Chapter 433

Winter November.

Inside and outside Jinling City, the weather was cold and windy, and the weather was gloomy.

A team dressed in linen and filial piety, full of black up and down, entered Jinling City step by step and walked through the long streets.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, they headed towards the Wu Palace.

In the middle of the team, on the carriage pulled by three horses, there was also a coffin made of high-quality agarwood.

People can tell at a glance that the person lying in this coffin must be a nobleman with a prominent family background.

"Whose coffin is this? The funeral is so grand!"

"Is this a state burial? In my country of Wu, no important minister can be honored like this."

"Oh, I'm really ignorant. As far as I know, the person in this coffin is none other than the third son of the king, the eldest son of my Wu Kingdom, Heng..."

"Really? Didn't Mr. Heng become hostage to Chu at an early age, why did he die so early?"

"It was killed by the people of Chu. I also learned today that the government officially issued a notice in the morning to give Mr. Heng a state funeral. The whole country must fast for a day and not kill."

"How dare Chu Manzi kill my son of Wu? It's hateful!"

Regarding Wu Heng's death, Li Shu from all over the state of Wu expressed extreme indignation and sighed regretfully.

After all, Wu Heng was really too young, and he was the eldest son of the Wu Kingdom. How could he not make people feel sorry for his sudden death in Yingdu?
Li Shu along the way, after seeing the coffin in the procession, they all lowered their heads spontaneously and mourned for it.

Palace gate.

Qingji, as always, was wearing a black mian suit and a flat sky crown, holding the Longyuan sword at his waist in his hand, looking forward, with a neither salty nor pale expression on his face, making it hard to tell that his heart was fake. What do you think.

Standing beside Qingji were concubines including Ji Kou, Mei Jiang, Zhen Jiang, Zhu Ji, Ji Mi and me, as well as Wu Hong, Wu Xi, Wu Zhang, Wu Fa and other princes.

Ministers in the court, such as Sun Wu, Fan Li, Wu Zixu, etc., also wore white strips on their arms, and stood on both sides of the palace gate in silent mourning.

Wu Heng was able to have such an honor not only because he was Qingji's son, the son of Wu, but also because Wu Heng had served Wu as a hostage to Chu for four years and made great contributions.

He is indeed a hero of Wu, there is no doubt about it.

Now that Wu Hengke died in a foreign land, since he wanted to welcome his body back, it was inevitable that the country of Wu would make it more grand.


The solemn horn sounded, followed by mourning music played by chime bells, bells, drums, zither and other instruments.

The team carrying Wu Heng's coffin came into view and appeared at the gate of King Wu's Palace.

Holding the Longyuan sword in one hand, Qingji walked towards the coffin step by step, followed by Ji Kou, Wu Hong and other concubines in a hurry.

"Heng'er! My Heng'er! Woooooooo..."

Qing Ji just stroked the coffin with one hand, his heart was very heavy, and his face was quite gloomy.

However, Queen Ji Pai inevitably lost her composure, threw herself on the coffin, and burst into tears.

The news of Wu Heng's death cannot be concealed.

So Qingji told Ji Kou yesterday that Wu Heng died in Yingdu.

Ji Kou didn't believe it at the time, but now that Wu Heng's coffin is parked here, how can she not be heartbroken?

Ji Kou felt extremely regretful in his heart.

She was the one who took the initiative to ask Wu Heng to go to Chu State as a hostage, so that she could make contributions to Wu State and let his father, Wang Qingji, take a high look.

However, what Ji Kou never expected was that Wu Heng would die in Yingdu, and Ji Kou never saw him for the last time until his death.

"My lord, let the concubine see our Heng'er?"

Ji Kou cried until the pear blossoms rained down, and couldn't help wiping away his tears, sobbing to Qingji: "My poor Heng'er was sent to Chu State since he was a child, without the care of his parents, he must have suffered a lot..."

Qingji just shook his head and said, "Queen, I can understand your feelings."

"My condolences."

"Your Majesty, you are so cruel!"

Ji Kou couldn't hold back anymore, and once again lay on the coffin, weeping heavily, very sad.

How can Ji Kou let go of the grief of bereavement?

Being contradicted by Queen Ji Pao like this, Qing Ji didn't take it seriously.

He really didn't want Ji Kou to see Wu Heng's tragic death.

From Yingdu to Jinling, it was thousands of miles and nearly a month's journey. If it had been in summer, Wu Heng's body would have rotted and stink long ago.

What's more, Wu Heng was burned to death by the fire?
If Ji Kou is allowed to see Wu Heng's death with his eyes open again, Qingji really can't imagine whether Ji Kou will become ill because of excessive grief.

At this time, Young Master Xi who was standing beside Qingji couldn't help but clenched his fists and said through gritted teeth: "Father, I don't understand. Brother Heng died so tragically in Yingdu. Doesn't the father plan to ask the people of Chu for help?" A statement?"

When Qing Ji heard this, he just glanced at Wu Xi lightly, and then said slowly: "Xi'er, you know that when a man is angry, blood will splatter five steps; when a king is angry, blood will flow everywhere."

"The wrath of a man and the king are not the same. As a father, I should avenge my dead child, but as a king, I cannot be so selfish."


Wu Xi who heard this was still a little confused.

However, he could hear it after all.

It's not that Qingji doesn't want to avenge Wu Heng, nor is it incapable of revenge.

It's about Qingji weighing the pros and cons, judging the situation, and not sacrificing the country's righteousness because of momentary pleasures and enmities!

In the Jiaofang Palace, Queen Ji Pao, who was crying so hard because of Wu Heng's death, passed out and didn't wake up until noon.

Qingji has been sitting on the edge of the bed, while dealing with government affairs, while waiting for Ji Kou to wake up.

There is no psychiatrist in this era. If Ji Kou suffers from heart disease because of Wu Heng's death, there is basically no cure.

Qingji loves Ji Kou, and can't bear to see her lose weight day by day, and finally pass away, so he plans to enlighten Ji Kou as soon as possible.

"Heng'er! Don't go! Wait for the queen mother!"

Ji Kou woke up suddenly, straightened his back, and broke out in a cold sweat.

She seemed to have had a nightmare just now.

"Your Majesty..."

As soon as Ji Kou turned his head, he saw Qingji sitting on the side of the bed, put down the brush in his hand and looked at him.

Seeing Ji Kou's haggard appearance, Qing Ji couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and then said earnestly, "Queen, Heng'er is dead, and death cannot be brought back to life."

"We still have Zhang'er, Lu'er and the others..."

Wu Zhang and Wu Lu are both the sons of Qing Ji and Ji Kou, not to mention the other two daughters.

The two had a total of five children, which shows Qingji's love for Ji Kou.

Even with a new love, Qing Ji has never treated Ji Kou badly, and has always maintained the principle of equal exposure to rain and dew.

Ji Kou suddenly grabbed Qingji's big hand and said anxiously: "My lord, Heng'er... Our Heng'er is not dead yet, he is still alive!"

(End of this chapter)

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