Chapter 388

"hold on."

"The widow must not sit back and watch the state of Qi fall."

Qingji had his own plan in mind.

He dared to conclude that the state of Jin would never destroy Qi, because it would not benefit the people of Jin much, but would cause a commotion!

This time, the allied forces of the princes pushed all the way to Linzi, the capital of Qi, and the troops approached the city, which Qingji had never expected.

It can be seen that the coalition forces stood still when they arrived at a place less than fifty miles away from Linzi City.

"Your Majesty, if Jin and Qi make peace, with the greedy nature of the Jin people, they should tear a piece of meat from the Qi people, most of which are gold, silk and cloth jade."

Zhisu Neishi Fan Li said with a chuckle.


Qing Ji squinted his eyes and said, "However, I can't let the people of Jin succeed. No matter what, Qi is my ally of Wu, and Marquis Qi is my father-in-law. I can't just sit idly by."

Hearing this, Fan Li and Ji Ran couldn't help laughing to themselves.

At this moment, Qingji still remembers that he is Qihou's son-in-law?
With Qingji, a son-in-law who specializes in cheating people, Qihou is really unlucky for eight lifetimes!

"The widows need to act as if they are participating in the battle at an appropriate time, rather than actually sending troops."

This is the most sincere thought in Qingji's heart.

Wu State needs a relatively peaceful external environment to develop its national power stably.

Fighting against the state of Jin is definitely not beneficial to the state of Wu at this time!
Qingji had done all his calculations, but he didn't take into account that the Qi army's combat power was so weak, while the Jin army's combat power was so strong!

I originally thought that Qi and Jin could fight fiercely like Wu and Chu, consuming each other's national power.

However, Qi State is not worthy to compete with Jin State at all!
This time, Qingji also saw clearly the strength of Jin.

Wu Guo can't afford to provoke him!
Therefore, Qingji will not really send troops to help in the battle.

When the coalition forces of the thirteen countries headed by the Jin State had a suspicion and showed signs of breaking up, Qingji might decide to pretend to send troops and force the Jin people to retreat by themselves.

"Your Majesty is brilliant!"

After learning about Qing Ji's thoughts, both Fan Li and Ji Ran couldn't help but praise.

The world is so big that there is no country that can be compared with Jin!
Chu State is such a colossus that even Wu State can't beat it, and it has already collapsed.

How can it be compared with Jin again?

We must find a way as soon as possible, so that the division of the three families can be staged as soon as possible...

A plan gradually took shape in Qingji's mind.

No matter whether it succeeds or not, Qingji must give it a try!
After Ji Ran and Fan Li left, the CRRC mansion ordered Jiao Hua to enter the Zide Hall and said, "Your Majesty, Mrs. Yueyan asks to see you."



Glue slipped still there.

"Your Majesty, Mrs. Yueyan is kneeling outside the hall, begging Your Majesty to meet you."

The "Mrs. Yueyan" that Jiaohua talked about was the historical Zhen Jiang, the daughter of Marquis Qi, and the wife of King Chu Zhao.

However, in Qingji's harem, Zhenjiang was a concubine, one rank lower than the third wife.

The story of Zhenjiang Shoufu allows Qingji to know that this is a very steadfast and unyielding woman, the kind who can give her life for her faith!
After a moment of silence, Qingji immediately walked out of the Zide Hall step by step, and the one who came into view was Zhen Jiang kneeling on the steps.

Before that, Zhen Jiang also asked Qing Ji to send troops to save Qi several times, but Qing Ji declined all of them.

What's going on now?

Crying, making trouble, and hanging yourself?
"Yueyan, what are you doing?"

Qingji came to Zhenjiang, frowned and said.

"Your Majesty, I have never begged anyone for my whole life, and this time I only beg that Your Majesty can send troops to rescue them all!"

Zhen Jiang's face was full of haggardness, with thick dark circles under her eyes. At the same time, she was sobbing and grabbing the ground with her head, saying: "Wu and Qi are allies, and they have agreed to share weal and woe. Then the state of Wu sent troops to help."

"Why doesn't Your Majesty keep his promise now, instead of going back on his word?"

"Didn't your majesty hear that you have no jokes?"

Hearing this, the corner of Qingji's mouth twitched, and he said, "Yueyan, are you teaching me a lesson?"

"Chen and concubine dare not!"

Zhen Jiang raised her stubborn head, bit her lower lip lightly with her white teeth, and said, "It's just that my concubine can't bear to let the king become a dishonest, treacherous villain."

"Your Majesty has repeatedly shirked it, using the excuse that the army marched south and was unable to go north. It's just excuses!"

"Now that the Qi army has been defeated in successive battles, the coalition forces of the princes have approached Linzi, the capital of Qi, and the state of Qi is in danger of subjugation. If Your Majesty is watching the fire from the other side, won't you feel ashamed?"


With a straight face, Qingji reprimanded: "Yueyan, I have tolerated you again and again, why do you keep admonishing me?"

"If it were someone else, ten heads would not be enough to cut off!"

Hearing this, Zhen Jiang met Qing Ji's eyes without any fear, with an unyielding expression on his face, and said with emotion: "Your Majesty, if you can use the death of your concubine to awaken your benevolence, righteousness and trustworthiness. "

"Concubine, although ten thousand deaths, there is no complaint!"

"Please be complete, Your Majesty!"


Looking at this "stubborn" woman in front of him, Qingji felt really helpless.

After all, she is his own woman, even if there is a verbal dispute, it is impossible for Qing Ji to really kill Zhen Jiang.

At this time, seeing Qingji's silence, Zhenjiang covered her heart again, her shoulders trembled slightly, and she choked with tears and said: "My lord, if you marry a concubine of Wu, you will be born as a Wu person and die as a Wu ghost." .”

"However, Qi State is the mother country of the concubines, and Marquis Qi is the father of the concubines!"

"The courtiers and concubines are not willing to persecute the king. It's just that if the king doesn't send troops to save Qi, he will break the trust of others and the world!"

"In the future, how will the people of the world view the King?"

"The courtiers and concubines also don't want to see that the king has become a person with no credibility, and he will be criticized by thousands of people."

Hearing this, Qing Ji did not get angry, but gave Zhen Jiang a faint look, and said slowly: "Yue Yan, I know your heart."

"However, the matter of sending troops is a big matter, and I still need to discuss it with the ministers."

This is Qing Ji's excuse!
With Qingji's prestige in the Wu Kingdom, what kind of important matter can't be done arbitrarily?
Regarding the matter of sending troops to save Qi, Qingji repeatedly shirked it and didn't care at all.

Therefore, Zhen Jiang could only grit her teeth, slammed her forehead on the ground, and said: "If the king does not agree to send troops to rescue Qi, I will not eat or drink here, and I will not be able to kneel!"

"Then you will kneel."

Qingji was not used to Zhenjiang, and after taking a deep look at Zhenjiang, he walked away.

"woo woo woo woo……"

Seeing Qingji's back that was drifting away, Zhen Jiang wiped away her tears again in heartbreak, and began to cry.

Such a pitiful appearance, even the maids guarding near the Zide Hall, couldn't bear to look directly at it.

Zhenjiang is like this, why bother?
She could just pretend that nothing had happened, and continue to live a carefree and well-clothed life.

However, because Qi was in danger and Qingji was facing a crisis of reputation, Zhen Jiang had to kneel outside the Zide Hall...

(End of this chapter)

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