Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 284 The Master of Shenxi

Chapter 284 The Master of Shenxi
"Bed crossbow formation, come out!"

Qingji waved his hand, and when the flag was waved, a huge gap was immediately exposed in the shield array that was originally connected in a straight line, revealing more than [-] bed crossbows.

Next to each bed crossbow, there are ten soldiers of considerable strength, and above the bed crossbow are three crossbows.

The crossbow arrows used in this three-bow bed crossbow are huge, with thick shafts and iron arrow feathers. The front end is equipped with a huge three-edged iron arrowhead, just like the spears used by ordinary soldiers!
Seeing Wu Jun's bed crossbow, the soldiers of the Chu Army on the opposite side were very puzzled.

With a distance of more than two hundred steps, can the enemy's "big bow" cause effective damage to oneself?

Just when the soldiers of the Chu army were puzzled, following Qingji's order, more than [-] bed crossbows shot out all over the sky in an instant!

With the sound of piercing through the air, the huge crossbow quickly flew to the phalanx of the Chu army.

"Raise your shield!"

In the phalanx of the Chu army, the shield players in the forward area quickly raised their giant shields.

The inside of their shields is made of wood, and the outside is nailed with a thick layer of paulownia boards, which can effectively block the impact of the enemy's arrow rain in the first place.

It's a pity that the power of the crossbow is far better than that of ordinary strong bows, let alone the arrows fired by the bed crossbow?

"Uh ah ah!"

The crossbow arrows quickly penetrated the shields of the Chu army.

The Chu army's shield player, who was caught off guard, was even directly sent flying, and was seriously injured by the huge power of the crossbow arrows, vomiting blood!

What shocked the people of Chu even more was that the chaotic crossbow arrows, like rocks piercing through the air, could directly penetrate the bodies of one or two people, and the momentum remained!
"Hold on!"

"Don't panic! Shieldman, go!"

Zixi gritted his teeth, waved the saber in his hand, and continued to order the shield bearer behind him to replace him.

Whenever a shieldman falls, another shieldman will replace it, so as to prevent the enemy's bed crossbow from causing more damage to one's own soldiers.

"Keep going!"

Seeing that the crossbow arrows from the bed crossbow had completely suppressed the Chu army on the opposite side, Qingji swung his sword again and ordered the Chinese army to move forward.

After the Chu army's phalanx came within the shooting range of their own crossbowmen, Qingji gave another order.

"Fire arrows!"

The crossbowmen, who had been ready for a long time, immediately aimed their arrows at the sky, followed by rounds of arrow rain, which were densely thrown towards the enemy phalanx on the opposite side.

Fire suppression!

Like locusts passing through the territory, the arrows went from bottom to top, and then took on the shape of a parabola, falling directly on Chu Bing's head.

"Uh ah ah ah!"


The rain of arrows shot by the crossbowmen of the Wu army was so dense that even if the soldiers of the Chu army could block one or two arrows, it would be difficult to stop more arrows from flying towards them.

Therefore, just a wave of arrows, Wu Jun's crossbow array, at least hundreds of enemies' lives were harvested!

The Chu soldier who was hit by the arrow could only howl, and fell helplessly in a pool of blood, dying of breath.

"Archer, let go!"

The archers on the Chu army's side also returned the favor.

After more than a dozen rounds of Wu and Chu armies shooting at each other and hurting each other, Zixi decided to act first to change the current passive situation.

"Soldier! Attack!"

Following Zixi's order, more than [-] chariots of the Chu army immediately neighed and rushed towards the Wu army's phalanx on the opposite side.

With a distance of less than a hundred steps, the sprint speed of the chariot is fast enough, so it can also ensure that Wu Jun's random arrows can hardly hurt the Chu soldiers on the chariot.

"Chariot, get on!"

Qingji's eyes froze, and at the same time he ordered his chariot to rush over.

Since the cavalry that has actually been put into the battlefield has not yet appeared, the main force in fighting on the plains is still chariots.

In this case, other arms face tanks, basically no solution.

Therefore, Qingji can only use military chariots against military chariots to decide the outcome.


Nearly a thousand military vehicles of the Wu and Chu armies galloped across the wilderness, fighting desperately.

Before hand-to-hand combat, well-trained archers have long squatted on the chariot, drew their bows and set arrows, and shot the enemy or the enemy's horses when they saw the opportunity.


After the war horse was shot by an arrow, the blood flowed profusely, and the horse's legs fell to the ground. The military vehicle that was traveling at high speed was forced to slow down or turn over directly.

The officers and soldiers of Wu Jun and Chu Jun are already red-eyed.

When the enemy met, he was extremely jealous.

So they don't care about the rules of war at all, they don't talk about martial arts, as long as they can kill each other, they can do anything!



The collision between the chariot and the chariot resulted in another chariot flipping over, and then the soldiers on the chariot were thrown to pieces, and finally they were killed by the passing enemy with one blow.

The halberd is swung, the arrow is shot, every moment someone is bleeding, every moment someone is sacrificing!
Human blood and horse blood were mixed together, the color was dark red, and the original appearance could no longer be distinguished.


"Chen is here!"

"I order you to lead the camp immediately, go straight to the middle of the Chu army, and cut off their banners!"


Hei Fu immediately took the order and left.

The [-] strong fighters in the camp left the Wu army phalanx with arrogance and arrogance, and quickly moved towards the big banner of the Chu army's central army.

At the same time, Qingji was also issuing orders, and [-] elite warriors of the Wu army rushed forward under cover of the trapped camp.

"Stop them!"


Nangwa and Zixi were stationed at the main center of the Chu army, and the archers cooperated with the swordsmen and spearmen to firmly block the invading enemy.

At the same moment, the Chu army was changing the positions of the left, right, and middle armies, and the left army of the Chu army was rushing towards the right army of the Wu army.

It was Shen Zhuliang, the doctor of Ye Yi, who was in charge of the left army of the Chu army.

And the Chu army he led was the most elite army in the Chu state - the division of Shen Xi!
Unfortunately, on Wu Jun's side, the right army has [-] people, and the main generals are Robber Zhi and Xiong Zidan.

As for the tribes, they are the soldiers and horses of Xu State and Zhongwu State, as well as the original thieves of Bandit Zhi.

In other words, a bunch of rabble!

"dash forward!"

With red eyes, Shen Zhuliang took the lead and led Shen Xi's division into the enemy's formation, charging left and right, sweeping the bronze spear in his hand wide open and close, and no Wu army left behind wherever it passed.

Although Xiong Zidan and Robber Zhi are both very brave and desperately trying to restore the decline, Shen Xi's army is powerful, and their own soldiers are basically defeated at the touch of a touch, and they are already powerless!

As a result, Wu Jun's left army was completely defeated by Shen Xi's division in less than half an hour, and they scrambled to escape.

Such a retreat is irreversible.

Seeing this, Qingji can only accept as soon as he sees it, and orders Mingjin to withdraw.

Because if this battle continues, Wu Jun will not be able to take advantage of it!

(End of this chapter)

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