Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 420 Lingnan wolf soldiers dominate the world

Chapter 420 Lingnan wolf soldiers dominate the world
"Da Sima, the widow did not misunderstand you. You really have a way of training soldiers."

Qingji glanced at Grand Sima Sun Wu standing beside him, chuckled and said, "In just three months, these strong men from various counties and counties in my country of Wu have been trained to look good. The battle is over!"

"Your Majesty praises you. This is the duty of a minister!"

Sun Wu quickly lowered his head and said with a humble expression.

As Sun Wu, who was later called "the holy strategist", "the master of a hundred generations of strategists" and "the originator of oriental military science", his military training ability must be super-class.

Historically, Sun Wu trained female soldiers for Helu, the king of Wu. They also made them front and back, turn around, kneel, climb and roll, all in line with the rules, and the formation was very neat.

This time, Qingji deliberately asked Sun Wu to form and train the [-] new army to deal with Chu, which can be described as well-intentioned.

Men from the state of Wu are "Fu Ji" at the age of seventeen. They can be recruited into the army at any time according to the needs of the war in the future, and they can only be exempted from military service at the age of sixty.

The state of Wu also often relegated criminals or slaves to serve as soldiers, which is called "relegation".

Wu Jun's military training system is also relatively strict.

The archer fails to hit the crossbow, the royal hand cannot drive, the worst knight and horse test will be punished, and the relevant supervisory officials and those in charge of recruitment will also be punished.

This made the Wu army unified, the military power highly concentrated, the military command and management system strict, and the military service system relatively complete.

The [-] new troops who received Sun Wu's training can be said to come from different counties in Wu State.

Nearly half of them are men from the land of Lingnan!

In addition to their sturdy personality, strong physique, and strong individual combat ability, what Qingji likes is that they can take the opportunity to weaken the strength of the Yue people in the six counties of Lingnan.

Lingnan wolves are powerful in the world!

This is not a lie.

In history, the Qin army laid down hundreds of thousands of corpses in the south of the five ridges, and just captured that place. After that, the poor mountains and rivers sharpened the unyielding fighting will of the people there.

They not only have to fight against people, but also against the sky and beasts. In the harsh environment, Baiyue people continue to grow up.

They are rebellious and unruly, they don't obey Wang Hua!

This is not something that Qingji and Wu Guo can change overnight.

However, there is a bad side, and naturally there is a good side.

For example, the Baiyue people in Lingnan are strong and brave enough, and they are the best source of soldiers in Wu, bar none!

The local soldiers of Wu State, without relying on advanced weapons and equipment, could not defeat the Baiyue people in a one-on-one duel with the Baiyue people.

This shows how tough the Baiyue people are!

This time Qingji insisted on recruiting [-] men from the six counties in Lingnan to join the new army as the backbone of the attack on Chu.

All the small countries and tribes in the six Lingnan counties were naturally dissatisfied with the man who lost so much at once. Fortunately, Qingji agreed to give generous terms.

For example, all kinds of gold and silver treasures, and the subsequent population will fill the six Lingnan counties...

In addition to real money, Wu Guo's population to the six Lingnan counties is just a blank check. I don't know that it will take until the year of the monkey for Qingji to cash it.

The soldiers of the new army recruited by the State of Wu this time are basically like meat buns beating dogs, never returning.

Immediately, Qingji held the Longyuan sword pinned to his waist with one hand, pinched his waist with the other, and walked to the front desk step by step.

He looked around for a week, looking down at the [-] new army soldiers above the school grounds, and suddenly felt a surge of emotion!

An army of fifty thousand men!

What scale is this?
Looking at all the countries in the world, there are not many families that can produce so many soldiers and horses, and there are even some small countries with few people and a population of less than [-]...

Qingji immediately raised his fist and said loudly, "Wu Jun is mighty!"

"The mighty king!"

The officers and soldiers of the Wu army on the school field immediately responded hoarsely.

The high-pitched shouts lasted for a long time.

In fact, even though Qingji stood so high, the echo from the school grounds was good, but it was difficult to convey his voice completely.

It's just that, after the Wu army soldiers standing in the front row heard it, they shouted loudly, and the soldiers behind the phalanx would follow suit in a decent manner.

"The soldiers are mighty!"

Qingji said loudly again.

"The mighty king!"

The generals of the Wu army shouted in cooperation.

Qingji clenched his fist on his heart, and shouted again: "Wu Guowannian!"

"Wannian, King! Wannian, King!"

This is the same as the slogan. After a set of procedures, there is a military exercise, which is a large-scale military exercise.

Qingji came to Bashang Camp this time not just to review the three armies.

After all, what Qingji wants is an army capable of fighting tough battles, not just putting on airs!

"Second and third sons, widows, stay with the kings!"

Qingji said in a loud voice, "For this military exercise, the second and third sons must go all out and put all their energy into it, without reservation!"

"In this martial arts exercise, one thousand people are used as a combat unit. The winners, from two to five hundred masters and below, will each be rewarded with one thousand money and four stones of food and rice!"

As soon as these words came out, the soldiers on the huge school field suddenly became excited.

"Wannian, King! Wannian, King!"

At this moment, all the soldiers felt the favor of the king, and they became extremely excited, as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, extremely excited.

This time Qingji was bleeding profusely.

A total of twenty-five million yuan, one hundred thousand shi of grain and rice!
It can be said that he is generous to reward the soldiers of the Wu army on the winning side!
Fortunately, the current state of Wu is not short of money or food.

Following Qingji's order, all the soldiers on the school field retreated one after another, leaving space for the two thousand people who were dueling.


"Boom boom boom!"

With the sound of war drums, the two parties, who were confronting each other and had already been waiting in full force, immediately rushed towards each other.


"Come on!"

"Aww! We are the ones to win!"

"Fuck them!"

With [-] people as a combat unit, the team battle of [-] people officially started.

Chariot soldiers, infantry, cavalry, shield soldiers, etc., all arms cooperate with each other.

First a round of volley, and then sprinting with chariot soldiers, or advancing layer by layer with shield soldiers, the offensive is very conservative.

However, this is exactly what Qingji expected to see.

After all, the tactics of this era are like this, and it is already difficult to make a major breakthrough.

Under this method of warfare, the only way to win a battle is to rely on the commander's ability to adapt and the soldiers' will to fight.

If the fighting will of the bottom-level soldiers is too weak, or if the chief general's tactics are too rigid, and if he sticks to the rules, he is usually the one who loses.

A total of [-] new troops will have to go through twenty-five rounds of battles. This grand military exercise can only be declared over.

(End of this chapter)

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