Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 211 The Punishment of Cannon Branding

Chapter 211 The Punishment of Cannon Branding
After Wu Zixu left the Wu Palace, he went to the prison non-stop to interrogate the four key criminals who dared to assassinate Qingji.



The whip hit the prisoner's body again and again, and his skin was ripped open. The dark red blood mixed with sweat soaked most of the prison uniform.

Every time the whip is whipped twice, the jailer in charge of the interrogation will ask loudly: "Do you want to tell me?"

"Who ordered you to assassinate the king?"


"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

The jailer whipped three times in a row, the prisoner gritted his teeth, his forehead was covered with cold sweat and his veins were bulging, but he didn't utter a single word, he didn't scream, he just groaned.

It's a tough bone!

Tingwei Wu Zixu, who was sitting on the side, couldn't help shaking his head when he saw this.

At this moment, CRRC Mansion ordered Jiao Hua to slowly enter the prison under the clearing of several eunuchs.

"Lieutenant Ting."

"Why did the CRRC government order come here?"

"Your Majesty ordered me to try this case with Ting Wei and you. I am the jury and Ting Wei is the presiding judge."

After all, it was a major matter of assassinating the king and killing the king, and it was unlikely that Wu Zixu would be solely responsible for it. Therefore, it was reasonable to ask Qingji's close minister, CRRC Commander Jiao Hua, to serve as a jury so that he could report the progress of the case to Qingji at any time. should.

"Ting Wei, have you ever interrogated the people behind these assassins?"

Looking at the prisoner who was tied to the cross, whipped and whipped and still silent, a look of disgust appeared on his smooth and fair face.

"Not yet."

Wu Zixu shook his head and said, "These people are obviously well-trained assassins, or because of their fame and fortune, or because of their families, they dare not reveal the identity of the people behind the scenes."

"Ordinary torture cannot make him confess."

"Then what should be done?"

Wu Zixu didn't panic at all, and after thinking about it secretly, he ordered the four assassins to be put in the prison for torture.

Among the four people, two had already been tortured, so they were covered with bruises, and they were only half breathed.

Wu Zixu glanced around, his gaze fixed on a young man's face, and he couldn't help shrinking his pupils suddenly, feeling very surprised!

Could it be him that young man that the king wants to take for his own use?

Shouldn't be wrong.

Because among the four assassins, Zhu Ziyu is the only one who can be called a boy!
When Wu Zixu was staring at Zhu Ziyu, the latter had already recognized Wu Zixu.

"It's actually you?"

Seeing Wu Zixu, Zhu Ziyu was also quite surprised, immediately sneered, and said, "Uncle Wu, long time no see. My father and the late king (He Lu) were really blind back then, and they actually regarded you as a generation of heroes?"

"Thinking about it, they didn't expect that you, Wu Yuan, are such a greedy, traitorous, wolf-hearted person!"

"The former king treated you well, but now you have turned your back on the former king, don't you feel ashamed? You have become Qing Ji's eagle dog..."

"shut up!"

Wu Zixu frowned and shouted sharply.

Seeing this, Zhu Ziyu just kept sneering and kept silent.

After hearing Zhu Ziyu's remarks on the other side of the glue, he couldn't help looking at Wu Zixu with a suspicious look on his face.

"Tingwei, do you know him?"

"He is after my old friend."

"Old man? I hope Ting Wei will not show favoritism, because a small loss will cause a big loss."

"I also ask the CRRC Government to rest assured."

Wu Zixu's eyes reflected a kind of determination, and said: "Today's Wuyuan is no longer the former Wuyuan!"

Afterwards, Wu Zixu ordered the jailer to escort Zhu Ziyu and another prisoner back to the cell.

The remaining two prisoners continued to be tied to the cross, anxiously waiting for their doom to be tortured.

Gum slip on the side also looked very curiously.

How exactly would Wu Zixu interrogate these two tough prisoners?

Seeing Wu Zixu confess a few words to the jailer, he walked forward slowly, glanced at the two prisoners, and said, "You two, do you confess or not?"

Hearing this, the two prisoners just gave Wu Zixu a disdainful look, as if they would rather die than surrender.

"Come on, put on the instruments of torture!"

As soon as Wu Zixu waved his hand, several jailers immediately brought a pot of red-hot charcoal fire to one side, and then put two soldering iron tips on it.

But Wu Zixu said with a smile that was not a smile: "Ben Tingwei admires you, and you are whipped without being moved. But I don't know that there are many tortures, why can't we extract a confession?"

"I advise you to be more sensible and avoid the pain of flesh and blood."

The two prisoners remained unmoved.

Wu Zixu's face darkened, and he said, "I don't know if the two of you know about the punishment of cannon fire?"

"In the past, the common people resented and the feudal lords were provocateurs, so Zhou was punished severely and had the method of cannonballing. Cannonballing means oiling a copper pillar and adding charcoal to make it hot, so that guilty people walk on it and fall into the charcoal alive. Burn!"

"You two don't want to end up like this, do you?"

Hearing this, the two prisoners couldn't help being terrified, but they still gritted their teeth and glared at Wu Zixu.

"Wu Yuan, if you are still the Son of Man, why do you torture us like this?"

"you are not human!"

Both of them looked at Wu Zixu with hatred.

Seeing this, Wu Zixu just sneered, then picked up the hot red tip of the soldering iron, and swung it back and forth on the faces of the two prisoners. The high temperature emitted by the soldering iron tip made their faces sweat profusely. Still scared!


"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Wu Zixu, who doesn't talk about martial arts, immediately pressed the hot iron head on a prisoner's abdomen, causing the latter to howl like a pig being slaughtered.

Another prisoner couldn't help swallowing when he saw his companion in such a miserable state.

"Wu Yuan! I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

The prisoner who was burned by the tip of the iron still endured the pain and cursed Wu Zixu loudly.

Wu Zixu sneered, picked up the tip of the soldering iron, and slammed it on the prisoner's chest.



The horrific cry resounded throughout the cell again.

"Are you recruiting or not?"


The prisoner who was tossed like this was already in so much pain that he couldn't help himself, grinning and unable to speak.

Seeing this scene, Wu Zixu was not in a hurry, and then he took the tip of the soldering iron that was still warm, came to another prisoner, and asked, "What about you? Are you recruited?"

The prisoner remained silent.

However, Wu Zixu had already seen the unconcealable fear in his heart through his eyes!

Wu Zixu just smiled lightly, and said again: "Little brother, I, Wu Yuan, can assure you that as long as you confess to the person behind the scenes, I will protect your life and make you rich and prosperous for a lifetime, and you will never end!"

"How much money can the people behind your back give you? Or do you have any excuses for coercion?"

Hearing this, the prisoner just gritted his teeth and said, "Wu Yuan, I don't know anything! If you want to kill him, kill him, why bother talking!"

(End of this chapter)

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