Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 329 The mighty king

Chapter 329 The mighty king
Qingji and Qihou Chujiu, who had spoken cruelly to each other, returned to their own formations.

Chujiu looked around and looked at the soldiers of the coalition forces of the princes nearby, and couldn't help feeling excited for a while.

Throughout the ages, how many people have been able to command an army of more than [-]?

And now, Chujiu is one of them.

He wants to use this battle to lay the foundation for him to push the state of Jin out of the altar and restore the hegemony of the state of Qi!

With a sound of "swish", Chujiu pulled out the sword at his waist, pointed at the opposite Wu army phalanx, and said loudly: "Soldiers! We are extremely honored to be able to participate in this battle!"

"This battle will definitely be recorded in the annals of history and will be immortal! Defend our glory with the blood of the enemy!"



In the phalanx of the allied forces of the princes, roars followed.

Pissed off!

More than [-] people shouted in unison, the momentum is really unreal.

However, Wu Jun did not give in.

Qingji also drew out his Longyuan sword, turned around, faced all the Wu soldiers, and said loudly, "Masters! This battle is a battle to defend the country, and we have no way out!"

"Take a step back, the ones who will suffer are the parents, wives and children of the second and third sons, neighbors!"

"What you are facing is not a fierce and powerful enemy, but a bunch of chickens and dogs with their teeth and claws!"

"Now, hold the spear tightly, raise the bow and crossbow, and let the enemy see that our Wu army is powerful!"

"Wu Jun is mighty!"

"The general is mighty!"

The generals of the Wu army shouted loudly.

"Wu Jun is mighty!"

Qingji waved his hand again.

"The mighty king—"


Following Qingji's order, the drummer, who was ready to go, was shirtless, showing his muscular upper body, picked up the drum, and beat it hard on the cowhide war drum.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

The dull and murderous sound of war drums was instantly loud and resounded throughout the wilderness.

The soldiers of the Wu army clenched their weapons tightly and looked ahead, their faces full of fighting spirit.

These people have fought against the Chu army or the Vietnamese army all the year round, and have experienced the baptism of blood and fire for the rest of their lives. They have been tempered into brave fighters.

Even some soldiers who are only well-trained are infected by this chilling atmosphere, and they have a kind of spirit of seeing death as home!

On the other hand, on the side of the allied forces of the princes, many soldiers in the phalanx had already begun to commotion, and they did not dare to take a breath.

Many of them were dragged into the battlefield. Even the trained soldiers have rarely experienced the baptism of war, and they have never even killed a single person!

One can imagine the consequences of going into battle rashly.

"Shield array, move forward!"

Following Qingji's order, the command flag on the high platform was waved, and the front army led by Sun Wu, the shield bearers standing at the forefront, also followed suit and moved forward.

They moved in a uniform manner, shouting "Kill" every three steps, and this huge air wave shocked the timid enemy on the other side.

Some of the soldiers of the coalition army are greedy for life and afraid of death, they are already fighting with each other, and they almost want to leave first.

With the movement of Wu Jun's shield hand, the crossbowmen and chariot soldiers who followed behind also moved forward.

"Front army, press on!"

Qihou Chujiu was not to be outdone, and with a wave of his hand, he ordered the soldiers of the Qi army, who were the former army, to walk over step by step.

Also use the shield array as the first line of defense.

With the Qi army as the front army, this is a helpless move.

Because Chujiu also knows what kind of combat power the soldiers of Song, Lu, Wei, Cao and other countries are.

Good and bad!

Moreover, if the Qi army, as the leader of the alliance, is greedy for life and afraid of death, and if it is too damaged, it may not be convinced by the armies of other countries.

After the Qi army entered the range of the bow and crossbow, Sun Wu stepped forward and ordered: "Bow and crossbowmen, get ready!"

"Crack clap..."

The crossbowman of the Wu army who had been ready to go for a long time immediately put the cluster of arrows on the crossbow machine and aimed it at the enemy on the opposite side.

This time, the soldiers of the Qi army were surprised.

Wu people, is this the rhythm of shooting arrows?

However, the distance between the two armies is more than a hundred steps, how far can Wu Jun's bow and arrow shoot?
Just when the soldiers of the Qi army felt unbelievable, Sun Wu shouted: "Fire the arrow!"

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Thousands of densely packed arrows flew up into the sky in an instant, like locusts crossing the border, and quickly shot towards the enemy a hundred paces away.

"Puff, puff—"


The soldiers of the Qi army were immediately overwhelmed.

The shield was still able to block the first wave of attack, but it was hard for the chariot soldiers and archers behind them. Before they could react, they were shot down by the dense rain of arrows and died.

Seeing this, Chujiu couldn't help staring, and said dumbfounded: " is it possible? Isn't that thing Wu Jun uses a bow?"

Shangqing Guoxia on the side frowned and said: "Your Majesty, I have heard of it before. Wu Jun has a thing called 'crossbow', which is more powerful and ranged than ordinary bows. I have suffered a lot from Wu Nu."


Chujiu slammed his fist on the railing of the army chariot, very angry.

"Chariot soldiers! Attack!"

In desperation, Chujiu could only let the coalition army's chariots move out.

It was prescient to choose the south bank of the Huai River as the place of fierce battle.

Because this place has an open terrain and a flat river, it is very suitable for chariot combat.

And if the allied forces of the princes arrive at the capital of the state of Wu, or even on both sides of the river, there will be many high mountains and roads blocked, and in some places the chariots cannot be used.

Chariots, as the main military force of this era, are commonly used in the Central Plains, so if you want to compare chariots, Chujiu is not afraid of Wu Jun at all!

Following Chujiu's order, a total of [-] military vehicles rushed towards the Wu army's phalanx on the opposite side.

Qi State deserves to be a rich and powerful country, with a thousand chariots at its disposal, accounting for half of the coalition army, and the remaining half is from other countries, but the quality is far inferior to the Qi army!
How will the Wu army deal with the impact of the coalition's two thousand chariots?

This is not difficult for Sun Wu, who was the former general of the Wu army.

"Catapults, bed crossbows, get ready!"

When the [-] chariots of the coalition army rushed over, Sun Wu stood calmly on the chariot and commanded.

Immediately, the crossbowmen withdrew, and instead, many soldiers of the Wu army placed bed crossbows one after another in front.

The trebuchet was then pushed to the front line. As early as before the war, Wu Jun had already assembled the trebuchet.

A total of one thousand three-bow bed crossbows and three hundred trebuchets are enough for the coalition chariot soldiers to drink a pot!


Sun Wu shouted loudly.

"Crack clap..."

With a toothache sound, the arrows on the three-bow bed crossbow flew out.

(End of this chapter)

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