Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 1000 Entering the Amu Darya River

Chapter 1000 Entering the Amu Darya River

"Father is crazy."

The capital of the Liao Kingdom, Gaoping.

When Wu Zhang heard that Qingji was going to send troops to Persia, and he thought he was the general to conquer the west, he couldn't help jumping up and down, very dissatisfied.

He is very old, can he not toss?
Liao Prime Minister Tian Wenjin who stood aside said, "Your Majesty, the envoy sent by His Majesty is still waiting for your news in the building."

"In my opinion, His Majesty's decision to conquer Persia has deep intentions."

"Appreciate further details."

"Your Majesty has always been very happy. In the past ten years, the Great Wu has been in peace for a long time, and he has not frequently fought wars. He just blindly restores people's livelihood, develops national power, and brings order to the world."

Tian Wen said slowly: "But, is Your Majesty willing to be like this for thousands of years? No, never."

"Your Majesty wants to achieve greater achievements and lay down a larger territory for the successor of Great Wu."

"That's the first thing. Second, His Majesty's Western Expedition will be supported by various vassal kings, and the king and the king of Sai will even directly lead their troops to participate in the battle."

"What do you mean? Your Majesty wants to weaken the power of you and King Sai, and pave the way for the Crown Prince to succeed."

Wu Zhang stared and said, "Why did the father come to this?"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty is already very old. I'm sorry to say that, after ten thousand years of Your Majesty, will the kings really be able to serve His Majesty as well as their successors?"


Wu Zhang was silent.

Among the twenty vassal kingdoms divided by Qingji, the most powerful ones are the Liao Kingdom and the Sai Kingdom.

Since Wu Zhang became the king of Liao, he has been committed to expanding the territory and building Liao into a military power.

There are more than 100 million people under his command, and they are basically nomadic peoples such as Donghu, Sushen, Loufan, Yu, Linhu, etc., but they have all naturalized Wu Zhang, and he follows his lead.

In terms of army, Wu Zhang has more than [-] infantry and no less than [-] horses.

As long as Wu Zhang is willing, he can arm an army of more than [-] people and go south at any time...

The territory of the Liao Kingdom is still very large, not only the three eastern provinces, but also a part of the northeast of Inner Mongolia.

In fact, Wu Zhang wanted to wait until the centenary of the death anniversary before spying on the Central Plains.

Who is he?

Qingji's first son, second son!
In case the crown prince Hengying died young, wouldn't it be Wu Zhang's turn to inherit the throne?
On Wu Fan's side, the national strength is not inferior to Wu Zhang's, but it is mainly infantry, and it can also easily command an army of more than 20 to [-] people.

Seeing how "promising" the two sons are, it's no wonder that Qingji wants to take them on the Western Expedition, and weaken their power by the way.

"Tian Wen, what countermeasure do you have?"

"Your Majesty, in my opinion, Your Majesty can procrastinate from illness."

"This is unfilial."

"Filial piety? Your Majesty, forgive me for speaking bluntly. Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety have been a dilemma. Your Majesty has worked hard to pave the way for the crown prince. However, your Majesty's western expedition will be extremely detrimental to you, Your Majesty."

Tian Wen persuasively said: "I heard that the prince is in poor health, so I don't know if I can survive to the top position. Please wait a little longer, my lord, maybe the prince will collapse and die young, and your majesty will make you the prince." , into the Eastern Palace."

Hearing this, Wu Zhang smiled and said, "Isn't that just right?"

"The widow is the royal father's son. If the prince dies of illness, how can it not be the widow's turn to inherit the great line?"


"send troops!"


Congling, also known as Buzhou Mountain and Pamir Plateau.

In modern times, the average altitude of the Pamirs is 5850 meters, but it is not that exaggerated yet.

8000 years ago, the plateau was rising faster, rising at an average rate of seven centimeters per year...

To the south of Congling Ridge is the territory belonging to the Great Wusai Kingdom. The terrain there is wide and gentle, with vertical and horizontal rivers and dense lakes.

The geomorphic pattern of the plateau was basically formed.

After Qingji and Wu Fan joined forces at Congling, they integrated their troops and formed an army of 16 elite cavalry and [-] horses.

After crossing the Congling Ridge, Wu's western expedition army crossed the Amu Darya River all the way.

The Amu Darya River, also known as Wuhushui and Guishui, belongs to the border between the Wu Empire and Persia.

The Amu Darya River is the largest inland river in Central Asia and one of the two major water sources of the Aral Sea. It originates from the alpine glacier at an altitude of 4900 meters in the southeastern Pamirs.

Wu Fan is very familiar with the Amu Darya River, because he has served as the Protector of the Western Regions for many years, and often led troops across the Amu Darya River, burning, killing and looting in the Persian territory.

In the 43rd year of Wu Shihuang, that is, 471 BC, at the beginning of the fifth lunar month.

Wu Jun crossed the Amu Darya River and directly entered the territory of the Persians.

The territory of the Persian Achaemenid dynasty at its peak, stretched from the Indus Plain and the Pamirs in the east to Egypt and Libya in the south, Asia Minor and the Balkans in the west, and the Caucasus Mountains and the Aral Sea in the north.

There are about twenty provinces.

The first thing Wu Jun entered was "Big Xia" (Bactria).

This is one of the most important areas in the middle of the Silk Road.

The aborigines are Eastern Iranians, close relatives of the Scythians and Serbians.

At the same time, the Amu Darya Valley in Bactria is also the hometown of the Aryans.

Since Wu Fan often sent troops to the Great Xia when he was the Chief Protector of the Protectorate of the Western Regions, all the people in this place were afraid to fight against the Wu army.

Wu Jun's western expedition to Daxia basically encountered no decent resistance.

At the end of May, [-] cavalry of the Wu army attacked Khwarazmo again, besieging the city and conquering the territory all the way, invincible.

Because it is located on the banks of the Amu Darya River, the place of Khwarazmo is suitable for primitive humans who lived on fishing and hunting.

Around 2000 BC, the residents of the Khwarazmo area began to irrigate the cultivated land in a primitive way and learned to raise livestock.

However, it is this kind of Khwarazim people who have often surrendered to the great powers just like Brother Asan in history.

Khwarazmo in history has surrendered to Persians, Macedonians, Guishuang people, Mongols and so on.

Faced with the strong invasion of Wu Jun, the Khwarazmo people also surrendered very tactfully.

The march was so smooth that Qingji was unexpected.

However, it is also reasonable.

Qingji then recruited 10,000+ Khwarazimo and the young and strong of Daxia to serve as labor labor, plus millions of Kunlun slaves from the Western Regions and Longxi to deliver food and grass for the Wu army.

The Wu army went deep alone, but there was no need to worry about the fire in the backyard and the rebellion of the Khwarazm and Daxia people.

The Wu army entered near the city of Cyrus in the Fergana Basin and fought the first battle with the Persians.

About 3 Persians deployed along the east bank of the river, with the cavalry as the first line and the infantry as the second line, standing firmly on the bank to prevent the enemy from crossing the river.

The expeditionary force placed infantry squares in the center, with cavalry on both wings.

Qingji ordered the vanguard to feint to lure the enemy to move to the left. When there was a gap in their formation, they took the opportunity to cross the river with the main force of the right wing and pounce on the enemy's center.

During the fierce battle, Wu Jun used his spear advantage to kill and injure the enemy in large numbers.

More than [-] Persian cavalry were killed, and the infantry was attacked from all directions by the Wu army, and they were immediately defeated, and more than [-] people were captured.

Only a hundred people died in the expeditionary force!

(End of this chapter)

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