Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 1064 From Extravagance to Frugality

Chapter 1064 From Extravagance to Frugality

"I, Da Wu, never support idlers!"

Li Ke gave a convincing reason.

After all, ever since Qingji launched the reform, he has always advertised that "the great Wu does not support idlers". The state of Wu rewards farming and warfare, and treats lazy people, which is abhorrent.

If a lazy person still refuses to change after repeated admonitions, he will be executed seriously...

This is not a lie!

Right now, Li Ke began to express his views by using such an excuse.

"In my Great Wu, the scholars of Guozijian are free of board and lodging fees, and those who are excellent in character and learning can even get scholarships."

"However, they are free of board and lodging fees. This is understandable. After all, the scholars of the Imperial College include politics, military, engineering, agriculture, medicine, and business. Their education usually lasts for one to two years, and then they can quickly find employment. Contribute your own efforts to the construction of Dawu."

"As for the students of junior high school, high school, and university, they are still young and have to study hard for many years. Apart from studying, they are basically useless. What is the difference between them and 'idlers'?"

"Why does the state support millions of idlers?"

Hearing this, Prince Heng frowned and said, "Lord Li's words are wrong."

"These students are studying for the prosperity of my Great Wu. How can you classify them as idlers?"

Li Ke shook his head and said: "His Royal Highness, can you tell me what benefits the students have for me, Da Wu?"


Prince Heng was silent.

It’s not that they look down on students, but that if students practice closed military management (full-time academic education), they only have Saturdays and Sundays, and they can go back to help with some farm work at home.

"His Majesty!"

Li Ke knelt down on the floor with a wat in his hand, and said to Qingji, "I think that if this kind of full-time academic education is to be implemented, the accommodation fee can be waived, but the student's food fee must be charged!"

"My great Wu is now a strong country and rich people. Since His Majesty came to the world, it has prospered and prospered. Wealth has been hidden in the people, and it has given the people of the world countless benefits and graces!"

"Not to mention anything else, I am a native of Dawu, and the minimum standard salary for Chinese people is five thousand dollars."

"Even for excavators and street sweepers, it's not less than five thousand yuan a month."

"People who enter the workshop earn between [-] and [-] a month."

"Are they poor? Not poor!"

"In a family, men can earn money, and women can also earn money."

"Men farm and women weave. The monthly income of farmers who cultivate the land is not low, and the income of women who work at home or go to the workshop to make clothes is not low."

"I went deep into the folks and investigated many households. I learned that the minimum monthly income of ordinary people is [-] yuan. And their savings are even more, it should be more than [-] yuan."

"What's the harm in asking them to take part of the money to pay for the son's board?"

"My minister agrees!"

As soon as Li Ke's words fell, many ministers and officials stood up and agreed with him.

"Does the second and third sons have any objections?"

Qingji, who had been sitting on the dragon chair, sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, looked around for a week and then asked.

"Father, my son thinks that Master Li's words are biased!"

Prince Heng still didn't agree with Li Ke's proposition. He thought for a while and said, "Based on the minimum standard, a student earns 450 yuan a month, accounting for about 33/[-] of the monthly income of ordinary people. many."

"However, father, don't forget that I, the people of Great Wu, believe in more children and more blessings, and have a policy of encouraging births, so they keep on giving birth. Young couples have at least one child every two years, and middle-aged couples are no less. "

"Children who have reached the legal school age, there are as few as three or four in a family, and as many as seven or eight!"

"As a compromise, if you count five, a family's food expenses for children in school will be 250 yuan a month. It accounts for less than one-sixth of a family's monthly income."

"The family still has various expenses. Running a family is like running a country. The food expenses for the children are only so much. My son is afraid that the people of the country will complain..."

This account is not ignorant, and I was shocked when I calculated it.

It is true that what Prince Heng said is somewhat exaggerated, but it is basically in line with the facts.

And this is precisely in line with the consistent philosophy of Deng Xi, Li Ke and other Legalist ministers.

Weak people!

If Li Shu lives too well, where is the motivation?
Seeing that Qing Ji seemed to be persuaded by Crown Prince Heng, Deng Xi couldn't sit still, and immediately came out and said, "Your Majesty, I think that if we must implement this kind of full-time academic education, free board and lodging is not impossible. "

"My business tax, land rent tax, customs tax, oral tax, calculation tax and other taxes in Dawu are too low."

"The minister thinks that we can levy some more to maintain the fact that the students are free of board and lodging."

Deng Xi's proposition deeply implements what is called "the wool comes from the sheep".

Da Wu's various taxes are indeed very low now.

Ridiculously low!

Otherwise, the fiscal revenue of the Great Wu treasury for one year would be more than a mere seventy-eight million taels of gold.

When Prince Heng saw Deng Xi's method of treating the symptoms but not the root cause, he couldn't help but frowned, and said to Qingji, "Father, let the family bear the food expenses of the students."

"It's easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but it's hard to go from extravagance to frugality. I'm afraid that if the court raises taxes, all the people in the world will criticize it, which will be detrimental to the society..."

"Actually, even if an ordinary family spends more than [-] yuan a month as food expenses for their children at school, it is harmless."

"My son has investigated that an ordinary family rarely spends more than [-] yuan a month. Calculated, each of them can save about [-] yuan."

The monthly income is [-] yuan, which is what ordinary people and the couple can earn.

Already quite a lot.

It is understandable to spend one-sixth or one-seventh of income to send children to school.

After all, they still have more than [-] yuan left throughout the year, which is a surplus!

As far as this is concerned, it is only the statistics on the surface of the Great Wu Household Department, as well as the data obtained from interviews and surveys. In fact, many Chinese people have side jobs.

Qingji thought about it for a while, but he still thought that he should not treat the people of the country blindly too well, otherwise what would be left to the successor would be a mess, and sooner or later something big would happen.

As Prince Heng said, it is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but difficult to go from extravagance to frugality.

Great Wu is now prosperous and prosperous, and every family has hundreds of thousands of deposits. Once the Great Wu Empire weakens, the national power is sluggish, and if the accumulation is hard to return, the people who feel at a loss may rebel...

"I believe that after the implementation of full-time academic education, the student's accommodation expenses will be borne by the state, and the food expenses will be borne by the individual family. If there are more than three students in the family, the food expenses for the rest of the children will be borne by the state."

(End of this chapter)

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