Chapter 381
"General, this nearly three-foot-long sword, how do you not lose its toughness?"

Qingji asked curiously.

Hearing this, the go-getter just bowed to Qingji and said, "Return to Your Majesty, the material of this sword is actually the same as that of ordinary copper swords."

"According to the request given by the king, my Wu Jian is about a foot longer than the previous Wu Jian. How can I not lose its toughness?"

"The minister and a group of swordsmiths thought about it, and after repeated trials, they finally came to a conclusion."

"The key to sword casting is how much tin is added to the copper during smelting. If there is less tin, the sword will be too soft. If there is too much tin, the sword will be too hard, but it will break easily!"

"That's why, the ratio of copper and tin can make the hardness and toughness of the bronze sword just right."

During Gan Jiang's explanation, Qing Ji learned that his own Wu Jian was basically at the same level as the later Qin Jian.

As the final pinnacle of the bronze sword casting process, Qin Jian's length, hardness and toughness have reached an almost perfect combination, and the attack performance has also been greatly increased as a result.

The tin content of Qin Jian's surface is as high as 30%, but the interior maintains about 20% tin content.

The content of modern tin bronze is 3% to 14%, making Qin Jian world-leading in hardness. Its hardness is equivalent to that of medium carbon steel, and its toughness is equivalent to a piece of glass made with modern technology!

Could this not be black technology?


Qing Ji nodded slightly, and then went to inspect the weapon workshop specialized in making crossbows.

There are roughly three kinds of crossbows in Wu State, one is bed crossbow, the other is hand crossbow, and the other is kicking crossbow.

The kicking and tensioning crossbow must be kicked with the pedals, and it can only be wound with the strength of the whole body.

The range of this kind of crossbow can reach 300 meters, and the effective killing distance is within 150 meters!
Qingji made people test many kinds of weapons in a row, and he was very satisfied.

However, there is still a doubt in his heart.

"Can generals, like swords and arrow clusters, be mass-produced without any difference in quality?"


The general was questioned, and after thinking for a while, he finally smiled bitterly: "My lord, all weapons can be mass-produced. However, I can't guarantee that the quality is high."

"That won't do."

Qing Ji shook his head and said, "If the quality of a soldier's weapons and equipment cannot be guaranteed, how can he fight the enemy bravely and protect himself on the battlefield?"

"My lord, I must strictly control the quality of weapons!"

The go-getter immediately promised.

Hearing this, Qingji thought about it for a while, and then said: "General, you don't have to make things difficult for yourself. In the future, anyone who makes weapons for the army will be called a laborer."

"From Dazai to craftsmen, the name of Wule Gong."

"Your Majesty Yingming!"

Hearing Qingji's idea, the generals and the people present couldn't help but brighten their eyes.

Wule Gongming, that is, the maker of the utensil should engrave his name on it.

According to Qingji's plan, Dazai is the supreme supervisor of weapons production.

Below Dazai is the Great Work Order.

Such as building a Changge.

Under the Dagong Order is the director of each arsenal, "蕺".

Below the factory manager is Cheng, similar to the workshop director, whose name is "Yi".

And the craftsman who made this Ge by himself is called "Cheng".

Wu's military industry management system is divided into four levels, from Dazai, Dagongling, Gongshi, Cheng to each craftsman, responsible for each level, and any quality problem can be traced to the responsible person through the name engraved on the weapon.

It is conceivable that if the numerous arsenals in Wu State can produce high-quality weapons in large quantities according to uniform standards, the pyramid-style five-level management system is the fundamental guarantee.

At this time, when most of the world was still surrounded by barbarism and ignorance, the Wu people created the most powerful weapon manufacturing industry in this era with their unique way of thinking and wisdom!

But now, Wu's weapons have been greatly improved in terms of quality and productivity compared with the previous generation, covering almost all types of weapons that are popular at this time.

There are not only Ge, spear, halberd, sword, crossbow, Shu, Yue and copper arrowheads that were common in the past, but also long beryllium and Wu hook commonly used in Wu State.

Some weapons also have complete inscriptions.

According to their functions, they can be divided into three categories: the first category is short weapons, such as swords and golden hooks.

The second category is long-handled weapons, including spears, daggers, halberds, battle-axes, scorpions, and beryllium.

The third category is long-range weapons, such as crossbows and bows.

These weapons are cast and formed!
Then, surrounded by everyone, Qingji came to a hot steel frying workshop.

Surrounded by large and small stoves, the air waves produced by the blending of dry wood and raging fire are astonishing.

This type of furnace is small and pot-shaped (small mouth and big belly), so the temperature can be concentrated, the lower part is underground, and the heat dissipation is less.

The wind of this kind of furnace is blown in from above.

Following Qingji's instructions, the go-getters used this advanced "steel frying method" to try to smelt steel and iron into steel, and then to forge sharp weapons.

It's just that the price is not ordinary!
It takes a long time too!
For iron smelting technology, it has existed since ancient times.

According to legend, in the middle of the Shang Dynasty, a weapon maker in the Central Plains accidentally discovered several very hard meteorites.

He melted the meteoric iron when casting the copper axe, and made an iron copper axe.

Occasionally obtained meteorite iron is difficult to meet the needs of mass production of weapons, and all iron in nature exists as compounds and must be smelted.

Therefore, in the Spring and Autumn Period, Chu State in the south and Yan State in the north took the lead in mastering the artificial ironmaking technology.

The people of Yan cast swords and swords by repeatedly forging wrought iron into steel by carburizing, and using quenching technology.

They also pioneered local quenching, which made the blade hard and sharp and the ridge tough.

In the Han Dynasty, there was a major breakthrough in iron smelting technology, and new technologies such as pig iron smelting and casting, cast iron decarburized steel, and hundred-smelting steel appeared.

What Qingji wants to use is the steelmaking technology!
However, with little success!

The general said with a bitter face: "Your Majesty, this method of smelting iron into steel is really not accomplished overnight. If the great king's sword Longyuan, or even the world's famous sword, is made of meteorite iron, it is really natural."

"And if you want to forge ordinary black gold (iron) into meteoric iron, it will be even more difficult. Please allow some time, Your Majesty..."

"It's okay."

Qingji waved his hand, but he didn't make things difficult for the general.

To be able to achieve this level, go-getters are already indispensable!

Qingji's thinking is very advanced, but the ability of the go-getters can't keep up with Qingji's rhythm.

Qingji can't bring out some outrageous black technology and force the generals to come up with it, right?
Like aircraft cannons?

That's not realistic at all!

The current level of technology does not allow such an epoch-making thermal weapon to appear!
In fact, if the steel that has been refined into steel is forged into weapons, it is difficult to produce them in batches and equip them in large quantities in the army.

Therefore, Qingji's idea is to form an invincible elite army equipped with Mo Dao, the kind that cuts people like cutting melons and vegetables!

Black technology is also very good, at least it is difficult for others to imitate!
(End of this chapter)

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