Chapter 167
Qingji is also a little Jiujiu who knows Sun Ping's heart.

Sun Ping's official life has been ups and downs for many years. He was a senior official in Qi State, and then he was an official in Wu State.

Sun Ping's political sense is not bad at all.

At this time, seeing Sun Ping pretending to be ignorant, Qingji just smiled lightly, and said: "The barbarians in the southwest, whether they are Shanyue people or Jingman tribes, I will destroy them and use them together."

"The widow is categorically intolerable. On the land of my country of Wu, those who live from generation to generation are not the people of the country of Wu, but those who have two hearts!"

Qingji's domineering words made Sun Ping deeply infected.

He knew that Qingji was serious.

As early as the beginning of the implementation of the new law of Wu State, Qingji ordered Sun Ping to send troops to attack the barbarians who were still independent, or the grass bandits who robbed their homes and houses, and used them to suppress and appease them.

Its purpose is nothing more than to increase the population of Wu State, eliminate some unnecessary hidden dangers, and greatly strengthen Wu State's national strength.

Now, Qingji ordered Sun Ping to lead his army southward, with the purpose of exterminating Shanyue and Jingman in the southwest, so as to increase the development of this area.

"Da Sima, please tell me about the situation of the barbarians in the southwest."


Sun Ping was already prepared.

As the saying goes, knowing yourself and knowing the enemy can win every battle!

Sun Ping, as his father, deeply believed in the philosophy of war pointed out by Sun Wu in his book of war.

Even, with some tactical ideas, Sun Wu still inherited his father.

Sun Ping bowed to Qingji and said, "Your Majesty, according to what I know, there are hundreds of Shanyue and Jingman tribes in the southwest, and there are thousands of tribesmen, and only two or three tribes are widowed. Hundreds, no less than [-] people in total."

"Shanyue and Jingman belong to the same family. They all cut off their hair and tattoos. They refused to obey the king. They often went down the mountain to rob goods, women and children, and took them as their own."

"As early as the time of the first kings, our country of Wu tried to relocate some Li Shu into the southwest for reclamation, and sent prisoners to the southwest to open up wasteland. After all, it was difficult to adapt to the harsh natural environment here."

"As a result, the Li Shu who migrated were assimilated by the barbarians."

"I heard that since the prisoner army (prisoners of the Chu army) went to the southwest to cultivate fields, many soldiers have fled, or were captured by the barbarians, and became their slaves or minions."

Hearing this, Qing Ji just squinted his eyes, motioning for Sun Ping to continue.

Jingman actually refers to the southerners.

"Jingman" is the Zhou people's name for the natives of Jingchu (it contains a derogatory meaning, Man means rough, vicious, and uncivilized), but it is not the case.

During the decline of the Zhou Dynasty, the son of Chu used the weapon of the overlord, and there were Jingman on the verge of death, and the light opened up the earth and the universe, and the state of Chu was prosperous, and it prospered from it.

Jing Man refers to Chu State, and Wu State and Yue State also have many foreign races called Jing Man.

As early as the end of the Shang Dynasty and the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty, it was Jingman who Wu Taibo and Zhong Yong went to, and established Gouwu, whose main tribe was Jingman.

As for Shanyue, they belonged to the group of Baiyue, so logically they were also within the broad scope of Jingman.

Because in ancient times, people in the Central Plains (Henan area) generally called the southern tribes in the four directions of the Central Plains "Man", the eastern tribes as "Yi", the western tribes as "Rong", and the northern tribes as "Di".

"Barbarian Rongdi" is the appellation of the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties to the tribes in the southeast, northwest, and north!

Later, the historical records of the Qin and Han Dynasties generally referred to the tribes in the south as "Yue", while the nomadic tribes north of the Gobi Desert were called "Hu" (Xiongnu), so the Northern Hu and Nanyue were called together.

The predecessor of the State of Wu was similar to the State of Yue, and it was actually a branch of Baiyue. However, Gou Wu had already established a state, and its living customs gradually followed those of the Central Plains, so it seemed a bit different.

"I want to annex Shanyue and Jingman, why does Da Sima teach me?"

Qingji asked.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, most of the villages in Shanyue and Jingman lived in clusters, respected them, walked around the villages, wandered among mountains, rivers, fortresses, and forests and bamboos. If you want to conquer them one by one, I'm afraid it will take time and effort, and the protracted war will not be good for us. After all, the country of Wu will be at a disadvantage."

Sun Ping said slowly: "That's why, I think, to deal with Shanyue and Jingman, the king still needs to suppress and appease them. If they can be divided and disintegrated, it would be perfect."

"How to divide and disintegrate?"

Sun Ping replied: "Your Majesty, as far as I know, the barbarians in the southwest are not united in the same spirit. Everyone has the heart to annex all tribes and build a country with independence!"

"It is because the barbarians in the southwest are attacking each other, and the wars continue. Your Majesty might as well use this as a breakthrough point, and use the barbarians to rule the barbarians."

To rule barbarism with barbarism?

Sun Ping's idea coincides with Qingji's.

Obviously, Sun Ping didn't know at this time that Fucha, who was originally a fugitive, had transformed into the leader of the largest tribe among the southwestern barbarians.

This is intolerable for Qingji.

After all, although the land in the southwest of Wu State is vast and sparsely populated, the combined population of the barbarians in the southwest is also tens of thousands. If it is expanded, it may exceed [-] people!
This is a very powerful force, and with the help of the mountains and rivers and the advantages of the terrain, once Fucha really becomes the climate, unifies the tribes of the southwestern tribes, and establishes a country, Qingji really can't help him for a while!

Afterwards, Qingji patrolled the territory again.

After passing through the endless fields, Qingji and his party entered the place where the soldiers lived.

Their houses are quite different, basically imitating the Baiyue people, and they are the kind of dry-stilted houses.

And this stilt house can be traced back to ancient times.

For example, the nomadic Min people in the northern part of Saipan mostly live in tents that are convenient for migration, the Xia tribes in the Central Plains mostly live in cave dwellings, semi-underground or one-story houses built on the ground, while the ancient Yue tribes in the south live in "dry stilt" houses similar to nesting.

This has an inseparable relationship with the local natural environmental conditions!
Now, the stilt-style houses where the reclamation officers and soldiers live are two-story wooden (bamboo) structures. The lower floors are used to raise cattle, pigs and other livestock, and the upper floors are for people.

This can prevent the humidity of the southern climate and avoid all kinds of ferocious beasts, insects and snakes, which can be said to kill multiple birds with one stroke.

After coming to a larger stilted house to temporarily settle down, Qingji summoned the leader of Shanyue, Qinyi, alone.

"Qinyi, I heard from you that the barbarians in the southwest conspired to unite to destroy Fucha's troops?"


Qinyi bowed and said: "Your Majesty, since Fucha and others entered the Southwest, they have not stopped expanding for a moment, and all the tribes and tribes around have suffered greatly from it."

"Fu Chai's ambition has been clearly revealed, how can we and the rest of the clan sit and wait for death?"


Qing Ji slightly nodded and said, "Qinyi, Fu Chai is an important fugitive from our country of Wu, and I will kill him. Can you lobby for my widow, so that the southwestern barbarians will join our Wu army to strangle Fu Chai's subordinates?"


A look of embarrassment appeared on Qin Yi's face.

He has a good impression of Qingji, and after getting Qingji's rescue, he wants to repay Qingji even more.

However, acting as a lobbyist for Qingji will inevitably not be regarded as a traitor by the tribe!

After all, in their view, Qing Ji's threat was far greater than Fu Chai's.

(End of this chapter)

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