Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 1078 Map of the Great Wu Empire

Wu Hong is Qingji's eldest son, he has been a benevolent and righteous gentleman since he was a child, and now he has become a "sage", famous all over the world, and all brothers are convinced.

Among other things, Wu Fan is Wu Hong's die-hard follower, Wu Fan handed over the military power, how dare Wu Zhang act rashly.

Father, the ginger is still old and spicy!
At this time, Wu Zhang also had to be convinced.

With Wu Hong's character, once he takes over the 60-[-] troops of the Western Expeditionary Corps, I believe that the next step will be to help the brothers establish a state here under Qingji's instruction, and then dismember the Western Expeditionary Corps to avoid Create a situation where people have self-respect.

As a last resort, Wu Zhang and Wu Fan could only follow the emperor's grandson Wu Ji to travel across the ocean and embark on the journey back to the mainland of Great Wu.


When they returned to Jinling, the imperial capital, it was already the 49th year of Wu Shihuang, that is, 465 BC, the second month of the lunar calendar.

At this time, in the huge Zide Hall, there were only Qingji, Wu Zhang, Wu Fan and his father and son.

"Wu Zhang, I heard that you complained a lot on the way back to Jinling."

Qing Ji glanced at Wu Zhang, and said slowly: "Tell me, why is the prince the eldest son who has not made any achievements and can inherit the throne in the future, while he is the second son who has made great achievements for the empire, but he has nothing to gain?" not?"

"Have you ever said anything like that?"

Hearing this, Wu Zhang swallowed involuntarily, knelt down on the floor with a "plop", lowered his head and said, "Father, my son said such a thing. But, it was just a slip of the tongue after drinking, so it can't be taken seriously. "

In front of Qingji, Wu Zhang didn't dare to lie, and he also knew that there were always Qingji's spies by his side, so how dare he hide it?
"Oh, get up."

Qing Ji put his hands together in his sleeves, closed his eyes, and said calmly, "Spoken words after drinking, but often speaking the truth after drinking. Wu Zhang, I don't blame you for thinking like this."

"Of course, you overestimate yourself and underestimate Wu Heng."

"Why do you think you and Wu Fan are able to conquer Eastern Europe, Central Europe, Western Europe, and North Africa without any disadvantages, and have established a vast territory around the Mediterranean Sea?"

"Only relying on your military talents and the bravery of your soldiers? Wrong, big mistake!"

Qing Ji stared at Wu Zhang and Wu Fan who were afraid to speak, and said sharply: "The things you have done in the west these years are all carried out by the crown prince for you!"

"How many cities have you looted, how many cities have been slaughtered, you don't need to tell me, you know it in your heart."

"To kill too much is to lose peace after all."

"In the past few years, the crown prince has supervised the country and regent, how much money has he supported you with food and soldiers?"

"If not, even if you are given another ten or twenty years, you may not be able to achieve this achievement!"

Upon hearing this, both Wu Zhang and Wu Fan lowered their heads and said, "Father, my son and minister are guilty."

In fact, Qing Ji would not blame Wu Zhang and Wu Fan for massacring cities and looting enemy cities.

But, if they don't hit the two at this time, wouldn't their tails go up to the sky?

"Zhang'er, Fan'er, father is getting old."

Qing Ji let out a long sigh and said, "Zhen, this year is nine out of sixty, how long can I live?"

"What I am most worried about now is that my body will not be able to hold on. After I die, the huge empire will collapse and fall apart with my departure."

"Wu's country must not fall into the hands of outsiders."

"So, I hope that you brothers can live in harmony and help each other."

"There must be no brother-in-law, brother-in-law incidents..."

Wu Fan said sternly: "Father, I will definitely not. Whoever dares to rebel against the crown prince or the emperor of Wu will be the first to send troops to punish his nine clans!"

"It's the same with my son!"

Wu Zhang promised.

Qing Ji took a deep look at Wu Fan and Wu Zhang, and could only secretly hope so.

"You guys rest in Jinling for a few days, and after you have a good time with your mother, stepmother and concubine, go back to your respective kingdoms. If you don't have a will, you can't go back to Beijing."


Seeing the backs of Wu Zhang and Wu Fan drifting away, Qingji was still quite worried.

After his death, can Crown Prince Heng and Emperor Wu Ji control them?


The day after Wu Zhang and Wu Fan returned to Jinling, Qingji held a court meeting in Fengtian Hall.

According to the usual practice, Qingji decided to set up twenty vassal kingdoms in the vast territory around the Mediterranean Sea such as Carthage, the Balkan Peninsula, Rome, Gaul, Celtic, and the Iberian Peninsula, and let his sons be the vassal kings. Go to the Mediterranean to feudal states.

In this way, the Wu Empire has eighty vassal kingdoms so far.

How big is the territory?
Qingji himself didn't quite understand.

Half of the American continent was occupied by the Wu Empire, and the Australian continent was completely occupied, plus North Africa, the Mediterranean region, and the Far East and Central Plains of the Wu Empire...

From the map, the huge territory of the Wu Empire has already spanned the five continents of Asia, Africa, Europe, America, and Australia.

The total area of ​​land and sea on the earth is about 5.1 million square kilometers.

Among them, the ocean area is about 3.61 million square kilometers, accounting for 71% of the global total area, and the land area is about 1.49 million square kilometers, accounting for 29% of the global total area.

If you look at it from the map, the territory where the Wu Empire established a vassal kingdom is vast, probably occupying more than one-third of the earth.

What concept?
In other words, the territory under the rule of the Wu Empire reached a staggering 5000 million square kilometers!
There are not many people under the rule, but they are all densely populated areas in the world, probably more than 8500 million, of which the population of China's mainland accounts for about half.

The population is still too small, Qingji thinks it is not satisfactory.

Of course, there are many barbarians who do not accept kingship, and slaves have not been registered, so they are not counted.

In Qingji's lifetime, he was satisfied with having laid down such a vast territory.

In history, what is the territory area of ​​the Chinese dynasties?
Qin Dynasty, about 354 million square kilometers.

Western Han Dynasty, about 665 million square kilometers.

Datang, about 615 million square kilometers.

In the Northern Song Dynasty, it was about 283 million square kilometers.

In the Yuan Dynasty, it was about 2122 million square kilometers.

In the Ming Dynasty, it was about 1233 million square kilometers.

In the Qing Dynasty, it was about 1284 million square kilometers.

This is the heyday, the territory of the unified dynasty.

It is less than the Wu Dynasty's vast territory of 5000 million square kilometers.

It is not so difficult to maintain such a vast territory.

It can be seen from the frequent outbreaks of rebellions in various vassal kingdoms, especially in Europe, West Asia, and the Mediterranean.

It is true that it can be suppressed every time, but it also makes the Wu Empire a little exhausted and disturbed.

In the future, if the national strength of the Wu Empire weakens, or if the relationship between the emperor and the vassals falls apart, many vassal kingdoms will inevitably be destroyed, and then the suzerain-vassal system of the Wu Empire established by Qingji will also fall apart...

This is a predictable thing.

However, Qingji has indeed accomplished a great feat that no one has ever done before, and no one will come after.

In history, Alexander conquered about 13 million square kilometers of territory in 500 years, and established a great empire that stretched from Greece and Macedonia in the west to the Indus River Valley in the east, the first waterfall of the Nile River in the south, and the Syr Darya River in the north, making Macedonia a great empire. The largest country in the world at the time.

The time spent celebrating Ji is even shorter.

He almost conquered the whole world, and truly realized that wherever the rivers and rivers go, and the sun and the moon shine, they are all Wu soil.

What you need to know is that Alexander only conquered, not occupied, but the Wu Empire actually occupied and ruled.

The Macedonian Kingdom, which Alexander relied on, was just a small and insignificant country in Qingji's view, while Qingji relied on the strong national strength of the Wu Empire.

Therefore, the Macedonian Kingdom and the Wu Empire are not the same.

This can be seen from the fact that Huaxia's population accounts for half of the total population of the Wu Empire.

The Wu people may not be able to assimilate the thousands of ethnic groups under the rule.


The next day, Qingji, who had nothing to do, took an ordinary carriage, which was light and simple, and inspected inside and outside Jinling City.

With his getting older and weaker, Qingji is no longer allowed to travel far, and can only stay near the capital to observe the people's conditions.

Wu Ji, who had been established as the grandson of the emperor, was by Qingji's side.

"Whose mansion is this? Why is it so lively?"

Qingji lifted the curtain of the carriage, and saw a lot of carriages and horses parked on one side of the street, and some attendants were still sitting on them, chatting together in small groups.

"Grandfather, this is the residence of Zhongshuling Zengshen. These chariots and horses, as well as the continuous stream of people entering the residence, are probably scholars who came to pay their respects to Zengshen."

Wu Ji replied: "The emperor's grandfather recently asked my father to be responsible for the selection of courtiers and officials. They probably thought of Zeng Shen here, and asked him to make it easier."


After Qingji was silent for a while, looking at the crowded "Zeng Mansion", he couldn't help frowning, and said, "Zeng Shen dares to form a clique for personal gain?"

"I dare not say that they are forming a party for personal gain. Most of them are disciples of Zeng Shen, disciples of Confucius, or colleagues of Zeng Shen. These Confucian scholars just came to visit Zeng Shen, and they would not bribe anything. Zeng Shen is a clean and honest person, and he would not accept bribes. ..."

That's what he said, but Qingji still felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Zeng Shen is trustworthy, but this kind of bad atmosphere is bound to make the officialdom of Wu in the future fall into a situation of "nepotism".

Like the Han, Wei, and even the Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, did the gentry aristocrats monopolize the court area, creating a pattern of "the upper class has no poor families, and the lower class has no gentry"?
Now, there are already signs of this in Dawu.

There are still few corrupt officials, and the problem of land annexation has not yet come to the fore. People still advocate virtue and be strict with themselves, but this bad atmosphere will still lead Wu to another extreme.

Although Da Wu has now implemented 12 years of compulsory education, free education for all, and talents are cultivated by the state, but if they want to become officials, they still have the "examination system" and must first "worship the mountain"!
Familiar with the current ministers!
Is this okay?
not good.

If the kindness of the private family is greater than the kindness of the country, in the future, there will definitely be a family of "four generations and three lords" like the Yuan family in Runan and the Yang family in Hongnong in the Han Dynasty.

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