Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 142 Zhaoguan Alliance

Chapter 142 Zhaoguan Alliance
In the summer of the second year of Qingji Wu Wang, the beginning of June.

The reform of Wu State is going on in full swing, and all decrees have been implemented.

Qingji is not idle, besides dealing with daily government affairs, as well as going on tour in micro-services from time to time to inspect people's conditions, at this time he is going to have an alliance with King Xiong Zhen of Chu in Zhaoguan!
The Wu and Chu countries have long since ended their peace talks, and they will not invade each other, but for the sake of a safer external environment, Qingji does not mind making an alliance with the Chu people in a hypocritical way, to show the goodwill of the two countries' diplomatic relations and alliance.

Due to the vast territory of the state of Chu and the fact that Yingdu is far away from Zhaoguan, the alliance between Wu and Chu has been delayed until today.


Zhaoguan has Mashan Mountain in the east and Chengshan Mountain in the west. The entire mountain range runs east-west and stretches for tens of miles. It is surrounded by lakes and lakes, and only Zhaoguan is accessible.

Zhaoguan has always been a battleground for military strategists, and it is the junction of Wu and Chu.

Since Shoumeng, Wu's national power has grown day by day, and he has continued to conquer Chu from the west.

In order to resist the continuous invasion of the Wu army, the state of Chu established a fortress here, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. This is Zhaoguan!

At this moment, Qingji was riding a four-royal carriage, bumping all the way towards the beacon tower outside Zhaoguan.

The accompanying ministers included Wu Zixu, the magistrate of Wudu County, Fan Li, the imperial historian, and thousands of other soldiers.

The army of Wu State is mighty, and the crimson banners and armor are like a river that is not slowing down, spreading over the endless wilderness!

From a long distance, Qingji could see the outline of Zhaoguan's city wall.

Even though it was on the territory of Chu State, Qingji was not afraid at all.

With Gein's bravery and a thousand elite soldiers, no amount of Chu troops could stop Qingji's way!
On the side of the military chariot, Wu Zixu couldn't help being touched by the scene. The Zhaoguan that came into view made him feel rather complicated.

Seeing Wu Zixu's sad face, Qingji asked, "Wu Qing, revisiting the old place, I think you must have some emotion in your heart?"

Wu Zixu was indeed in a bad mood.

"That's right. Your Majesty, it was not easy for your subjects to pass Zhaoguan."

Recalling the past, Wu Zixu couldn't help sighing: "In the past, the ministers fled from Yingdu, first went to Song Dynasty and then Zhengzhou, traveled to several countries, played flute all the way to beg for food, and wanted to go to Wu country."

"When I arrived at Zhaoguan, there were portraits of my ministers hanging at the gate, and the interrogation was very strict, and I was blocked for a while, so I couldn't go out."

"Fortunately, Duke Donggao came to the rescue, and the subject was able to have a temporary place to stay!"

"For seven days in a row, the minister thought that the revenge of his father and brother had not been avenged, and he was so sad that his beard and hair grew gray overnight."

"Fortunately, Duke Donggao was righteous and allowed his friend Huangfu Na, who looked very similar to his servant, to pretend to pass the test, while the servant took advantage of the chaotic opportunity of Huangfu Na's arrest, pretending to be an ordinary old man to get away..."

After saying that, Wu Zixu sighed, both happy and sad.

The first half of his life was both lucky and unfortunate!
It is unfortunate that father and brother were killed, all families were destroyed, and they were forced to live in exile.

Fortunately, Wu Zixu met many nobles on the way to escape!
Donggao is just one of them.

The unknown fisherman and Huansha girl are also noble people in Wu Zixu's life.

When Wu Zixu was on his way to escape from the state of Chu, he was hungry and poor. He saw a girl from Huansha who had food in a bamboo basket, so he went to beg for food.

The girl suddenly felt compassion, and generously gave it away.

After Wu Zixu had a full meal, he asked the other party to keep his behavior a secret for security reasons.

The girl felt that her personality was humiliated, so she immediately picked up a stone and threw herself into the water to die!

Seeing this, Wu Zixu was very sad.

He bit his finger, wrote blood on the stone, and said: Er Huansha, I beg; I am full, and I drown.Ten years later, a daughter will be rewarded with virtue!

In history, after Wu Zixu avenged his great revenge, he thought of repaying his kindness, but because he didn't know the address of the girl's home, he threw a thousand gold into the place where she dived at that time.

It is said that this is the origin of "Miss Qianjin".

And Yu Zhangren also has the grace of saving Wu Zixu's life!
Because of his desperation, Wu Zixu, who escaped from Zhaoguan, fled to the bank of the great river, only to see the mighty river, and the waves are endless.

The flood was blocking the front, and there were chasing soldiers behind. Just when Wu Zixu was almost desperate, it was the fisherman who rescued him by rowing a boat, allowing him to escape from danger.

It is regrettable that Wu Zixu, who was worried, gave the fisherman his ancestral sword as a thank you, and asked the fisherman not to reveal his whereabouts!
As a result, the fierce fisherman thought that Wu Zixu was insulting him, so he killed himself with a sword...

It has to be said that Wu Zixu's life is like a hang-up. He took the script of the protagonist, but it's a pity that he is the protagonist of tragedy!
Wu Zixu in history is a tragedy from beginning to end!


While Qingji was chatting with Wu Zixu, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes in front of him.

I saw ten military chariots coming at a gallop, full of soldiers of the Chu army in khaki-colored robes.

"Stop comers!"

With a sound of "嗖", an arrow landed on the ground a hundred steps away. The military chariot that had been galloping over immediately stopped, and the horses were stunned.

A military chariot slowly approached Qingji's carriage.

"King Wu, my king is already waiting outside the pass, please go with me!"

"Lead the way ahead."

As the host country, Chu State naturally had to arrange the location of the alliance.

Wu is a victorious country, and he can also invite Chu King Xiong Zhen to join the alliance in Wu.

But considering that Xiong Zhen was young and might not dare to risk himself, Qingji didn't mind lowering his posture and letting Chu people entertain him.

Not long after, Qingji's team arrived outside the city gate of Zhaoguan.

The state of Chu had set up a huge camp in this place for the Wu army to live in, as a temporary place to celebrate Ji.

A square platform was built early in Guanxia, ​​covered with banners of various colors, hunting in the wind.

The people of Chu seemed to want to intimidate Qingji and show off their power, so they deployed thousands of soldiers near Sifangtai. !
If this kind of momentum stays in the deep palace compound, the monarch who has not seen much of the world may be frightened, but how can he frighten the experienced and well-informed Qing Ji?
Qingji just laughed it off, and led Sun Wu and Wu Zixu up the Sifangtai step by step under the guidance of a group of old guards.

"King Wu!"

Qingji had just boarded Sifangtai, and a mother and son met her.

The young woman looked to be only in her twenties, fair and beautiful, graceful and luxurious, and there was a kind of flattering charm gushing out from her glances.

The young man beside him still had a childish look on his face, a little handsome, and a heroic spirit was revealed between his brows, which was very extraordinary.

Qingji knew that one of them was Chu Wang Xiong Zhen, and the other was Chu Guotai's wife Meng Ying!
(End of this chapter)

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