Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 182 Military Service System

Chapter 182 Military Service System
The compulsory military service system advocated by Qingji is the conscription system.

The conscription system existed widely in ancient times, almost in all dynasties, the more obvious ones were the Three Dynasties, the Spring and Autumn Period, the Warring States Period, the Qin Dynasty, the Han Dynasty, and the Three Kingdoms.

After the establishment of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the Sixth Army and the Eighth Division were formally organized, but the Sixth Army and the Eighth Division were semi-standby armies that were produced in peacetime and fought in wartime, and the Sixth Army was basically composed of Zhou people in Guanzhong, and the Eighth Division was basically moved to the vicinity of Luoyang by Zhou It is composed of Yin people, with traces of tribal soldiers.

As early as the Western Zhou Dynasty, the princes had a brigade (about 500 people) to three armies (about 37500 people), and it expanded again in the Spring and Autumn Period, but it was basically the same as the Western Zhou Dynasty, except that the traces of tribal soldiers gradually faded.

When it came to the Warring States Period, the scale of the war expanded, with hundreds of thousands to hundreds of thousands of people participating in the war on both sides.

Coupled with the gradual completion of the transition from the slave system to the feudal system, slaves who were basically unable to be used as a source of soldiers became peasants and became a source of soldiers, so a large-scale conscription system was formed.

For example, in the battle between Qin and Zhao Changping, the Qin army surrounded the Zhao army in Changping. In order to win this decisive battle, King Qin Zhaoxiang personally rushed to Hanoi County and recruited all adult men to support the front line.

After the establishment of Qin Dynasty, Qin Shihuang conscripted a large number of manpower to guard the Great Wall, Hetao, Lingnan and other places. Excessive military service was one of the reasons for the demise of the Qin Dynasty.

Conscription during this period was largely temporary, and an institutionalized universal military service system had not yet been established!
In the Han Dynasty, the imperial court basically established a universal compulsory military service system, but the demobilization system was not perfect, so there was the phenomenon of "conscripted by the army at fifteen, and returned at eighty" as mentioned in the Han Yuefu.

During the Three Kingdoms period, due to frequent wars, the number of conscripts was larger. For example, Cao Cao once "collected a million yellow scarves from Qingzhou, and selected [-] of them as Qingzhou soldiers." Tens of thousands.

Some dynasties after the Three Kingdoms implemented the military household system, and some implemented military recruitment, but the conscription system has always existed, especially in large-scale wars, in order to meet the needs of the war, the imperial court conscripted a large number of troops.

For example, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty "set up additional military mansions in Shandong and turned the land into soldiers" in order to conquer Korea.

In Du Fu's poems, it is written that "staying in Shihao Village at night, there are officials arresting people at night" and "letting middle-aged men go again", which all show that the Tang Dynasty was a chaos in the history of peace, and even the elderly and teenagers aged [-] or [-] were not spared.

Naturally, Qing Ji couldn't have gone so far.

For the rest of the military household system, united army system, militia system, recruiting system, guard system, Eight Banners Green Battalion system, etc., Qingji would not consider implementing it in Wu State, which should be out of date at all.

"Your Majesty, if such a military service system is reformed, wouldn't it mean that in the future our Wu Kingdom's standing army will become like regular guards and tigers, not engaged in production, but dedicated to military affairs? In this way, the country's financial burden will definitely be increased! "

Dazai Ji Zha had such worries in his heart, so he spoke to Qing Ji in a deep voice.

Qingji had already considered this point, and said, "Dazai, I wish you well, this compulsory military service system, only soldiers do not do production."

"But from now on, the soldiers of my country of Wu will become professional soldiers, just like soldiers, farmers, businessmen."

"These professional soldiers are recruited every three years according to the wishes of the widows, and their ages range from sixteen to thirty. Like a division of fifteen thousand, the best will survive and the fittest will be eliminated, and five thousand people will be rotated at a time."

Familiar with history, and have the foresight to celebrate taboos, but he is very aware of the importance of professional soldiers.

Professional soldiers are the elite!
In ancient China, there was no professional legion like Rome.

Although there was a standing army (Qin Xinjun, Wei Wuzu) very early, it was not a lifelong career like the Roman Legion, and the land that was compensated by the state after retiring, but iron-clad soldiers who returned home after several years of military service. There will be no additional state compensation for farming.

Even in the Ming Dynasty, the regular army was the guards of the reclamation system. Although they were soldiers for generations according to their household registration, they actually farmed more than fought!
However, Rome's legionary system was unsustainable in the late empire, because the lack of newly conquered lands continued to be distributed to soldiers, and the legion became an iron rice bowl. Without motivation, the army lost its combat effectiveness.

Therefore, each military service system has its own defects.

Now it is not difficult for Wu to support [-] professional soldiers.

The difficulty lies in how to keep them maintaining a super high combat effectiveness.

"My lord, if there is a big war, I wonder if the country will increase the conscription?"

"That's natural. The standing army of [-] people is only in the peacetime of my country of Wu. If there is a big war, there will be additional conscripts, but it will not enjoy the treatment of the standing army!"

Hearing what Qingji said, Ji Zha couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It is conceivable that under Qingji's compulsory military service system, Wu Jun's combat effectiveness will definitely be stronger. Even in the event of a war, retired soldiers can be recruited back and quickly restore their original combat effectiveness.


In the west of Wudu City, outside Yahang, there is already a sea of ​​people, bustling and bustling.

I saw a group of Wu soldiers in strong and sharp clothes came to the gate of Yaxing, and drove the human Yazi and his entourage inside, as well as hundreds of poor slaves in rags, to the street and kept them under strict supervision. .

"What are you doing? Wait, what are you doing!"

"My dental firm has paid commercial taxes for the country and has never evaded taxes. How can you seal up my dental firm?"

"I'm going to sue you!"

Renya couldn't help being angry, and said angrily to a nearby Wu Jundu lieutenant.

The captain at the head just sneered, then took out a bamboo slip, stuffed it between the man's teeth, and said: "Open your dog eyes and take a good look!"

"This is the king's decree! From now on, within the Wu Kingdom, it is forbidden to capture slaves, and all dental trades will be banned, and all slaves in the dental trade will be purchased at a fair price, and they will be regarded as official slaves!"

"What... what?"

Ren Yazi was stunned for a moment, then he opened the bamboo slips and looked at them. It was indeed a notice, the latest decree issued by the country!

Even so, Ren Yazi still couldn't calm down.

"Your Majesty, if you do this, you won't be afraid that there will be no more slaves in Wu?"

"That's not something you need to worry about!"

The captain sneered and said, "Wait here and wait here. Later, officials will come over and check with you. Every slave should be bought by the country at a fair price."

Hearing this, Ren Yazi stomped his feet, but there was nothing he could do!

Who told this to be the imperial decree of Wu Wang Qingji, the decree of the country?

How could he be a mere human being, not even a nobleman, against the king?
Except for Wudu, the county magistrates of Zhufang, Yunyang, Yanling, Zhoulai and other counties all posted notices at the gates of the city after receiving the royal decree of celebrating Ji, and then sent troops to seal up all the places. Tooth row.

If this were the case in the past, the nobles who were feudal lords might have been obedient, but those county magistrates who were mostly outsiders, how could they not take this opportunity to hug Qingji's thick legs tightly?

(End of this chapter)

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