Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 1030 Rebellion of the Kingdoms

For Lu Wang Wu Xiao who abandoned his people, abandoned his capital, and fled in a hurry, Wu Zhang mourned his misfortune and was angry with him for not fighting.

"Father is famous in the first life, and most of the brothers are dragons and phoenixes. How can you give birth to such a useless son, and how can the widow have such a useless brother?"

The more Wu Zhang talked, the more angry he became.

This time, Wu Xiao really tricked Wu Zhang and the Wu people who were stranded in the city of Sardis.

If Wu Xiao could defend Miyagi as soon as the rebellion happened, even if it took only a day or two, Wu Zhang could quickly lead his army to Sardis City to help Wu Xiao suppress the rebellion.

Now, the situation is very different.

The rebels in Sardis City had obtained some weapons and equipment, and had the power to fight Wu Jun.

With the success of the Lydian rebellion in Sardis, rebels from all over the country will respond one after another, and the situation in the huge Lu country will take a turn for the worse.

In order to prevent the Lydians from rebelling again, the Persians began to confiscate the weapons of the local residents and forbade them to practice martial arts. They could only work as flute players, lyre players, and businessmen for generations.

This is tantamount to castrating the martial temperament of this ethnic group.

But at least there were Lydian soldiers in Xerxes and Qingji's expedition to Greece...

Therefore, in Wu Zhang's view, the combat effectiveness of the Lydians is actually not worth mentioning.

It's just that if the rebel army has a large scale, it will be difficult to deal with Fan for a while.

"Brother Wang, what you taught me is right."

Wu Xiao lowered her head and said, "Now let's suppress the Lydian rebellion as soon as possible."

"Father has a sacred purpose. He has long expected that the Lydians will rebel, so he asked you to send troops to suppress it immediately. You can't let it go..."

Hearing this, Wu Zhang glanced at Wu Xiao, and finally decided to send troops.

In any case, he and Wu Xiao are brothers, and the rebellion started by the Lydians will actually endanger the logistics supplies of Wu Zhang's army.

Wu Zhang immediately mobilized [-] cavalry and rushed to the city of Sardis.

On the way, Wu Zhang's army encountered many great Wu Lishu who had escaped from the city of Sardis.

They were all unkempt, covered in blood, and looked very embarrassed.

When they saw Wu Zhang, they all knelt down and cried to Wu Zhang about the situation in Sardis City.

"King Liao! Your Majesty! The Lydians are crazy!"

"They carried out a brutal massacre of our Wu people in the city!"

"Whether they are adults or children, men, women, old and young, they will kill Wu people when they see them!"

"We fought our way out of the encirclement to escape!"

"King Liao, please make the decision for us and lead us to fight back!"

"Yes! Go back! Kill these Lydian dogs!"

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation and vowed to avenge their dead compatriots.

Wu Zhang glanced at Wu Xiao beside him, and said, "Look at what you've done."


Wu Xiao lowered her head and dared not speak.

He was ashamed and ashamed for a moment.

As the king of a country, he abandoned his subjects and escaped for his life. This is really unreasonable, but the Lydians treated the Wu people so cruelly...

With a sound of "swish", Wu Zhang pulled out the saber from his waist, looked around, looked at the sharp soldiers of the Wu army behind him, and said loudly: "Soldiers!"

"The time has come for you to make contributions!"

"The Lydians killed my people, robbed me of my goods, and captured my land! Can we agree?"

"No! No!"

All Wu Junrui responded loudly to Wu Zhang.

"it is good!"

Wu Zhang turned his horse's head, pointed in the direction of Sardis City, waved his hand and said, "Kill me!"

"Vengeance for vengeance, vengeance for vengeance!"



Wu Zhang is a person who must retaliate.

If there is a grudge, it is usually reported on the spot.

Seeing the massacre of Wu people in the city of Sardis and thousands of people died, Wu Zhang was furious. In order to revenge and boost morale, he gave the order to massacre the city.

What is massacre?

Wu Zhang stipulated that after the entire army captured the city of Sardis, they could "carnival" in the city for three days, rape and loot, commit all kinds of crimes, and then kill all the Lydians in the city without leaving them...

Wu Zhang bloodily suppressed the rebellion set off by the Lydians with cruel means.

However, the rebellion of the Western vassal kingdoms has been repeatedly prohibited.

In Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Egypt and other places, the aliens under the rule of the vassal kingdoms set off rebellions one after another. Wu Zhang, Wu Fan and the vassal kings who were entrusted here had to unite to suppress the rebels.

At this time, Qingji, who was far away in Jinling, the imperial capital, also received reports of riots breaking out in the western kingdoms, but he was not panicked at all.

The army that Wu left in the west was enough to suppress the rebellion of these foreigners.

Now Qingji is still bidding farewell to Wu You's convoy on its fourth expedition to the American continent.

Qingji has already decided that on the American continent, ten vassal kingdoms will be entrusted, and Wu You will still lead the team to further launch a war against the natives of South America.

This trip to the east is on an unprecedentedly large scale.

Considering that it is not easy to cross the Pacific Ocean, and the migrating Li and Shu may not be acclimatized, Qingji transported them there in batches.

Moreover, compared to other feudal kingdoms, the ten feudal kingdoms on the American continent are relatively remote and out of reach, and Qingji will not emigrate too much.

"Your Majesty, urgent report from the Western Regions!"

Not long after Qingji sent off Dongdu's fleet, he received an urgent battle report.

Large-scale rebellions broke out in areas such as Khwarazm, Sogdia, and Staiji. All the rebel forces have joined forces and have reached the Amu Darya River area. They will invade the mainland of Great Wu at any time, which is the Western Regions.

This kind of battle report made Qing Ji frown, but he didn't panic too much and lost his position.

Among the rebels in West Asia and Central Asia, the most powerful is the rebels in Central Asia.

Because Qingji wants to build an official road centered on Xianyang, extending to all directions, connecting the mainland of Wu and the kingdoms of the vassals, which uses a lot of Kunlun slaves and the husbands of the vassals. They belong to the rebels The "backbone force".

After some deliberation, Qingji still decided to let Wu Ji, the emperor's grandson who sits in India, be the commander-in-chief of the three armies, commanding the kingdoms of Sai, Mo, and Su, as well as the army of the Western Regions Protectorate, to suppress the rebellion in Central Asia. military.

As for dispatching troops and generals from the mainland of Great Wu, it was too far away to reach them.

Qingji believes in Wu Ji's ability.

In addition, these rebels rioted hastily, like farmers who have just taken up arms, their combat effectiveness is not worth mentioning, they are a real mob.

It's no problem that Wu Junrui can fight ten.

Of course, most of the armies of the various vassal kingdoms are still mercenaries, or are composed of local aliens.

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