Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 20 Artificial Respiration

Chapter 20 Artificial Respiration
The woman was only twenty years old, with exquisite features, dressed in plain clothes, and her face without makeup was pale at the moment, without any trace of blood.

Her thin and delicate body is like a willow leaf branch, and her slender waist is too full to be grasped, so beautiful!

Qingji looked at this woman inadvertently, only knowing that she was a rare beauty.

pretty widow!
"My lord, the Scarlet Mist has lost her breath..."

The maid who was slumped on the ground was sobbing.

Hearing this, Ji Zha only felt a burst of thunder in his mind, and his body was staggering, but he was able to stand on his feet anyway and did not let himself fall down!

Having lived to such a great age, why hasn't Ji Zha seen such a big storm?

It's a pity that his strong heart has been repeatedly injured in these two days!
Is Fei Yan really dead?
Qingji couldn't help frowning.

"How long has she been in the water?"



Forced by the cold light in Qingji's eyes, the maid shuddered involuntarily, and replied: "My little lady fell into the water for only half a stick of incense. Because the servant just happened to be good at water, so I quickly rescued the young lady, who knows... "

Before the words fell, the maid couldn't help covering her face and weeping bitterly.

How did she know that because of her own negligence, she missed Fei Yan and let the latter "throw himself into the water"?
"do not Cry!"

Qingji was disturbed by the maid's cry, he couldn't help but let out a clear drink, then stepped forward and grabbed Fei Yan's wrist, feeling relieved immediately.

"I still have a pulse. Don't worry about my uncle, my aunt is still alive."

"Is there any help?"

Hearing this, Ji Zha's originally muddy eyes couldn't help shooting out a gleam of light.

"Your Majesty, how to rescue him?"

From the perspective of Ji Zha and others, unless a drowning person wakes up, even if he has a pulse, there is no way to rescue him.

Does Qingji really have a way to save people?
Qingji didn't talk nonsense, but first cleared away the foreign matter in Feiyan's mouth and nose, let go of the airway, and put his rough big hand on Feiyan's fair forehead.

"Come here with your ears."

Qingji waved to the maid who was still choking, but the maid dared not refuse, so she could only come to Qingji and let the latter whisper.


The maidservant suddenly let out a cry of surprise, and said in amazement: "Great... Your Majesty, can this really save my little wife?"

"You just do what the widow says, whether it succeeds or not, it's not your fault."

"Slaves obey the king's orders."

With Qingji's order, the maid naturally lost some scruples.

For a half-dead drowning person like Fei Yan, Qingji naturally has a way to rescue him.

What method?

The way Qingji used to save people was artificial respiration!
This is a mouth-to-mouth treatment.

Although, in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, the folk customs were quite open, but how could one tolerate Qingji being so frivolous to a woman in full view of the public?
What's more, this is Ji Zha's daughter-in-law, a pretty widow who has just dressed in mourning!
It's too shocking!

Therefore, it is no problem for Fei Yan's personal maid to do this kind of thing.

"Little woman, this servant has offended you."

Under Qing Ji's instruction, the maid did not dare to be negligent, and hastily pinched Fei Yan's beautiful nose, and moved her mouth to mouth, sending oxygen into Fei Yan's chest cavity.

After repeating this several times, the maid crossed her hands again and pressed on the position of Fei Yan's heart.


Including Ji Zha, when they saw the scene where the maidservant and Fei Yan "kissed each other", they couldn't help being stunned and stood there dumbfounded.

Someone stepped forward to scold the maid, but Ji Zha waved her hand to stop her!
In the current situation, Ji Zhaquan is a dead horse and a living horse doctor.

If Qingji's method can save Feiyan, who can blame the maidservant for her rude behavior?

At this moment, the servant girl suddenly pressed her hand and breathed into Fei Yan's mouth. Finally, Fei Yan's heartbeat gradually became stronger, and her breath also appeared.

"Your Majesty..."

The maid looked at Qingji in surprise.

The latter shook his head and said, "Don't stop, keep going."


The maid promised, and then lowered her head to deliver oxygen to Fei Yan's mouth, without daring to stop at all.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Fei Yan suddenly coughed violently, as if she had been choked, then tilted her head to one side, clutching her belly, and spit out a lot of water.

"Live! Live!"

"The Crimson Mist has woken up!"

"I didn't expect that a drowning person could be rescued like this! Today is really an eye-opener!"

The people nearby watched Fei Yan's "resurrection", as if they saw a miracle happening before their eyes, they couldn't help being amazed, and there was an uproar.

"I... what's wrong with me?"

Fei Yan, who was rescued just now, was dizzy, as if she had been poured with lead, quite ignorant.

The maidservant in front couldn't help crying with joy, wiped her tears and said: "Little lady, it's so kind!"

"Little lady, you fell into the pool just now and almost drowned. Everyone was helpless. It was the king who taught the slaves how to save people, and then rescued the little lady."

"Your Majesty?"

Crimson Smoke froze for a moment.

She was originally Ji Zha's son and Ji Li's wife.

The day before yesterday, Husband Gai led troops to the door and threatened Ji Zha's envoy to Chu with the lives of a large family. It's a pity that the staunch Ji Zha family unexpectedly killed four people in succession!

Fei Yan's sister-in-law hanged herself because she couldn't bear the pain of losing her husband and son.

Fei Yan herself was fine, her husband died, although she was sad, she wasn't looking for life or death!
Unexpectedly, while walking in the back garden at night, Fei Yan accidentally slipped and fell into the pond, almost drowning.

Poor God!

Fei Yan was just careless for a while, but she didn't have the ambition to follow her husband away!

Hearing that the king came up with a way to save her, Fei Yan quickly stood up, bowed to Qing Jifu with a pale face, and said, "Thank you, my king, for saving my life."

"Little aunt, you don't need to be too polite."

Qingji let out a long sigh, and said, "Although uncle has passed away, please take care of yourself, little auntie, and don't commit suicide."


Fei Yan was very embarrassed.

At this time, Ji Zha took a step forward, stroked his beard and asked, "My lord, I don't know the reason for the method you used to save people just now?"

"Uncle, this method is named 'artificial respiration' by the widows, and it is a method of treatment for drowning people."

Qing Ji talked eloquently: "If the drowning person can be rescued to the shore in time, and then use this method, his life can be saved."

"Because the drowning time is relatively short for those who still have breathing and pulse, after salvaging the drowning person, the blockage in the mouth and nose of the drowning person should be removed in time, and then chest compressions should be performed."

"As for artificial respiration, just as my uncle saw just now, drowning people often lack oxygen and have difficulty breathing. At this time, oxygen can only be delivered to the body through mouth-to-mouth."

Hearing this, Ji Zha and the others suddenly realized!
Ji Zha praised: "This kind of artificial respiration method has never been heard of by the old man, but it is a blessing to benefit all people if it can really save the drowning person."

For the celebration of Ji Zha at this time, Ji Zha felt admiration in his heart!

Wu State is located in the south, its land is densely covered with water networks, rivers and lakes criss-cross, and almost all the men in Wu State are accustomed to water.

Even so, in all countries in the world, there are not a few people who drown every year, and most of them are children.

And the world is often helpless when encountering a drowning person. If Qingji's method of artificial respiration can be popularized and known to the world, how many lives can be saved!

 Wu Wangqingji: It is said that new books are now recommended, and what I look at is follow-up data.The second and third sons, please follow up and be active, thank you very much!

  This chapter has been revised, there is no way, there are too many readers who are not optimistic, but the author still thinks it is unreasonable.Because saving people is to avoid suspicion, so it is urgent to save the drowning person, is there any difference between men and women?Moreover, there must be a correct method for artificial respiration, and it can be done by just teaching it casually. It is probably impossible...


(End of this chapter)

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