Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 110 All the heroes in the world are in my heart

Chapter 110 All the heroes in the world are in my heart

"Courtary Sun Ping (Fan Li), see Your Majesty!"

"Wannian King! Wannian Wu Guo!"

Sun Ping and Fan Li hurriedly got out of the military chariot, knelt down on one knee, and bowed to Qingji in salute.

Qing Ji stepped forward, helped them up one by one, and said: "There is no need to be too polite."

"Your Majesty, the ministers have failed to obtain Shudi and Zhaoguan, and have a heavy entrustment. Please punish me, Your Majesty!"

Sun Ping took the initiative to plead guilty.

"What is Sun Qing's crime?"

Qingji smiled slightly, and said: "Qing and others have taken down the four cities of Chang'an, Que, Yongpu, and An for our great Wu. They have won many battles and forced the Chu people to seek peace. They have made great achievements."

"If the widow doesn't reward Qing and others, it will be fine. How can you punish Qing and others?"

"Your Majesty..."

Sun Ping stopped talking.

However, Qingji waved his hand and asked the eunuch standing beside him to read out the imperial edict, saying: "The imperial edict——Da Sima Sun Ping, military commander sacrificed wine to Fan Li, and made meritorious deeds in defeating Chu. Specially added Sun Ping to three hundred households in Chang'an Shiyi, Give fifty bolts of silk and one hundred acres of fertile land!"

"I ordered Fan Li to govern the internal history of millet, and granted him a high-class mansion in the capital of Wu and ten servants!"

"The rest of the officers and men will each have a reward!"

Hearing this, Sun Ping and Fan Li immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Wang En.

Such a generous reward from Qingji is really shocking!
Sun Ping was fine, he only rewarded Shiyi, silk and fertile land, but Fan Li was actually entrusted by Qing Ji as the internal history of governing millet, one of the nine ministers!
This more or less dissatisfied the officials behind him.

However, the imperial edict has been issued, how can they ask Qingji to withdraw his order?
If it was just Qingji who had just succeeded to the throne, the ministers and officials might be able to argue, but Qingji has been on the throne for a long time, and relying on his illustrious achievements, he has formed a strong prestige in Wu Kingdom!

At such a time, who would dare to touch Qingji's head?
Fan Li, who was promoted to govern millet internal history, was filled with emotion in his heart, and couldn't help his eyes turning red. Suddenly, he felt a feeling of death for his confidant when he saw Qing Ji!
He was underappreciated in Chu State, unable to show his strengths, so he went to Wu State to try his luck to see if he could be reused by Wu Wang Qingji.

Unexpectedly, Qingji thought highly of him so much, how could Fan Li be grateful for this, so Xu Qingji drove him away?

After Sun Ping and Fan Li returned to the capital of Wu, they only rested for one day before being summoned by Qingji to the Zide Palace for discussion.

Along with them, Dazai Jizha, Dianke Botong, general Sun Wu, and the relatively unfamiliar senior official Wu Zixu and Prime Minister Ji Ran entered the Zide Palace with them!

Sun Ping, Sun Wu, Fan Li, Jizha, Bo Tong, Ji Ran, Wu Zixu, a total of seven people are rare famous ministers and generals in the world!

At this moment, Qingji couldn't help feeling deeply moved when he saw the scene of the seven capable officials sitting on the left and right, bowing their heads before him.

Unknowingly, so many famous ministers and generals who have shined in the annals of history have gathered under his command.

Among them, if you take any one out, they are all great talents who can govern the country, lead troops in battle, or make suggestions!
For a moment, Qingji couldn't help but feel a feeling of "all the heroes in the world are in my pocket".

Qingji sat high on the majesty's platform, looked around, looked at the ministers on the left and right sides, and said slowly: "Second and three sons, today I called you here for no other reason than to discuss seriously, which is in line with my great Wu A good policy for governing the country."

"For this reason, the second and third sons can express their own opinions and speak freely!"

Hearing this, the seven ministers including Ji Zha couldn't help but look at each other, thinking secretly.

They had already guessed that Qing Ji would inquire about good ways to govern the country, so they were prepared!
Grand Sima Sun Ping took the lead and said: "Your Majesty, I think that my country of Wu wants to make the country rich and strong, and we can follow the example of Guan Zi (Guan Zhong) of Qi State in the past!"

"However, we can't follow Guanzi's reform in an all-round way. Depending on the national conditions, my country of Wu can also be like Qi. The four peoples are divided into industries, and the peasants, farmers, and businessmen!"

"That is to say, Wu Guoli and Shu were divided into four classes: soldiers, farmers, craftsmen, and merchants, and lived in fixed areas according to their respective professions."

"In this way, the separation of industries among the four peoples should have four advantages: one is to communicate with each other and show each other cleverly. People of the same industry live together, so it is easy to exchange experience and improve skills!"

"The second is to talk to each other for benefit, to show each other at the right time, and to know the price by telling each other, which has a great effect on promoting the production and circulation of commercial goods!"

"The third is to create a professional atmosphere, so that Li Shu can be content with his own business, so that he will not move away when he sees something foreign, which will cause the instability of his business."

"The fourth is to create a good internal and external educational environment invisibly, so that children can be influenced by their ears and eyes from childhood, and naturally master a skill under the influence of their father and brother!"

Hearing this, including Qing Ji, Ji Zha, Bo Tong, Fan Li and other ministers couldn't help nodding slightly in agreement.

The priority of ideas is often more important than the priority of resources!

Guan Zhong's reform (reform) can be regarded as the first major change in the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period.

Later generations will honor Guan Zhong as Guan Zi, the pioneer of Legalism, the teacher of saints, the protector of Chinese civilization, and the first prime minister of China. This is not in vain.

At least, Li Kui's reform, Wu Qi's reform, Shang Yang's reform and many other reforms, to a large extent, followed Guan Zhong's example!
As the so-called lesson from the past, the teacher of the future!

With Guan Zhong's reforms, latecomers can also stand on the shoulders of giants, learn from experience and lessons, adapt measures to local conditions, and make improvements.

Sun Ping was originally from Qi, and grew up in Qi, so he was very familiar with Guan Zhong's reform.

Separate industries among the four peoples, scholars, farmers, businessmen!
Guan Zhong is the first person in history to divide and manage all levels of the country according to occupations.

This specialized commodity economy model has been enshrined as the basic form and guiding principle since the Han Dynasty.

The meticulous professional division of labor and institutional arrangements passed down from generation to generation are also one of the important reasons why China's early civilization is ahead of the world!


Qingji nodded and said: "Guan Zhong's reform has far-reaching impact. Although the division of scholars, farmers, businessmen and commerce is not clear in our country of Wu, there are already signs. The government has issued an order, and Li Shu should respond. There is not much conflict!"

As a result, Qingji established the first decree of Wu's reform!

At this time, Fan Li, who was on the side of Zhisu Neishi, lowered his hands and said, "Your Majesty, there are many places that are advisable in Guan Yiwu's reform, especially the ones that benefit the people."

"It can be summed up in eight words-let go of the micro, control the macro!"

"Release the microcosm, that is, encourage merchants to hoard goods internally, sell them in large quantities in other countries, and earn the difference, and lower tariffs externally, catering to merchants from various countries to enter Wu."

"A person who regulates the macro, that is, starts from the three aspects of finance, taxation and price!"

"According to the state policy of Guan Zhongzhi when Qi was in power, my country of Wu can also collect taxes every two years. In the year of great harvest, [-]% of the tax will be collected every year."

"In the middle years, ten percent is collected every year."

"When you are inferior, you will be charged [-]% every year. In case of famine, you will be exempted from tax!"

Hearing this, Qingji was quite hesitant.

Qingji had no opinion on the policy of encouraging merchants to hoard goods for export trade, lowering tariffs, and catering to merchants from other countries to enter Wu, and he very much agreed.

However, the country's fiscal revenue is so low, Qingji has to worry about Wu's fiscal deficit every year, making ends meet!
(End of this chapter)

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