Chapter 314
The "Fa Jing" compiled by Qingji basically refers to Li Kui's "Fa Jing" in the early Warring States period and the Qin law after Shang Yang's reform, but a lot of changes have been made in it.

In this "Fa Jing", the main crimes included are: treason, immorality in state affairs, even poetry, stealing, thieves, dishonesty, loss of sentence, exhaustion, selling alcohol in violation of orders, etc.

The applicable principles of punishment mainly include: convicting the criminal according to the identity level of the offender, distinguishing joint crimes from non-joint crimes, group crimes in joint crimes, and crimes of abetting juvenile crimes.

Distinguish between deliberate and passing a test, deliberate is more serious, and passing first is lighter.

Distinguish between accomplished, attempted and the degree of harm to society, distinguish between good and bad attitudes, repeat offenders will be given a heavier sentence, surrender will be given a lighter sentence, and the consequences of eliminating crimes will be reduced or exempted.

In addition, there is an age of responsibility for criminal offenses!

To a certain extent, this is very humane.

What may be unacceptable to Li Shu of Wu State is all kinds of torture.

Penalties in the State of Wu are divided into main punishments: death penalty, physical punishment, imprisonment, flogging, and exile.

Humiliation punishment: resistance, Kun.

The former is to keep the hair, and the latter is to shave it.

Economic punishment: ransom.

Redeem with property.

Imprisonment punishment: family punishment, confiscation, etc., a total of eight categories (including economic punishment and implicated punishment are additional punishments).

Each punishment is divided into different grades.

The death penalty includes the barbarians, extermination of the clan, pitting, car splitting, body disintegration, scorpion, beheading, abandoning the market, killing, laparotomy, twisting, pouching, thorns, chiseling, pulling ribs, wok cooking, fixed killing, and death penalty.

Corporal punishment includes tattoo, 劓, 刖, palace and so on.


Other penalties also vary.

Each punishment can be used alone, or in combination of two or three, such as Nai for Lichen, Xing for Ghost Salary, Tattoo for Chengdan, Jie for Chengdan, etc.

Seeing the "Fajing" compiled by Qingji, the queen Ji Kou who was sitting on the side couldn't help but frowned, and said worriedly: "Your Majesty, I fear that the people of the country will not accept such a severe punishment."

"Not to mention the rest of the punishment, there are many crimes in this prison sentence. If you violate the liquor sales order or steal, you will have to do hard labor. Isn't it serious?"

"If such a decree is introduced, I am afraid that there will be countless people who break the law, and my country of Wu will fall into chaos for a while."

Ji Kou's worry is not without reason.

However, Qingji just smiled lightly and said, "It is precisely because there are so many people who break the law that few people want to enforce such a criminal law. The era of governing the country with benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and trust has come to an end."

"Ruling the country by law is the mainstream trend in the world!"

"Currently, this "Fa Jing" is not perfect. I will send it out again, let Ji Zi, Fan Li and others improve it, and adapt to local conditions. It is not impossible."

Of course, Qingji would not be so stupid as to copy the gourd and directly copy Li Kui's "Fa Jing" and the legal provisions promoted by Shang Yang.

Because this is not necessarily suitable for Wu's national conditions.

Maybe Qingji will make the heavens angry and people resentful, and lose the hearts of the people.

Therefore, let native-born ministers like Ji Zha and Fan Li revise it, and after many discussions, Qingji can release the more complete "Fa Jing".


The time has entered the seventh year of Wu Wang Qingji, that is, in 507 BC, the beginning of spring.

The second reform of Wu State is going on in a mighty way.

All kinds of laws and regulations were promulgated one after another. Whether it was the unification of weights and measures or the implementation of the military merit title system, Wu Guo gave enough time for the people of the country to rectify.

"it's him!"

"Take it!"

A group of soldiers in uniform suddenly arrested a peddler in the market.

The peddler couldn't help screaming: "Why do you arrest people! Is there still the law of the king? Is there still the law of heaven? This is a good citizen who abides by the law!"

"Good people?"

The leading soldier sneered, and said, "Caiyu, don't think we don't know your origin. Your Majesty has ordered that farmers are strictly prohibited from entering the mountains, rivers, lakes, and marshes to make a living. Abandoning agriculture for business, scholars, farmers, businessmen, and businessmen are separated!"

"You turned out to be a farmer. Don't think that we don't know your origin without re-registering your household register!"

"take away!"

The peddler named "Cai Yu" was finally taken away by those soldiers in a dejected state.

Seeing this, the surrounding Li Shu couldn't help whispering to each other.

"This person violated the ban and should indeed be punished."

"Would you be exiled to the border and serve hard labor for a few years?"

"Oh, the king really doesn't know what treacherous ministers he has listened to to promulgate such harsh punishments. From now on, our Wu people can only settle down to their own businesses, merchants can only be merchants, peasants can only be peasants, and craftsmen can only be peasants. Artisans!"

"It's not certain. I heard that the army implements the military merit title system, and the king rewards farming and fighting. If soldiers fight the enemy bravely, they may not have a chance to stand out!"

"That's right. Even a farmer like me, if his cultivation is outstanding and the yield per mu is large enough, he can also get cloth and property rewarded by the government, or be exempted from corvee."

Li Shu at the bottom didn't know whether Qingji's implementation of such reforms would be of great benefit to them?

However, the only thing that is certain is that rewarding Geng Zhan did give them a chance to get ahead.


At this moment, the sound of the gong sounded.

I saw a group of valiant and high-spirited soldiers appearing at the gate of the city, beating the gong to announce to the people of the country.

This must be another decree or policy that the country wants to implement!

Seeing this, pedestrians all moved closer to him.

An official wearing a long crown and a black official robe posted the notice on the bulletin board, and then looked around to see Li Shu who was bustling with people below the stage.

"Second and third sons, this is the new law enacted by my state of Wu—"Fa Jing"! In the future, all people in the country who break the law and discipline will be punished by laws and regulations. This is for the rule of law, not for the rule of man."

The official said sternly: "For the specific provisions and laws, a copper wall will be erected at the entrance of the palace, and the contents will be engraved on the copper wall. Those who are interested may find out later!"

At this moment, looking at the notice on the bulletin board, Li Shu, who was watching, couldn't help but change color.

"Such punishments are too harsh!"

"If it is a crime of private fighting, you will be exiled as appropriate? Or be sentenced to death?"

"Severe punishment and severe law! This is severe punishment and severe law!"

People of insight believe that the "Fa Jing" promulgated by Wu State is very unreasonable.

However, such provisions and laws have been promulgated, although they are only temporarily applicable to the capital Jinling.

However, once the time is right, the legal framework of the Wu Kingdom will be finalized and passed down from generation to generation!
And Qingji followed the idea of ​​governing the country according to law, and gradually derived a new school-Legalism.

This was expected by Qingji.

In the past, under the patriarchal clan system emphasizing blood ties, laws were hidden in the government and kept in a state of secrecy.

A small number of hereditary aristocrats monopolize the law, preventing Li Shu from understanding the legal provisions so that they can replace the law with words as they please.

Publishing the statute law to the world and "breaking it in the law" not only restricted the arbitrariness of the judiciary, but also denied and deprived part of the political and legal privileges of the old aristocracy.

However, the "statute law" deprived the power of the nobles, but concentrated the power in the monarch.

This is exactly what Qingji wanted to see.

(End of this chapter)

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