Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 300 Rewards for Farming War

Chapter 300 Rewards for Farming War
After all the generals retreated, Qingji sat down in the palace on the platform of worshiping the generals, leaving Sun Wu, the imperial historian, and Fan Li, the internal historian of Zhisu, alone.

The General Worship Terrace supervised by Wu Zixu is similar to the later Tongque Terrace, only with smaller regulations, but it is big enough to look like a small palace and can accommodate hundreds of people!

"Changqing, Shaobo, I just got the news that Chu general Shen Zhuliang defeated the forward troops of the Jin army in the area of ​​Fangcheng, and successively defeated the divisions of Hu, Dun, Chen and other countries. The alliance of princes led by you will soon be disbanded."

Upon hearing this, Sun Wu and Fan Li couldn't help but look at each other, and they both saw the astonishment in each other's eyes.

They knew about Shen Zhuliang's ability.

In the huge state of Chu, Shen Zhuliang is the only handsome person who can challenge the leader.

Therefore, even though Shen Zhuliang suffered repeated defeats and lost cities and lands in the battle against the Wu army, he was not punished with any decent punishment.

As we all know, Chu State has always been extremely harsh on defeated generals.

Most of the fate of the defeated generals is to kill themselves after the defeat, or to be imprisoned and die in depression.

But Shen Zhuliang's ability is well known to everyone.

Without Shen Zhuliang, the situation in Chu State was even more corrupt.

Realizing this, Meng Ying, Xiong Zhen, Zixi and others tried their best to protect Shen Zhuliang and let him lead his army to resist the allied forces of the princes who came from the south.

Shen Zhuliang lived up to expectations and achieved impressive results in Fangcheng area!
Take credit for the crime!

"Your Majesty, if the news is true, then Jin people really..."

Sun Wu shook his head, very speechless.

People from Jin, this mud can't support the wall!

After only losing a few small-scale battles, they retreated and did not dare to further invade Chu. How can this convince the princes of the world?

This time, the coalition forces of the vassal princes of the eighteen countries led by the Jin State are so powerful that they have never been seen before. How can hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses be stopped by a mere Fangcheng?

It is true that the princes have their own ghosts, but they are not so weak, right?
In the final analysis, even the Jin State, as the leader of the alliance, did not intend to exert much force in this coalition attack on Chu, it was just to increase its own influence and promote the name of the overlord!

Because it has been nearly [-] years since the alliance of eliminating soldiers, the state of Jin has not sent troops to fight against the state of Chu again. The world may have forgotten the fear of being dominated by the two hegemonic powers of Jin and Chu in the past!

Fan Li asked suspiciously: "Your Majesty is worried that the people of Chu may seize the opportunity of a great victory and march eastward?"

"Do not."

Qing Ji laughed lightly and said, "It's not that the few people look down on Chu State. Chu State, after all these rounds of wars, is already at the end of its strength, so there is nothing to worry about. Why fight again?"

Fight again, Qing Ji is not afraid!

After all, in Tong, Chao, Qunshu, Zhongli, etc., which belong to the west of Wu State, there are [-] Wu troops stationed there, and Wu Zixu is the governor, giving orders there. Why should Qingji be afraid?

"Within a few years, the people of Chu will most likely not be able to provoke a war."

Qing Ji said slowly: "Of course, I think that people live in sorrow and die in peace. The whole country of Wu must be prepared for danger in times of peace. Therefore, I want to further improve the combat effectiveness of our Wu army."

Want to improve Wu Jun's combat effectiveness?


Sun Tzu is also very difficult.

Because, the combat effectiveness of the Wu army is not to say that it is the best in the world, but whether it is a large corps combat or an individual combat capability, looking at the world, there are really not many armies that can be compared with the Wu army.

Only some elite divisions of Qi, Jin, Chu, and Qin may be able to compete with Wu Jun.

However, it is such Wu Jun, does Qing Ji still dissatisfy?

"This time, regardless of the training of soldiers, weapons and armor, food and supplies, the fighting spirit alone needs to be improved."

"Willing to fight?"

Both Sun Wu and Fan Li were quite curious.

Qingji said loudly: "A man who fights is courageous. As a general, rewards and punishments should be clearly defined. Those who reward the soldiers will be motivated to fight, and those who are punished will be afraid and dare not retreat."

"The widow thinks that if the army has no money, the soldiers will not come; if the army has no reward, the land will not go. Therefore, the widow wants to reward the soldiers for not avoiding life and death, but for fighting bravely."

Hearing this, Fan Li immediately said: "Your Majesty, I think it's inappropriate."

"My country of Wu's treatment of soldiers is already the best among all countries!"

"After all, the soldiers of all nations, and even my country of Wu, used to prepare their own weapons and armor and rations to the assembly point every time they went to war. But my country of Wu has almost fully borne these, so why add to the burden on the treasury? "

Fan Li is in charge of millet internal history and specializes in managing the national treasury, so naturally he can't see such "extravagance and waste" like Qingji!
However, Qing Ji has a different view on this.

The pre-Qin period's system of all the people serving as soldiers has been changed by Qingji to the "recruitment system" in Wu State. Unless it is absolutely necessary, the whole people will never be the kind of soldiers.

Moreover, as we all know, the former Wu soldiers had to prepare their own weapons and armor, as well as all the food and grass they had brought to the assembly area when they went to war.

But these, Wu Guo has almost all undertaken, just to further improve the combat effectiveness of Wu Jun!
Now Qingji wants to improve the treatment of Wu Jun soldiers, which will undoubtedly put more pressure on the treasury.

In this era, the life of soldiers mainly depended on "food fields", that is, by collecting taxes and rents on acres of fields.

This is not only a means of forcing farmers to support the war, but it can also be regarded as a special form of preferential treatment for soldiers.

Soldiers enjoy this kind of "food field" treatment when they are registered. After retiring, they generally have to return the "food field" to their owners instead of becoming their own private property.

But for a few of them who have outstanding military exploits, they can be "appreciated" by the monarch and belong to them for life, which is a more generous treatment.

However, this alone does not seem to be able to improve the fighting spirit of the soldiers.

Because that's just enough for soldiers to support their families!

How to make the horse run without feeding the horse?
Therefore, Qingji believes that it is imperative to reform Wu's military merit system now!
Qingji also didn't want to leave such a problem to the princes of later generations to solve it.

Because Qingji can't guarantee whether his children and grandchildren will be "witty", follow the trend of history, take the lead in introducing the military merit system, and reward farming and fighting!

And what Qingji has to do is to let Wu Guo take the first step to win at the starting line.

Whether it is various systems or various benefits, in order to strengthen the national strength of Wu, Qingji can do everything!

"Master, what do you think?"

Qingji set his eyes on Sun Wu.

"I don't know how the king plans to improve the treatment of soldiers?"

"The widow thinks that if he has the ability to use five soldiers, who is strong and sick, and who is determined to swallow the enemy, he will be added to his ranks, and he will be able to win a decisive victory. Be kind to his parents and wives, persuade him to reward and fear punishment. If you can review this, you can click the letter!"

(End of this chapter)

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