Chapter 429

As soon as Bai Gongsheng's words fell, about one tenth of the Chu ministers under the majesty's platform did not kneel down.

It has to be said that in the huge court of Chu State, there are still many strong officials.

In order to defend the integrity in their hearts, they can still regard death as home, regardless of life and death!
Among them, a majestic young minister in a black court uniform pointed at Bai Gongsheng on the majesty's platform and cursed: "Mi Sheng! Today you committed a rebellion, murdered your ministers and workers, and saw you in the Taimiao of Chu State with blood! How unreasonable is that?"

"The ancestors of Great Chu, the ancestors, watched you slaughter outside the Taimiao! Threatening the king!"

"Mi Sheng! If you have the guts, kill me! Let's see what you will look like under the Nine Springs in the future. Goodbye Prince Jian, and goodbye to my ancestors of Chu!"

He said indignantly: "It is in vain that King Fei trusts you so much and entrusts you with a heavy responsibility, but now you are avenging your kindness and rebelling with your troops. You are like a beast! I curse you to die!"

Bai Gongsheng took a closer look, and the person who insulted him was none other than the son of King Chu Ping, his uncle——Gong Zi Qi (Zi Lu).

At this time, seeing Young Master Qi scolding Bai Gongsheng with righteous indignation, the ministers of Chu who were still standing there all followed him and yelled at Bai Gongsheng, as if wishing to smash him to pieces.


For such obsessed people, Bai Gongsheng was not polite, and finally lowered his big hand raised high.



Yibing, who had been ready to attack for a long time, rushed forward immediately, and killed the ministers of Chu State, including Young Master Qi, one by one, cutting them into pieces!

Fresh blood stained the floor of the Chu State Ancestral Temple red, and there was a pungent bloody smell in the air.

Seeing the tragic death of Young Master Qi and others, the surviving officials and officials couldn't help but feel terrified.

Fortunately, they are relatively "smart", know how to bow their heads, and know the current affairs, otherwise they must be decapitated by now!
The king of Chu, Xiong Zhen, who was standing aside, couldn't help trembling when he saw Bai Gongsheng's soldiers killing young master Qi and more than twenty ministers so neatly.

For the first time, he felt that death was so close to him!

This made Xiong Zhen very ashamed!

This time, the disaster was brought by Xiong Zhen himself, he was the one who led the wolf into the house, no one else could be blamed!
However, Bai Gongsheng did not kill Xiong Zhen immediately.

"Your Majesty, I do not intend to offend you. Everything is just to clean up the chaotic party, clean up the government, and the crime of disturbing. Please don't blame your Majesty."

Bai Gongsheng said lightly.

" problem."

Chu King Xiong Zhen couldn't help swallowing, and said with a terrified expression.

"Come here, send the king down, you must protect him well, don't let others touch the king's hair!"


Bai Gongsheng waved his hand, and asked a group of Yi soldiers in solid clothes to "invite" Xiong Zhen down.

It is said to be protection, but it is actually house arrest!

Before Bai Gongsheng had fully grasped Yingdu and the power of Chu, Xiong Zhen was still useful to him, and he would not kill Xiong Zhen easily.

"Where are Zixi and Shen Baoxu?"

Bai Gongsheng looked at it for a long time, but he didn't see Zixi and Shen Baoxu among the officials under the majesty's platform.

These two people can be said to be the ministers of Chu State, with high morals and high prestige, and Bai Gongsheng must kill them.

Otherwise, his "Qing Jun side" this time is just a joke!
As long as Zixi and Shen Baoxu are still alive, they can flee to other places at any time, pull up a large army to fight against Bai Gongsheng, and even invite reinforcements from other countries to deal with Bai Gongsheng together.

This is something Bai Gongsheng cannot tolerate.

Xiong Yiliao questioned those ministers who were greedy for life and afraid of death, and hurried forward to report: "My lord, Zixi and Shen Baoxu did not participate in this prisoner offering ceremony."

"Aren't the two of them in Yingdu?"


Xiong Yiliao replied: "According to the officials, Zixi and Shen Baoxu have not been there for some reason. But they must still be in Yingdu!"


Bai Gongsheng gritted his teeth and said: "Search the whole city! We must find Zixi and Shen Baoxu, regardless of life or death!"



When Bai Gongsheng led his [-] soldiers to launch a bloody incident in the Taimiao of the Chu Palace and controlled the Chu King Xiong Zhen.

Shi Qi, who was far outside the city of Yingdu, led the Chu army of more than [-] people, and attacked Yingdu under the banner of the Qing emperor.

Because everything happened so suddenly, the soldiers defending the city were quickly attacked by the rebels before they could react.

Seeing the wolves and tigers of the rebel soldiers, the defenders had no choice but to throw away their weapons and surrender on their knees after killing or wounding some soldiers.

However, the killing in Yingdu City did not end.

After Bai Gongsheng took control of the capital city of Ying and the palace of the King of Chu, he ordered the rebel soldiers to kill those ministers and their families who dared to oppose him.

"The state of Chu is about to change!"

The Li Shu of the Chu State in the city closed their doors and windows one after another, hid in their homes and shivered, feeling extremely worried about the future of this country.

It's not that Chu State had never had a rebellion before, but such a rebellion without warning really made people's jaw drop.

Among them, many innocent Li Shu were ransacked or brutally killed by rebel soldiers.


Where are Zixi and Shen Baoxu at this time?

When Bai Gongsheng launched the rebellion, Zixi and Shen Baoxu were sitting in the carriage, discussing countermeasures in a hurry.

The two originally wanted to attend the prisoner offering ceremony, but before that, they just received a letter from Shen Zhuliang.

In the letter, Shen Zhuliang expounded his views on Bai Gongsheng, and claimed with certainty that Bai Gongsheng was the mastermind behind his assassination.

But Bai Gongsheng has a connection with Wu Guo behind the scenes, Shen Zhuliang's people have already found out some letters between Bai Gongsheng and Qingji from Bai Gongsheng.

This is the ironclad proof that Bai Gongsheng is planning to commit crimes, or to rebel!
If this is the case, Bai Gongsheng may have come from bad people this time.

Both Zixi and Shen Baoxu are smart people, and they can both guess what Bai Gongsheng intends to do.

If Bai Gongsheng really wants to rebel, this time, taking advantage of the opportunity of presenting the prisoner gift is a great opportunity!
Therefore, both Zixi and Shen Baoxu decided to go to the palace to prevent Chu King Xiong Zhen from holding a prisoner offering ceremony in the Taimiao.

However, they were one step too late after all!
When Zixi and Shen Baoxu rushed to the gate of the palace, they were told that Bai Gongsheng and his thousand soldiers had already held a prisoner offering ceremony in Taimiao without disarming.

Both of them realized that something was wrong, so they resolutely boarded the carriage and prepared to flee together!
"If Shen Zhuliang's letter hadn't come in time this time, I'm afraid both of you and I would be in danger."

Shen Baoxu sighed and said, "Young Master Shen, what should we do now?"

(End of this chapter)

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