Chapter 338
Night falls.

Inside the big tent of the Chinese army in the Wu army camp, there is still a brightly lit scene.

At this moment, many soldiers of the Wu army in strong and sharp clothes were standing around the big tent of the Chinese army, and they were heavily guarded, and no one was allowed to approach.

Qing Ji and Sun Wu were sitting opposite each other, discussing some relatively secret matters.

Not everything is suitable for discussion with others, so Qingji will only choose a few trusted ministers to discuss with him before making a final decision.

"Your Majesty, if you want to garrison troops in the nine countries of Teng, Xue, Zhu, Ju, Tan, Cao, Chen, Dun, and Xu, if there are more than a thousand people, and if there are fewer than [-] people, of course all military expenses should be borne by the country where they are located."

"Of course, plus the original garrisons of Xu State and Zhong Wu State, our vassal states of Wu State, the garrisons reached more than [-] people. These soldiers are all from my Wu State, and they live in other places all the year round. I'm afraid it's inappropriate."

Sun Wu frowned and said.

"Master, what countermeasure do you have?"

"Your Majesty, I have a plan. It is to follow the method of sending your confidants to the vassal countries to serve as ministers in power. On the grounds of helping the vassal countries to train their soldiers and horses, each country will send a hundred people to take up important positions in the army."

"In this way, we can not only reduce unnecessary garrisons, but also take this opportunity to increase the military strength of each vassal state so that it can actually be used by our country of Wu, and it can also prevent the princes from becoming conflicted. Wouldn't it be beautiful?"

Hearing this, Qingji couldn't help nodding his head slightly.

This is indeed a good idea!

The garrison of tens of thousands of horses is extremely stressful for Wu.

However, in order to strengthen his control over the various vassal states, Qingji had to send ministers in power and garrisons.

Now with Sun Tzu's idea, Wu State can completely reduce the garrison to the greatest extent, and it can also affect the various vassal states from the inside out, from top to bottom, wouldn't it be a good thing?

Qingji agreed immediately.

Immediately, Qing Ji frowned again, and asked, "Master, now Cao Botong, Hu Zibao, and all the dignitaries from various countries have been sent back to their country."

"However, Qihou Chujiu and Qi State's senior officials, how do you think the widow should be punished?"

For these people, Qingji can't kill them.

Letting it go doesn't work.

Because Chujiu would not appreciate Qingji.

If Chujiu returned to Qi, he would most likely hold his grudge, and then hide his strength and bide his time, waiting for the opportunity to attack Wu.

This is not what Qingji wants to see!
The great enemy of Chu State has not been dealt with, and now Qi State is provoked. Isn't Wu State making enemies on all sides?

At this time, Qingji had only three choices for Chujiu.

Either kill, release, or put him under house arrest, and wait for Qi to establish a new king.

However, in this way, the hatred between Wu and Qi will inevitably deepen.

Hearing this, Sun Wu pondered for a moment and said, "Your Majesty, the Marquis of Qi cannot be killed."

"If Duke Hui of Jin and Duke Yin of Lu in the past were all defeated and captured like today's Marquis of Qi, but Duke Mu of Qin and the people of Zheng were not killed, so the king must not die, and death would be inauspicious. Please learn from me, Your Majesty. "

Sun Wu did not want Qingji's hands to be stained with the blood of other kings!

In this era of bloodlines and origins, especially in the countries of the Central Plains, the princes are more descendants of the Yellow Emperor, just like Qingji.

The war between them, in the final analysis, is "fighting in the same room".

If this is the case, one day Qingji is defeated, or the future king of Wu is defeated, how can others let them go?
Many factors such as moral concepts, interests, connections, superstitions, etc. are filled in it.

Before the vassals had an overwhelming advantage, morality and etiquette constituted the basic political structure of the vassal states.

But this architecture is fragile and often undermined by conflicts of interest!
Driven by interests, there were as many as 395 large and small wars between the vassal states due to mutual annexation and internal strife.

It can be said that the Spring and Autumn Period was an era full of wars.

If there is annexation, there will inevitably be wars and killings. In addition to wars, there will also be civil strife and counter-insurgency. In these wars, it is inevitable that some princes will become prisoners.

Such as "Jin Huigong" in Sun Wu's mouth.

Jin Huigong inherited the title with the help of Qin State. After succeeding to the throne, he had no faith in Qin State, which had been kind to him, and angered Qin State.

So Qin Mugong sent troops to attack Jin, and Jin Huigong also sent troops to resist.

The two armies fought fiercely in the area of ​​Hanyuan. As a result, the Jin army was defeated, and Jin Huigong was also captured alive by the Qin army.

Fortunately, Jin Huigong's younger sister is the wife of Qin Mugong, and it was she who brought her children to plead with Mugong in a way of seeking death, which made Mugong soften his heart.

On the other hand, although the Jin State was defeated, its national power was still there. The Jin people were willing to cede the land east of Jin to make peace with Qin State, and asked to return Jin Huigong.

In the end, Qin Mugong agreed to peace talks, took over the land east of Jin, let his brother-in-law return home, and added the request that the Prince of Jin go to Qin as a hostage.

It can be seen from this that the fate of the captured monarch depends on the strength behind him.

In short, in the war-torn Spring and Autumn Period, the starting point of all political decisions is interests!
And there are very few people like "Lu Yin Gong".

Anyone who has played chess knows that if the general of one side is destroyed, it means that the side loses the game.

In the actual battle, the king of one side was captured, and the country was declared defeated.

But this failure is not necessarily the final outcome, everything is constantly changing, and the law of heaven takes turns. In this era, there are examples of captured monarchs returning to the throne or even turning defeat into victory.

Lu Yingong, Qingji thinks he can be called "the most pious person in the Spring and Autumn Period"!
When Duke Lu Yin was still the son of Lu State, he led troops to fight Zheng State in Huyang, but was defeated and captured.The people of Zheng detained him at the home of the doctor Yin.

Young Master Lu wanted to go back to the country, so he offered bribes to the Yin family, and prayed in front of the god of bells and witches worshiped by the Yin family. Finally, he won the trust of the Yin family and fled back to the Lu country together with his help.

Later, Duke Yin of Lu succeeded to the throne. In order to thank the Yin family for his kindness in helping them out of trouble, he built a shrine to Zhong Wu in the state of Lu, and often went to sacrifice.

There are many gods and gods in the spiritual world of the Zhou people. Sacrifice is an activity to pray to the gods and ghosts for disaster relief and blessings.

Duke Yin of Lu took advantage of the opportunity of sacrificing to the god of Zhongwu to get himself out of trouble and become the king of the vassal states.

This made Qingji very surprised when he read this period of history in his previous life——

Could it be that his piety moved God?
In fact, if the monarch of a defeated country is captured alive, he does not necessarily have to be released.

As far as Qingji knew, among the captive monarchs, there were also detainees.

For the disposal of captives, detention is the most common, and the next step is conversion into slavery.

Of course, the treatment of the king as a prisoner is different from that of ordinary soldiers as a prisoner. This is because most of the kings of various vassal states (especially the Central Plains) are descendants of the royal family or the nobles of the Western Zhou Dynasty!

(End of this chapter)

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