by law.

One room is Chen's wife, and the other room is Sun's wife.

Although both are Chen Jingke's daughter-in-law, the meanings are completely different.

If you marry a daughter-in-law as the Chen family, you may only be able to marry a woman from a commoner background. It is not difficult to marry a woman with five surnames as the Sun family.

Because behind the identity of the Chen family is an ordinary person, and behind the identity of the Sun family is Sun Simiao.

If Chen Jingke wants to repent in the future, he will be condemned by the world, and he will never even think about raising his head and being a man in this life.And Sun's wife will not agree, because she is the daughter-in-law of the Sun family.

It was also the first time Li Shimin knew about this matter, and he said in surprise, "Chen Jingke, is there such a thing?"

Chen Jingke also guessed Sun Simiao's plan, saying this in public was to give him more bargaining chips so that he could do something conveniently.

So naturally he would not deny it, and said: "Return to Your Majesty, there is indeed such a thing."

"Master has given me the grace of life and teaching. Even if I die, I can't repay it. I wanted to change my surname to inherit the legacy of Master."

"However, I am the only son in my family. If this is the case, the lineage of the Chen family will be cut off. As a son of man, how can I do such a big unfilial thing, so I can only do this."

Li Shimin nodded and said: "That's right, this is indeed a way to get the best of both worlds, I hope you will be filial to Master Sun in the future."

Chen Jingke said: "Here."

Li Shimin asked the surrounding officials again: "Remember Sun Zhenren's credit to Chen Jingke, do you have any questions?"

Naturally, the ministers did not dare to have any different opinions, and at the same time, their eyes on Chen Jingke changed again.Sun Simiao's apprentice and adopted son have completely different meanings.

The former is only the heir to the mantle of Taoism, while the latter is the heir to everything, including connections, wealth, power and so on.

What's more, Chen Jingke has two identities at the same time.

However, Chen Jingke also refused the reward, but planned to wait for him to marry Sun's wife and give birth to a child, and then give credit to the child.

Now that everyone has no way to raise objections, the matter is settled.

Then Li Shimin returned to the palace with "Plague and Pests", and ordered the printing house of the Ministry of Industry to publish it on a large scale and distribute it all over the world that day.

(End of this chapter)

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