Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 1045 Merger of Liaoning and Two Countries

Chapter 1045 Merger of Liaoning and Liaoning

Wu Di took the tiger charm that Wu Hong returned to him, and silently returned to the Liao King's Palace.

He suspected that he judged the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

King Ning Wu Hong really did not intend to usurp the Liao Kingdom.

In this world, is there such a selfless person?

Wu Di doubted life for a while.

"My son, Mr. Xiangbang asks to see you."

"Let him in."


After a while, Liao Guoxiang Bangtian Wen slowly entered the palace and sat opposite Wu Di.

For Tian Wen, Wu Zhang, Wu Di and his son are still very dependent.

Tian Wen was born in the Hedong family, the predecessor of the Hedong family was the Tian family of Qi State, and later Tian Heng, the head of the Tian family who was the official minister of Qi, encouraged the king of Qi to descend to Wu and made great achievements, so Qingji made Tian Heng the governor of Hedong County Sheriff.

With such a family background, Tian's family power is not weak.

In the native land of Dawu, they can be regarded as a real famous family.

Tian Wen is Tian Qi's son and Tian Heng's younger brother. In his early years, he followed Wu Zhang to the Liao Dynasty and was entrusted with important tasks.

"My son, is King Ning willing to hand over his military power?"

Tian Wen asked.

"This is a soldier talisman."

Wu Di took out the military talisman and put it on the table, shook his head, and said with emotion: "Xiangbang, I still can't see through this uncle."

"This soldier talisman was handed over by King Ning himself, not what I wanted."

"Xiangbang, do you think there are such impartial and selfless people in this world?"

Hearing this, Tian Wen smiled slightly and said, "My lord, it's very kind."

"His Royal Highness King Ning is a man, and the veteran also knows a thing or two."

"Prince Ning became famous when he was young. He learned from Yan Ying, Kong Qiu, Ji Zi and other sages since he was a child. He admired the ways of ancient sages, and he also has the legacy of ancient gentlemen."

"When he was the son of Wu, he was deeply loved and used by His Majesty today. He has great prestige in the court and the public, even His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

"Facts have proved that King Ning is indeed a great talent, Yun Wenyun Wu, whether it is to govern the country and lead the army to fight, he is a leader."

"It's a pity that he is not the eldest son of His Majesty, but a concubine. If not, King Ning would have been His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Great Wu."

Wu Di nodded slightly.

Obviously, he had also heard a little about Wu Hong's deeds.

Wu Hong can be said to be a saint in the Great Wu royal family.

His personality is almost impeccable.

Tian Wen's eyeballs wandered for a while, and suddenly he said to Wu Di: "My lord, I have something to say. I don't know if I should say it or not?"

"please say."

"In the past ten years or so, under King Ning's rule, Ning State has a great political and religious administration, and its officials are clear and bright.

Tian Wen said meaningfully: "Ning has a large population, fertile land, prosperous culture, and a prosperous economy."

"This is the foundation of a unique king and hegemony. If the two countries of Liao and Ning are merged, the territory spans thousands of miles, there are more than 200 million people, and hundreds of thousands of people with armor. In the future, our king can directly proclaim the emperor and establish a new Guochao, stand against Great Wu..."

"No, maybe I, Daliao, can directly enter the Central Plains, become the master of the world, become the Zhengshuo of the Great Wu, and the Zhengshuo of Huaxia!"


What Tian Wen said made Wu Di's heart skip a beat.

They are all descendants of the First Emperor, so why can Wu Heng's lineage inherit the throne, while Wu Zhang's lineage can only be a vassal king?
You know, Wu Zhang and Wu Heng are siblings from the same mother, and they are both Qingji's legitimate sons...


Wu Di shook his head and said, "Xiangbang, no matter what, the empire will not allow the merger of Liao and Ning."

"My imperial grandfather would not allow this to happen. Besides, Ning's national power is strong, although it is not as strong as my Liao's soldiers and horses, but it is better than my Liao's in other aspects."

"With King Ning here, and the whole nation of Ning is united, even our cavalry from the Liao Kingdom cannot touch a single inch of Ning's land."

"What's more, this uncle of mine has worked tirelessly for our Liao Kingdom in the past two years. He has conquered the Liao Dynasty in internal security, supervised the military, expanded the territory and expanded the territory. His prestige is so high that even I feel ashamed."

"He is not only loved by the people of Ning, but also by the people of Liao."

"Who dares to do something to King Ning? Who dares to do something to Ning Guo?"

"Also, Xiangbang, do you think the Great Wu Bianjun is a vegetarian?"

"Maybe if our Liao army moves, the imperial court will send an army to suppress the rebellion. When the time comes, my Liao clan will lose the country. How can I explain to my father who is stationed far away in the west?"


Tian Wen thought for a while, and secretly thought that Wu Di was not good at fooling around.

However, Tian Wen was not troubled by this.

Tian Wen immediately thought of a way for Wu Di.

"My son, since the way of war is not good, why don't you take the way of king?"

"Royal way?"

"That's right. It's not appropriate to seek Ning country by means of war. However, my son, don't forget that King Ning is still in Gaoping and our Liao country."

Tian Wen smiled sadly and said: "King Ning has a very high reputation in Ning and Liao. This is his strength and also his weakness."

"The son can force King Ning to sign a letter of credence, so that the two countries of Liaoning will merge, and King Ning will be reduced to the Duke of Ning, or the Marquis of Ning, and the hereditary will not replace him."

"In this way, Ning land is owned by the Liao State. This is a peaceful coup."

"Da Wu couldn't react, and in the end he could only helplessly admit the fait accompli of the merger of Liaoning and Liaoning."

"Even if His Majesty the First Emperor was furious and sent troops to conquer, my Liao army can rely on thousands of miles of wilderness to mediate with the Wu army. How many years can the imperial army fight?"

"Today is different. Back then, the king was ordered to enter the country with 6 elite soldiers and [-] or [-] family members. Within a few years, he conquered the Northeast Hus such as Sushen, Donghu, and Huijie, and established the The mighty Liao Kingdom."

"The Liao Kingdom is different from those Hu tribes who are scattered and drink blood."

"Coupled with the strong national strength, it belongs to Ningguo, which is a rich land."

"It's not impossible to stand against Great Wu."

"After a long time, His Majesty will have to compromise."

"As for Ningguo, if King Ning is in hand, they wouldn't dare to act rashly..."

"shut up!"

Wu Di scolded, frowned, and said, "Master Tian, ​​what you said is too rebellious. I'll just pretend I haven't heard it before today, so there's no need to say it again."


Tian Wen took a meaningful look at Wu Di, and finally stopped talking.

He knew that Wu Di, like his father Wu Zhang, had great ambitions.

It's just that during Qingji's lifetime, they dare not act rashly.

Not to mention anything else, most of the courtiers and officials in power in the Liao Kingdom are Wu people like Tian Wen, and they are well aware of Qingji's power.

In Great Wu under Qingji's rule, even if Liaoning and Liaoning merged to seek self-reliance, it would not be too difficult for Qingji to send troops to suppress the rebellion.

(End of this chapter)

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